Clairsy & Lisa talked about how York is becoming a filming hot spot for movie makers.
Ben O’Shea joined Clairsy & Lisa to tell them all about the new version of The Crow as he gives the movie one of his lowest scores ever.
Clairsy and Lisa opened the phones and text line to find out from you, What helps you sleep and you guys had some great ideas.
In The Shaw Report, a new host has been announced for the Golden Globe awards next year plus Taylor Swift fans have thrown their weight behind Kama Harris’s Presidential campaign at a rally.
Eskimo Joe’s Kav Temperley called Clairsy & Lisa as he gets ready to hit the stage in Yesterday’s Gone, a show that pays tribute to the music of Fleetwood Mac.
Lake Monger is getting a name change and Clairsy & Lisa had a discussion about it.
Powered by the My Heart Radio wap from ninety six air VM to where you're listening today.
This is Clezy and Lisa's podcast.
Coming up on the podcast today, Benoche's not exactly glowing review of.
The crowmo Joe's cap Temple Versatile Man. With his new show, Yesterday's.
Gone, we took your calls on what helps your sleep.
And why York is becoming Western Australia's Hollywood.
I'm pretty excited. Today is the final episode of the twelve. Are you excited?
I'm so excited. Were talked about that second last ye second last time. You know, when you get a series and go back, they often hit you in the second last episode, very clever.
So the last episode is on today, and of course it was filmed the twelve with the beautiful Samoil. It's the second season and this one was filmed in York and York is becoming the new thing. There's a hill there that would would house a Hollywood sign beautifully, the New York Son.
As long as Tom Cruise isn't sitting on it. No.
So we've just had the twelve film there and we're seeing the twelve last episode today. I'm binge two movies which are soon to be released have been filmed in the historic town. One of them is Craig Sylvie's Runt, and another film production is about to begin in the next few weeks. Now you can imagine the cash injection that this has given the local community. Craig Sylvie says A Runt. York was selected as the ideal filming location due to the town's distinctive character. York is effortlessly cinematic. The main street feels like a movie lot. It's extraordinary. The architecture is unspoiled, and the community itself, with its idiosyncrasies and quirkiness, befits the town of the people of ups and downs. He says, as a special ausi charm, a special tranquility that you can't quite put your finger on, that will appeal to audiences all over the world. Couldn't agree with him more. I've been going to York for a long time. I absolutely love the place because I love a heritage. The Shire of York Sea CEO Chris Lenelle said the appeal of York as a setting in storytelling is within the town's ability to preserve history. He said the main street of York serves as a time capsule. It is the oldest inlandtown in Wa. It was first settled in eighteen thirty one. The Shire of York Executive Manager of Corporate and Community Services, Alena Bean says the economic impacts of filming within York have far exceeded expectations. Obviously, you know, all those people in town and everything has gone to local.
Businesses, although some locals haven't walked down the main street for a bit for a while filming there.
Craig said that, or she said rather that during a book signing with Craig Sylvie, their local bookstore sold out of three hundred copies of Runt because of the sheer demand, and many crew members suffered hay fever while they were living in town, leaving the shelves of our chemist bare. Oh really, she's listed that as one of the economic benefits. Probably not the top one to push, but anyway. And ninety four locals were used as extras in ront, giving aspiring actors and artists from the region an opportunity to add to their resume. They're even talking about upping the drama component of the high school for you know, because it really is becoming such a location. Most recently, York was backdropped for the filming of the comedy drama film Overture.
That's Bruce Beresford's.
New film starring Brian Brown and about two hundred and twenty five West Australians are employed on the project on Overture as crew, extras and contractors, which means a cash injection of three point five million into the WA economy during the course of production.
It's very exciting.
It is exciting. Do we need to build that little Hollywood, that big Hollywood studio in Malaga?
Have you seen everything up that happens now?
Apparently it's on like Donkey Kong.
Well, I guess things have got to be in had their final production thing.
It's wonderful, how you know much West Australia is, and of course.
Down South as well.
In Yelling Up and there was that, you know, the Nicholas Cage thing, and I mean down the South is just you know, it's got everyone so many beautiful everything in this state.
Your local and one day you've got handsome Sam Neil striding down the street and you know there might be a few stoppages. You can't get down to a couple of shops or whatever. Who cares because it's filming. And then a month later in strides Brian Brown, these legends walking the street.
It's pretty cool and I'm such very cool.
I'm such a hokey parochial. I love watching the scenes and thinking, oh, I.
Stayed in that you know that pub? Maybe I stayed in that room. I've stood on that varata.
The filming of the twelve. There's one thing I want to know, because they you know, you change a few things when you're making something right. So there's a cafe where I think Sam Neil goes to who walks past it one stage that the sign they made up just says cafe, and I went, I could have come up with a name. So I want to know what that cafe is called. We are talking about sleep this morning, Lisa. We'd love to open that apparently, so you know, if you make sense, so you know, solving the words problems.
I'm not sure. Are you just going Indra, No? No? Yes? Apparently?
Yeah. You got to be care very very very very careful, very dangerous. I sleep like I'm in a coma. Laurie, my wife, she has songs stuck in her head all the time, so she really battles, and I reckon. She had sanaiad Twain stuck in the head the other night and kept her awake. It was the song looks like we made it or something. Where did that come from? She hadn't heard the song. That's not a good worm to have. But so I reckon that frustrated more. But let's be honest. People who struggle to sleep well and they reckon. The survey we were looking at this morning says one in five. I reckon, it's more than that. I reckon, it's more.
Than twenty one in five struggle struggle to sleep.
Reckon, it's more than twenty percent. You know from the feedback we get from people, and they tried different things. Did people throw advice at you know, screen time before bed, so keep your phone well away from the bed.
How do we explain people that couldn't sleep? You know?
Yeah, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years leading up to just fifteen years.
Ago, before we had devices, people say, have a hot bath, is that going to help? Or the blackout blinds and dark in the got to be a dark rap. Yeah, of course, sleep. We know the benefits a significant role and overall health and it's just great to recharge your batteries. But it's all about, you know, cellular correction or at least getting rid of toxins out of your body. And it does all of those kinds of things and the recovery for cells. Another thing that people talk about is perhaps trying a different room to your partner, because let's be honest, most people sleep better when they're alone without any disturbance or movement, especially if they snare, and snare is like a freight train.
You've got to get to sleep before there or there's it's all over.
Absolutely. Yeah. So toxins are a really big thing. And of course they've thrown through this study that we've been reading or read this morning from the Sleep Medicine Review Journal. Said journal said that a tart drink or sour cherry juice is good for you. They're saying it helps to lift the levels of the sleep hormone meloton and went into apparently it's hard to drink TRD to drink, try switching to cab burlow qualifies a tart drink. Actually, I think you can be the judge. How do you sleep?
Admittedly I had to say it better when I haven't.
I get to sleep quicker when I've had but then I'll wake up at one o'clock.
Then you start talking obviously rye bread. Switching a rye bread apparently is good for your gut. Yeah, you to take care of your gut. They reckon that the old one of the hot chocolate or the Milo or you know, the x or at night is not necessarily that good for you. Which has been Yeah it's been thrown out there. But they reckon yogurt can help. But I don't know who's going to be having a spoonful of yogurt just before bed. I'm not sure about that one.
If it's what it takes, what helps you sleep.
I always read a couple of chapters of whatever book I'm reading and try to just you know, dial it down from there till my eyes once my eyes are closing and they try to get in there and fall asleep.
You find if you don't do that, if you break the cycle and you're reading that, you have more trouble.
My mind is too active.
If I haven't had a you know, read a bit of whatever you know book i'm reading, I'm thinking about a billion other things. Sarah and Wembley down. Hello, Sarah, Hey, are you going good? What's your What helps you sleep?
Many things, but in particular and full disclaimer, I do not work for these people. But Ruegenic, which is an Australian tea race. They have this amazing sleep tea and if you steep it, you know, pretty solidly about an hour before bed. It just puts me to sleep every time.
It's amazing.
I love that term steep. It makes us sound.
It makes it sound like you are really preparing our tea the right way, because of course I just put a bag, put.
A bag in a cup. It does do it.
You can get the tea bags as well, loose leaf because you can double load and it really.
Knocks you out.
Oh okay, oh yeah, that's good for flying double loads.
Steeping all the way makes Sarah is the Ruegenic Jenic Tea Rugenic tea.
She claims not to work for the company.
Scott in Alexander Height says the trick is to go to bed when your body is ready, instead of forcing an early night when you're still wide awake. I one hundred percent agree with that. Scott learned over many years of coming back on a Monday after holidays when you do yes, you do breakfast radio and trying to go to go to bed at nine o'clock at night and then lying there until one o'clock in the morning, two hours before I've got to get up because I hadn't been getting up early.
Anybody's own. What the what's going on?
Luke and Jingjin said, an honest day's work, does it for me? Good advice? And Jeanin and Balajura is listening keenly because she says, bring on the tips. I wake around two am, and fifty percent of the time I don't go back to sleep at all.
That's one of the most frustrating things for people. They fall asleep okay, but and then wake up and are lying there.
Oh, that's that's what happens. That is what happens to me.
If I have craving a bad night's sleep, it's usually because I wake halfway through.
And that part of that, I think is a.
You reckon Yes, babies, it's the aging about I don't know what you're on about.
It horrible. There is nothing fun about getting older, and then it becomes an anxiety thing. Is like am I going to get to sleep?
You and I an alarm looking at the clock, and you're looking at But we'd love some tipsing and she tips one if anyone's going to ring up and say we've actually moved to separate bedrooms and see that works for them.
Well, yeah, because sometimes you're sleeping with someone who's all over the place around and stealing the doer and snoring.
Above it.
We're asking for you, what helps you sleep? Bob in Bumbury concurs with another text. If you want to go to sleep, go to bed when you're tired, not not by the clock. Janelle and Ferndale says, I've come to the conclusion that sleep is overrated. Hashtag sleeping when I'm dead, and Lee and Sterling says, sexy time.
Oh, she says, though I haven't had a good night sleep, it's a.
Little bit of boom boom boom boom, very good.
The sleep tip for us, well.
It's completely against you know, the popular wisdom.
But I leave the TV on all night.
Yeah, okay, yeah, we often fall and slow sleep in front of it.
TV helps me go to sleep, definitely.
I started off just just doing the you know, sleep timer thing, and then and then I found that it would wake me up when it turned off, So I just leave it on all night.
It takes your mind off whatever's going on.
And then when the you know, when the home shopping starts taking in.
Yeah, this is a hard sell out in there. Definitely thanks for that, Terresa.
And I mean it probably does go through a part you go against what all those people say about the screens and all that sort of thing. But I agree sometimes it totally helps me.
And how many times do you fall asleep in front of the telly doing the O and then and then you go to bed and you can't sleep, you crazy carrot in Valagera?
What is your sleep guy?
My tip is magnesium. You've got to mix it with exercise. So magnesium is the easy part. You just drop a cabby, yes, but you've got to mix it with exercise.
That's the blend.
I swear by it, honestly.
Exercise clears your mind, yeah, make you tired, yeah, and then you just your magnesium is just that little push to help you get over the edge.
Okay, well we've got to text.
But Alison in Hall's head, who said go magnesium sleep, Go magnesium sleep. It has hops in it, which is you know it's the plant they put in beer, but take it half an hour before bed. And she says you have to be in bed when it hits, otherwise you.
Missed the opportunity.
I go to magnesem am high zorb Okay, I'm high zory. I got a high absorbed magnesium innute. I'm not joking for me, and look, hey, it's worth a try.
Yes, it's.
Way up in the phone store. And with exercise, multi benefits from magnesium because I get cramps and people keep saying to try magnes magnesium.
Yeah, and you usually get them at night time.
True, Yeah, my mum will tell you clarsy to pop cake of soap and that's.
The of your care. Really, Yes, she swears by a I haven't. I mean I to bring myself to try it. Yeah, have a wonderful.
Day, Karen, Karen, I'm getting all magnesium people mixed up so magnesiumum.
In one chair.
When I can't sleep, I have a floor fan with me and I turned that on for fifteen I'm with you on that too, because I I like the air moving a bit.
If I can't sleep, I start overthinking about heat.
Up and I don't like being remotely anything near hot or warm.
It can happen even on a cold night. I'll start eating up. It's ridiculous.
And Jackie and Mander says cherry juice is apparently a really is really good and also came maal.
Tea cherry juice. It goes with what you said before about.
That tart that was it to sour tear cherry juice. I would have thought that would keep you awake, but maybe not.
Had a great text from Stacy who says I had insomnia for over fifteen years, over years of research, sleepless nights, and two young kids, I finally mastered getting to sleep. Or be it unconventional? I have a camml tea and reshie mushrooms must be in the tea. I guess blackout blinds. I have one ear plug in my ear that faces the pillow and my headphone in the opposite ear with noise. I also have an air purifier for white noise outside of that at and also never have caffeine after midday. A lot of I love the air plug situation. Yeah that's but that's if that's what works. Yeah, you do what you got to do.
Plug on the pillow side, and the side.
And headphone in the opposite with some noise and an air puri fire for the white noise outside.
One of the works for days. That's great, very good, Let's get to Westminster. Nikki, Hi here you going good? You got to sleep tip or two for us?
Yeah, yep, bedtime stories, bedtime stories, right.
But not what you think okay, I don't know what to think.
Of this story.
Not that way true crime, so Mayhem and all the rest.
And I laughed maybe fifteen minutes, okay, and they usually go.
For half an hour.
Or more because you don't like the true crime stories all.
I love it.
Yeah, any anything on TV, like, you know, forty eight hours and all that kind of love to watch it.
I love forty eight hours. Sorry, So I can tell not.
That many people are not forty eight hours I find Nikki.
Yes, yeah, and there's there's lots of others and usually on late at night.
So that's that's a big nite.
So I had a tablet in my room and I just let it play through, okay, and.
It just stops after that one episode. It's really good.
Yeah, but yeah it's and so I tend to have to replay the same episode several times before I actually get to the end.
Yeah, because I always all to sleep before it ends.
Who did it?
You want to find what happened? Yeah, when it's who done it? You want to who did it?
Well? Yeah that's good. That's a bit like Teresa and leaving the TV on.
Yeah, it since to work.
Yeah see that.
Yeah, it's unconventional. It doesn't matter if it works, it works.
Thanks, absolutely, no worry.
I get the feeling you like forty eight hours as your voice got guttal when you said that you were so excited, quite.
Passionate about my true crime shows as I'm not just sure he's talking about the snake the first forty eight.
Oka, it is the it.
Is, Yeah, best, it's the.
I love it all right, John in South Person is a smear of Vics across the top of the lip, across the top lip really just below the nostrils before bed.
Works for him.
Okay, a smear of Vicks a vapor rub, yes, which is something they use on the first forty eight when they go and you know they don't want to smell it.
Yeah, Okay, when something's a bit off, we're off here. We're talking about sleep or lack of it and taking some tips. You've got someone here myself who slips pretty much Comba dooze. Yeah, are you talking your sleep? Sometimes? Sometimes you ever say my name?
I don't know, have to ask someone else my name?
Vegan, soapy, Vegan. Please.
I swear by a pinch or two of Celtic salt before bed.
Oh okay, I wonder if OSSI salt.
Needs to be Irish exaltlo Darren import Kennedy says, Cope is about to have a fluid.
Does the trick for me but not for everyone? A couple of drinks just before hitting the sack. Let's get a dating cat.
Money money money, Well, I do take magnesium gummy bears. I exercise a lot because I'm a dog walker. Yes, so I get plenty of kays in the legs and I'm usually stuffed when I go to bed. My partner and I and my boyfriend I so we sleep in the same bed that I usually exit because he snores, and so I go sleep.
In another room.
Yeah, but I get up at two o'clock and I have since I'm a teenager. And I don't think it's an age thing. I think it's just the way my body has been and then I also go to the toilet about three times during the night, and I usually go straight back to sleep, but at two o'clock a wake up and I'm awake for about half an hour until I can go back to.
Sleep again the morning. Constitutional I don't know.
I hate that my boyfriend couldn't sleep right through the night.
And yeah, I also.
Love someone called Cat is a dog walker. It's very cool.
Yes, I's got anything to do with.
You know, they talk about the lunar gravitational pool of things at two am time.
It's interesting that's happened.
All you like, Maybe they've got lots of ideas why people do that. Yeah, I go to bed tired and I think I could sleep through the night.
It just doesn't happen.
Thanks Cat, Cat, Yeah, no worry. By last call Chris and Clarkson. Chris, you're a wellness coach. What can you share with us?
Well, yeah, dealing with the minors and then swing changing all the time. We've come up with some pretty good stuff on how best to get your sleep. Definitely, room temperature is one of the big ones, especially if you're sleeping too hot, that's going to wake you up. So eighteen degrees is your prime number.
The other one I would say is rolling your feet out before you go to bed. So you have a major trigger point in the front of your heel, and if you work that area, it actually dumbs down your nervous system, relieves your daily stressing a lot more relaxed creates and slack in your feet, and then that actually helps your nervous system dumb down. You'll get a bit of sleep from that as well, and also helps you heal and repair while you're actually asleep as well, so your mobility is going to be better when you get up things like that as well. So it's a two for one.
So that's the front of your foot, is it, Chris?
Yeah, So if you look at the if you talk about the heel, not where you put your hip down on the ground, but at the front side of your heel. Okay, the point right there, tennis ball for a few minutes and it will really take a lot of that load out of your system.
Okay. Cool, and Chris, you have a lovely voice.
I'm thinking maybe a recorded bedtime story from Chris would would help as well.
Very soothing.
Thank you very much.
All right, Chris, I'm here to rescue your mate.
Pure completely innocently. He has sound like that has a lovely soothing voice.
You want to rubby Helis.
Is that what it is that when he says roll out your feet, Is it like on one of.
Those little tennibill would do the job?
I mean the trigger points are a big thing and they release the toxins.
And O very believer in all the pressure points and things like Brendan Favola. He loved the pressure More More Lisa More podcasts soon great to flick with ben o'she good morning Van.
When we're talking about movies that should never be remade, you know, you maye think about you think about Jaws, you think about The Godfather. Maybe you throw die Hard in there, and I reckon, eventually you'll get to the Crow like it's for different reasons, Like I wouldn't say it's necessarily in the same category as those all time classics. Yeah, you know, but the reality is you had Brandon Lee, the star of the film, son of the great Bruce Lee, who literally died during the production. There was a mishap with a prop gun on set in fired an actual bullet into his abdomen and he died in the middle of a scene which created such a pop cultural moment in the mid nineties, The film, with its gothic undertones overtones, became really a cult classic, as anybody who lived through the nineties would remember. And for those reasons, you probably just don't touch it, Like it's kind of a sirt that you just would leave.
Alone, right, Yeah, disrespectful perhaps, Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, absolutely, And some people might say they made standalone sequels with different cast members. They've had computer games, they've had other comic books, So it's not as if the franchise has kind of been gathering dust for the last you know, we have thirty years. They have been doing stuff. But to do a full reboot where you're recasting Brandon Lee's character, this time with Bill scars Guard, arguably the least talented of the scars Guards after his dad, Stella and Alexander, Yeah, it feels a bit icky. And the only reason they're doing it, of course, is to make money. Yeah, unfortunately it hasn't made me money. Us.
See what the original director said about that, Oh he said, as a cash grab, no cash to grab.
As it seems, rejoicing.
Yeah, yeah, so alex Broyce is an Australian director who did the first movie, and he went on and did I Robot and some other interesting films after The Crow, And yeah, he has been completely disparaging of this reboot from the start. The reviews have come out of America. They've all been terrible. It made something like four point six million dollars in its opening weekend, which is to put to put that in perspective, that would make it one of the biggest box office bombs of the year. Even Madam Webb made about eighteen million dollars. Yeah, so, and we've just spoken about Madam Webb, which was a terrible, terrible movie. The Crow is with this version of The Crow is worse You've got. He kind of follows the storyline of the original. You have this guy, Eric Draven and his girlfriend who's played by the musician Fka Twigs. They get murdered by these crooks. He comes kind of back to life to avenge her death and get the people who are responsible for her death. So very similar from that perspective, but the details are twisted a little bit. It's more supernatural element where you know, there's kind of like some demons and yeah, I don't know. It's it's not really worth digging into too deeply because the plot is terrible, the CG effects are terrible, the performances are terrible. Bill Skarsguard this made me wonder if he can even act. Really very very average. It's been directed by Rupert Sanders, who is probably most famous for the affair that he had with Kristin Stewart. Yeah, when they were making snow White and the Huntsman. You know it's yeah, like the soundtrack is interesting. That's probably the best thing I'll say about it. Like you've got joy division, Gary Newman and so some great songs from back.
In the day. Yeah, but you know that just.
Yeah, exactly, it's two hours long. Your wish it over? You know? Do you just sit there really praying, praying to yourself?
All right, so you concur with everything we've heard this week?
Ben heck, can they not get c G I right in twenty twenty four? That's weird?
Oh yeah, yeah, I know I spent they spend fifty million dollars on it, so if they did it on a low budget, but no, this is this is an absolute abomination.
All right, Well, how many course are you giving it?
I'm going to give it.
I give it one.
What Oh it's a stinker, a stinky one.
Very lucky, very lucky to even get that.
So a murder of crows that should have been murdered.
Yeah, oh yeah, forget about this one.
Thank you, Benn mate, thank you.
There you go. Wow.
I'm glad you go that crow noise and not the old one.
The Sure Report on ninety six airm.
Mucho Mass Media and Sony Pictures are rebooting La Bumba, the nineteen eighty seven film about rock and roll pioneer Richie Vallens. Louis Valdez, the writer and director of the original film, will serve as executive producer, says in this film, they want to dive deeper into Valen's life as new biographical details have come to light since they made the first one. Comedian Nicki Glaser has been locked in to host the upcoming eighty second Golden Globes, which are held in early January. I think January sixth, if you want to get really precise about it. Glazers known for movies like Amy Schumer's train Wreck. She competed on the US Dancing with the Stars, and she's participated in the roasts of the likes of Rob Low, Bruce Willis, Alec Baldwin, and Tom Brady.
Tom Brady five time Super Bowl MVP, most career.
Wins, most career touchdowns.
You have seven rings, well eight now the Giselle gave hers back, but you.
Were tired, then you came back, and then you were tired again.
I mean, I get it.
It's hard to walk away from something that's not your pregnant girlfriend.
It's tough. Okay, she did know she was pregnant. He just thought she was getting fat.
You really got to hand it to Kevin Hart because he can't reach No Kevin, I love you.
No one works harder than this man.
Do you know that every morning Kevin wakes up at four am to make a shitty movie.
I loved your.
Movies, or as I call them, short films, awesome.
That should be interesting.
Netflix has a new series starting today that follows the hijacking of an Indian Airlines's flight in nineteen ninety nine that took seven days to resolve, remaining the longest seizure of an aircraft in Indian aviation history.
I remember this.
Five men hijacked the plane on Christmas Eve, just after it took off from Katmandu and forced the pilot to fly it into Pakistan airspace where it couldn't get clearance to land, and it ended up landing in Amrista in India with ten minutes of fuel left, and then the seven day standoff happen called I See eight one four the Candahar Hijack. The series is adapted from the book Flight into Fear by Captain Debi Sharon, who was the pilot on board the hijack flight, and a bunch of Taylor Swift fans have held an online rally for presidential hopeful Kamala Harris, and they raised more than one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. More than thirty four thousand fans joined the rally, including singer songwriter Carol King, who launched into the chorus of Swift's Shake It Off.
Hey, Sadie, I'm just doing a shake shape shake she I shake it, shake.
It he.
She's eighty on.
Not quite. I feel the earth move under my feet. But AnyWho, never mind.
It's more Clesy, more Lisa, more podcasts.
Soon, Yesterday's gone.
It's on Tomorrow night at Crown Theater and Saturday night in Bumbury. There are still just a few tickets available through Ticketmaster. I'd be getting in tooth Sweet for that. And Cav Temple is with us. Now go morning, Cav, Hey gang, how's it going good?
Now? Tell us about this show.
Well, it's a celebration of the music of Fleetwood Mac and you've got a whole bunch of singers to help you go on your way. So there's myself, there's an amazing artist called Charlie Collins who's she used to play a band called Tiger Town. She's just been recording with Neil Finn in New Zealand in this show. And then Fanny Lumston, who's like an amazing Aria Award winning country artist, and then Andrews who's absolutely dynamite it's all blue singer. And then we all get up on stage and sing a whole bunch of Fleetood Mac and it's lots of fun.
Oh wonderful. I like the connection there that Charlie's been working with Neil Finn member of Credit a member of Credit House. But also we're back for a while.
He was, yes, And I just found out the other day because obviously Neil Finn did that whole tour with Fleetwood match. Yes, Charlie's got this ban joe that was actually made for Lindsay Buckingham. He never used it on the tour and how it ended up in charlie sands when she was in Neil Finn's studio and so yeah, she's going to be she's not going to be playing that in perfect apparently she's bring it on stage and Sydney.
Oh wow.
Now do you do it with or without the tensions of the badge?
Well, unfortunately we all get along really well.
No rumors type tension.
No, So if there's any tension, it's completely fake.
That is one movie I can't wait to see the Fleetwood absolutely absolutely. But you couldn't do this without really fine voices, you know. You think of Stevie, you think of Lindsay, you think of Christine mcviie. But it's impossible to do it with average voices, isn't it.
Yeah. I mean, obviously I'm the token guy in the group because it's such a female driven vocal thing. But yet even you know, the Lindsay bucking stuff is actually it's quite a challenging thing. It's right up there.
Do you have a favorite Fleetwood Mac album and or song.
Well, I mean Rumors is kind of my album. I've got him vinyl and I listened to it on a regular basis, and dreams off Rumors, I think is kind of their my favorite Fleetwood Mac moment.
Okay, And from the set list, from that incredible back catalog, what do we get a bit of Mirage and a bit of Rumors and bit of Fleetwood Mac Clicko Mac.
Yeah, you'll get a bit of everything. And then there's also an edge of seventeen soa and that is actually that's like a standout moment in the set. And then also we do the Tom Petty and song which is stop Dragging My Heart Around, which is wicked.
There are a lot of bands, you know from collective our day that you know are really crossing over generations these days, but I feel as though Fleetwood Mac is particularly strong for appealing to you know, everyone, and then their kids and then their grandkids.
Do you expect that's going to show in the audience.
Yeah, we'll get the.
Eighty year olds, as they say, Yeah, but it's not about those things. When I first get to know the songs I had to play, I actually didn't really need to learn the lyrics because they were just there in my head. You know, we've all rolled the sleet with macas being just everywhere as we as we grow up and so and thanks to great radio stations like your England. I mean, it's just there in your psyche all the time.
What about Lindsay Buckingham's extraordinary guitar playing, mate, do you get to have a crack at that and you've got the rest of the band behind it.
It's a very good question because his guitar playing is ridiculous, Like, for instance, there's everything which is off rivers and it's he plays it himself. The story abound is ridiculous. Another changing springs that we take. You know, they did the whole thing and realize they had to come back and do it in a different key. So for that, there's three of us trying playing that one guitar part because it is so complex and hard. So together we kind of for me and other two guitarists form a vulture like Lindsay bucking Right right.
On another note, shall I give you two closy cave.
A moment to moment to just the Dockers. Yeah you're okay.
Well you know not really. I thought it was Flagmantle for a little while there. Yeah, but I'm actually going to be in Melbourne for the Grand Final this year, which is pretty exciting. Grand Final breakfast with all Right.
You guys were the number one ticket holders, weren't you for a few seasons.
We worked for a while. Yeah, and I think keV from.
Tam Yeah, absolutely, we'll move on to next year. We'll think about that.
Onwards and upwards.
Yes, made these great songs of Fluke. We're back. We can't wait to hear those, those beautiful melodies and the beautiful vocals and of course that extraordinary free from the guitar attack.
Like I said, the show is a lot of fun and yeah, it's an absolutely everyone's standing up in their chairs and singing along by the end of it.
All right, well it's tomorrow night at Crown Theater and Saturday night in Bumbrie. I imagine you have a lot of fun doing it as well as being a lot of fun for us. A few tickets available through Ticketmaster get in quick.
keV. Thank you, thanks.
Chat, I really appreciate it, no worries.
Thank you, thank.
I see there is a development in the renaming Lake manga story. The town of Cambridge is officially endorsed renaming Lake Munga two Gallop after overwhelming community support to revert the wetland back to its traditional Aboriginal name. The decision at their meeting was unanimous. The next and final step requires an application to Landgate to formally request.
The name change.
If that's approved, the renaming process will take five years.
I can't imagine why something takes five years.
This stuff has a lot of red tap in the way earth takes.
Five years anyway.
During that time, the site will be officially referred to as Gallop, which translates to place of.
Fire in Wadjack Nonga language.
Cambridge Mayor Gary Max said consultation on the lake straft management plan and potential name change was thorough. It involved multiple stakeholders and resulting in well over one thousand survey responses I guess from the local community who showed strong support for the name change. Wadjack elder Lois May is one of the advocates who've been camped painting for the lake's name to be restored for a while now. She says, for thousands of years, Gallop was home to Wadjuck Nunger families where they raised communities for countless generations prior to British settlement, and as well as the local support, both state and federal MPs have thrown their support behind the campaign.
So it looks like it's a done deal.
It feels like it, doesn't it.
Yeah, just can't imagine why it takes five years.
It is with red tape, anything to do with government, local government councils and all the rest of it. That can be a bit of procrastination. And I think the approval was seventy seven percent or something in the positive. But if you go to the Town of Cambridge website, they already say Lake Munger and Gallop Reserve. Gallop is in brackets already. I've been taking that for a while.
I would imagine there was some talk of calling it Gallup Lake Manger.
All right, I'm not too sure exactly what it's going to.
I Thinklenda being gal Yeah, yeah, do we need the hyphen? I'm not sure. But then it seems to be quite as you say, overwhelming approval cles Lisa ninety six