Episode 8: My Experience In The Electoral College

Published Dec 17, 2020, 5:00 AM

CJ Pearson is back, recapping his week in New Orleans and Washington with Stop The Steal! CJ also gives behind-the-scenes access of what it was like to be chosen and to vote in the Electoral College in the state of Georgia for President of the United States as the youngest elector in American history. Plus, CJ breaks down where the Trump legal team is in its fight to uncover fraud and what the next steps will be moving forward.

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Up next, c J. Peterson Uncensored, part of the English three sixty network. That's what we'll have to decide. Whether or not we are a courageous revolutionary is willing to give it all for our country, Whether or not we're just a little cowardly little boys will run away with our tail tucked between our legs. That's a choice we'll have to make. Hi, guys, I'm c J. Peterson and welcome back to c J. Pearson Uncensored. This is episode eight, and I cannot believe it is episode eight. Like I feel like we just started the pod like literally a few weeks ago, but it seems if it's been a lot longer than that. Uh, And that is just absolutely so wild to me. You know, we're now eight episodes and we've talked a lot about a lot of things. We talked with a lot of great people, from folks like Scott Pressler to others like Christian Walker. And I've got to say I'm super excited for what we have for you guys after a holiday break, because it's gonna be some more really exciting stuff. But guys, I've got to say that we wouldn't be at eight episodes and if it weren't for you, guys. So I want to thank you all um for tuning in each and every week, for downloading each every week, for sharing the podcast with your friends. I've read so many of you guys reviews, your tweets, your emails, your messages, and your words of support truly have meant the world to me. You know, when we first started on this new project, in this new endeavor, um, it was really because I felt as if young conservatives needed to know that they were heard. They needed to know that there were more young people like them out there, and that we weren't all liberal, that we weren't all just monstly following the left in the media, and we didn't all believe that Donald Trump was a racist, or the conservatism meant that you were white supremacists, but that there were actually people who believe in what they believed, there were actually people a lot like them. Because I know from experience and any human being can really attest this is that when someone else does something, maybe it inspires you to also do it as well. When someone else pushes a limit, pushes the envelope, maybe it inspires you that you can do the same. And I think that goes a long way. You know, My philosophy to conservative activism on campus has always been is that if we have one conservative student in the classroom with the courage and audacity to raise his hand, to speak his truth and to challenge the liberal orthodox he being preached by whatever professor um he's listening to at the moment, that that one person who raises his hand is going to inspire one day another student to raise his hand, And that student will then inspire another student to raise his hand. And now you have people raising their hand who never thought that they could raise their hand. You have people who are now inspiring other students to think for themselves, other students to know that, well, maybe this issue isn't as black and white as my professor is saying. Maybe all conservatives aren't racist. Maybe economic opportunity is a good thing. Maybe socialism does kill people. You know, thoughts they wouldn't otherwise think if that one person in that classroom didn't have the conviction in their hearts and the courage that propelled them to raise their hand. And I believe that that starts again with knowing their people a lot like you, more people than you would believe, and That's what we've done here. I want to show young conservatives that, guys, we have a lot to talk about because our ideology, our opinions, they're not rooted in emotion and feelings. Were not the left, Guys, we have the ability to argue with some conviction and some courage because everything we say is back to the facts and figures. We know that capitalist societies operate far better and far more efficiently. We know that there's a strong merit to a strong military. We know that there is peace to be had through strength. Guys. These things are things that have been taught to us time and again throughout the wors of human history. That is what reaffirms what we believe in. That is what bolsters our ideals and principles and values experience life. Guys, that is what we have backing us up. And when we have that, what is there to be worried about? Seriously, But also another reason I started this podcast was because I believe that there were a lot of people in the commentary world who were way too scared when it came to pissing people off. They didn't want to make these liberal elites mad. They didn't want to make them upset, and even some of them were actually really eager to have their validation, so much so that they would beat around the bush. They would be policlarly correct and all these things, and they would even kind of fudge the truth. They would attack the president for kudos, for brownie points for people that hate them, and I would just look around and I'm like, why we don't need that in this country right now? We're in a fight against good and evil. Seriously, we are fighting moral depravity, we're fighting open borders, we're fighting lawlessness, we're fighting radical leftism. And now is not the time to be a coward. Seriously, it is not. It is not the time to get down on your knees and beg for approval from people that hate you. Seriously, guys, the left has been unapologetic about the way in which they talk about concervatives and they talk about people on the right. They want to cancel us, They want to throw away our livelihoods, they want to beat us up in the streets, they want to throw things at us simply because we have an opinion different from the one that they have themselves. Why the hell do you want those people to like you, like, work with them for the common good of the country if there is common ground had. But why are you bidding yourself over backwards to be liked by people that despise you. That's something I'll never quite understand about people in the establishment and their undying need to be applauded by people whose values and morals are completely oppositional to their own. Why. But guys, I digress. You know, as we move towards this Christmas break, I know it has been a wild, wild year and I am so ready for it to be over, as I'm sure many of you are. Has been full of so many twists and turns, everything from covid uh to Kobe Bryant dying l I P was a ship show, to put it lightly. But nevertheless, it has been a busy, busy week for me. You know, last episode I told a little about minor actions with some bears since in my travels and took me to New Orleans for the first time, which was super super fun. Later then on went to d c Um to speak at another big march for Trump that they did, UM absolutely huge. So many people came down to Washington for that, which is absolutely beauty full to see. UM. The energy enthusiasm still exists for this president is something that I've talked about in previous episodes. Um, and I'll say it again never ceases to amaze me. Um. But after that, I actually went down to Atlanta, to my home state of Georgia, where I was honored to have been nominated to be an elector um and this year's electoral College. Now, guys, this year was a year unlike other years in the sense that the GOP actually didn't win Georgia. I guess you could say, Um, you know, it's hard to win when there is rampant um voter fraud. So we decided that we were going to still send our slate of GOP electors um to Congress to be certified. And I'll tell you a little bit more about that after the break. Welcome back to c J. Pearson uncensored. So, guys, actually impreshed off of a trip from Atlanta where I actually went to go cast my electoral vote. So guys, some background here. So earlier this year, I was nominated to the Electoral College by the Republican Party. I actually believe that I was the youngest in American history to ever have been nominated to the college, which is absolutely insane. Um, that will be a future thing on my law school applications. Just f why I putting it down now? Um, but I was such a great honor. I gotta tell you that the historic nature of it all was not lost upon me. And um, it means a lot to me that that someone thought so much of me to nominate me. And I think it it says. It tells a story when people say that your voice doesn't matter, their lie right, Because everyone in politics is fighting for the future of America that they wished to see, and we are the future of America. So don't you think we should have a say in what happens and what goes and what that future looks like and how it's shaped. Because I guarantee you, guys, liberal young people are being vocal, they're being active. They're marching the streets, they're screaming Black Lives Matter, they're joining Antifa, they're posting black boxes on social media, they're calling themselves activists. So why the hell can we be just as vocal? Why can't we be just as active? Why can't we be just as pivotal um to the direction of our country? I think we can be. My experience on the electoral college really exemplifies that there is nowhere that you can start that's too earlier, too soon, Like just go for it. Five for your country, five for America. Yeah. So I was in Atlanta, and as you know, Joe Biden quote unquote one the state of Georgia. Now we know how we won, right, you know, the election fraud dominion, no real signature matching between absentee ballots uh and the actual registered voter. That's how we won. Uh. And so due to this, the elector old College votes for Georgia went to Joe Biden. Um. However, the way they like, the way they electoral college process works is that each political party nominates sixteen electors to represent it in the electoral College. So the Democrat party nominates sixteen people, Republican Party nominates sixteen people, even the Libertarian party nominate sixteen people. They all nominate sixteen people to represent themselves in the event that their candidate, their nominee wins that particular state and intellectoral College votes. So Georgia's electoral College votes technically went to Joe Biden. However, due to the Penning litigation, that has been happening across the country, especially in states like Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona. We believe that it was important for us to also cast our votes because if we hadn't, Guys, if the Republicans hadn't casted their votes in these states, our litigation efforts would have effectively been dead. Why because the Electoral College assadees who the presidently not states is there are no electoral College votes cast for the president. For President Trump, I'm saying, then there's no way that he has a path of the presidency. It's why it was so important that we cast our votes this past week when the electoral College voting. But also it also sets up the landscape for something that really I don't think it's ever happened in politics before. This is the most you'll probably ever hear. So Rugs ran this article about what could possibly happen now that Republicans have sent a competing slate of electors to Congress, which they will have to certify come early January. Right, Um, So, electoral College casts or votes, then the Congress certifies that in early January. So basically, since we've sent these competing electors. Each Chamber of Congress, the House in stentate will have to either accept or reject the slate of electors that were sent and they do that on a state by state basis. So in the House, you already have congressmen like represented Moe Brooks, who is from the great state of Alabama roll tied to that, who said that he will oppose the acceptance of the electors from states like Georgia in other states where rampant fraud existed. Now, guys, we only need one senator in the U s sent to say that they will do the same. In the event that that happens, guys, it all goes away. Basically, there will be an up and down vote which will put everyone on the record as as if whether or not they support voter fraud or if they don't, if they support our democracy, our republic being underminded, or if they don't, and they will have to decide whether or not they will accept or reject a slative electors that were sent to them by each respective state. Now, in the House, obviously the Democrat electors will probably be accepted they control they have the majority of seats in the House. However, in the Republican Senate to a different story. We control the Senate, and we will have a choice to make whether or not we will decide to actually have a backbone and do what the left would you if they were in our position, actually have some conviction and reject the Democratic electors who were falsely elected by the way under the preach it's a fraud and scam, or we accept the electors, we show the left that well, when it comes down to actually fighting, we'll pass. We're not really into that, you know, perman conviction, not our things, right, We're just cowards. That's what we'll have to decide, whether or not we are courageous revolutionaries willing to give it all for our country, whether or not we're just little cowardly little boys will run away with our tail tugged between our legs. That's the choice we'll have to make in the landscape has been set. The field has been set because of what happened this past week in state capitals across the country. Now, I gotta say, now, this takes a lot of I think a lot of commendations owed to the Trump legal team on us right, because who would have thought that this is something that needed to be done, is something that needed to happen, but they did, so kudos to them for not giving up in our president in that sense. And now really the pressure goes to Washington. It goes to Republican members of Congress, who unfortunately have not always been the most reliable people in the whole wide of world. Already you have Mitch McConnell calling Joe Biden President elect and saying that the electoral College has quote unquote spoken. But when you have members of electoral College who actually aren't really supposed to be mombs of electoral College because of the voter for all that occurred in their state, how can you really say that the electoral College has so called spoken. You can't, That's the thing, you know. I reading that from miss McConnell didn't really surprise me, but I tweeter earlier this week that he makes the strongest case for term limits that I've ever seen. People go to Washington forget about who they serve, who they represent because they just become a member of the swamp. They get lost and the sauce, and they absolutely lose sight of the reason they're there and the principles that got them there. And miss McConnell, unfortunately, is just one of those guys. And so what I hope is that other members of Congress, other Republican members of Congress, will actually have some balls, They'll have some courage, they'll have some conviction, they'll have some courage really to go out and fight for this president like he has fought for this country. Because that's what we did this past week. We fought for him. Now it's up for Cargress to pick up the baton and running across the finish line. Will they do it? Well? I guess we'll see well on this after the break. Hi, guys, c J. Pierson here, Welcome back to c J. Pierson Uncensored. I've got to tell you the last week has been an absolute honor of a lifetime. You know, have the opportunity to play a role in the electoral College, even under these unconventional circumstances, was something that I'll never forget really ever. Right. It's it's one of those stories that you tell your kids and your grandkids. And obviously I'm a long way from that fingers crossed, um no kids playing at all, um so, but you know, one day that won't be a story I tell my kids and my grandkids and so um, that we have the opportunity to play a big role in history, that we have the opportunity to fight for a country that we love so much. Because I say this often everywhere I go. America is a country or fighting for a country worth defending. Um and liberty and freedom, contrary to popular belief and to some people, did not come without sacrifice. And it isn't free when it comes to the consistent and continued work of patriots every single day who care enough to simply give a damn. And you know, I can't tell you what's gonna be happening in the next few weeks, and it's really unclear as to what lies ahead. But what I will tell you that there are people working tirelessly day after day, folks like Sydney Powell, Lynn Wood mayor Origin Lanni who are fighting to ensure that we stopped the steel and then our president gets his fair day in court. Um. What we saw happen throughout the course of this election, UM, is an affront to every single value that we are found upon as a nation. The American people deserve so much better than what they got in this past election. November Um, the American people deserve to have faith in their elections and the ability for our officials to conduct free and fair ones, because this is the United States of America. This is not Venezuela, this is not Cuba, this is not some socialist world world country. This is the United States of America. And the American people decide the leaders, not some random, maskless, faceless coastal liberal elites. The American people decide who leads this nation. Not Nancy Pelosi, not George so Ros, but you and ie, the American people. Now, guys, what we've seen thus far is that courts, similarly have not had the courage and moral conviction to actually do something about this case. Every lawsuit that you see that's either been dismissed or to not None of them have actually ruled on the merits of any of these cases. None of them have decided whether or not there um have made any judgments to whether or not there was fraud or not fraud. No that made any judgments to whether or not dominion is actually the hackable and easily penetrable system that we know it to be. All they have said is that the people that have brought these lawsuits lack quote unquote standing illegal technicality at the most right, what we are here to decide is not about any legal technicality. What we're here to really uncover is to find every single evidence of frall that there is, because one illegal vote cast is one illegal vote too many. Again, it goes back to the idea that the American people should have faith in our country to conduct free and fair elections. If they lose that faith, they lose that integrity. What separates us from some dystopian country on the other side of the world. Nothing, nothing at all. And I think in times like this, after the Texas case, a lot of people lost hope. And my message to them is is don't lose that hope. Don't lose that hope because you know, even if we exhaust all of our options, guys, we're not liberals, right. You know, Joe Biden will be president. That might be the case, um, but here's the case. They're gonna be so many Americans, millions of America, who we're gonna fight like hell to ensure that every single day that he is fighting against the most patriotic groups of human beings that have ever existed. We will not allow this country to fall prey to the radical left agenda. This will never be a socialist nation. This will never be a nation defined about AOC's political agenda. Nancy Pelosi's radical, uh, just downright assault on the founding values of America and the principles upon which we were built. This will never be their country. This is you and I. This is the coal moners country in West Virginia, This is the farmers country in the hills of Alabama. This is your America. This is our America, and I can it be more excited to have you, guys as battle buddies in this fight. Do not lose hope, do not lose your zeal, Do not lose your passion, because the fight is just beginning. We're in the thick of it, not the end of it. And people like Mitch McConnell may be giving up, but we knew they would. People like John Thune, It Romney, all of those Rhino Republicans. They might be giving up, but we knew they would. You know, my angel and one said, when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. Guys, Mitch McConnell showed us who he was a long time ago. Romney showed us who he was a long time ago. So when you see those people selling out, don't let it bother you, don't let it shake you up, because those people are only the cowards we already knew them to be. But guess what we aren't. That is why we're the leaders in this fight. That's why we're on the front lines. That's why we're fighting to save America. While they sit in there two thousand dollars suits tailored in their DC Beltway offices. We're in the streets. We're in the trenches fighting for this country. Rest assured knowing that, And guys, I'll see you soon right here at c J. Pierson unsinsored. God bless you and God bless America. Hey, guys, c J. Pierson here, join us right here on Apple Podcast, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast for the same hard hitting truth because we'll never stop fighting for you right here on c J. Pierson noncensored. C J. Pierson nouncensored part of the English three network


CJ Pearson is everything the Left hates: young, black, and unapologetically conservative. Generation 
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