Episode 4: We’re Not Going Away Quietly (ft. Brandon Straka)

Published Nov 19, 2020, 5:00 AM

Since Election Day, patriotic Americans have been fighting to protect the integrity of our elections. On this episode, CJ recounts his time at the Million MAGA March in Washington, DC and discusses with Brandon Straka, founder of the #WalkAway campaign, why even Joe Biden supporters should back the Stop the Steal movement. CJ also digs into what it was like to witness Antifa's violence firsthand and the importance of the Georgia Senate runoff elections.

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Up next c J. Peterson on censored part of the English six D network. The results aren't certified by CNN, They're not certified by Fox News, They're not certified by CNBC, MSNBC. Doesn't matter. They're certified and Electoral College vote, and that hasn't happened. So until that happens, the fight continues. HBB. You guys, I'm c J. Peterson. Welcome to c J Peterson un censored. So, guys, I'm actually fresh off a trip from Washington, d C. Um A lot of you probably saw the news coverage of the million Mega March and also the Stop the Steal demonstration that happened this past weekend in Washington, and boy, must I tell you the energy in the city was absolutely insane. I mean, I've seen some counts of at least five hundred thousand to a million people actually being in d C. Like these are Trump supporters who flew into d C for the weekend to show their support for the president. And I've got to tell you, the energy it was like intoxicating. Like I land in DC. My entire flight literally was a MAGA rally on that American here a lot flight. They probably had no idea what to do? Um, Like I saw so many Trump hats, I saw so many Trump pints T shirts. It was insane. And how I get on the flight and someone's like, hey, you see Jers Like you're going to d C for the Modele, Like yes, I am like a YouTube and literally the most insane thing I've ever had the honor of being part of. Actually had the opportunity to speak UM at the stop the Steel demonstration, the Trump march there. It was crazy, Like I get on stage, Um, fresh off my flight, Um had flewn in from from Alabama that morning. Of I get on the stage, I approached the mic and when I tell you, like you could not see where people like where the people ended, it was that many people. What I've got to tell you is that I really can't say how hopeful and optimistic that made me. You know, in our last episode, I talked about the fact that we are in a time where the Conserva to party, where Republicans need to grow some backbone. We need to find some courage, we need to get some bravery, or we're gonna lose this country. Um, if we don't do what the left has been historically very good at doing. Demonstrating coming out in large numbers and making their voice hurt. We're gonna lose this country. But what I saw this past weekend is that that's known to a lot of people now, at least a lot more increasingly. Right, Like these people took off their jobs, probably you know, concerned as actually have jobs, Unlike liberals. We can't protest seven days a week because we got we got some bills to pay, you know, we've got we've got things to do. UM. So to see that many people, that many Republicans who like I said, our employed um in one place at one time, was so reassuring about what's to come, because this is not going to be an easy fight. Literally, just out of Georgia yesterday, they have really found like thousands of uncounted votes, thousands of uncounted votes that a majority of which were Trump votes that it went uncounted on election day. They're just finding them in counties now. They found them in Fayette County in Georgia. They found them in Floyod County just today. It makes me think, like has this happened in other elections? Like the only reason that we even know that these votes were uncounted, it was because the Trump campaign forced the liberal secretary of State, who was a Republican but one of those Romnie Republicans, so a total total coward. But the only reason that we even know that these votes had gone on count is because the Trump camin pushed for a manual recount. I don't think that's ever actually happened in Georgia history until this election. Here, like they're counting each ballot by hand, and they found that these thousands of votes have just not gone counted, Like that is insane, Like it literally makes me think they we're living in some banana republics in third world country. And that's why when people are like, why are you guys protesting, Why are you guys doing all this stuff, these demonstrations in d C or such, store of losers, know we're actually people who give a damn about this country, who give a damn enough to go take time out of our day and be vocal about what's going on in this country. Because guys, this isn't about Donald Trump anymore. Like seriously, like I love the president. I support the president wholeheartedly, and it is my wish that he gets four more years. And I think if we continue our efforts. If we continue to hold um the less feet to the fire and demand accountability, that could happen. Um. But this is larger than the president at this point. This is about the integrity of our elections. Guys, I cast my first vote for president, but the first vote actually in my life. This past month, I cast my first vote in my life for Donald Trump, and I should be able to have faith that my vote counted, that it meant something, and then it wasn't one of those uncounted votes. Like people, this is about having faith in our democracy, faith in our republic, US not becoming some Venezuela or Columbia, some dictatorship. Were votes he might go counted or they might just not like. That is what people are protesting in the street about. Yes, are they Trump supporters, Hell, yeah they are. But what they are actually piste off about is the fact that there are legitimate forces out there, legitimately trying to steal an election. That should piss everyone off. I don't give you a a Republican Democrat whatever, it does not matter. This is about the integrity of our elections. That's why I was out there this past weekend, and the reason I told them and I'll say it to you guys right now, is that the reason I'm doing all of this, the reason I'm so invested in stop the steal, I'm so invested in ensuring that every single bit of frall that happened is called out, is because if we let them steal this election, they'll do it again. They'll do it again, They'll do it again in two If we don't actually stand up and fight, as I've said multiple times on this podcast, we will lose this country. And I'm just I'm sorry, but that's just not how it was race. And this has been the thing that enter jobs the conservative movement more than I've really ever seen before. And I've been in the fight since almost half a decade now, and I've never seen the Conservative movement on such a unit in front. I mean in d C. Even though I was with Brandon Strock we'll hear from later, I was with Ryan Fournier, I saw Scott Pressler, even Alex Jones was in DC this house, the guy, I mean, everyone was there because we realized the importance of the fight we're in right now. We are fighting for our country, like this is not the time to be on the sidelines. This is not the time to be spectating. This is the time to grab your ass and throw yourself in the arena. I can't emphasize it enough. It cannot be underscore enough the perilous times we were in. If Joe Biden actually becomes president, because you're gonna have to ask yourself, is what could I have done to prevent that? Right? Because what I will say is a lot of people are saying, well, Joe Barden, he's a modyrate, like who cares if he's gonna be president? Well, the thing about Joe Biden is that he is such just an imbecile. He was no capacity. It barely remembers his wife, much less his own name. If you really think that he is going to be the one running this country, then I don't know what to tell you. Like if you asked Siri, even SyRI knows that he won't be running this country. I asked you what the presidented states was. I think they may have fixed this glitch by now, but like a few days ago, I saw it going video on Twitter. If you asked Siri who the president was, it actually said that it was Kamala Harris. And I gotta say, Siri, I don't think Siri was too far off by saying that. And Kamala Harris is the same Kamala Harris who supports the Green New Deal. This is the same Kamala Harris who also weirdly thought that Joe Biden was a racist, but now I was his vice president, so whatever. I guess he magically became not racist when he made a token black woman as vice president. But that's a story for another day. This is the same vice president in Kamala Harris who supports all of these crazy aoc S policies. And if you think that we're just gonna get off scott free because Joe Bias a supposed moderate, guys, there is no moderates in the modern day Democrat Party. Their party has been taken hostage by a lan Omar, has been taking hostage by Rashida to leave, has been taken hostage by all these crazy far left radicals who realized that the bases on their side, and Nancy Pelosi knows it, Chuck Schumer knows it. They like to pretend that they're the face of the party, that they call the shots, but really they're hostages. Their hostages to the agendas of the AOC is the agendas of all of these crazy cooks in their party, and that's what we're fighting against, guys, Because if you don't think that AOC wouldnt see the election, you're wrong. If you don't think that Rashida to leave wins to the election, you're wrong. If you don't think that Kamala Harris isn't watching what's going on right now and saying, well, if they just let it happen, why not, why can't I do that? Then you're wrong and you're naive. And that is why we're in the streets, guys, because I am not going to one day tell my grandkids that when we were in probably one of the most important fights our country has ever been in, that I just sat by and did nothing. I can't live with that, and thankfully, seemingly millions Americans can either, because they came to Washington, d C. This weekend and boy wasn't a good time. One person who's really at the forefront of making the concerned movement as diverse is as far from a clan rally is Brandon Struck. And Brandon has such an inspiring story. He's cultivated an incredible movement through walk Away, but he's also been incredibly active in the recent Stop This Steel protests. Now, guys, I'm so excited for you guys to hear from him. Can you hear from him after the break? Hey, guys, c J. Pierson here and welcome back to c J. Pierson on Censored Today, We've a really exciting guest. Now, this is a movement you guys have all heard about. It's called the walk Away movement, and it is been absolutely incredible to watch because it's an organic movement focused on just getting people to think for themselves, getting people to think outside of the color of their skin, their gender, their sexuality and simply look at what's going on in this country and come to their own decision. And the leader of that movement, Brandon Stroke, has been doing incredible work on that front for the last several years. Really looking back at it um and watching it grow has been so incredible, But also seeing what Brand has been up to in recent weeks has been just as incredible. He's been doing on taking that same energy, the same work that he's been doing with walk Away, and has now been using it to stop the Steel. I was with Brandon this past weekend and Washington, d C. And he joins us. Now, Brandon, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you, c J. It's awesome to be here. Thank you, Thank you well. Brandon, you have such an incredible story. Tell our listeners who you are sure so, um, you know the way I sort of entered the political spheres because, um, I voted for Hillary Clinton in two thousand sixteen, and I sort of described myself as a Democrat by defaults in a lifelong liberal who ended up waking up in two thousand seventeen and walking away from the Democratic Party and really the whole ideology of liberalism that I had sort of subscribed to my entire life. And that happened because Donald Trump got elected in two thousand sixteen, and it really shook me awake, I think the way it's just shook the whole world kind of awake, and it sent me on a journey to try to understand how it happened. Because the media that I loved and trusted, places like CNN and the SNBC, Rachel Maddow, Buzzfees, Vice New York Times all said that, you know, she was gonna win in a landslide. There was no chance that he would possibly win, and that he was basically the second coming of Hitler. And so my journey began with just a couple of simple questions, why would anyone vote for Donald Trump? And how did the media that I trusted get it so so wrong? And I spent several months kind of looking into that, and my eyes got open to the fact that the media that I trusted was not trustworthy. They were, you know, creating false narratives and spin moments out of context and really manipulating fear. And that was the thing that upset me more than anything, was the realization that if you are black or brown, or gay, or you know, a minority person in this country, they're they're intentionally an explicitly exploiting and manipulating fear to try to control our thoughts and our behavior and ultimately how we vote. And that's why I decided to start speaking up and I created the walk Away Campaign. Yeah, and what stuck out to me there is that you just said that the media that you trusted so much turned out to be untrustworthy. Um So this these past few weeks mus feel like deja vu for you, because the media for a long time said that Trump is gonna lose my landslide in this election. They said he was gonna lose Florida, he was gonna lose Ohio, he was gonna lose Pennsylvania by a huge margin. Um, that didn't happen again, But what's happened since then has been just a lot of confusion about what actually did happened in these days and Georgia. We just heard news reports. I talked about it earlier in the show about these votes just being discovered in counties now that had gone previously uncounted, thousands of votes, many of them in favor for the president, that have just gone uncounted. Um, and you've kind of taken all the things that you've been doing from walk away, Um, and you started to use that energy and kind of pushed off the steel. Tell me about why you're involved in this fight. Well, yeah, and you're you kind of hit the nail on that head when you said this is like deja vu because also like, um, you know, I thought for sure that Hillary Clinton was gonna win on that night, and obviously that's not the way that it went. And I thought that for sure on November three, we would have this big Donald Trump victory and that was gonna be that. And here we are now, all these weeks later, and we still, you know, don't have a clear outcome to this election. And the reason why I've decided to get involved with Stop the Steal is because, you know, on election night, the were looking really good and I was sitting there with um, you know, I brought my whole team. We've been working really hard for years, and so I decided to treat everybody too. We took a trip to Florida. We got an airbnb together, and it was supposed to just sort of be a election night, hopefully celebration watching party. And we were all feeling pretty good together watching, you know, as everything was turning red. Donald Trump was ahead in the popular vote, and then a few strange things started to happen. The first thing that really caught my attention was that he had very clearly obviously one Florida, but Florida would not go red and they would not add that to his tally. Then, uh, I started to also notice that he had clearly won Texas, but Texas would not go red and they would not add that to his tally. Now, meanwhile, they were calling states like Virginia for Biden. They were calling Arizona for Biden when there were hardly any returns in whatsoever. So they had no problem calling those states, but they wouldn't give any number or to Trump for states that he actually had. It was basically overdone with he had won. So I went to bed frustrated that night, but still confident because everything was still pretty much read, but just sort of unsettled. I woke up the next day and half the country turned blue, and they found these miracle batches of Biden votes in states like Michigan and Pennsylvania and North Carolina and you know, all these states where he was that Trump was doing really well, and then suddenly it was like, well, you know, it looks like Biden's taking lee. He took the lead in the popular vote, and something just felt really wrong to me. And I have to say I was one of the few people, called me naive who really wasn't going around going, oh, you know, voter fraud is gonna be a big issue. I really thought that Trump was just gonna win, boom done. And turns out all the people who had been talking about voter fraud for weeks where they were right. And so I decided to get involved, because I I think that something is off and at the very least, we deserve some transparency and we deserve to feel confident. If if Joe Biden is going to win, um, I would think that his supporters would want those of us on the other side to not be contesting that and to just say, look, it was you know, we didn't win. That's the way it is. We'll look to But UM, I don't like that we're being expected to believe something that seems unbelievable and the other side is not willing to be transparent about it. Yeah, it just didn't make sense. And what you just said is exactly should be the case with these protests of these administrations to stop this deal. The left should want us to have faith in accountbling our elections. They spent like four years talking about the reason that they cared so much about Russia was because the security of our elections was of the utmost importance. But now we're saying, hey, let's have an audit of the votes. If there's no problem, there's no fraud, there's no bad things that occurred, then what is there that is wrong with us knowing more about it? Right? Right? Yeah? Why hide like we're not asking them for a new election or recount, you know, like some master recount. We're saying, hey, let's audit the vote, let's make sure all of these votes were legally cast, and that's that. But we've seen such resistance to that. And I think the reason we've had seen such resistance to that is because when we do have these manual recounts where every single vote is being counted again and say it's like Georgia. Thus the votes are coming up that have gone uncounted, the majority of which for Donald Trump and there and they want to call us crazy, sore losers, um for having these adminstrations, for having these marches. But no, we're actually trying to protect the integrity of our elections. We're trying to protect democracy in this country while they just complain. I guess so, you know, well, and if they want to call us names like you know, crazy and sore loser, like, they'll have more ammunition to do that if we audit the vote and if we find out that we're like, if we're completely wrong after an audit, the great it's open season to make fun of us all you want. We were wrong, but you know, I think until we do that, they don't really have a leg to stand on. I don't think for calling us names, and I think that they, of all people should realize. I mean, after they spent four straight years saying Donald Trump is not a legitimate president, not my president, not my president, well they are not. I would think they wouldn't want us to be doing that to them for four years. So why not just settled this now? Because if we don't settle this, that's what it's going to be. It's gonna be four years of us always thinking that Joe Biden wasn't really legitimately elected into office. And I would think that they would want to prove that he was exactly. But I don't even think they want Joe bideny president. I think Harris thing, you know, like if you I was talking about earlier on, it was like, honestly, the likelihood of Joe Biden actually being president win or lose this election is so slim. You know, Kamala Harris is definitely gonna be running the country, which should scare people a lot more than Joe Biden in the country. Is um When you think about the things that Kama Harris supporting the Senate, everything from the Green Deal to these crazy tax plans that absolutely punished people for being successful, which I thought was the goal of everyone in this country. Um. You know, Kamala Harris oftentimes tells her rags to riches story, um, but for some reason leaving out that her mom was this big professor um at Stanford. But um, but she has the racks rich's story right or supposedly where she grinded to get where to where she is. And now we're saying that, well, success should be something you're punished for. That's like what we're fighting against. And and what's so important about the rallies that you're doing about stop this deal, which has really brought a lot of hope to me, is the fact that I think concerned is actually get the importance of this moment. What I was scared about was complacency. You know, we I thought we were gonna feel defeated. I thought we're gonna be so downtrodden that we were just like, we're just gonna let them do whatever they want. But I think what we've seen is conserned just saying like hell no, like we're gonna fight for this country. We're gonna fight to ensure that we get the answers that we deserve. They can call us crazy, they can call us so loser if they want, but our country were spining for and I think that's bringing that's given me a lot of hope. First, I agree with you, and I think I personally think we have Donald Trump to think for that too, because I think he showed people how you are a conservative and a fighter at the same time, because we haven't really had that role model in the past, Like that person who will come out swinging against the fake news, come out swinging against all the detractors, come out swinging against the progressives and all of the you know, the social justice warriors. He he'll stand up to anybody and he does it, uh, you know, day after day after day, and he he'll he'll fight right back. And I think that he showed us in a way how you do that, uh, and given us a model for that. And I'm really, like you, I'm glad to see that people are picking up on it and continuing to do it because I think conservatives, you know, do have a tendency to be kind of beaten down and to just sort of say, well, this is the way things are, so we have to roll over and we have to take it. And now we're seeing them say, well, no, we're not gonna take it. And I hope people never go back to the way that things used to be. Yeah, exactly, that's how the said your event this past weekend. We're not the party of John McKinny anymore. We're not the party of Mitt Romnie like we are the party of fighters, and the moment we lose that fight, that zeal, that passion is the moment we'll never win an election again. Um. But more importantly, you know, you were in d C this past weekend, but you're not stopping there. You're gonna be in Atlanta this weekend. Tell us about that. Well, so, you know, a group of people, including yourself, have been kind of going around the country using their platform and using their voice to draw attention to this stop the Steel movement, you know, which again is really it's mostly about transparency, uh, free and fair elections and um, you know, a willingness I think to audit something that seems a little bit suspicious. You know, I don't think just I want to clarify that point because I don't think that any of us are saying with absolute certainty that we're going to fight until we get our way in Donald Trump wins. Look if we out of the vote and Joe Biden one, I think that we'll all accept that. I mean, that's that's just the way that it is. That this is a movement of basically saying that we went honesty and transparency in our elections. So I'm going there to do a rally um at noon at the state Capitol in Atlanta, Georgia, but earlier in the day walk away. We're doing something that I'm actually really excited about because I think it's gonna be really fun. We're gonna go to c an N and we're going to do a fake news takedown because they're so complicit in all of this, from the election fraud contest that we're having right now through everything that's happened up until this point. I mean, they've spent four years maligning the president, maligning his supporters, telling lies, baiting their audience, with the Russian inclusion delusion and everything with Brett Kavanaugh and the Ukraine. I just store met Daniels. They're in all of it. And as I told you at the beginning of this interview. It was the media that ultimately I trusted and ultimately got me to walk away. So I'm very excited to go to CNN at ten am this Saturday. I hope that you'll be there, A number of other people will be there, and we're just gonna blast the hell out of them, and I think it's gonna be really fun. That sounds incredible. So not so you did d C, you did Atlanta, and I think it really just speaks to the fact that this is a movement that's ongoing. Like the results aren't certified by CNN, they're not certified by Fox News, they're not certified by CNBC, MSNBC, doesn't matter. They're certified when you like to hold college vote and that hasn't happened. So until that happens, the fight continues. What we're seeing in Georgia, there's more episodes, more stories of these votes that were uncounted. There's gonna be that same thing happened in Pennsylvania, and now you have all this stuff coming out about dominion. I really think that this is an episode that is unending. Um as much as I'm sure none of us could have foreseen this, you know, I thought after election day, it was gonna be all over, um whatever, but doesn't seem as if we'll be getting that break any time soon, Brandon. But thank you so much for everything you're doing. It's such important work now more than ever. And uh, it's so incredible and inspiring to see folks like you're fighting a good fight. I can't wait to be there with you. Followed Brandon. Brandon, if you want to give them your socials, definitely do that. Yes, please, thank you, um, and I'll tell everybody too very quickly. Twitter is actually really putting me through it right now. It's very very weird. But my following has halted entirely since about seven days ago, and I'm trying to find somebody who can help me work out whatever is going on with that because it's very strange. But anyway, give me a follow please at Brandon and my last name is spelled s t R A k A and they can find me on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, uh, YouTube and now parlor so at Brandon Strock, no problem, Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you all, height guys. Welcome back to c J. Peterson Nonsence and you just heard from Brandon Strock, who is doing such incre double and important work. He's doing stop to steal, he's doing walk away, and now that work is bringing him to Atlanta and Georgia, which is quite quickly over the course of the past few days, become the center of the political universe, and for a very good reason. In Georgia, we have two Senate seats up for grass We have Leftler seat currently held by her, and we have the produced seat currently held by US Senator of David Perdue, both Republicans. However, those races weren't decided on November three. They continue. They are both in a runoff which is getting early January. Uh. And I've got to tell you both of their opponents, being a native Georgian, are nowhere near reflective of Georgia values. They're they're left ring radicals made in the mold of AOC. And that should worry you, even if you're not from Georgia, because if either Purdue or Left or Louse on only do we lose our GEOP majority, but they were placed in the Senate by these AOC acolytes. That is what we're fighting against. It's why so many people are going to Georgia, because we have to make sure that what happened November three doesn't happen in January, because if it does, I've gotta tell you I Biden presidency with the Democrats Senate and the Democrat House only. I can't even imagine what's going to happen to this country if if that's over the case. Guys, we're talking about terrible tax increases. We're talking about border security not even being a thing anymore. Like open borders galore is probably the future there. People oftentimes talk about in a joking way, they're gonna come take your guns. Honestly, might not be a joke in that case. With the Democrat Congress and the Democrat in the White House, we're talking about every single person listening. Guys, it doesn't matter if you're not from Borge. It doesn't matter if you're from Alaska. Find a way to support the folks they're supporting uh left Ler and for doing this race. You can donate onto their campaigns, the Leftler campaign and the Produce campaign. You can volunteer, if you can come to the ground. I'm actually working on busting people in or make sure people know about this race. It's a January race. People are gonna be focused on the holidays. It's it's right after the new year. The lasting people are worried about right now is probably gonna be politics. So make sure people know that there is even an election coming up. Because guys, the left is laser focused on this race. They realized the stakes. It's important that we do as well. They are so invested in this race that they are actually organizing a movement to get people to move to the to Georgia to get rental property just as they can vote in January. This is a scary time. It is a scary time because what I will say, when I was in d C, for all the energy that I saw from Trump supporters, and it was an incredible time to see tens of thousands of people hundreds of thousands some have estimated, all in one place. Let me tell you what I saw at night. I saw Antique literally throwing fireworks at the door of my hotel. I saw them beating up old people outside of a restaurant because they were wearing a maga hat. I saw them spitting and throwing things becaus. That is Joe Biden's America. That is aoc is America. That is Nancy Pelosis America. That is why I come on this show every single week and I say that we don't have the luxury of being on the sidelines anymore. We don't have the luxury of resting on our laurels and growing complacent, because if we do, if we do, what happened in d C at night will be what happens in America every single day because they will feel emboldened. They will do these things just because they feel as if they can. Well, guys, they can, and they only can if we let them, and I and I know you should refuse and will refuse to let them. Guys, thank you so much for joining us. We'll be back here next week. Hey guys, c J. Pierson here, join us right here on Apple podcast, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast for the same hard hitting truth because we'll never stop fighting for you. Right here, I'm c J. Pierson Concensor. C J. Pierson Uncensored, part of the Gang, which tweets HD Network


CJ Pearson is everything the Left hates: young, black, and unapologetically conservative. Generation 
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