The CDC continues to confuse us and contradict itself when it comes to COVID-19 rather than actually help the American people. On this episode, CJ makes the case against the CDC. He also gets fed up with Democrats and the media weaponizing COVID-19 to impose their agenda on the country. He calls out the dishonesty and the ongoing effort of a few elite tyrants to oppress the American people. Plus, CJ defends Olympic gymnast Simone Biles amid her controversy and slams examples of government overreach across the country, from Atlanta to Washington, DC. CJ then shines a light on a Dallas-based Black Lives Matter group pushing wealthy white liberals not to attend our nation's top universities.
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Guys, in Atlanta, we are seeing a crime wave unlike anything we've ever seen before, so much so that there is a literal part of Atlanta looking to succeed because of how crazy it's gotten. You can't even jog in Buckhead without the thought coming across your mind that you may very well get shot. Hi, guys, c J. Pierson here, Welcome to the latest episode of c. J. Pierson Uncensored. So, guys, the c d C has got to go, like not got to go, because, like I guess, like in the grand scheme of things that we need them, you know, the entire Like you know, I've seen World War Z, and you know, I am legend all those zombie you know, Apocalypty movies enough to know that we need the c d C, even though in all those movies, the CDC never actually prevented what happened from happening. Um, I guess that's really beside the point. But I'm not gonna here. I'm not I'm not gonna be like some liberal and be like defund ice because CDC is doing something I don't want them to do. But I'm gonna say the CDC has lost its damn mind. If they think that I'm gonna put a mask on again. Seriously, like this is the type of nonsense that people have been again since the beginning of this pandemic. That the confusion, the back and forth, the wishy washing us. It's first they tell us, like, let's seriously, let's just go let's take a walk through history on this issue. First they tell us that, guys, we just need to flatten the curve. Guys, we flattened the curve, that's all, you know. We don't need to rag at the entire virus. We flatten the curve, life will go back to normal. We believed them, so we huggered down. We stayed in. We didn't go out. We didn't go partying, we didn't go to the bars, we didn't go to the clubs. We didn't even go get our haircut. We stayed in our house because we believe them. Now we flatten the curve, guys, cases go down, you know, things get a little bit more under control. We flatten the curve, and then we're expecting to just be set free. We can go out, we can do what we want, we can go live our lives just as we did before. They said that we just had to fly in the curve. But no, then they say, we need to wait two more weeks, two more weeks, two more weeks. Guys, it's all we have to do. You've come this far, you've done all of this, you've you know, you've stayed in, you've abided by our guidance. You guys have really toughened it out. You can do two more weeks. And so we believe them again. We say, what's what's what's two more weeks? And you know, how's that really going to hurt? As like two more weeks? Like that's fine, We're all understanding. People were like, Okay, we just wanna we just want to go back to normal, and if that means losing two more weeks of our life, whatever, we're gonna do it because we just want to go back to our lives as it were. We want to go hang out with our grandparents again, we want to go hang out with our friends again. We want to like literally just do what we've done all of our lives again. We want normal state again. And so we did two weeks. We believe them once more. But then two weeks turned into a month, One month turned into two, two months from into six six months rot into a year, and here we are today. But then after that two weeks, Remember guys, it was about the vaccine. The vaccine that they were working on was gonna solve all of our problems. We get the vaccine, America would reopen immediately. There would be no more mass, no more limitations on how many people can go out or you know, no limitations on flights or or live events. You could literally go back to normal. Normal is what they would always wag in front of our faces, like like a carrot. They would say, We're going to go back to normal. But that didn't happen either, right, Like, we get the vaccine, they give it this emergency authorization. Uh so it I guess went through some type of version of I guess FDA approval, We get the vaccine, we have five or MADERNA H. Johnson and Johnson, which has since been recalled I'm sure if it's been reintroduced yet, but I know that it was recalled UM and we think, all right, everything's over. You know, even if you weren't gonna get the vaccine, you're like, damn, well other people will. So that's good, you know, because if a vaccine works you know, then why do I need to get vaccinated? Right? Like like if if if the people that are vaccinated are getting vaccinated, right, and this is a vaccine that they say is just the best ex since sliced bread, the end all be all the solution all of our problems really does what they say it can do, then it doesn't really matter, right, like if the people don't get vaccinated, because how can you catch COVID if you're vaccinated? And how can you give it to other people if you're vaccinated? Right now, that's just simple logic, and logic, I guess is too much for the times that we find ourselves in today. Um. Honestly, logic would probably drive you crazy, um if you try to apply that to the things that are happening in our country today, because none of the actually even makes sense. Because now we have come to a point today I think just yesterday, Um, the CDC is now saying that masked and on I mean vaccinated and on vaccine people need to be masked. Right. So this is a completely a complete reversal from what they previously said. Um. And this is apparently in response to news of this so called delta variant which they say, is more contagious uh than the previous version or you know, original iteration of covid. Uh. Here's the deal though, and also to like, let me, let me not miss this part. They're also saying that all students who go back to school K through twelve they need to be vaccinated. Not vaccinated. Well, they're they're saying, of course they need to be vaccinated, but they're also saying that they need to be mass as well. Uh. It's insane, guys. This is insane. This is insane, not just because I disagree with it, guys, because I am tired of being lied to. That's really when it comes down to me at this point, I am tired of being lied to. I'm tired of being told that this vaccine and sold all our problems. I'm tired of being told that mask work when we know for a fact that they don't. I am tired of being told that we are going back to normal only a few months later. When Democrats feel uneasy, when they feel as if they're losing, when they feel as if they can't get a win anymore, they have to politicize another pandemic just for a semblance of victory. I am tired of it. I am tired of the lies. I am tired of the weaponization of this virus against the liberties and freedoms of our people. I am over it. I am done. I'm not gonna be told to wear masks. I'm not going to be told too uh social distance, I'm not. I'm done with that. I literally am so very much done with that. And I don't I don't care what the consequences are at this point, you know, like if you, I am not going to allow, and neither should any of you, our countryuld be locked down again. Like, seriously, this is about freedom. This is about liberty. This is about our rights as the American people. Yess. This is not about politics. This is in Republican or Democrat, liberal conserv This is about our rights as Americans. This is what we're fighting against. The oppressor versus the oppress, the tyrants versus the freedom fighters. That is what this is. It's bigger than the CDC, It's bigger than COVID. This is about our identity as a nation. Now, we let them do this ship one time, guys, we let them do it once. We cannot let them do it again. We can't because we saw the consequences of COVID, not just in terms of people committing suicide, depression, divorces, all of these things we saw it also the effects of it politically. They use this entire COVID pandemic to open the way for things like mail in voting and ballot drop like ballot boxes, like where you can just I just throw it into some little drop in a little whatever dropbox. Yeah, no, guys, this is e enough. They know that they're about to get absolutely dragging the mid terms. And why does this happened to come up right around that time, right right around the mid term elections, right around the California recall election. Guys. I'm just asking questions. I'm not saying anything. I want you to answer those questions for yourself, because those are big questions that are on my mind, and I think I have an answer, and I think we may arrive to the same one. But I'm gonna let you answer that one for yourself. I'll see you guys right of the break. Welcome back to c J. Pierce and non censored you guys. So, I'm actually gonna do something I usually don't do. I'm about to defend an athlete in one because all this Olympic stuff, he's attacked in Simone Biles, I've heard them all. You know, she failed her team, she quit whatever. Because maybe it's just me. But I think in a world of Lebrons, in a world of Naomi Osaka's and all of those people who use their entire brand to push social justice, activism and all these things, to push liberalism, to say that Trump is bad, you were racist, all of these things, and maybe we should just be a little bit more courteous, maybe give a little bit more leeway to someone who just actually does what they do. And for Simone, that's gymnastics, Like that's literally all she does. She doesn't talk about social justice, she doesn't talking about feminism, racism, Black lives matter, she's not marching in the streets. She's simply doing flips. She's doing what she does best. And that is a huge deal today. And I think everyone listening that would read listening would realize that. Oh and and and knowledge is that because here's the deal. Here's the deal. We have literally seen an entire professional people just dedicated, Like no one asked Colin Kaepernick to share his political beliefs. No one actually cares about Colin Kapernick political beliefs. No one asked Lebron James to defend the Chinese Communist Party. He did that of his own free will, and his life would probably a lot better if he hadn't done that in the first place. But here's the deal. Simone made a choice, a choice that maybe you disagree with, maybe I disagree with it, but it was still her choice to make. Right. It's not like she's out here turn her back to the flag. It's only she's out here shipping on America. She simply made the call to say that, you know, right now, I don't think I'm in my best mindset to perform, and I'm going to disappoint myself, So why should I do it? And also to let's talk about like the bad ground of this too, right, the Olympic committee was literally not scoring her in the same way that they were scoring other Olympic athletes because of how good she was. Because they said that because of how good she was, it basically made the other gymnasts, in an attempt to keep up with her, attempt so called dangerous moves, moves that were too dangerous for them to actually perform. Guys why are we punishing Smone Biles for being the goat, for being as great as she is? And why would anyone perform under any of those circumstances. Guys, if you're at if you're at work and you know you work harder than someone else in the office and they make more than you, eventually you're gonna get sick and tired of that. You're gonna be like, why am I busting my ass every single day just to get half of what they do? Maybe someone Biles not the same thing. Maybe she thought that, you know, I know I'm the best here. I know that I'm pushing myself to limits by opponents could only dream about pushing themselves to. So why should I allow my talent, my skill, my ability to be diminished by some random judge is just simply trying to give other people participation trophy. And Guys, I thought as conservative that we were against that. Right this entire everybody is a winner mindset. Let's take down the people who are who are winning in this world just to I don't know, soothe the people that aren't. Guys, this is not the fight I and I and I really do get it, though I get the people that are attacking Simone Bowels are critical of her because it's reflective. It's reflective. At this point, we're so used to being surrounded by so many shitty athletes who have all these crazy, dumb opinions that we just aren't in the mood to defend them anymore. And I get that, but Smeilan Biles has not done any single thing to us. She hasn't again, she hasn't said anything anti American. She didn't done anything anti American. She is proud to wear that American flag leotard and more powered to her. We need more of that, not less of it. And that's the thing that's me And also to a lot of these people telling an olympian how to be an Olympian who were never an Olympian, never could be an ompion. Some of these folks I know have never jogged a day in their life, but they're sitting here telling Sumone Balls how to beat an athlete, how to be a good one. Yeah, let's know, let's stop. Let's just stop that. You're entitled that whatever opinion you have, that's cool. Whatever. Smow Balls made the choice. It was best for her, and I think we all at least have to respect that even if you disagree with it, even if you disagree. And I guess that's my, uh my contrarian opinion of the day, right. But in other news, you know, before the break, we talked a little bit about the CDC and everything that's going on. So now they're bringing mass to the White House. Everyone who's in the White House has to wear a mask. And now Nancy Pelosi just announced today that in Congress that members, you know, if you don't wear a mask, you're gonna get fined or whatever you get like a parking ticket. I guess I can to that. But also now, if you are a staff member of posing member of Congress, if you're not wearing a mask, you literally get arrested. You get arrested. It in the halls of Congress. If even if you work for a congressman or congress woman, you get arrested if you're not wearing a ask. So to speaking Pelosi, I guess my question really is where is that energy when it comes to these people running across our border. I doubt they're wearing masks. I doubt these these these gang lords, these drug lords who are wreaking havoc upon every single inner city in America due to the liberal incompetence that is plaguing our country right now. I doubt they're wearing masks when they're shooting little kids in the head. Well maybe they are. Maybe they are. Actually, maybe they are wearing masks. I guess that's one activity where you probably should wear a mask. But the point really here being is is that these democrats, these liberals are taking a more proactive approach to punishing people who don't wear masks and actually punishing criminals that need to be punished, people that shoot children, people that push drugs, people that commit violent crimes. Where is Nancy Pelosi on that issue. It's even come here to Atlanta, Guys, in Atlanta, we are seeing a crime wave unlike anything we've ever seen before, so much so that there is a literal part of Atlanta looking to succeed ned because of how crazy it's gotten. You can't even jog in Buckhead, which is supposed to be this exclusive community in Atlanta or whatever. You can't even jog in Buckhead without the thought coming across your mind that you may very well get shot. And that's not a random thought to have in your head. It's something that's supported. It's literally happened just a few months ago, and the LANs City councilman who pledged to defund the police got his literal car solan by like a seven year old. That's what's happening in Keisha LANs Bottoms, Atlanta. But just yesterday she wants to impose a mass mandate, including not only in the streets of Atlanta, but also in private businesses. If you don't wear a mask, well, you get fined, you get arrested. And that's apparently what we do now, because this is the type of ridiculousness that we cannot accept, that we cannot tolerate. Because if we do accept it, if we do tolerate, then we deserve for this to happen. And unless you agree with that, then we've got to resist. We've got to fight back harder than we ever have before. We owe it to ourselves, we owe it to our country, and we owe it to everyone who gives a damn about liberty, because this is how it starts. It starts with these little, tiny encroachments upon our rights, these little trespasses, right and because as bigger and bigger as time goes on. First they tell you that you gotta wear a mask. Then they tell you that you can't congregate in your own home. Then they tell you that you can't go to church. What comes after that? What comes after that? Ponder that I'll see you after the break. Hi, you guys, welcome back to see j Pearson non censored. So, guys, you actually really won't believe this story. You know, I cann't believe it when I saw it for the first time, but doubt in Texas, Like seriously, yes, you you actually really won't believe this story. There's some random social justice group called the Dallas Honestly, I don't know that there's some Dallas social justice warriors, Black Lives Matter types whatever, burned the world down kind of people. Well, he said this letter to all these people who live in Highland Park for those people are playing with Highland Park and Dallas. It's kind of like this really exclusive, ritzy neighborhood, um, but still like actually pretty predominantly liberal neighborhood regardless of how ritzy it is. So these s jws they said all of this is this letter to all of these residents in Highland Park, and they basically said that you need to bleedge to not send your white children the top fifty universities in the country, because it's unfair. You're already privileged, you don't need anymore. And if you send your white kids to these schools, you're taking away a slot from a black kid. Now, a part of me is conflicted on this, right because number one, obviously it's racist. Obviously it's it's a manifestation of everything we've been seeing across the country from all this critical race theory b s and it's and it's the biggestry of low exportations at its finest, This idea that black people cannot achieve things on their own merits, cannot get into college on their own merits, that we need white people to get out of our way for that to be possible. That is literal racism. That is literally disgusting and the exact opposite of what folks like MLK and what the freedom fighters and the generations before us falls so hard to achieve. That sun equality, That is supremacy. But another part of me is like, wow, maybe white lubbers need to be conflicted with the manifestation with the consequences of their bullshit as well. Right, these thinking about it. They have catered to b LM for so long. They've they've gratified them, they've given so much ground up to them, They've given them everything they've ever asked for and more. And now BLM is turning on them and saying, well, now your kids can't go to college. Why can't your kids go to college? Because because you were white, you're taking away a slot from a black kid. Guys, this is a creation of their own making. This is their frankenstein us. They own this, they own this, and so a part of me is like, damn, like I'm gonna condemn it. It's wrong, it's not okay, Like it's not good. But also too, I hope they send them another letter. Easy you want to know something, Regardless of how bad this is, how absurd it is to me, you and everyone else who's listening today, it's also probably true that some of those parents are gonna sign that letter because of how guilty they are simply for being white. Guys, Literally, you can't control the club your skin. Why are you sorry for being white? We don't ask people who are gay to feel guilty for being gay, do we, Right, that's the reality, right, So, like the thing is like the same applies. If you're white, you're white. If you are a woman, you are a woman. If you are a male, you are a male. Stop apologizing for things that you cannot control. Right, it is as simple as that, as simple as that. And again, and the reason I asked that question. You know, white liberals would never ask someone to apologize for being gay, because that's that's that's their truth. Why are you apologizing for being white? Why? Why? Why? They won't have an answer. They won't have an answer to that. They never will, they never do. They just don't have answers. They just have complaints, complaints, protests and hashtags and t shirts and emotions and tears and then yeah, that's it. That's all they have. But anyways, guys, here's the dude. This is our reality now. And people say, like, what is purple race? They're gonna lead to It's gonna lead to this coming to every community across the country. You think alan Vark is beginning, Yeah, maybe, but it's coming to Atlanta, It's coming to uh, you know, d C. It's going to get every single state across this country. Because of what gropal race theory has would come and we need to fight against. We're fighting for our country right now, you guys. We're fighting for America right now. Hey guys, c J. Pierson here. Join us right here on Apple Podcast, I Heart Radio, or wherever you get your podcast for the same hard hitting truth, because we'll never stop fighting for you right here on c J. Pierson Consensor c J. Pierson noncensored part of the English Tweet Network