CJ Pearson sits down with embattled Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene for an in-depth conversation about her last few weeks in Washington. She breaks down her experience getting canceled, her information being doxed, and the future plans for both her and the Republican Party. Rep. Greene fact-checks some rumors about her and gives some advice to CJ about how young Republicans should deal with adversity.
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Up next c J. Pierson Uncensored, part of the English Sweet six network. It was alarming to listen to them today because it wasn't just President Trump that they have on trial today. It's all of us that support President Trump. It's how they were portraying Trump supporters and their messaging and the wording they were saying is they're trying to paint Trump supporters as if we're some kind of domestic terrorists. Welcome Gus to c J. Pierson Uncensored. Today Marjorie Taylor Green joins us on the pod and talks about the crazy attacks she's been experiencing in the past few weeks. She's had threats against her family, she's been stripped from her committees, and her reaction to all of that here. So, you know, Carson, uh, you know, one thing that really intrigues me about you, that it really amazed me about you is the fact that you are a strong conservative woman. And you know, often top of the left lex pretender is that they're the party of women. They're the party of bold, courageous women. They support women regardless of whether or not they're consider or little, that they truly are the party of women. But I think it's been pretty clear that your experience is that that just isn't really true. It's been crazy my experiences as a black American that when the Democrats love to say that they are the part of the monority, of the party of the underdog, but when people like you and ies are professing opinions that they believe are wrong or inaccurate or a little bit uh too independent and of their ideology and call us every name in the book. Black concerns are called uncle toms are called the in word, all these things. People like you, you're called sellouts to the female gender. It's absurd, but it's been something you've got to deal with, Hedge. First, it tell us about your experience in that regard. Well, ever since walking into the on the public stage, so to speak, I've defied their narratives, and I've done it boldly because my entire campaign I said people over politicians. I've never wanted to be a member of Congress. As a matter of fact, I had a much better life as a private citizen, um enjoying working, uh, owning my company, being a wife and a mother. I'm so proud to be a mother, and and yes, uh having those things and caring about those things and putting people first, refusing to care about what the media says about me as they attacked me constantly and try to whip me into submission, so to speak. Uh. The DEM's attacking me just NonStop and saying the worst things imaginable, and they call me much worse names than you than you did or mentioned. They don't understand because I don't back down. And the reason why I don't back down is I really don't care what they think, and I defy their narrative as an American woman. Um, I'm proud to be a wife, being married almost twenty five years. I'm extremely proud to be a mother. And when I talk about being a mother, I say that's the greatest part of my life. That's my greatest accomplishment. I put that over a career or anything I've and in my life becoming a congresswoman. Being a mother is way better. Um. And then being a proud American, being a proud gun owner, and being very very pro life and and speaking about it NonStop. See, these are the things that the left don't want to see in women. They want to see women that embrace being pro choice, pro abortion, um and and talking about abortion is a way to pursue a career, which I think is evil and I think it's atrocious. They left wants women to believe and they sell this lie constantly that in order to be successful as a woman, if you find yourself pregnant, that you have to kill that baby in the womb because it's that baby that's holding you back from being successful. It's a problem that you have to dispose of. And I think that's the most evil lie. I think it comes directly from Satan. And I say that a lot. As a matter of fact, being a mother is what has driven me to be successful because I love my children so much, and you know, they're They're what drives me. My family drives me. And and this is the message that I constantly say. And the Left hates me for it because that's not the narrative that they want about women. And they attack um, someone like you see j who is a very outspoken and you're so so well spoken, Um, as a young black American. You see, they want you to be in your category, just like they want me to be in my category. Because identity politics is their game. They don't believe in our individual liberties. They don't believe in our individual rights, which is what this country was founded on. But they want to divide us and separate us. Um, they want you to stay in line with what Democrats wording and what messaging that they want for black American males. They want me to be in line for what white American women are supposed to be. And they do this with every category. But the truth is, and it's something that President Trump is that over and over his rally is that we're all Americans, and you know, God created us all equal. Thank God for that, and and our constitution affirms it. And so when President Trump would say at these rallies that we all bleed red, white, and blue as an American is one of the most uplifting things because that's truly how I see it, and that's I'm sure that's how you see it, and that's that's how most Americans really feel. But the left doesn't want that because they really want America to be dependent on government. Their long term goal is socialism, and you could even go as far as communism, and that is what they're they're working towards, and and they're doing a really good job right now. Yeah, And I think one of the biggest themes that you that you really head on throughout all this is the hypocrisy of it all. You know, the left loves and progressivele to talk about the idea that women can have it all. But if women can have it all a career and children and be a mother, and why are we treating abortions? It was just some routine healthcare pursuiture that they have to give up their child if they want a career, if they want that job, if they want to be a congresswoman. Right one day. Um, And one thing that I really stuck out to me and your answer is the impact that you talked to being a mother has had on you. You know, in recent weeks, you've been called every name in the book, and from what I've read, you know a lot. You still have school age children and still go to school every single day. You even covered just wall to wall on CNN. You've been hit in the mainstream media, even called a racist, a bigot, a white supremacist. Need attacks have consequences, and they have a facts on your family. So as a mother, my question to you is how have you dealt with that? And how is your family? Because you do that. Um, that's been the hardest part. It's one thing to me for me to be attacked personally, but it's been it's been a lot for my family. We're not used to being in the in the public eye, and and and for everyone that knows us, we have great relationships, so we've never been called all these names before because that's not who I am as a person, that's not who my family is as a person. And thankfully all of our our extended family and friends have been so supportive because they're so appalled at what the media has been saying about me. But it has affected my family, and I'm glad you asked about that. My husband gets called NonStop on his cell phone. They email him, they call our company, they reach out to him on on his LinkedIn profile, on Facebook, on Twitter, they harassed him constantly. UM, but it's been worse even for my children. They harassed my children. I've got two kids in college and then my youngest is in eleventh grade. One of my daughters is on scholarship, Um for her sport that she spent you know, all of her childhood playing her heart out and earned her scholarship. Well just recently, Uh, it was last week. As a matter of fact. Some people tagged her personal Twitter page, they tagged her school, they tagged her coaches, they tagged her teammates and said terrible things about me and them and said that people should go and and go to their games and make sure that they have a bad season. And so we had to work with the you know, security, We had to work with the FBI to turn these people in. But this is the this is how discussing and evil and sick the left is that they don't not only do they say lies about me and and use little bitty things, teeny tiny things and put them in new stories just to twist the narrative about me and smear my character, but then they send their minions, uh and attack my family and my children, but not just my family and my children, the school and their teammates and coaches. And it's unbelievable. Uh, it's it's too much, and it's it's not right and it's not fair. I would never even for someone that I completely disagree with policy wise, that I that I would say is my political enemy, I would never ever want their family to be harassed. I would never want their children to be harassed. I would never want that for any of them, and I would I would completely denounce it and and and tell people to stop if that were happening for them. But it doesn't work that way. From the left. They everyone is fair game and if you don't back down and stop, then they go after you until and they just never they never quit. Look at what they're doing in President Trump today, and what I find those nauseating about the entire thing is that since January six, these people have used that singular incident depict half America as terrorists, as terrible people who are reaching having on the world, who are getting acts of violence. You are the biggest optable community that exists in this country, but yet here they are terrorizing your family simply because you have the audacity to disagree with them, and they want to make it us out to be for violent people. They want to make us out to be be antagonizers. But it's not conservatives out of you're doing these things. We're not trying to get people scholarships taken away, get people kicked out of college. You know, I was in d C on January six, didn't enter the capital with never thing to do something like that but just for being In January six at the presence event at the Ellipse, some liberal barrel at my university started an addition to get me chicked out of school. And it's it's the craziest thing because it's like these people have such uninteresting lives and such lives devoid of purpose that they feel the need to hurt people simply because you have opinions that differ from their own. Absolutely crazy that you've had to go through that as a mother, just seeing as attacked as your family, And I'd love to talk to you a little bit more about that, actually, right, But in the space of everything you dealt with, I think it's a really human questions. The fast you's like you you feel safe and with students in college, I know that you know I University of Alabama. It's a little bit of a different landscape here. UM definitely more conservative universities public universities in the country, But when it comes to other places of higher education, it's it's a tough place. I'm to be a conservative and I get the messages every single day. Do you worry about your kids being on college campuses today? And and for you personally, how have you dealt with just the safety element of all this. Yeah, I do. I do worry about my children. I worry about them. I don't worry about myself. I worry about my children. Um, my oldest daughter, all of her classes are online well because of COVID, right, so she's not out and about on the campus. So that's a good thing. But I do worry about my middle daughter because she is there. She's there for her sport, which she loves, and she's so excited to play ball this year because it got canceled last year. And and she's you know, living her life and doing what she should do. And we shouldn't have to fear for her safety. Politics don't belong on the playing field. They don't belong in the classroom, and and the left needs to stop shoving it in there, and they shouldn't harass our children. Thankfully, my son, UM, who's at eleventh grade. You know, we live in a very conservative district and he goes to a great school. And I want to brag about his school for a minute, because school is a really big deal. As you know. Um, his school is a charter school and it's a big high school. They have stayed open. He has had a normal school year. He played football, had a normal season, He goes to school every day in person, sees all of his friends. He had his wrestling season, and now they're having track and field. And I can't tell you how grateful I am to his his principal, and the administration and all the teachers who believe in in educating our children and and aren't reacting in this crazy way like these these terrible teachers union who who are all about politics and controlling everything. And then we're looking at the budget where they're wanting to spend billions of dollars on education, but it's really going to go to these union bosses, and it's going to go to to woke liberal universities. Um, but it's not really putting our children back in school because Joe Biden considers open schools one day a week. So the hypocrisy of the left is astounding. But I do worry about like you see, j I worry about you your generation, because look at what they've done to me. This This should be eye opening for everyone. I posted things on Facebook, I talked about things, ask questions. I liked comments that I shouldn't have liked, but I did like them, and now I'm paying big consequences for those things. So I worry about someone like you, see j I worry about your generation where they can track they can track this, and it absolutely can affect your career. You know, look at you said. You said you were actually in Washington on January six, You did nothing wrong. That that entire protest was was a planned, peaceful protests. The people that attacked the Capitol are the ones that are responsible for that. There were roughly around eight hundred people that actually went inside the capital, but I'd say a good half to more than half of those people were not violent. They were they were dumb people that should have never gone in there, but they went in and walked around and took pictures. But the people that committed violence, the people that planned the attack, the people that put the pipe bombs at the r NC and the d n C, those are the people that are responsible for that, and those are the people that need to be held accountable. But in no way should your reputation or your future reputation or career should ever be threatened simply because you went to Washington to support President Trump and UM stood up for election integrity. You didn't do anything wrong, but that's not what the left believes. You see if you watch the impeachment, this scam that they're doing, wasting our tax dollars, wasting our time, just to create a circus on television, to really cover up the real damage that Joe Biden and the rest of the Democrats are doing to our country. It was alarming to listen to them today because it wasn't just President Trump that they have on trial today, it's all of us that support President Trump. That's how they were portraying Trump supporters and their messaging and the wording they were saying is they're trying to paint Trump supporters as if we're some kind of domestic terrorists. And that is such a dangerous, slippery slope and and an extreme, profound hypocritical stance when the Democrats are the party that supported, promoted and funded radical violent riots all over our country that are still ongoing in places like Portland's, Washington, d C. Last week, uh in Seattle. These are things are still ongoing. They've never apologized, they've never told anyone to stop, and they don't back away from it. But they accused all of us as being dangerous and we're not the dangerous ones. Eight hundred people that went in the capital on January six do not define the seventy five million people that voted for President Trump or the unknown number of people that went to Trump rallies over the past four to five years, even before he came in office. Yeah, and one thing I will tell you about our generation that I think can really give you some hope is that I think my generation is generation that really like spiders. You know, I saw people when Trumpers ran for president. I have friends completely a political didn't know was thinking about politics and care about politics, didn't watch anything political or anything like that. But Donald Trump brought it into the fray. He brought into the arena because he was a politician who fought like no one had before him. He was interesting. He took on the system in the very way that he said he would do. And for me, you know, even you know when that entire petitioning happened, you know, with the girl trying to kick me out of school, I decided to make a cawter petition. I wasn't gonna roll over and apologize for doing nothing and and and going to a peaceful demonstration. You know, because I've seen too many like Noodle Spine Republicans who have done just that. You know, there there's so desperate for the approval and for the validation of the left. They end up literally throwing themselves in the fire, desperately seeing the validation to people that will never validate them, people that will never like them. They're so eager to be liked by those people. So I was like, no, I'm gonna make a petition. I'm gonna get our petition, and I'm gonna say that I'm not leaving university all day. I did nothing wrong. What I did was protected by free speech, and that's that I made that petition. I got eight thousands sinaturs compared to her two thousands. You know, when I go out, you know, and I'm going to I'm in a fraternity, when I hear for aut parties. When I'm out and you know, out here and dustin Losa, people literally walk up to me, they're like, CV, I really respect what you did, what you're doing. The fact that you just said, like back down in the face of all of that. And I think that's the affinity that a lot of people have started to have for you, right you're someone who is actually fighting this system and the way that you ran on it. Really have so many rebalgans that are gonna go to Washington. They're gonna fight the radical left, They're gonna do all these things, blah blah blah, and they absolutely go and they capitulate once they get to Washington, they forget the people that actually sent them there. But what I think he experienced is exactly what I'm describing. Because all these people thought to keeping off of these committee, they thought to really trying to expel you from Congress, but you raised a lot of money from all of these attacks. People are so eager to support you because of the fact that you are not backing down even in the face of the sacrifice that you've got to make. You talked about them in regards to your family, regards to your business. Right, doesn't seem have been hurting you with the base? Tell us what it was that, Well, that's great, and I'm so proud of you for not backing down. That's awesome. That is that's exactly what we need. Um. Yes, So, like I said when I ran for Congress, it's people over politicians. Because here's the deal. I've been a taxpayer for a very long time, and I've paid a lot of money in taxes, and so that means I and I love our constitution. See that means I'm the customer and I'm also the the employer of the federal government. And that's who we are as citizens and tax payers. But for so many years, the federal government fails us. Right, They've got us in nearly thirty trillion dollars of debt. They're they're busting our borders wide open and then using our hard earned tax dollars to pay for all these great services for illegals. Um, even like education, promoting illegals over your education. They want to send our our sons and daughters who bravely joined the military, but they want to constantly send them over to foreign countries for their foreign wars and use them, uh like the world's police officers. They use our hard earned tax dollars and send constantly send it in foreign aid over to foreign countries where Americans like us are paying for foreign countries border walls, were paying for foreign countries bridges and roads, We're paying for foreign countries uh, schools, and we're paying for foreign countries abortions. So this is this is a slap in the face for every single American And this is why I ran for Congress UM and in doing so, I don't care what people in Washington think about me. Their opinions are completely irrelevant. And I don't care about what the media has to say about me, because there I see them as just a bunch of Democrat activist um or communist activist working in media companies. And so I was never interested in and joining the cocktailed parties and the clubs and the being chummy chummy, you know, and being accepted by leadership. I know who hired me to go there. It's the people. It's the people that need the representation and being one of the people. And that's all I am. I'm very much a regular person. That's all I ever want to be. So I've always been that person that is just like, okay, I voted for this person, and then there they go and they disappoint me, and the next thing, I know, they're all happy to be, you know, part of the club. But I don't want to be part of the club. I'm interested in having good relationships, working relationships, but I'm not interested in pleasing the politicians pleasing the leadership or pleasing the um, you know, the elite donor class or the elite lobbyists and and and the rest of the gang. And I really am not interested in and seeing myself on CNN every night so that I can smile at Anderson Cooper or Don Lemon and them like me. Those are the Republicans, and there's a few of them that go on there. They're the problem in our party and the Republican Party. They they're so disconnected from the people. Right now, Um, there's some good ones in there, but but for the most part, the GOP is very disconnected from our base. They don't seem to acknowledge the fact that that nearly seventy five million people voted for President Trump. That is a record number of votes, more than any public and president has ever had in our American history. They seem to ignore that, and they don't want to accept that fact. They don't want to accept they voted for him because he fought for us and because his policies were America first. And I'll say it over and over again, and I'll happily say, yes, I did this wrong, or when I did said something wrong, Yeah, I shouldn't have said that, or I should have done that, doesn't that doesn't reflect me. But I'm also just because I'm able to say where I did something wrong doesn't mean that I'm backing down. Oh no, I'm I'm actually doubling down. And this week, um, this past week when they removed Democrats removed me from my committees and eleven Republicans and mind you, ten of those are also the ones that voted for impeachment for Trump, so that I'll tell you a lot about who they are. Um, it doesn't matter, because the truth is Republicans can't do anything on committees right now for the next two years. So all they did was give me a lovely gift of time where I can work very hard to hold Republicans accountable. I can work very hard to push our party to the right. And by doing so, when Republicans start growing a spine, when Republicans start standing up, and when Republicans are proud to not only say our values but work and put into action our values, that's when Republicans are going to win. So you'll see me c J going forward. And I'm I'm I am. I think I'm emboldened even more so than I was, because I'm like, all right, I've been in the fire, didn't hurt too bad, and I'm ready to keep going. That's incredible, Congresswoman. We'll talk a little bit more about that. And obviously you won your election with more than seventy vote uh. This coast election cycle, a lot of people have been saying, you know, what does this mean for the future for you and Georgia. We have a Senate rs coming up in UM. Some people excided Margaine Taylor Green for U S Senate. Have you given any thoughts of that is anything that's been on your body? Honestly, I haven't. That seems to be the rumor that Greg Blueseen of the a j C loves to spread around And it's funny to me because he's one of the biggest Democrats in our Georgia media. And you have to understand the media. People need to realize Democrats and the media they also like to divide Republicans and so when they put out stories trying to put Republicans against each other, um, they're achieving they can achieve their goals that way. What I am doing right now is I'm solidly focused on my district my constituents, making sure our constituent services are top notch, and they are. I'm so proud of my team and my staff and how they serve people here in my district. That's my biggest focus. And and now that I've been let go of these committees where you can't do anything literally at all, UM, I've been starting my network and the network is pretty amazingly all fifty states, so that's gonna be a lot of fun. I've got a lot of playans going forward to get around. UM. I'll also be going all over Georgia because I want I want to see Georgia win, and I want to see Republicans win all over the country. So that's what I'm focused on. And then I'm also excited to say I'm starting a book because I feel like I've got a lot of inside knowledge that I really want to share with people like you that may have a future in politics, and and my experience and what I've been through and being just almost pretty much canceled, canceled from my committees and only thirty five days. You've got to be a big threat to the left to be for them to come after you. Got hard. Yeah, you've been through the fire for sure. And one thing I think it is that is the biggest takeaway from everyone for all this UM. People know, the people that spend deciding, the people that gave you up because they were so desperate productation. UM. But also the hypocrisy there is and people want to toss you out of the committee. But where were they when alan Omar decided to describe not eleven is just a thing that happened, right? Where were they when AFC lied about where she was during the Capito Hill riots for quest attention? You know, what are we going to toss her out of committees? And so my my call has been, you know, on day one when we re take the majority in two, Kevin probably should be the same. This is the pressing they said, you know, they want to talk people out because they disagree with them or because the things they said years ago. That's the cancel culture we want to live in. Let's talk about what Aos is saying now, so what elon Omar is saying now, Let's talk about the fact that she literally defended in an enemy combatants of war like that was These are the comments that she's made publicly and hasn't apologized for yeah, you apologize to the comments. You mate, Um, you've come in terms with that, and that's and that's something that we should commend. You know, we either live in society governed by grace or I think a lot of us have a lot to worry about, you know, want we lose that grace right, that people aren't redeemable, that people are mistaking as long they make one mistake. I don't know how we continue to govern or really comfortably live in a society. It doesn't allow any type of path redemption. But what I will say is that in your fight, there are so many people who are walking you, who are energized by you, and uh, we really appreciate all the good work you're doing. And I appreciate you so much for taking the time and joining us here today. Well, thank you, c J. I'm I'm really happy I could come on your show and keep up the hard work and keep being bold and strong with your voice. It's so we we need you. We definitely need you now and we need you in the future. So I'm very proud of you. Thank you so much. Hey, guys, c J. Pierson here, join us right here on Apple Podcast, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast, for the same hard hitting truth, because we'll never stop fighting for you. Right here, I'm c J. Pierson Concensor. C J Pierson uncensored part of the English Sweet sixt