It's time for a little kindness! Hear what happened at a restaurant drive-thru that was so kind, it might stir your heart toward doing the same. A man saw the need of a neighbor and sprang into action. Have you been the recipient of something like that in a difficult time? Don't miss the encouragement and tell your kindness story on Chris Fabry Live.
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They say kindness is a lost art these days. You can't find it anywhere. Well, I beg to differ. You might have to look for it, but it's there. I have a couple of stories for you. And then I want to hear from you today. Have you seen any kindness on display lately? Call me early today. I want to get your kindness story to everybody listening. The number is (877) 548-3675. Program it in your phone. Tell me the kindness you've experienced. You saw someone show it to you. You were able to show it to somebody else or it was displayed. Tell us your story. (877) 548-3675 or answer on Facebook. Find links at our website. Crisp, Trelleborg. You can also call our listener line send me an email but you need to do it quickly. Let's get as much kindness as we can in today's world at the radio backyard fence. Let me thank our kind team. Ryan McConaughey doing all things technical. Trish is our producer. Gabby is in the chair. Anthony will be answering your calls today. And since it's Friday. That's right. It's time for the fabulous fabric Friday saw. Here's what it does one. We oxygenate your blood. Two, we get your endorphins going. Three, we raise your serotonin level. Four we promote lymphatic drainage. In five, we stimulate your parasympathetic system. That's why we call it the five love languages. We also stimulate your vagus nerve. We help you release acetylcholine. And don't you dare forget what it does to cortisol dissipation. Take in four seconds of air through your nose right now. Hold it for seconds. Thousand, 1000. And then as you release that air through your mouth, push on the left side of your rib cage to get rid of all that bad carbon dioxide today, give a sigh for the kindness of family, friends, and even strangers. Have you seen the video? A few years ago, the police officer, he pulls a young man over looks like a teenager. He's going for a job interview. He doesn't know how to tie his tie, and the officer ties it at the traffic stop. That's kindness. Have you had someone in another car cut you off? And instead of yelling and gesturing when you got next to them at the stoplight, you smiled at them. That's kindness. Through the storms, we've seen kindness in the aftermath. The cleanup. Where have you seen kindness? The Fabulous Fabric Friday sale is brought to you by the kind people of Moody Radio, this station and kind County, Connecticut. All rights reserved. There really isn't a kind county in Connecticut, but I think there ought to be. Don't you? Wouldn't it be nice to live in a town named kind? Look over there. There's a kind mail carrier, and there's the kind mayor. There goes a kind schoolteacher going off to work driving the speed limit. There's one of the kind pastors in town. And look at all the kind babies. The kind police officers and the kind bus driver. Every election. They have kind Democrats and kind Republicans working the polls and kind independents. This is the world I dream about. How about you? The idea for that came from a town in my home state of West Virginia. The town is big, ugly. Two words. Big, ugly. And and you can extrapolate from that. You know, there's the big ugly bus driver. There's the big, ugly police chief. The big ugly mayor. The big ugly radio host. The idea about kindness came to me over the summer, and I've added stories since then. The first email that made this bubble to the surface is from a listener who writes. A couple of years ago, we decided to try to fix something on the other side of our backyard fence. That side belongs to the city. The city council decided to stop mowing the property. My wife and I felt that would be a mistake, as rodents would multiply in that area and become a problem for our vegetable and flower gardens. It was a fairly big piece of land, but I voluntarily began voluntarily began mowing it with our push mower. That got to be a task. So this past spring, I decided to look for a good used riding mower and I found one. I've always loved tractors and have dreamed of owning a full size antique. One day that likely won't happen. So in the meantime, I'm enjoying my garden tractor mower. I've been mowing that property all summer. Now, earlier this summer I noticed the city inspector checking out various houses. Can you imagine being a city inspector in Big Ugly? I saw him checking out various houses in the neighborhood. Turns out he was looking for residents who weren't keeping their lawns mowed according to city requirements. Three homes near us were tagged for grass height violations. Uh, and they were given one week to clean things up or be fined. I noticed that the elderly couple, three houses down, received a notice. When the inspector left, they immediately began trying to clean up their yard. The man pushed his electric mower very slowly. The lady was using a walker. She painstakingly attempted to clear overgrown grass from their mailbox area. I walked over and asked about the citation. Of course, she wasn't pleased to have received it. Used some colorful language. She explained that she had just had hip replacement surgery, and her husband has bad asthma, and wasn't supposed to be out in the heat of the day. It was becoming increasingly difficult for them to maintain their lawn. So I waved and I went on home and went back and drank some ice. No, I realized I had another opportunity to use my riding mower and volunteered to mow their lawn for the rest of the season. Of course, they were very grateful. It's been a fun mowing ministry for me and I love to use my snowblower after a heavy winter blows my snow blowing ministry. So that is story number one. He was kind and I found out later that his riding mower wouldn't fit through the gate in their back yard, so he had to use the push mower. So be careful when you're kind. It might call more from you than you know. That's our first kind of story. Our second is from my pal Sarah. Chris, I always enjoy hearing your programs. I especially enjoy when you open the phone lines. I had an idea for a program this morning as I was passing by a fast food restaurant three years ago when my husband, Steve, was first hospitalized. I had spent the night with him and was on my way home. I was trying to understand what was happening. I drove up to the window of a fast food restaurant and was asked, how can I help you? That's when I lost it. I began to cry uncontrollably. And you can understand she's coming back from the hospital. She's tired. She's going through this with her husband. I pull my car into a parking space, laid my head on the steering wheel, and gave way to my grief. Suddenly, there was a gentle tapping at my window that reminds me of Po. Suddenly there came a tapping. I looked up and saw two young women. One had a hot cup of coffee. The other was holding a warm cinnamon roll. Their kindness was like a warm blanket on a cold day. They wouldn't let me pay. The memory of their kindness still warms my heart. I think of it every time I drive past that restaurant. It reminds me of the power of kindness. As I reflected on that, I've thought about what the Bible teaches about kindness, and two things stand out for me. First, love is kind. Secondly, kindness is a fruit of the spirit. I think kindness is like a taste of heaven. Kindness is like a cinnamon roll. Often I'm overwhelmed by the suffering around me. I feel completely inadequate to do anything. And then I remember how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. God is love. Love is kind. Even the smallest act of kindness to a stranger can be an opportunity for us to fulfill God's will. So today Sarah writes, my prayer is that I might be kind and tender hearted to those I encounter, whether I know them or not. I'd love to hear how the kindness of a stranger has impacted others. Maybe just kindness, period. I appreciate the way you listen to callers. It makes the world a kinder place. See it Sarah. Sarah even gets in a little bit of encouragement there in her kind. That was very kind, Sarah. That's what we're going to do today. I just want to take the hour. It's just you and me. Tell me about the kindness you've seen. You've observed the kindness you experienced firsthand, like Sarah did. And my listening friend who went out and who mowed the grass for a couple. They were in a little bit of trouble. The kindness you extended not to boast. This is not a competition here today. But call me. (877) 548-3675. All kind, all the time. Right here at the radio backyard fence. Go to the website. You can reach us that way. You can answer on Facebook. Many of you are doing that. Now let's go to Chris Fabry But the best way I want to hear your voice, I want to hear it in your voice. (877) 548-3675. Talking about kindness today at the radio backyard fence. Just you and me and some kind stories. Things you've done, things that people have done for you or things that you've observed, Vicki says on Facebook in the aftermath of Helene and Milton down here in southwest Florida, I'm seeing kindness clean up meals, housing. Our church has relief workers, Samaritan's Purse, local groups just helping their own neighbors and friends. Maybe some some storm stories today of kindness. How about you? Ronnie is in Davie, Florida. Hey, Ronnie, tell me why you called. Well, I'm not hearing Ronnie Ryan. Okay, good. I thought it was just me. Uh. All right, Ronnie, you hang on there. Let me go to Gloria in Chicago. Gloria, tell me a kindness story.
Um. Well, um, this is to testify what God has done and can do in our lives. Friday. Um. Last Friday, I lost my job. And Sunday, after church, I went to Walmart. And as I was checking out, a man came behind me and asked me, did you see a bag here? And I said, no, there was nothing here. And he insisted, like, are you sure you didn't see a bag? I forgot my bag and I said, no, there was nothing here. So he left and then he came back and he's like, did you see anybody in front of me? And at this point I'm like, you know what? No. You know, I didn't see nothing. No. You know. So he left. And, um, as I got as soon as I got home, guess what? I did find something. There was a gift card of $100, and there was a birthday card. Me and my human, I would have said, oh, God, you just blessed me with $100. But no, I did what I'm supposed to do. I called Walmart and I said, hey, uh, I accidentally brought a bag that's not mine. And the lady in the Walmart said, oh my God, is this the gift card? And I said, yes. Oh, wow. I can't believe you're calling back. And I said, why not? This is just the right thing to do, isn't it? They're like, yeah, but we can't believe this guy was so upset. And, um, but let me call my manager, see if they got his number. I said, yes, give him my number. Tell him I got his bag. I'll give it back to him. Um, well, yes. This man call me, call me back and said, yeah, you have my bag. And I said, yes. He goes, you know, you make me see humanity in a different way. When he said that, I was like, wow, thank you God. Thank you Lord, because we don't know what he's going through or what he has experienced in life that he got used me to show him. Yes, there's kind people. Well, we met, he said, um, let's meet in 30 minutes. Okay? We got to Walmart and I said, I'm out here. When he went and I gave him the bag, he said, um, because I had mentioned to him, oh, well, you know, I could have kept it because it's my birthday's coming. And he started laughing. But I was just joking, right. So when I gave him the bag, he pulls the gift card on his out and says, here, Gloria, happy birthday. And I'm like, what? No. Oh my God. You know, it's like, okay, but it's not. It doesn't end here. You know, when God blesses you and after me, it's like he's blessing him. He's blessing me. Little does he know that I lost my job. So when he left, I texted, I gave him, I texted him, but in voice. I said, you know, you don't know me, but this and this, this is to testify what God can do for you. I lost my job, I said, but I know, my God. You being there for me, blessing me. He's going to bless you too. And I said, by the way, I'm a caregiver. So if you have anybody that knows that that you know that needs a caregiver, let me know. Well, in the morning he texted me. He goes, I might not be able to, you know, to give you a job as a caregiver, but I'm a manager of a big company. I'm not going to say the name, but it's a big company and I can give you any position you want just because you show me you your kindness, because there is not a lot of people like that. So now I have a job in a very good company. This is what my God can do. This is all my God. So to me that that. That's awesome. You know, to know that that we can, you know, just. He didn't have to give me the gift card. He didn't have to give me a job. Just when he said, I see people different, I see humanity different. That to me was like, thank you, God. That's all I wanted to hear. That made my day, because I know that God uses us to be that, that that light out there where people don't know, don't know him. So now he said, um, I'm here. Whatever you need, Gloria, you let me know. Whatever is in my power, I will do for you. I'm like, oh my God. So that's my that's my testimony.
Well, it is a there's a there's a praise in there. You know, even if you hadn't gotten the job or if he hadn't given you $100, there's, there's something just just those words that he spoke to you about humanity and about other people. For him to be able to see that, you know, and you maybe to do it takes it. It takes faith in a certain sense and it takes obedience. I'm not going to take something that's not mine, but it also takes faith that you could have worked it around in your mind. You know, here's $100 that I need, and I need to pay this or get groceries or whatever. You know, you could have worked it out. Is that. No, that's not mine. It's not mine to give. I'm going to be faithful and I'm going to trust. See, that's trust. That's faith that even though I've got this in my hands, it's not mine. So I'm going to give it back. Do everything. You drove over so we could do a whole program of just what happened at Walmart.
Yes, yes. What is this guy doing at Walmart? He's got God ordains God. That is God.
So when do you start, Gloria? Have you already started the job?
No, they're waiting because I need a background check. But the job is mine. Yeah, the job is mine. It's already mine. Because. God, God, God, you know, God did it. God made it happen. But like I told him, I got to share with him. I said, look what you're doing to me. Let's go. God. God made this happen. And and it shows, you know, like says Jeremiah 33 three, I said, God is about to bless you too. Why? Because when you bless somebody, God blesses that person. Sometimes it's not about you. It's about God trying to bless that other person.
Yes, I said, well, he did. He's already done it. He's already done it. But this, you know, this fellow is like, thank you for that. That meeting, whether he had, you know, attributed it to God or not. Thank you for that meeting that showed me humanity and somebody, you know. Okay, so Gloria starts us off. I don't think I said this was not a competition, but I don't think we I don't think we can top that. Uh, that is such a great story, Gloria. God bless you, friend. Thank you for calling in here. I'm so happy about your job to God and the gift card. You could call this program God and the gift card. Uh, Mary's in Indiana. Mary, tell me why you called today.
Well, mine is a very simple story about how, um. I was blessed by someone. I was in the emergency room with my daughter. Um, and I was asking where I could get some water, and a nurse was just walking by, and she said, I got you. And just those words are. And that environment just made such an impact. Yes. That I try and use it now in my own life.
And what what she meant by that is I see you, I see your need. I know the thirst. You stay there. I'm going. I'm going to fill this need. Right. Fill your cup.
Exactly, exactly. You know, she didn't have to do that. I'm sure she was busy. Yeah, but she said, I got you.
And there are so many people we see every day, Mary, who need that and who can't. Who can't say it, you know. And maybe they're they're angry about something or they're bitter about something, and it comes out that way rather than the way that you expressed it. And I wonder if there's more of us that could say, I got it, I got you to them, rather than being mean back to them or, you know, just walking away because it's a little hard. Uh, that's a really good word. Three and it was. Did you say I got you or I got it?
She said, I've got you, I got you, you know I have you, I've got you, and I have got, you know, they were very impactful. She could have said any other number of things and still got me the water. But it was those words.
You know that burden I all you know and I look for. How are we on these kind of programs? I look for a way what gets us to the gospel? Because I believe in transformation. I believe in the gospel. But isn't. Isn't that what God says to us in the midst of our sin, in the midst of our distance from him, the chasm between holiness and what we know you know, righteousness and sinfulness, that chasm. God says, I got you. And he does for us. We could never do for ourselves. We cannot because we're not holy. And he is so. Only he could do that for us. And he made the way. You see where? See what? How kind. The heart of God is to show us that. Mary. God bless you, friend. I got you exactly what you said. I have got you. So that's four words instead of three. Yvonne is in Sarasota, Florida. Tell me, how you doing? Yvonne?
I'm fine. How are you?
I'm doing well. Thanks for calling.
I happen to be native of Tucson, by the way.
Oh, really? Where?
In November to meet me. My my 86 year old daughter and my family.
Where do you where did you grow up? In the town I.
Grew up, um, well, no, on on River Road and Craycroft.
I know River and Craycroft. Absolutely. Yeah. There's, uh, I lived.
There, but the house got, um. It got. What do you call that when you can't pay the mortgage? Repossess was there. Yeah, yeah. And then my my, my mom passed away in 2002. So I'm a native from Tucson, and I'm going there every November until my dad passes away.
Ah, well, you enjoy the trip. It's going to be really nice in November. It's been hot here. Yeah. As you know, in Florida. Two hours.
Two hours. That's right. Instead of three. Well, now wait a minute.
In my story is.
Hang on a minute. Hang on. I got to get. Got to go back to this in. You're coming in November, is that right?
Yeah, the second week. Okay. And I might come in December to help. A friend is having knee surgery.
Maybe the second week you'll only be two hours behind eastern because Arizona stays.
Sunday. We change.
Yes, exactly.
We changed the clocks back.
All right, we cleared that up. Now you tell me why you called.
Well, I'm an observer, and sometimes you can't observe what you think you see, but this doesn't happen anymore. I saw a gentleman, and I assumed it was her husband. Opened the car door for her. And so I said, I saw that, and he goes, he does it every single time.
Did they smile when you said, I saw that?
Yeah. I only know one other husband that does that. I went to church with somebody a long time ago, and he opens the car door for his, um, his wife all the time, and I. Tuesday I'll be married 41 years, and my husband doesn't even open the door for me.
Haha. Well, opening the.
Door for somebody is out the door. That never happens anymore.
Well, um, off the air. You give me his number, I'll call him and tell him to do that. No, I've got to do that. I just don't know anybody's number.
I don't know those two numbers.
Just that simple thing of opening the door for somebody else. And I've seen the other day, I saw the same thing. It was in an area where a lot of retired people are, and there was an older couple, and they were moving a little slower, and I think it was a grocery store. They were going into the grocery store and her hand was down by her side, her left hand and his right hand was down by his side, and he just inched it over just a little bit and took her hand in his. And I wanted to say, you love birds. Stop it, or something along those lines. But you got to be careful with, you know, I didn't want to scare him, but it was it was just a sweet, sweet thing to see that there are kind people out there just like you.
I can tell you another little story. When my when my older son, my brother, who's a year younger than me, when we're on the dinner table and somebody walks in the room, he'll stand up.
Okay. Yes. When you walk in the room.
I don't see anybody. I don't see anybody do that.
No, no. And or take your hat off. You know, the men would take their hat off when a woman walked in the room. Uh, and, yeah, we live in a different time. And so that will stand out. Or you're walking into the area where the the windows, the doors come open, the automatic doors come open, and a man will let a woman behind him go through. Now, some people, you know, that's sexist. That's terrible. I think it's kind. I'm sorry if you disagree. It's all right. You go ahead and do it kindly. But you. Yvonne. Thank you. April is in Chicago. April, can you tell me what you called about?
Yes I can. Hi. Um, yesterday I was crossing a very busy street here in Chicago. Um, many lanes of traffic, and I saw an elderly woman as I was stopped at the light across the street trying to cross. She didn't get a yard before she had missed her opportunity. She had two big black bags. Um, and then she started backing up back to the curb, and I was like, oh, God, please send somebody to help her. And as I was driving by, I thought, that's me. And so I went up like a half a block and pulled into a parking lot and, um, ran back to her and asked her, is it okay if I help? And she said, thank you, I would appreciate that. And we got across the street and she was going to an ATM, AT&T. And, um, I helped her up the stairs and I'm so happy I was there because, um, there were like 4 or 5 stairs, and I pulled the bag up for her. And as I helped her inside the store, she tried to give me some money. And she said. And I said, no, not necessary. And she said, you better take your blessing. And I let her know that I kissed her on the cheek and let her know that the blessing was helping her.
Oh, that's going to be so. Somebody needed to hear that. Somebody driving by somebody right now. Pull over. Do what April did. This is Chris Fabry live. We're talking about kindness today. Could you do me a favor? Be kind. Go to Chris Fabry Won't take long. And then right there on the home page, click the connect link. I went there earlier and there is such a wealth of information. One thing I learned down at the bottom of the page. There are several blogs that told me October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. Didn't know that. I also saw the staggering numbers click by Lives Saved since 2008. You got to see that number. There's information about the pregnancy centers that Carenet has, the national hotline, the way Carenet is engaging churches to go front line on their pro abundant life approach. The big news this month we talked with the president and CEO of Carenet, Rolland Warren. Earlier on October 1st, his new book released, The Alternative to Abortion Why We Must Be Pro Abundant Life. And it is. I think it is a game changer. It is. It is a different, um, approach to the abortion issue than I've ever seen. Be kind. Click the green Care Net button link there Chris Fabry You'll find out more about Carenet. There may be somebody that you know who needs to know about. Clarinet. So you'll have the the link right there. Go to Chris Fabry live click. The green clarinet link today. Um, Ronny called a little earlier and we didn't get. Her message, but the note here said I helped a little lady across the parking lot. Today, and that's all. And you know, it doesn't. Kindness is not this huge thing that has to. You know, blow the trumpet. It can be. It can just be in, like, April. I pulled over a half block. Came back. I helped her across the street. It was such a blessing to the the older woman, but also for April. And she said, I heard a pastor talking about that. You have to have an eye for blessing, meaning you have to keep your eyes open in order to see the people out there to be kind to, you have to be observant to be able to to do that. So. Oh, God, open my eyes. Help me to see who needs a little kindness. Dales in Aurora, Illinois. Hi, Dale.
Good afternoon.
Great to talk with you. Tell me, what kindness thing do you want to talk about?
Well, I just had an experience last night that as I was hearing your program, it just brought it back to me. I'm the finance chair of my church, and occasionally we will help members with a particular bill. And I was paying a bill for a woman. It was a utility bill that was like $65. And with every intention initially that I'm going to get reimbursed for it. And I paid the bill online and within, Literally within about three minutes, I got two commission checks got deposited to my account.
Were within $0.20 of the amount that I had just given away.
God is the God of nickels and dimes, isn't he? Isn't it great?
Yeah, I will I will not turn that, uh, that bill in for reimbursement. Isn't that to to the church? Because God already reimbursed me.
You know, you need to talk with Rob West because Rob has these kinds of stories, too, you know, on on faith and finance live. And and he he tells me he I saw him a couple of weeks ago and he said just the stories of the people who, when and and and the people who give the people who are kind to others. It's almost like you get more out of it than the people whose bills are being paid. Mhm.
Oh yeah. And this was a small thing, and frankly, I don't need the money. Yeah, but it was just amazing to me how many times it's happened that God just instantly can replace something you've given away.
I'm really glad, Dale, that you got through today. May your tribe increase. I'm thinking of George Sweeting today. And his never resisted generous impulse. And like April said, you know, I prayed for somebody to take her across the street. And then I realized, well, here, here am I, here am I parked me. And so she gets out and she goes, God will find a way, even with the even with that, you know, the gift card. You know, this must be from the Lord. No, this is not mine. Marsha in Muncie, Indiana. Hi, Marsha. How are you doing today?
Hi, Chris. I'm. Well, I don't want to say. Oh, I'm good, but I am having a few problems. But I just had to call.
Well, wait, wait. What's going on? What's. I mean, you don't have to be, but it was like.
Uh. Well.
The main thing going on in my life is I recently had to start dialysis, so that's the biggest thing. But I've been real sick for about two weeks and I've been laying around in bed, and so it's caused something to happen in my body. It's like, I can't I don't have any strength. I can't hardly walk, um, without my race car, which which really is a walker. And I don't want to say that because then it makes me feel like I'm old. But anyway, your race daughter.
I like that.
Yeah. My daughter has been staying with us and she's been helping. And she said, mom, I think you've had a small stroke because a couple of weeks ago I fell off my porch and I hit my head real hard. And we did have it checked out and it wasn't. Um, they said it was okay. I mean, it was it had been bleeding and it hurt, but they said it didn't appear to have any effects on me. Well, last night I was getting out of my car, and I fell backwards, and I banged my head again. And after that, like this morning when I tried to get up, I couldn't even push myself up off the bed. And so that's when my daughter got really nervous. And so I'm going to be going to the hospital after it. So anyway, that's there's other things too. But that was like I said, the main thing.
No, that's a real. All right. Well, there are people around the country who will be praying for you, Marcia. And the the whole dialysis thing. Are you thinking transplant? Is that a possibility for you?
Yeah, I'm. I'm getting ready to get on the list.
Good. So good.
And it's been hard because there's all kinds of things that happen when you are weak and on dialysis. And I can't get out and do a lot of stuff that I usually do. And I told my husband, if it wasn't for you, I don't know if I'd be here. Because he waits on me hand and foot. But the biggest thing is I can't ride my motorcycle right now. So that's really bugging me.
There's the kindness coming in your husband. But I see on the screen, too, that there was a nurse who put his hand on your arm. Is that. Is that true?
Yes. I was in the hospital for something. I had had one of my toes taken off. Oh, yeah, that's another thing. I'm diabetic. So they wheeled me down into the dialysis center there at the hospital, and, um, I had been kind of dozing off, and there was someone that put their hand on my arm, and I. I kind of. You know, leaned over and looked and it was this, this male nurse and I. I couldn't believe it. I said, you do not know how that made me feel. He said, that was like the first act of kindness to anyone in the hospital shown me. I said, they're taking care of me physically, but no one's ever really acted like they cared about me. Yes. And when he did that, it was just the greatest thing. Because, I don't know, it just made me feel like he. He could have put a warm blanket on me, but it wouldn't have felt as good as him touching me like that.
Well, it says, like Sarah mentioned earlier, that the cinnamon roll, you know, that was given by the the ladies who came out and knew that she was struggling with her husband and being in hospital, that it was like this was like bread, bread from heaven.
You know.
And the and the touch of another person. There's something about the touch of, of someone, especially if that's your love language. But even even if it's not, there's something about that human connection. Um, next Tuesday, we're going to air a conversation with a friend of mine. Her name is Carol, and she had a kidney transplant about, I don't know, 15 years ago or so. Changed her life. And she's she's not doing as well now. And so you're going to hear her story next Tuesday. But I want to pray for you, Marsha. Father, you know, everything that's going on in Marsha's life right now. Sounds like there's just a lot of things. And she got some people in her life who really love her, really care for her family members, her husband. Thank you for that. And for her daughter. And this male nurse who just reached a hand out and touched her. Would you do the same? Would you envelop her in your care and your mercy and your grace and your love and your kindness, and use this next series of events and whatever happens in the hospital. Use this to draw her closer to you so that she will not only experience that kindness and that love, but feel it as you've experienced it to us through your son and through your spirit. I pray that in the name of Jesus. Amen. Marcia. God bless you. Thanks for reaching out for your vulnerability here today. Somebody need to hear your situation, your story. You're very kind to share it with us. We'll hear more stories of kindness straight ahead on Moody Radio. Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the A scornful, but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in the law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither. And whatever he does shall prosper. There's a reason why the book that we're sending as a thank you this month has a tree on the front of it, and it's because of that in Psalm one, he shall be like a tree. And if you look closely at it, if you look at it from across the room, it's like, well, there's a tree and there's the reflected tree in the water by the by the river there. But if you look closely, you see the tree is made up of words from that psalm. And it's the art that Heather Holdsworth put together in a really low point of her life landscape of Hope is this hardcover. It looks like a coffee table book. It really is a great coffee table book, but don't leave it on the coffee table. Pick it up, read it yourself, go through it, meditate, and then start doing this kind of art yourself in some way. Whatever God has gifted you with. If you give a gift of any size to Chris Fabry, live. If you're kind to us, I would love to send it to you. 86695 Faberry or Chris Fabry live. Org you know the drill. If you've never given before, this would be a great day. The 18th of of October. Eight. Six. Six. Nine. Five. Fabry. Or Chris. Fabry. Live. Org. Brian's in Wisconsin. Hi, Brian. How are you doing today?
I'm doing okay. Chris, it is so wonderful to talk to you. Um, I spoke with you last week when you were discussing things about, uh, things you wear in remembrance of other people, and I was, I was so blessed by that program and I have just been glorious story to start off, this program was incredible and I just praise God for hearing that.
I love glorious lost job and and gift card, but it says here on my screen that there's there's a nursing home that you've been visiting. Is that right?
Yes. My, uh, my wife 18 months ago. I'm going to cry. Probably again. I do it every day. But she suffered a brain injury 18 months ago. And living in a nursing home now for more than a year. And, um. And I asked for prayer for her. But the residents there at that nursing home, 95% of them don't have any visitors or anybody to support them or help them in any way. I've seen that over this last year and it may be not a good thing, but what? Cigarettes for many of them, week after week after week, cost me probably $75 or more a week that I've been giving to these people. What? I care for them and I've got to to make friends there. I've shared the gospel with people and people that have known or do know Christ as their Savior, to reinforce them in their faith. As as you said earlier, it isn't about boasting about what I've done. It's just God has used me, despite this difficulty with my wife, Yeah. To touch other people's hearts with his love for his glory. Mm.
I'm glad that God has has had you in that place. And your eyes are open, you know, to the needs and the people. And tell me. Tell me the first name of your wife.
Her name is Karen. Karen.
All right. There's going to be people around the country praying for you, Brian and Karen. Father. You know, Karen's situation like we've just talked about. You know exactly where she is. You know, the love that Brian has for her and how much he wants to express that. I can hear it in his voice. And the way that you have used this situation in her struggle to to help him to reach out to the other people there. So thank you for his kindness. Thank you for how he has opened his eyes to all of those folks. And I pray for Karen. Now for a real to to vivify her a real, um, turnaround with with her life health wise, so that she can experience this and that they can have good conversations together and whatever that means, whatever it means to have have a turnaround. Would you do that? We're going to trust you no matter what happens in the situation. We're going to trust you and thank you for your kindness and your mercy and your glory. In Jesus name, Amen. Uh, Fran is in Indiana. Fran, why did you call today?
Hi, Chris.
How are you?
I'm doing well, thank you.
I want to tell you I love your program, and I feel your sincere, heartfelt prayers. And they're just beautiful. Thank you for your obedience. I my mind is going all different directions with your conversations today. But the first thing I called about was in April. My grandson, five years old, who wound up having to have a trach and a stomach tube put in when he was six months old, passed out for no apparent reason, and we wound up down in the hospital in Indianapolis. Riley Children's Hospital for a week on my daughter's birthday happened to be the day he got discharged, but we didn't know that that morning I had gone down to Indy to be with him. Went downtown Indy that I'm not familiar with Indianapolis and was looking for a chick fil A and found one, but it was on a busy road I parked. There's a meter there. I'm trying to get it to work. I can't get it to work. So I run inside to talk to the manager and he said, here, let me come and try and help you. So he came out. He couldn't figure it out either. Um, he said, stay in your car, tell me what you want. I started to pay him. He said, no, no, just tell me what you want. So I told him what I was wanting. He said, I don't want you to get your a ticket or get towed. So he went and got our food, brought it back out. I explained to him that it was my daughter's birthday, my grandson's in the hospital and he brought it all out and I would not let me pay. I said, oh, you just don't understand how much you just blessed us, because now I can go to the hospital and let my daughter know. Despite everything that's happening, God's still in control and he's blessing you with this. And I told the person I talked to earlier, I could spend your whole program telling you you were talking about the gentleman. My husband of almost 48 years now still opens the door for me. I go in first. He always opens the car door. We took our grandson, 17, on a trip a couple of years ago, and one of his pictures that he didn't show us until after we got home that he had taken, was a picture of my husband and I walking down the hall in the hotel, holding hands and it's like, wow, a 17 year old noticed the significance of that. You know, that is really awesome.
Oh, you got to frame that.
You got to frame that and put those one of those 3D type of things that they have now where you could, you know, turn it around and see it. There's the lines have been going all this hour. So I apologize to those who we didn't get to. A football team mate of our grandson lost his mother recently. His dad is in prison. He's living with his 20 year old brother. Our daughter in law started asking for gift certificates for food and gas. She fixed them a healthy meal, presented them with the gift cards. He was overwhelmed. It totaled more than $500. My husband was having trouble with his card yesterday at the store. The man behind him paid for his groceries. He came to the car and scraped together the cash and tried to give it to him before he drove off and he said, I don't want it. God bless this man. My 83 year old mom and I went to do early voting. Today she uses a walker. There was a bit of a line, but everyone was wonderful to us. Held open the doors, asked if we needed any help maneuvering through the tight space, and were patient that everything we did took extra time. We both felt greatly encouraged. When we left, Gabby said in the producer chair today, she said, this is like chicken soup on the radio. And I think so too. So if you didn't get your kindness story in, we've got a phone line you can call. Leave your message. We'd love to hear it. 86695 Fabbri. Send an email and come on back next week. Hey, we're going to appreciate pastors on Monday. Don't miss it. Chris Fabry Live is a production of Moody Radio, a ministry of Moody Bible Institute. Have a great weekend.