Enriched Lives Because of Down Syndrome

Published Mar 21, 2025, 8:11 PM

World Down Syndrome Day will be celebrated Friday, March 21. And on Chris Fabry Live, you'll have an open line to share how your family, your neighborhood, your school, your life has been changed by someone with Down Syndrome. How have you been enriched by someone who has an extra copy of chromosome 21? What you share might be just the encouragement someone needs. Don't miss the celebration on Chris Fabry Live.

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Made with Love video of Joy and Stephan

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Oh, I've been looking forward to this. Today at the radio backyard fence. I want to hear about the person in your life with Down's syndrome and how that person has made a difference for you. People have been answering that question on Facebook, and I love the fact that many of you are including photos. This is going to be a special day on Chris Fabry Live, because today three 2125 is World Down Syndrome Day chosen by the United Nations General Assembly a few years ago to symbolize the extra 21st chromosome that causes Down's. So take a few minutes out of your day to honor that person. You know, that person who has made the world a better place. Here's the number. (877) 548-3675. You can answer on Facebook. We have all the contact information at Chris Fabry live.org. Leave a voicemail if you would like to do that too. Just go to Chris Debris live org. Let me thank our team Ryan McConaughey doing all things technical. Trish is our producer. Lisa is in the chair. I think to hear us around two and Anthony will be answering your calls. And since it's Friday. That's right friend, it's time for the fabulous Faber Friday. Sigh what does it do Chris? One we oxygenate your blood. Two we get your endorphins going. Three we raise your serotonin level. Four we promote lymphatic drainage and five we stimulate your parasympathetic system. It's why we call it the five love languages. We also stimulate your vagus nerve. We help you release acetylcholine. And don't you dare forget what it does to cortisol dissipation. Taking four seconds of air through your nose right now. Hold it for seconds, and then as you release that air through your mouth, push on the left side of your rib cage to get rid of all that bad carbon dioxide. Give a sigh today for the interruptions that happen. We had one yesterday. I was talking with our guest before the program at the top of the hour. I began the conversation, though I didn't hear any theme music, and out of the corner of my eye on our video chat, I saw Ryan McConaughey waving, gesturing, trying to communicate because of a technical problem out of our control. He could not hear me. I could not hear him. You didn't hear anything. And I felt bad for the guests because I spoke with him later and he said, I thought I'd done something wrong. No he didn't. So today's fabulous Fab Friday is for the things outside of our control. No engineers were harmed in yesterday's audio catastrophe. We put the cat in catastrophe. It was something. I've been doing this program for almost 17 years. And what happened yesterday was the first time it had ever just. Everything looked fine. And then the technical problems come, but to be going along as usual. And then the trap door opens. That was a new one we have had, you know, those types of things happen, but you usually get a little it's not right as the program is starting. So good news is Doctor Jason Kolb, who was to be our guest yesterday, is going to join us a week from Monday. Don't miss it. It's going to be special, and it was the best open to a program I've ever done, by the way. And nobody, ever, nobody but me heard it. Well, me and Jesus, right? Uh, before we get to the topic, I want to tell you about Dennis, because you hear these conversations every day or most every day because of people who invest in the confabulatory exercise we call Chris Fabry live. Dennis reached out Wednesday and became a back fence partner, which means he's given a monthly gift. So he got my back fence post yesterday. It's a video we send out every Thursday. Thank you Dennis, and if you want to be like Dennis, become a partner. Give a gift each month. Just go to Chris Fabry live. Org not only do you receive that video each week and that's worth the price of admission, you also get a signed copy of The Promise of Jesse Woods, a novel I wrote an award winning novel. You receive our monthly gift if you want it this month, the new devotional from Doctor Warren Wiersbe Becoming new. And if you give it $30 or more each month, which is what Dennis did. Guess what? 50% off all Moody Publishers resources plus. But wait. There's more. You know, you're helping us bring these Kingdom conversations to you and others every day. So go to Chris Fabry live.org, become a backfence partner, or call the number 86695 Fabbri. (866) 953-2279. About 6000 babies with down syndrome are born each year in the United States, and World Down Syndrome Day is an opportunity to educate, to advocate and talk about the needs of people with down syndrome and highlight their unique abilities and contributions. Something like 200,000 people in the US right now are living with down syndrome. So my idea today is really simple. Call me and answer this question how has Down's Syndrome affected your life? (877) 548-3675. I want to hear from you in this hour. (877) 548-3675. First up, we contacted Jen, who is a mom of four. She's an educator by trade. She and her husband, Joe, live near Chicago with their kids. And if you go to our Facebook page, you will see a wonderful picture of Jen and her son, Jace. Jen, how are you doing today?

Hi. I'm doing really well. How are you?

I'm doing great. Since I get to talk about you and a special person in your life. So how do you answer? How has Jace affected your life?

Um, if. Yeah, he has affected our life in such a great way. Um, Jace was a wonderful surprise. We thought he's our fourth baby. We thought we were going to be done after three. And so having that fourth pregnancy was was a surprise. And then I found out during my pregnancy that there was a possibility that Jace was going to be born with down syndrome. So double surprise already before he was even born. Um, but, you know, just there's there's so much of that initial fear, um, when you first get that diagnosis, because we just live in a world where people just don't know much about disabilities in general, but especially about down syndrome. Jace is now three years old, and he is just like the love of our lives. We love him so much. He just brings us so much joy. He has helped shift my mindset into how I see humanity, how I see everyone being made in the image of God. Um, just puts things into perspective and um, I honestly can only say just good things after Having joy in our life.

Yeah. Um, Tricia said that one of the phrases that you used with her was homey with an extra chromosome. Is that right?

Yep, yep. Jace is our homey with the extra chromosome. Oh, we love it. If you ever if anyone ever gets the privilege of hanging out with someone with down syndrome or in the in a group of people with down syndrome, I mean, you are just going to be embraced with nothing but love and acceptance. Probably a few hugs are going to be thrown in there. Um, I'm sure there's going to be music and dancing at some point. Um, it's just it's just a party with Jace, and, um, I, you know, I can't complain. He's he's the youngest of my four kids, and my husband and I say all the time, we're like, he's honestly our easiest kid. I mean, like, yes, he does get upset. Yes, he throws tantrums, you know? Yes. We've had blow out diapers, all the things that we had with the other kids. But he really just kind of goes with the flow and and has a smile and is ready to dance and party, just like his his siblings were when they were younger, but even more so for him.

I want you to talk to the the person who man or woman who has the diagnosis and they hear downs, and they know that the percentages of termination that happen for down syndrome babies in utero. I want you to talk to that person and talk to the to the Christian person who had said I would never I would never consider abortion. But I'm disappointed. And I feel kind of bad about feeling disappointed, because maybe part of it is I just don't know. So think about that question. We'll take a quick break and we'll come back. And I want to hear from you, friend. Is there somebody in your life with downs Syndrome? How has that person affected you? The line is open for you right now. 6758775483675. On this World Down Syndrome Day on Chris Fabry Live. How has someone with down syndrome affected your life? Here's the number. (877) 548-3675. Jan Ganem is joining us today. She lives near Chicago's for kids. We're talking about her son Jace. Go to our Facebook page. You got to go to our Facebook page and see this wonderful picture of her and Jace. And you'll know exactly what we're talking about when she says, get lots of hugs and lots of smiles. But before we get back to that question that I gave you before the break, explain to me. World Down Syndrome day why is this important? How did it start?

Yeah, I'm so happy to share about this. So today, March 21st, is World Down Syndrome Day. And the reason why it is on this day is that a person who was born with down syndrome, the medical term is trisomy 21. And what that means is humans are born with two copies of our chromosomes. We get one from dad and one from mom. But a person with Down's syndrome has three copies of the 21st chromosome, hence the 321 March 21st. And so you'll probably see on social media or friends, um, anyone who's just celebrating World Down Syndrome Day, we rock our socks. So we'll wear fun socks. Not only because people with down syndrome are just just fun and such a blessing and so joyful, but because our chromosomes look like socks, if you were to look at them underneath a microscope. And so to celebrate on World Down Syndrome Day, we wear fun socks on our feet. So I was actually subbing at my son's school this morning, and it was really neat to see other teachers and students who've been wearing fun socks. And I've been getting text messages from friends throughout the day saying, we're rocking our socks and supportive J's and all his buddies. So we love it. J's and his buddies, they really are. I keep saying this, but the homies with the extra chromies.

That is, that's.

So good. And the whole thing about socks, it's like, wow. And so everybody can participate. All right. So oh yeah, back up then to when you first heard and when you heard the doctor wasn't sure. So there was like my might and it might not. They didn't know for sure. Right.

Yeah. Yeah. So I was pregnant with Jace when I was 30, the ripe old age of 36. So in the medical field that's considered advanced maternal age. And once you are over the age of 35, you automatically qualify for extra testing. And so one of those testings was a genetic testing. And no test is going to be 100% accurate. And so that's why they said, well, there's a 98% chance that your child will be born with down syndrome. Now that's a very strong percentage, but it's still not 100% guaranteed. And you know, I would be lying to you if I didn't say that. I was kind of holding on to that 2% hope. Like, well, maybe, maybe this is the test that there is a 2% error in. My baby does not have Down's syndrome. And regardless of whether or not our baby did have down syndrome, we knew we are keeping this baby like this baby is ours. This baby is a gift from the Lord. And no matter what, we're keeping this baby. But, um, I, you know, it was hard. It's hard because when you get pregnant, you just start to envision a life that you think will happen with this healthy baby. You know, no one goes into pregnancy, um, just thinking about an unhealthy baby. And so when we first got the diagnosis, there was a season of grieving, of grieving that child that you thought you were going to have. And I just want to say from my mama heart to any other mama or daddy heart that's out there, or grandma or grandpa heart, it is okay if you got a diagnosis, whether it's down syndrome or something else, and you're just grieving, that's healthy. That's we need to go through that process. We need to think those thoughts. And that doesn't mean that you're any less of a parent, and that doesn't mean that you're going to love your child any less. It's just it's human nature. Like, we we need to cry out to the Lord. We need to allow ourselves to feel those things. And so we did go through that. I even had really good Christian friends who, you know, they said, Jen, how should we be praying for to the Lord? Should we be asking God to take away down syndrome? And even then, before I knew anything about down syndrome, I just knew I said, this baby is already made in the image of God, and this baby is made the way that God wants his child to be made. I am just going to accept this baby in the way the Lord has intended this child to be made. And so I just, um, I love the verse. Psalm 139 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful. Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days were ordained for me in your book before one of them came to be. And I just clung to that verse because I, you know, I don't know what this baby's future will hold. I don't know what my future will hold after this baby comes. But the thing that I can hold on to is that the Lord is greater than it all, and that he knows it. And so I can just cling to the Lord and his goodness and his truth and his provision, and we'll figure it out day by day. Um, and so, um, no, so we didn't necessarily pray that God would take the Down's syndrome away. We were like, God, just prepare us for what's to come. And strangely enough, as I continued on with the testing, you know, my specialist doctor, he's like, there's certain marks that we look for in a baby with down syndrome, and your your baby isn't really showing a lot of those signs. And so truly it was until the day Jace was born. We were like, I don't know, is this kid going to have down syndrome or not? And when he was born, it was, um, confirmed that he did have down syndrome. And we're like, all right, like, thank you, God. And, um, and not to say that like, oh, since day one, it has been smooth sailing, you know, there there have been bumps along the road. Um, but I, I will say not in the way that I had anticipated prior to Jason's birth, you know, when you first get that diagnosis, because I personally didn't know anyone with down syndrome in my life. And so you kind of jump to that conclusion in our human fearfulness that my life is over, all my dreams are over. I won't be able to do anything. And you know, Jace is only three years old. But I have quickly learned that that simply wasn't true. We have. We've gone on vacation. My husband and I go on date nights. Still. I have so much fun with my other kids. I can still help out at schools and we go outside and we play with the neighborhood kids. So those fears that I had initially, I that there wasn't it. None of them are coming out to be true, if that makes sense.

Um, yes.

And something even just in preparing for this show today, I asked my husband and I even asked my kids. I'm like, you know, is it hard having a brother with Down's syndrome and my nine year old daughter? She's like, no, not any harder than my other brothers, you know? Jace comes over and knocks down my toys and pulls my hair. But I love him so much, mom. In fact, my kids could consistently say Jace is my favorite. Jace is the best. I'm like, guys, you can't say you have a favorite sibling that's going to hurt other people's feelings, but they're they're usually fighting over Jace because they just love him so much. But my husband would say the same thing. I asked him. I'm like, if, you know, if someone asked you what is hard about having a kid with down syndrome? What would you say? Because I couldn't even come up with an answer for myself. And he's like, I honestly don't know. I mean, he like I said before, he's been the easiest kid out of the four to raise because, um, I don't know. He's just such a content happy little guy. And he's our he's our snuggle bug. Like, he just looks you in the face, and I swear, it's like he's looking into your soul, and he's just. I, you know, he just loving you with every ounce of his being. So, um, how can you not want to be around someone like that? It's just. Yeah. So it's really good. But going back to a person who. Oh, sorry.

I think of.

This. Go on and on.

No. And and I love it. I love that because it's.

I'm catching a little bit of Jace from you and just your description. And you can see a picture of him on Facebook. You can see Jen and Jace together. But unbridled Joy, the ability and kids. Kids can get to this, you know, they don't. They haven't been beaten up by life. Like, you know, those old people have and become cynical and all that. Kids can get so excited about the smallest thing. And it sounds like Jace is that way too, that he is able to be immediately joyful no matter what's going on. Is that true?

Yeah, he I mean, I would say overall his demeanor is just one of joy and love. Um, he's and yeah, it's and he just continues to amaze us. You know, the the world will be quick to say, oh, someone with a disability, they just don't understand or they will never be able to do that. And and Jace continues to break barriers in ways and, and it's just so amazing as a family to see that because we celebrate every milestone together as a family, we do not take things for granted. I remember the first time Jace started feeding himself in a restaurant because, um, when you're born with a disability, you qualify for for therapy services. And so we were working in therapy for the first full year of his life to get him to use his hands, to feed himself, to use utensils. And he just really wasn't wanting to. And one day he's like, I'm going to start feeding myself. And we were at a restaurant and I just bawled. I'm like, look at him. He is feeding himself, you know? And I knew he would get there one day. But after just the work that we've been putting into it and seeing him do it, I'm like, thank you, God. So it's really a joy to get to celebrate each one of those things with him and get a front row seat in that.

I wanted people to hear your voice today, Jen. And you know, Jace is three now, so you know, you could we can talk in 30 years and you can tell us, you know, if I were still around, uh, in 30 years. You know what? Looking back, you know, what were some of the other difficulties and everything. And you're not saying you're not Pollyanna here to, you know, down syndrome is the one most wonderful thing in the world, and everybody is happy and there are no there's no problem. No, that's not true. But it's not true with anybody. It's not true with any of us. And so it sounds like what your kids have said and what you're saying, and your husband as well, is that there's something that has opened life up. There is there's almost the when Jesus said, I've come to give you life and give it abundantly. There's something about Jesus that has opened that window for all of your hearts. Is that true?

Yeah. For sure. I think it's just like as I've grown up in the Christian world my whole life, and I, I thought I had an awareness for people with disabilities, um, and just, just people who don't fall into the typical social norms, so to speak. Um, but really, it wasn't until I had the privilege of having a kid with a disability that I just saw the world through a different lens. You know, and and just all the things that I've been reading and researching now, I go out to places and I tend to go there and think, is everyone in the community feeling welcomed? Do they feel valued here? Do they have a chance to participate in here? And if not, why is that? You know, do we have accessible ramps for people to go up? Um, is this a place where people could easily access resources that others do? Is there a general assumption that if you come here, you need to be able to do X, Y, and Z? And if that's the case, then how can we change it so more people can feel welcomed and feel involved? And and going back to when I was first diagnosed with down syndrome, with my pregnancy with Jace, you know, why was I so afraid? And it's because I didn't know people with down syndrome. And I just have to think, why? Why not? You know, I now I know so many wonderful children and adults and family members who are on the down syndrome community. But I just look back to my prior 35 years of life and I said I, I missed out on so much, you know, and and if it wasn't for Jace, I would have missed out on this world forever. And it makes me so sad to think that. And so whether or not someone has a family member or a friend who has a disability or they're recently getting a pregnancy diagnosis, you know, even if you have no personal connection to the disability world, I just encourage everyone out there, if you don't have people like that in your life, change that. Like get to know someone in the disability world. Get to know someone who is different from you because the Bible makes it so clear that every single person is made in the image of God. Every single person has value and purpose. And if we don't know all the people in God's kingdom, then how can we truly know who God is? You know, his character is being reflected in all of us. And so if you just limit yourself to one people group, you're really just cheating yourself there.

Mhm. That's so good to hear Jen and I have one more question for you. Um, Tricia sent me a note and it says assume competence of the family member with Down's syndrome. What does that mean when you assume competence?

Yes. Just assume that they're going to do it. Don't put them into boxes. Don't put them in. Don't limit them before they've even had a chance to prove us wrong. Um, so, I mean, that just goes for for everything. So I, I think, like when it comes to the school setting, when it comes to extracurriculars, when it comes to feeding yourself, you know, you name it instead of saying, oh, you know, my child can't do that yet or my, you know, let's let's put this child in this type of classroom because simply they have down syndrome. No, let's assume that they can be in a classroom with their peers. Let's assume that they can attend Sunday school with their peers. Let's assume that they can go to gymnastics class or you name it, um, and, and go from there because the child themselves, they're, they're not going to lose anything by us assuming competence. If anything, we're all just gaining so much more. I mean, the, the person with a disability, they'll learn alongside their peers. But on the flip side, their peers are going to learn from that person who has a disability. So full circle, we are just all learning and benefiting when again, we have all members of society just doing life together instead of splitting us off into groups based off of our ability and our assumptions.

Oh, I love it, I love it.

You see, I feel like you just you coming on here and talking about Jace. We felt a little of his hug around our neck today. You've done that?

Yes. It's so great.

And if you go to the Facebook page, we have a picture of Jen and Jace right there where you can see them real close together. Uh, you're a treasure, Jen. Thank you for spending this time and telling us a little bit about your life. And I'm praying that there's somebody who needed to hear from a mom today who heard your voice. Thanks for being with us.

Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. And if I can just add to, um, I am more than happy to to talk to anyone or pray to for anyone who may have questions or anything, because I've been there. And so, um, yes. Like, yeah, either reach out to me or get connected in some way whenever we're on our own and we just connect, that's when fear just really feels so real and heavy and that's not okay. Don't stay in there.


Well, and it's that community that you're talking about that you have now that and you have to go and find that it could be in your church or in your community, or just somebody who's going to listen to you. That's Jen. That's her story. Now it's your turn. And I see a lot of people on the line at eight, seven, seven, five, four, eight, three, six, seven, five. Is there somebody in your life with down syndrome syndrome? Have they made a difference in your life? I want to hear your story. (877) 548-3675. More straight ahead. It is World Down Syndrome Day, and we're celebrating today at the radio backyard fence. How has someone with down syndrome affected your life? You got to go to the Facebook page. A lot of great stories there and a lot of great pictures, including Jen and Jace, that we talked with just a minute ago. But I want to hear from you. (877) 548-3675. Karis is up first in Illinois. Karis, why did you call today?

Hi. I have identical twin boys, both with Down's syndrome, Judah and Jesse.

Judah and I gotta write this down. I gotta write all the names. So this Jace, Judah and Jesse. How did you come up with those names?

You know, we had liked the name Judah for a while, and we thought we were just having one baby. I went in for my 20 week ultrasound and found out that there were two babies. And so it kind of changed things, and we were looking for another name. We wanted it to be a biblical name and, um, really liked the name Jesse.


What do you say to the person? Did you find out about the diagnosis before they were born?

No, we actually didn't find out until they were two weeks old.

Oh, wow. Okay.

They had Down's syndrome.

What have you learned? How have they affected your life?

You know, I would say one of the biggest ways is that they've taught me to slow down and to celebrate all the little moments. It's taken them longer to learn things like eating and sitting up, crawling, walking, talking. And we celebrate all of those moments, no matter how long it takes. Um, you know, I've always personally been a perfectionist and an achiever, struggling to often see my worth and what I can accomplish or contribute. So having two sons now with Down's syndrome has shown me in a really tangible way, that God's heart for his children is not that they have worth because of what they can achieve, but simply for being his children made in his image.


And how do you learn that? How do you learn that unless you, you know, you go through something and you're not saying. that Jan wasn't saying Down's syndrome is the greatest thing. It's a wonderful thing and no problems or anything. You have struggles. You have daily struggles, especially with two sons. But what you're saying is his grace is sufficient for today, right?

Yes. Yeah. And I think we the first year of life, my sons had a lot of health challenges. And, um, even before they were born, we had a life saving procedure when they were in the womb where we thought we were going to lose one or both of them. And we had so many people praying for us, our church, family, family and friends, but all of their family and friends, people we didn't even know just around the world. And to be able to see God's hand at work, saving the lives of our boys, bringing them into this world, and just opening a whole new world for us, um, has just been so life changing in that we see his faithfulness to us. It may not be what we expect or would have prayed for or hoped for, but it's his good plan for us.

Yes, his good plan. And and the struggle is a sign of life, as I've often heard and often said. Chris, thank you for your call today for Judah and Jesse. And we heard about Jace. Now here is Pat in Mississippi. Pat, tell me about your daughter.

Okay. Our name is Dixie. She's 37 years old, and it's such an honor that God allowed me to be her mother. And I watch her daily. And you talk about being the hands and feet of Jesus she is. We go to a medium sized church in a nearby town. Since she's been about 15 years old, she goes up in front of the church by herself when we have the praise and worship, and she says she's dancing to Jesus like David did. And she taught me that she's never seen Saying anything different than anybody. She doesn't know if you're overweight or underweight, what your skin color is. She loves everybody.

Again, there's that. There's that joy. It sounds like there is just such joy coming from her.

Oh, she always smiles. She she just says it's okay if something comes up and it's not pleasing. She'll say, we'll pray about it. And that's what we do. We pray about it. And she just they can accomplish like the first mother said, don't put a limit on them. She's been going to a private tutor for 27 years now. She reads on first grade level, which is wonderful. She goes to Special Olympics, she goes to water aerobics. And 18 months ago, a doctor across the line in Alabama, seven miles from here. He has a taekwondo class. She attends twice a week, and in 18 months she's moved up to the orange belt and she just loves it. She goes in there with people that are from 7 to 57, and I stay outside. That's her private time. Just to be herself.


And I can tell how proud you are, Pat. It's just coming through the phone line here today. How proud you are of Dixie and and what she is accomplishing in her life. Just being herself. Right.

And the most important thing I want to say about people that are down syndrome, that that is the one time other than Jesus that you get unconditional love to yourself and as she gives it to everybody else, if you're downs, that's what you give people. They never expect anything back.

I am so glad you got through, Pat. I'm so glad that you told.


About Dixie. I won't be like Dixie, you know. I want to I want to have the, um, the, uh, to not think of myself enough to be able to go up there and to just worship God with, with whatever he's given me to worship him with, you know?

That's right.

But but so many, so many times I'm held back because. Well, what will somebody think? And I can't say that because, you know, it's like. But. And Dixie's aware, but she doesn't care what other people think.

She's doing that for God. We were closing.

Out church last Sunday night, and then I let you go. And we were closing out church. And a family member had lost a daughter that was 36 years old that week. And when we were closing out, the pastor said, is there anything else? And Dixie walked to the front and she said, I think we need to pray for her mother and daddy. I mean, she's just as bold as she can be when it comes to Jesus.

Well, she's sensitive to say this.

She is very sensitive.

She's sensitive and she's aware. And she's got a mom who loves her dearly. And that is Pat. Talking about Dixie and I. You know, there are several reasons why I wanted to do this program, but what just happened? What she. What Pat just said about Dixie is is worth everything. And what Jen has been saying about Jace. And then we heard about Judah and Jesse. I want to get I wondered if there would only be moms who would call in here today. But look, here's Tony in Cleveland, Ohio. Tony, why did you call today?

Um, I called because it's a great opportunity to see and to express how joyful we are and people are over our, in this case, our son, who is now 24 years old and, uh, his name is Jake, and he is a certified fitness instructor. He's also a certified boxing instructor for people in the disability community. And, uh, yeah, I wrote a book about him called downright Joy. And, uh, we are starting a Bible study for people in the disability community. And he is one of the leaders. And he actually, when we were naming the group, he said, why don't we call it Hearts on Fire, dad, which is after the Rocky movie and that song Hearts on Fire. So that's what we named the Bible study. And, uh, about about when he was about 13, he we were going to church and he was spending time afterwards praying. He would go into the prayer room and pray. And then shortly after that, uh, he said to us, he goes, uh, I want to get baptized, dad and mom. And, you know, we're thinking, okay, you know, so we said, we think we're real smart. And we said, well, Jake, how come you want to get baptized? And he looked at right at us. And he's like, because I love Jesus. And it just just doesn't doesn't get any better than that. And um, so, yeah. And he has a sense of like the other lady said, a sense of others hurting. There was a good friend of ours that just passed away, and Jake spoke at his wake, and they put together a little picture of him and, uh, talked about heaven and talked about people that are going to watch over him in heaven. And so the awareness there is just amazing. The awareness of God and the awareness of other people is amazing. But we're we're just happy and joyful and we want to influence other people in a positive way and, uh, and that kind of thing.

So you've.

Done it. You've done it here. And probably with the book, though I haven't read it yet. Downright joy. And the other thing that that Jen was saying to assume competence, that it's, you know, that's what you've done. You've said, okay, you have the interest to do this and you want to do this. All right, let's see what happens. And you just go with it, right?

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Jake trained with a typical group of men for over a year in a boxing class. He got no slack. He got yelled at like everybody else. And the instructor said, boy, your son's got a really good right hand. And so, of course, I was all proud of that, you know?

Yeah. Of course.

And, but but we had we have a term in our group called expectations with grace. You know, have expectations. He can do stuff and we try to have expectations of other people. And uh, uh, you know, and say, hey, you can do a plank. Just got to get your back down, you know, get your butt down when you do a plank and that kind of stuff. And, you know, it's worked to a large degree. And, uh, also, uh, some of our kids are pure con artists and and.

Of course.


A funny way, but, uh, uh, our son one time pretended that he could not swim. He is an excellent swimmer because he was he was at swimming practice, and there were some female high school swimmers in the water. And he was he was holding on to one, and he didn't want to swim that day because of that. So it's it's just it's just beautiful. And when I saw that, I literally looked up and I said, now, Lord, who's the special needs person here? And, uh, so we've been he's been a total blessing for us. And, uh, you know, we're just happy and, uh, we're happy and joyful and grateful to have him. And, you know, we want him to keep doing what he's doing and influence other people in a positive way.

I always say on these programs, Tony, that there's somebody who you take the time to call in because somebody needs this to hear the story that you're going to tell, that you told about Jake, or that we heard about Dixie or Jace or Judah or Jesse and the others that I see up here. Somebody needs to hear that story, and I didn't know I was going to need my box of tissues here as much as I am today, but I need it. And if you go to the website, Chris Fabry live.org and you look at the front page, there's a video I'm going to get Joy and Stefan on here one of these days because they have adopted children and I believe two of their children have down syndrome. But there is a made with love video. It's it's only about 15 minutes long. But I guarantee you you watch that and you will see some of what God is doing in and through the lives of their children, to them and to the people all around them. That's what I wanted to happen here at the back fence today. And it is. And I've got more calls coming. Don't you go anywhere if you're hanging on there. I want to get to you as many as we can in the last few minutes. This is Chris Fabry live online at Chris Fabry live.org celebrating World Down Syndrome today, Friday, March 21st. Today on Chris Fabry Live, we're talking about some amazing people who just happen to have down syndrome. I googled abortion rates of those with Down's before the program. As we sit here today, if what I found is right, it's somewhere between 70 and 90% of those who find out. And. And the abortion rate. 70 to 90%. Take that in. Sit with that for a minute. And maybe there's somebody listening today who is wrestling with that decision. I hope the conversation today is affecting you like it is me. I hope you listen well to those who are responding. The CEO and president of Carenet, Rolland Warren, wrote a book that walks you through some of the arguments about abortion. And if you click the green care net link at Chris Fabry Live. Org, you'll see it's titled The Alternative to Abortion Why We Must be Pro Abundant Life. Um, he makes analogies. He makes some points about a lot of different things that I hear thrown up about the abortion rate that I've never heard before, and it's all in the book. I think it will help you. Well worth your consideration. Go to Chris Fabry live.org. Click the green connect button today. Valerie is on the line. Valerie, why did you call today?

Hi. Because I have a 33 about to turn 34 year old with down syndrome. Young man. And the doctor told me when he was born, he wouldn't live to be a month. So I feel like suing the doctor because it's been 34 years. And, um, he, uh, at four years old, he was washing dishes, taking out the garbage, setting the table. And now he has traveled to 23 states. On his 30th birthday, he traveled to Hawaii. He's been in a private jet every summer. He has a job because I told him, man, that don't work, don't eat. He's, uh, faithful to church. Faithful to church, uh, been baptized. He got baptized when he was, I think 12 or 14. I can't remember the age. Um, but his teachers came his, um, some of his roommates. I mean, some of his classmates came. He's very energetic. He been Special Olympics since he was eight years old. Wow. And I remember when he was born, no one ever said to me about an abortion. No one ever said that. But because I was a single mom, a single parent at the time, and I just knew this person was going to change me. I remember when I got pregnant with him, I was in nursing school, and I remember saying these exact words. If I was to have a special needs child, I would want that special need to be down syndrome. And when I first saw him, I knew he had down syndrome. I fell in love. I fell in love in my belly. I felt I just knew this kid was going to be a life changer. He made me a better mom, a better Christian. He made me want to pray all the time. He prayed every day, every day. and most of the time 99.9% of the time to go to bed. He has to have the Bible on because he loved God. He loved church. He's appraiser. I was listening to the guy before and he's appraiser and a con artist.

So yes.

They are, they are.

See, he's a human being. Yes.

Okay, so Valerie.

What is what is your what is.

Your son's name at 33. What what is his name now?

His real name is Quentin.


Uh, but because I just did too many cartoons when I was pregnant, we call him Tweety. Yes.

You mean for Tweety Bird?

Yeah. He used to be Tweety Bird. And then they were like, Valerie. He's getting too old for that. And I was like, okay, Tweety, Tweety Bird, Tweety. And now sometime it's just tweet or. But he know his name is Quentin. He's in the car right now with me. I had to pull over.

I can hear him, I can hear him. And he's responding to everything that you're saying, and I can tell, you know. Here's the thing that I wanted people to hear, Valerie. It's like, am I going to be enough? Because a lot of parents will say that they're going to be enough for my kids and my kids special needs. Am I going to be able to be enough? And and what you're saying is he was enough for you to change you. It went the other way around. And that's the grace and the mercy of God.

It is. And most people think like, oh, they're going to get rougher. I didn't have a book on how to raise a child. He's my only child. I didn't have a book. I just knew that I had to treat him normal. He. He's been on punishment. He's had timeout. He had to spank on the bottom. I mean, it was like I treated him normal. I didn't know how to treat him delicate or. I remember the doctor told me one day because he had a temper tantrum at the doctor's office. He said, if you don't get some control over him at three, you're not going to do anything with him when he gets older. But the doctor told us we needed another open heart surgery because they told us he wouldn't live to be a month, seven months. He had the open heart surgery and they told us he needed another one. And I prayed and fasted and talked to God. He's never had another surgery, another surgery in his life. Never had medicine in his life.

Yes, Valerie.

I am so glad we got to meet Tweedy Quinton. And so I'm so glad that we got to hear him. So glad to hear the difference that he's made in your life. Because as I said earlier, somebody needed to hear that story. Was it you? Oh, may God's mercy pour over you today. Cindy. Sorry we didn't get time. My brother has down syndrome. He was born when I was 18. He's made me appreciate child development and how every child is different. I also appreciate the simple things. And Gary, thanks for your call here that we didn't have time for. And I'm so glad that we had more calls than we could get to today. Because you know what that tells me? There's something here. There's there's something about the people with down syndrome. Ellie says we adopted a down syndrome boy who came to us as a foster child at 12. At 15, we adopted him. He's been the joy of our life. He's 50 now and still as happy as can be. And there's a picture of him. Go to the website Chris Fabry live.org. Click through the Facebook. You'll see some of these pictures. You'll see Jace and his mom Jen. We talked about Judah, Jesse, Dixie, Jake, Quentin, Tweedy. Our hats off to Tweedy as as well. And to every mom and dad, brother and sister, friend, family member, church member who knows what we're talking about. God bless you friend. Have a great weekend. Chris Fabry Live is a production of Moody Radio, a ministry of Moody Bible Institute.

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