Chasing Failure

Published Mar 20, 2025, 8:21 PM

​It's a "Best of" broadcast that will encourage you. Do you have a dream? Is there something you would love to accomplish, but you're scared to try because you're afraid you might fail? Author and filmmaker Ryan Leak tried to reach a lofty goal and failed. But falling short actually set him up for success. Could the same thing happen in your life? Don't miss Ryan's story on Chris Fabry Live.

Resource featured:
Chasing Failure

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What would you do if you knew you would succeed? Or if I told you that the dream you have for your life, that thing out there that you're scared of attempting, could not fail. Would you try it? I ran onto a documentary and a book by a man named Ryan Leak. And you're going to hear his story today of failure and how he chased it. That's right. He chased failure. And it took him further than chasing success ever did. Today's conversation is for anyone who is tired of waking up scared. Tired of holding back from what you want to do, what you want to achieve because you're afraid of failing. Ryan believes that when you chase failure, you will eventually win or you will learn something valuable in the process. Is there something you've dreamed about for a long time but haven't done because you're afraid of failing? What would you do today if you knew you couldn't fail? For some, they've always wanted to start their own business, or maybe learn to play an instrument or sing in front of people, or speak or write. I held back from doing that for years and years because, well, I was afraid. I was afraid I wasn't any good. There are a bushel basket full of things that we hold back from doing because we might not succeed. This is one of the reasons I love letting children try different sports and hobbies, different subjects. In school, you find out what you enjoy by trying different things, but if you're not careful, your life becomes defined by how to not lose because in this culture, failure is anathema. What if failure was the launching pad to something you'd never dreamed you could do. We're going to talk about it straight ahead on this best of edition of Chris Fabry Live. Now, today, if you hear dated information, if you hear a telephone number, don't call us. Our program is recorded. Let me thank two people as we start here. They are integral to this broadcast. Ryan McConaughey and Tricia McMillan. What would we do without Ryan and Tricia? We couldn't do what we do. I'd never make the connection from the desert. It just wouldn't happen. So those two are vital to you hearing my voice each day. You know who else is important? Back fence. Friends and partners. Now. Who are they? Chris. A back fence friend is somebody who says maybe for the first time, I think I need to support what has given me encouragement so that it can encourage others. And a back fence partner says basically the same thing, but they decide to jump in the deep end of the pool and support us with a gift each month. And I say this a lot. The amount of the gift is not the important thing. It's that you care enough and believe enough in what we're doing, that you come along and you support us. So if you want to be a friend and receive my thank you that we have for you this month or a partner and get the video each week, my back fence post, plus access to that monthly gift and a signed copy of The Promise of Jesse Woods. Get in touch with us today. We'd love to hear from you. 866. Nine five. Fabbri is our number (866) 953-2279 or go to Chris Fabbri Scroll down. You'll see I'll be a friend or a partner today. Chris Fabbri Live Dawg I ran on to this book and then I went and I watched the the documentary that he made, and it just was so encouraging. I mean, tears are rolling down my eyes because my cheeks coming from my eyes. Um, I failed at having tears roll down my eyes. I watched this thing because it was like, this is it. This is the this is the a nerve on the inside of everybody, on me and on on Ryan and you as you listen here today, we are so afraid that we're going to mess up. We're going to fail. We're going to do something that is going to make us look less than in somebody else's eyes. Ryan's an author, a speaker, executive coach, filmmaker, chasing failure as the documentary I saw. I also watched The Surprise Wedding, which I heard his conversation with Chris Brooks a few weeks ago, and I went and watched that, and I was crying to, uh. Ryan splits time between speaking in churches and doing executive coaching and speaking in corporate America. Find out more about him at Chris Fabry Live. Org and we have the book linked right there. If you click through to the information today chasing failure Ryan leak. How in the world are you today?

Oh, Chris. It is an honor to be talking with you today. Listen, you've got it. You've got all my content. You are rocking and rolling, my friend.

That's it. See, he's an encourager, too, for it. Okay, so here's the deal. Let me let me see if I can summarize it. See if I'm really getting it. The possibility of failure. Failing at something is holding us back far more than we realize. Is that close to what you're saying?

You know, it's. I have watched the fear of failure paralyze more people than any other fear. It's this constant. What if. And constant worst case scenario planning that actually leads to inaction and immobility. And so I just I just kind of got sick of sick of seeing the fear of failure. Hold my friends back, my family back from moving towards ultimately what God would even call them to do. So I just I said, let's see, let's see. Let's see what failure can really do. Failure. Give me your best shot. I'm going to give you mine and let's see what happens.

Okay. But was this because. And we're going to talk about the documentary. Was this easier for you to, to run toward, to chase because a, you know, you knew it was going to be a project and you knew there was a film that was going on. So even the failure had a purpose in the middle of it. Do you know what I'm asking?

I know exactly what you're asking. And what's interesting about any film that you're watching is you're watching something that has been edited. So when I was going to work out for the Phoenix Suns. I had no idea how it would go. In fact, after the two day workout that I had with the Phoenix Suns, I went back to the hotel depressed and thought, I'm never showing this to anybody, ever. I'm going to pretend like it never happened. I'm just going to go home and and truth be told, I sat on the footage for 14 months. It took me 14 months to actually get the courage to even tell the story. And as I started telling the story, I saw the beauty in the story. In fact, the first version of the documentary only four people have ever seen. I failed at making a failure documentary. Um. And the first one, I showed it to my best friend. He said, do you feel like it's done? I said, I think it's 95% there. And he said, 25%. And I went, what? Are you serious? And he's like, man, it just it just needs some work. And I went, oh, I was I was discouraged for about 24 hours. 24 hours later, I was thankful that I had a friend that would be honest with me. And then we shortened it to 50 minutes. And now it is, you know what it is today. And and, um, have he cut it in half because he found some parts of the story to be unnecessary. And so I think sometimes people see, um, maybe a message that I've given or a book that I've written or a documentary, and they see something that is edited and think they know how we got there. They don't like like it was. I had no idea what I was doing, what I would feel, how it would go. Um, most people don't invite a cameraman to film their most embarrassing moment, but there was a story there that took me a while to see. But once I saw it, once that light bulb went off, I went, wait a minute. There are so many other failures that I've had in my life that I'm going. Maybe I could learn from those two, even though they were five years ago or ten years ago. But the reality for my world now I fail every week at something. At this point, I've just made it fun.

Well, and I think for me, you know, looking in on your life and then looking at my life through the prism of your failure, I think I have. I've wanted control over the failure. Uh, you know, if I fail, I don't want it to be huge. I want it to be incremental and smaller. And, you know, it's understandable as a human being that you wouldn't want something big out there or a film made out of it. But after seeing it, I'm so glad that you had that friend. That's where the power of criticism comes in, the good kind of criticism. And you talk about that in the book as well. Let's get into the story. Let me take a break. We'll come back. Ryan Leak is our guest. And Chasing Failure. The book is our featured resource. You can see the video online, the film that he made from this. And we'll talk about that and a a poignant moment that I saw. I hope you'll stay with us today on this Best of Chris Fabry live. You can find out more at the website Chris Fabry live. Dot org.

I put this question.

Up on Facebook today. Is there something you've dreamed about for a long time, but you haven't done because you're afraid of failing? What would you do today if you knew you couldn't fail? I want you to listen to Ryan Leek's story. Denise says. I would publish the six month devotional I wrote for moms and their kids, and I would start speaking and singing of God's goodness and faithfulness to groups of women and moms. Lillian says, I want to write a book of my childhood, but I'm afraid I would become a gospel singer and write a book. This is the same. Singing and writing is a big deal here. There's another. Diana says, I've become a teacher, but there's some fear there. What about you? Ryan Leak is joining us today. Chasing failure is the book. And you can also see the documentary that came out of this. Just go to Chris Fabry live. Org scroll down and click on today's information Chris Fabry Okay. So why basketball? When when did you start liking basketball?

You know, since I was a kid. You know, I would play outside. We had a little a little hoop that was cemented into into the ground and the driveway. And I just honestly, it was the only sport I actually had access to. I've actually never, never really tried any of the other sports besides P.E. class, but it was the one that I gravitated towards the most. And and I just loved the game.

Who was your favorite player growing up?

Michael Jordan, then Kobe Bryant.

That's not that's good company. Um, and and when you and when you went in, did you stick your tongue out and do your legs, you know, just like Michael.

Absolutely. Of course we did. Of course. Who didn't? Who didn't? I mean, it was the thing to do. I drank Gatorade because it made me feel like Michael Jordan. I went to McDonald's because it made me feel like Michael Jordan. Uh, you know. I mean, do I need to say that I purchased the shoes? I mean, we're we're we're talking moody Bible in Michael Jordan's land, so there's there's no question there. You know, so always had a love for the game.

Did you play them in high school? In college. What was what was that like?

So I played in high school. Uh, I had an opportunity to walk on at NIU Northern Illinois University, but chose not to. Just honestly, it felt like a God thing that I just wasn't supposed to to go there that year. I just, uh, I wouldn't call it a gap year. I just went to a junior college for a little bit and and didn't really know what I was going to do next, and ended up going to North Central University the following year in Minneapolis, and I did receive All-American award there my senior year. And I had had a decent career, uh, in the game. But but after that, I never I never pursued the pros. And part of that was because I knew pros and I knew how much bigger they were than me. I just I knew the odds, and I also knew I was gifted in some other ways. And so I had to really I had to really think through like, okay, what is it that I want to do long term? And and so I just started pursuing that. But every time I would go to an NBA game, I would just be looking at these guys, thinking to myself, I think I could do it. I think I could guard him and I don't think he could guard me. And I just, I just always had this. What if that I had never even attempted.

Was there a moment in your, let's say, in college? Was there a moment in college when when you let the ball go at the buzzer or you did through the past?

The no look pass? Or was it like a highlight.

That immediately flashes in your mind?

Oh, I had a couple of dunks that were pretty were pretty special. Um, I had a couple of games where I just, you know, just really, really had it going. Um, but never I actually never had an opportunity to take a game winner at all in my, uh, high school or or college career. I never I we were just never in that never in that position where we were where it was that close? Yeah. One direction or another. either we were down six at the end of the game or up six. We didn't have that many close games or I just someone else took the shot or I just I just wasn't given that opportunity. I did hit a game winner in an intramural game, though, like a little church league deal, and that was a ton of fun. Um, but besides that, no, I enjoyed and, you know, some of my best friends today were guys that I played basketball with in college. So.


So so why the Suns were the Suns the only ones that the only team that would say, okay, come on in here. You think you can do this.

Well part of and just to give all of our listeners some context, I'm doing this documentary Chasing Failure. I've I had an opportunity to meet Kobe Bryant. I tell Kobe that I'm going to be in the NBA. He's like, go for it. Do this documentary. Can't wait to see it. Except I don't I don't really have a means by which I can just get an NBA workout. They don't give NBA workouts to strangers off the street. And so you need to go to like Duke, North Carolina, Kansas, not North Central University, which is barely Division three I believe today. So, um, that's just not how that how that typically goes. So ultimately, I just started emailing different NBA teams and just said, hey, I, I want to try out for your basketball team. I'm doing a documentary called Chasing Failure. And I think it's something you can get behind. And, you know, the Boston Celtics wrote back and they said, it's not for us. And I'm like, well, that's discouraging. You know, rejection. Perhaps it's the thing is that a lot of us are afraid of. But then I thought that the Boston Celtics just email me back. Like, imagine emailing the Chicago Bulls and getting a response in 30 minutes. It's like, what is happening right now? I didn't even know that. That's how that works. And so, man, I just got a little bit more brave. The more I was failing, the more excited I got. And so I just kept emailing a bunch of NBA teams, and I thought, maybe I'll make a documentary on being told no by all 30 NBA teams. It'll be awesome. And on my fifth email, which was to the Phoenix Suns, they said, hey Ryan, we love this idea. Why don't you come on Monday? And I'm like, Monday. Are you like it's interesting. Sometimes when you're chasing failure, you'll be surprised as to who says yes. Because yes, NBA teams do not give NBA workouts to strangers from emails. But what I learned chasing failure is that sometimes they make an exception. In fact, the public relations director at the time when I got to Phoenix, she looked me in the face and she said, we would never do this in a million years. But somehow your email came to us at the right time, on the right day and we said, you know what? Let's do it. And so I just so what I encourage people with is it's like you might think there's no way this is going to happen. I'm like, I probably agree with you, but you won't know unless you ask. And in fact, one of my best friends, he says, I'm not impressed that you got it. Got a workout with an NBA team, he said, I'm impressed that you sent the email because most people won't do that. They won't even take the time to. And here's here's the other interesting thing. Every single email that I sent to an NBA team, every time I got a response, I learned their language. So even though they were telling me no, they were also giving me insider language. So I would recraft my email for the next NBA team. That by the time I had sent an email to the Phoenix Suns, I had. I sounded like I was an NBA executive.

So and that's when.

I was failing.

I was failing the whole time.


But I was learning every single rejection.

Failure can lead to learning. And rather than just turning and walking away. And I agree with you on the the whole asking thing, that it takes courage and gravitas and guts and whatever to, to make that. And a lot of people talking about the writing idea, a lot of people will write something and then stick it in a drawer and never show it to anybody else because they are afraid of the rejection or the criticism, or finding out that they didn't know as much grammar as you know, or any other number of reasons. They're afraid of vulnerability and they don't show it to someone. But you didn't let that hold you back. And I'm so glad you didn't.

No, not at all. You know, it's a you know, my wife asked me yesterday, she's like, don't you ever get embarrassed? Like sharing some of these stories where you just look or sound not successful or. And I and you know what I said to her? I said, you know, I all of us got stuff, and we can spend our lives trying to post our best and hide the rest. I'm just not one of those people. I'm just I'm going to tell you how it is. I'm going to tell you the real story. I think I think sometimes, you know, you take someone like yourself, you've got this awesome radio show. Uh. Pretty successful. What? Here's what's never going to be published. Okay. Here's what's never going to be published. The list of people that your producers reached out to to be on the show that said no. Here's what else is never going to be. Be be be shown public. The list of people that reached out to you and you told them no.


So there's two lists that are a part of your story that people are unaware of, and they will never be made aware of it. I'm just the type of person I'm going like, hey, let me tell you who's told me no. And at the same time, I'm telling people, no, I have to send out, uh, unavailable emails to people all the time. And ultimately, I have to tell people no, and people tell me no, but people, they're never going to see that on Instagram. In fact, you just gave me an idea. Maybe that's going to be my next post. Here's all of the people that didn't have me speak last year. Just people be like, what in the world?

And you were available.

Like and I was available. And here's all of the people who asked me to be on their radio show or asked me to be on their podcast, that I told no, it's a two way street. But I think what happens is, is successful people do a disservice to people that are following them because they make what they do look easy. But I don't know one successful person that has it easy when you actually hear their true story. And so I just, I just I've just decided to just embrace it, move towards it and just go, you know what the reality is? Um, you know, I at this point in my career, I. I have a speakers bureau. I get invited to speak all over the country and a little bit of the world. I don't want to make myself sound international when when I'm not really that, but just a few, a few things internationally. And here's what's interesting. My speakers bureau will actually pitch me to companies every single week, and when they tell me that they're pitching me, it feels great. It's affirming. It's like, oh my gosh, you think that they would have me come speak? That'd be amazing. But then I started getting these emails that says, hey, you can release that whole they went with someone else. Oh, thank you, thank you, I appreciate that. Thank you. That makes me feel great. They chose someone else. But that that's that's fantastic. But then another company will say yes, we love Ryan Lee. And you know, the story that most people will hear is the one that chose me. They they will not see the seven rejections that led to one. And so I, as a person that has been blessed. It has been put in a position to impact a lot of people. I've just committed to myself and committed to my team. Hey, we're going to share the whole story. And a lot there's a lot of failure in that. And it's not all, you know, it's not all roses. It's not all. It's not all. Uh, it's not all at all easy. And so just just managing that is, is is it's a process. So this isn't like a, this isn't a failure message about the Phoenix Suns from five years ago. Every single week I'm managing rejection disappointment, failure. And I'm embracing that and moving forward. And so even even when I get rejected from a company, I say, hey, what? What is it that, um, what is it that you loved about another speaker? If I'm even allowed to get that information? Yes. And sometimes they give it.

So Ryan Lake is with us today. I want you to hear the story about the the worst three minutes of his life. It happened in that in that scene in the film, you'll hear about it straight ahead. Chasing failures are featured resource. You'll find it at Chris Fabry Ryan Lake is with us today at the radio backyard fence. This is Chris Fabry live. I think this is an important topic, and I think it's why people don't go to the gym. I think it's why people don't share their faith. You don't talk with your non-Christian friend because you fear failure and rejection from that friend. What if you embrace the possibilities that come not only with success, but also with something less than that? Ryan Leake. Leake chasing failure how falling short sets you up for success. It's our featured resource today at Chris Fabry Live. Org. Take us to the. So you go to the Suns and people can watch this. They can read it in the book. But I want you to take me to that point. Was there a point in the workout where you realized, I'm not going to make it?

I'm not going to be here another day?

You know, and that that is that that is the beauty of chasing failure is it's like you give the appearance that you know what you're doing. But I had no idea what I was doing. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I was actually injured when I went, but it was like they said, come on Monday. And it was just like, I'm going. So I show up and this is what they had told me. Not that they weren't people of their word, but they said, hey, Jeff Hornacek will work you out. You're going to do a workout with coach Jeff Hornacek on Monday, which means I will do some drills in front of him. He'll have me run up and down the court. He'll have me shoot 20 shots. He'll have me do various activities that will allow him to to see that, you know, whether or not I have what it takes to be on the team or not, or at least to go to the next, you know, to be invited to training camp or whatever. That next, uh, next step would have been to joining the team. Well, I get there and the whole team's there, and I'm like, well, what? I'm good for them. I'm glad they're here. So I'm assuming I'm going to wait till they're done. They'll leave. They'll get off the court, they'll go shower, they'll go on about their business, and I will have the gym to myself to be able to impress Coach Jeff Hornacek with my skills and talents. However, he said, suit up and just hop on in. So when did I know that things were going south? Right about when I tied my shoes. Because you. I'm six three, £205. I'm afraid of no one. Okay. Like, I, I'm a competitive guy. I'm afraid of no one. But I'm also pretty self-aware, especially when it comes to being on a basketball court. And so typically, I am one of, if not the tallest guy on the court in typical open gym fashion. Um, I went from being one of the tallest guys to the shortest guy in a matter of seconds. There's not. There's not, there's not there's not a whole lot in life that can prepare you for the ramp from from 24 Hour Fitness to to an NBA practice court. Like, it's just it's just a very. Everyone's faster than you. Uh, everyone's stronger than you. And most of the gym was younger than me, too. It was like, oh, this is not good. This is not good on any level. Uh, but I fit in, and that's what people need to understand, I fit in. But the NBA is not full of people that fit in there. Full of people that stand out. Had you been there that day, you wouldn't have said, who's that loser? You wouldn't have said that. You would have just said he's he's he's amongst professional basketball players, but he's not top 12 in the gym. He's not. There's there's just no. And at that level there's typically 2 or 3 stars that really your job is to just get them the ball. There's no real showcase of your skills and abilities. And so at the end, you know, they're like, hey, normally this is the time where we we'd have we'd have, you know, you do a three minute drill, like three minute drill. I said, well, normally right now I want to do the three minute drill. Like, well, the three minute drill is just pure running for three minutes nonstop. I'm like, are you serious? They're like, yeah, you have to get down the court. That's one and back, that's two. You have to do that 30 times in three minutes, which means you simply have to cover 94ft in six seconds 30 times in a row. Running that speed for three minutes actually isn't that difficult. It's starting and stopping that people don't truly understand. If you think about it, even the Olympics, you know the fastest man in the world is measured by how fast he can run and what, 10 to 15 seconds. 20s. So but they're not they're not doing that back and forth. They don't go do it again. Just imagine covering that. I mean, it is it is brutal. And so the first 90s I think I got 13 or 15. So I was doing all right. But man, that second 90s ooh, that was, that was when I realized this is, this is not going how I thought it would go.

And on the video, you see, you you see that you're slowing down and there's just you can see your body language. It just begins. Oh, I can't finish. You know, I can't make it. And but something happened there, didn't it?

In that moment, I had to feel the full weight of failure. I'm just looking around. I'm embarrassed. NBA players have stopped their drills to watch me run, which I'm like, everyone, get back to work. This is embarrassing. Well, I just started looking around as to where I was, and I realized I was in the Phoenix Suns practice facility. And normally, I'd be at the YMCA. Normally I'd be at Lifetime Fitness. Normally I'd be at 24 Hour Fitness. But on this particular Monday afternoon, I was I was in the Phoenix Suns practice facility. And I realized chasing failure took me further than chasing success ever did. And since then, chasing failure continues to bring me more success than trying to be the best or trying to be successful. I've been. I've been chasing failure ever since.

The the players started to they weren't looking down at you though. They they started and Jeff Hornacek too I think wasn't it Hornacek that started to clap.

Oh man. He's he's coaching me through the whole thing. He's like Ryan there's a trash can here. You can throw up later. I'm like, I can throw up right now. That's what I want to do. You know, they they just rallied around me for three minutes. It was a it was a very, very powerful three minutes that I wouldn't have had if I wasn't willing to just go and just see what happened. I mean, you just you just never know what will come of something until you do it. And today, getting to do work with various NBA teams, one of the things I've realized in 2021 now is there's more ways to be in the NBA than just playing basketball. And sometimes you don't know that until you've you've actually tried going for some things that you thought were crazy.

You were you really felt accepted by them, even though you know, you're shorter and not as quick and fast and all that, and you couldn't do 30 of them, how many did you actually get? Was it in the 20s? Right?


Okay. Um, but but the cutoff really is 30. Even the tall guys, even the really, you know, the seven foot tall players, they can do close to 30.

Yeah. Well, they, they they typically do like 27, 28 is what I'm told. But but they're like, hey, you're a guard. So at the guard position you need to be 2930 range. I'm like okay.

Yeah we'll do, we'll try. Okay. So what did what have you learned then from that event that you think of every day when you open your eyes, or for the person who's listening today who has not knocked on the door, has been thinking about, I'd love to start a I'd love to start a Bible study, for example, you know, in my neighborhood. But what if nobody comes? Or what if they do come and they ask questions and I don't know the answers to what do you say to that person?

Do it. You just gotta do it. You you you have to do it. And sure you. You may fail. Honestly, I hope you do. It's good for you. It's gonna be awesome for you as long as you're taking notes. If you're not taking notes, then you failed for nothing. But. But if you failed and you were going. All right. Hey, how can how can that be better next time? How can I be more prepared? And I think that that's the that's one of the things that holds people back the most is they're going if it's not perfect, I can't move forward, or until I'm perfect, I can't move forward. It there's no way I can I can write a book until it's perfect. It's not going to happen. The reason it's not going to happen is because you're going to keep living, and you're going to find a better story that makes the point that you are trying to make, and you're going to wish that you could substitute it out. And except you can't because they already hit print.


You, you you're waiting for this day that is never coming. It's never going to be perfect. But people are waiting for that to move forward. It's like, dude, just move forward as is perfected on the way. But you've. You can't expect to be a world renowned chef if you're not willing to make pasta for your family and it go bad. You have to try some things. And so I just encourage people every day, go for it. Learn. Do that Bible study you want to. And there's there's some way and learn from other people who have done it before you. You want to know one of the one of the secrets of having a great Bible study. Great food. Great food. It's a cheat code. If people feel it, they're going to associate their experience with what is going into their stomach. And you're going to be like, yeah, Psalms 23. They're going to be like Psalms 23 sounds great right now because of how you made them feel hospitality. They're not showing up there because they're expecting you to be a Bible professor. They're there. They're there to have camaraderie, to share an experience, to know that God is near us and that we all go through things, and that perhaps through a pandemic and through politics and through war and through tough times and through miscarriages and through people losing loved ones, that we're all in this boat together, and that there is this holy text that encourages us on a daily basis to keep moving forward. That's why they're there. But if they can get a good meal at the same time, they're going to walk away and go, I want to come back. It was hospitable, I felt loved, I felt seen. People remember how they felt. Not if they were Impressed with your Bible knowledge. And so yeah, you just go for it and you will see parts where people are disengaged versus when people are more engaged and questions that people that really resonated with people and questions that that didn't. Now I do a corporate talk right now where I have eight questions, eight questions that I ask leaders. You want to know. You want to know what I do at the end? At the end, I tell people, I say, hey, um, and especially when I get to do it virtually, I say, hey, can you put in the chat? Which questions resonated with you the most? Which questions resonated with you the most? You know what I just did there? I gave everyone a break from thinking that my entire talk needed to be amazing from top to bottom, and that every question needed to be a home run. And what you find out in the chat is that some questions resonated with people more than others, but the ones that rise to the surface, what does that do? It's giving me Intel to say, okay, what question wasn't mentioned? Oh, number four wasn't mentioned that it resonated with anybody. Guess what? I got seven questions now.

Well, and you made that connection. I do, and it's the same thing that happened really with what you're talking about with the Bible study and the food and that talk. The same thing that happened to you when you went to the Phoenix Suns. There was a connection, a heart to heart connection that you made there. Ryan Leak Chasing Failure is our featured resource at Chris Fabry More straight ahead. This is Chris Fabry live on Moody Radio. Thanks a lot for listening and supporting us. Our program today is recorded. This is a best of conversation with Ryan Leak, and we'll get right back to the program. Just to let you know. Thank you, thank you, Thank you for your support, especially back fence partners who give a gift each month. You get my back fence post. You get a signed copy of The Promise of Jesse Woods and more. Just go to Chris Fabry live. Org to find out more. Chris Fabry live. Dot org and thank you for your partnership. Eva in Indiana. Your response today?

Okay. Every time somebody says something discouraging about a dream I have, I don't do it, but I replace it with other dreams that I still have regrets about what I haven't done. How do I get over the regret?

I think you get over the regrets by doing something about your current dreams today. And what I mean today, I mean today, we all have intentions of being greater later. And so if there's a dream that you have, I don't care what it is. If it requires a website, I want you to go to today and see if it's available. That's it. I didn't even say buy the URL. You need to go see if it's available. You need to do something about your dream today, and that's how you respond to past failures. That's how you get over the regrets is by not having future ones. That's what I would encourage you to think about today.

The enemy wants to steal, kill and destroy. And that that desire. You know, you could talk about the Bible study too, you know. Well, I the one thing you could do is ask one friend down the street, would you be interested in. And there's one thing you know, send an email, send a text to to one other person and ask, hey, would this be something that you'd be interested in? Uh, James is in Pompano Beach, Florida. James, why did you call today?

Hi. Can you hear me?

Sure can.

Yes we can.

Okay, So Chris, I've really enjoyed you and all the guests that you brought on. This is a special interest to me. I love Bible studies, go to at least five a week and involved with that very important in accountability for my spiritual growth. But this is on a I have a question regarding a, um, you know, uh, I've been chasing failure on a humanitarian project for over 20 years. And occasionally I think, well, it's too unrealistic and maybe I should just give it up. But for some reason, I can't. And, um, the question is, when, you know, when is it time to give up? I've got a reputation, and I'll always have that reputation for it. Never, never, never give up. Yes, because love serves.

And so run out of time. You're James, is a great question. Is there a time in Ryan when you say, you know what, I need to revision this and move in a different direction? Or do you keep on going with that? And I know you don't know all of the ins and outs of what James is talking about, but what do you think?

Well, it's a it's a great question. I actually did an entire chapter in my book called Never Give Up ish that directly deals with this, with this question, and because it's as a motivational speaker, I'm supposed to tell everyone to never give up. But that's actually pretty bad advice to give a thousand people at the same time, because I actually think we need to know when we should indeed give up. So there are four things that I always filter future projects, future endeavors through to say, okay, how much resources do we want to give here? So the first thing is passion. The second thing is skill set. The third thing is opportunity. And the fourth thing is, is it God's will? So is it something you love? Is it something you're good at? Is it something that the opportunity is there? And ultimately, do you feel like God wants you to do it?

And if God wants you to do it, don't give up. Right?


Because I think of, you know, you speak at churches, you're a pastor as you go around to these big churches that I mentioned a little earlier and a lot of different struggles for a lot of different people and a lot of different walks of life who who have given up on some of these dreams. And is there really hope for that dream, do you think, is there really hope for people who have seen an awful lot of failure and are afraid of it?

I absolutely I think there's there's a ton of hope. I think people just have to continue to move forward and trust that God is with them.

James, I want you to hang on. I want to send you a copy of this by Ryan Leak. Chasing failure. How falling short set you up for success. So in one sense, I'm glad that you didn't make it on the Suns because you'd never come on this program. You know, you'd be so famous not be able to do that. But here you are, who you are and allowing God to work through you and in you. Ryan, thanks a lot for spending the time with us today.


His name is Ryan Leak. L e a k. Chasing failure is our featured resource. Just go to and click through to the information today. Chris Fabry live. Dot org. Thanks a lot for listening. Our program is a production of Moody Radio, a ministry of Moody Bible Institute.

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