Chicago's Morning Answer with Dan Proft & Amy JacobsonChicago's Morning Answer with Dan Proft & Amy Jacobson

October 17, 2017

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Long is a former writer and producer for the sitcom Cheers. He joined Dan and Amy to talk about his new book “Bigly: Donald Trump in Verse:”. Salena Zito is a reporter for the Washington Examiner, a columnist for the New York Post and CNN Contributor. She joined Dan and Amy to talk about the death of local news, and how that has led to the current political climate in the United States. Plus, Brian Evans is a former Chicago-area police officer who has worked around the world providing risk mitigation and personal protection to executives for Fortune 500 Companies. He traveled to Puerto Rico to aid in the clean up and joined Dan and Amy to share his experience
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Chicago's Morning Answer with Dan Proft & Amy Jacobson

Chicago's Morning Answer with Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson, heard each weekday morning from 5 to 9am o 
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