0:00 - RIP Bobby Knight
10:32 - CPS in Venezuela, NYC principals in China
28:09 - For the first time in 3 weeks Mayor Johnson takes questions from the Media.
45:26 - Lavender Bunde: San Fernando, CA, parents say, hold the Pickle
58:12 - Markets Specialist for Market Day Report!, Scott "the cow guy" Shellady, tries to find something positive in today's economic situation. You can find Scott 10:30am CT to 1pm CT on the Market Day Report! and The Cow Guy Close – 1pm CT to 1:30pm CT - both at RFD-TV
01:15:56 - Rebecca Todd Peters, PCUSA, on reinterpreting the Garden of Eden
01:36:54 - Julia Steinberg, intern at The Free Press & junior at Stanford: Why My Generation Hates Jews. You can find Julia on X @juliaonatroika
01:52:49 - Associate Professor of Political Science at Kentucky State University and author of Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake Race War, Wilfred C Reilly: What the Left’s Support for Hamas Means. Professor Reilly is a great follow on X @wil_da_beast630