0:00 - Caleb Williams selected #1 by Bears
12:36 - Israel on Campus
30:41 - Alito and DOJ attorney Michael Dreeben spar on POTUS immunity
53:58 - Mark Pulliam, lawyer and writer living in east Tennessee: The Rule of Law Depends on John Eastman. Check out Mark’s blog misruleoflaw.com
01:08:06 - Noah Rothman, senior writer at National Review: Trump’s Unlikely Voter Problem. Nab your copy of Noah’s most recent book The Rise of the New Puritans: Fighting Back Against Progressives’ War on Fun
01:27:09 - Hate crime hoax perpetrated on Pikesville HS (MD) principal by former AD using AI
01:44:53 - Sally Satel, M.D., psychiatrist, lecturer at the Yale University School of Medicine, and a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, discusses how social justice is infecting medicine and public health . You can follow Sally on X @slsatel
02:01:16 - OPEN MIC FRIDAY!!