Crabb's been RUNNING! And reading novels in verse! And Sales seems now to be obsessed with a TV series about Barbecue, featuring chefs who incinerate first and ask questions later. Don't panic though. Sales has been interviewing musicians and *accidentally* finding herself right next to a piano. So the world's still at least partially on its axis.
(1.00) Couch to 5k App
(4.00) Chef’s Table BBQ | Netflix | Trailer
(5.00) Snow’s Queen by Daniel Vaughn. About Tootsie Tomanetz, cook at Snow’s
(6.00) Firedoor Restaurant | Website
(9.00) To Asia, With Love By Hetty McKinnon
(11.40) Jimmy Barnes Interview with Leigh Sales | 7.30
(12.00) Killing Time by Jimmy Barnes
Working Class Man by Jimmy Barnes
Working Class Boy by Jimmy Barnes
(14.30) Kylie Minogue Interview with Leigh Sales | 7.30
(15.00) Say Something by Kylie Minogue | YouTube
(19.00) Here is the Beehive by Sarah Crossin
(21.00) The Monkey's Mask - Film, Poetry and the Female Voice by Rebecca Louise
(22.00) Watsonia - A Writing Life by Don Watson
(22.10) Recollections of A Bleeding Heart: 10th Anniversary Edition
A Portrait of Paul Keating PM by Don Watson
(22.20) Mayflies by Andrew O’Hagan
(23.40) The Smart Wife by Yolande Strengers
(25.00) Days Like These Podcast
Chat 10 Looks 3 is produced by DM Podcasts