Bonjour, frogs! Miss Piggy here, typing away from my new corner office at the glam iHeart studios in Manhattan. Forgive moi if there are any typos. I just got a mani-pedi. The fabulous Steven and Lily are discussing moi’s book "The Diva Code: Miss Piggy on Life, Love, and the 10,000 Idiotic Things Men Frogs Do" today on their incredibly chic and popular podcast. They’ve never read a book by a pig -- can you believe that??? Well, they don’t hold back at all and discuss my on-and-off relationship with Kermie, feminism, moi’s affairs with Hollywood hunk George Clooney, the battle of the sexes/species, and moi’s style evolution. Plus they ask the age old question: Why do frogs love remotes so much?? Kissy kissy, I have a dinner rezzie!