32. Cam Newton is OUT in New England

Published Sep 1, 2021, 8:00 AM

Aqib gives his instant reaction to the news that Cam Newton was released from the Patriots. He talks about where he thinks Cam is going to end up playing this season if he ends up anywhere...Later, NBA PG Cameron Payne stops by to talk NFL and the NBA. Payne talks about his journey from China, to the G-League, to Phoenix, and how that molded him into the PG he is today.

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The volume catching phase is brought to you by Fan Duel. It's never been easier to play fantasy on FanDuel. Whether you love basketball, golf, soccer, or any other fantasy sport. There's a contest for every fan fan duel more ways to wine catching phase. I keep to leave here. Damn my dog can today? Man? Where would he go? Where would he go? Where is he gonna end up? Man? I really think it's by now. At this point in the season, every team pretty much got their starting quarterback right, so immediately I don't think he's going nowhere. Uh, but injuries and ship like that happened. You know what I'm saying. Somebody gonna get hurt. One of these starting quarterbacks gonna get hurt. Somebody gonna need a VET to come in, and that's gonna be where can go? So nowhere immediately, man. But you know, as as the football world live on every year, something right. So a couple of weeks into the season, man, somebody gonna need camps. Somebody gonna need a leader of vet, somebody who's in shape, ready to work, Uh, familiar with a couple of systems. So somebody gonna need them. That's when it's gonna come into play cam. Just stay ready, my boy, they'll been on your line in a minute. We're gonna switch it up today a little bit. Man. You know we're gonna be fully loaded in football ship. So you don't switch it up a little bit and go to the court. What I'm saying, You're gonna go to the court a little bit. Got an interview with Cameron Pain coming up, y'all don't want to miss. So I was thinking about it. Man, I'm saying, I went to the court y m c A twenty four our fitness You know what I'm saying, Hamilton's Park Recreation Center. What I'm saying, if if if I went to the court, who I want on my team? Who I want to bring with me? Definitely need dogs are definitely coming with all dogs. Man. I need. You know, I'm a good leader, but I need some leaders, man, A couple of good leaders. Uh. Definitely some shooters because I'm probably gonna be the point guard. Know what I'm saying. I can't shoot like that Patrick Beverley type point guard. A lot of defense, scrappy energy, finish on some fast breaks. I might get hot, hit a couple of shots. See what I'm saying, But Patrick Beverley type look better than Patrick though you know it's a little upgrade from Patrick Beverley. But who I want to bring with me, of course my shooting guard. My shooting guard gotta be Jordan's. I gotta bring m j Man. He's gonna be talking ship to all of us, all the other players. He's gonna be just you know, bringing the dog out of everybody like he do. You know what I'm saying, small Ford gotta go to the New Age, Go, gotta go Bron just because Bron could adapted anything. He got hell of scores. He could be mad if people broke today, he could drop fifty, you know what I'm saying. And he Brian. He them gonna be our two leaders. What I'm saying, They're really gonna run the show. You know what I'm saying. Uh, at the three, I mean at the four, I'm sorry, shooting guard, small forward. Now we're at the four, right, I'm like, at the fourth, go a lot of ways right here, right, we can go small, we can go big. But I'm going Dirk. You know what I'm saying, gotta put on for the d I'm going Dirk He's gonna stretch the floor for us, hit every shot, hit every wilde open shot. We we we throw to him and big body, and they're gonna help us on the glass. And then my father got to be a dog. So you know I'm going shock. You know what I'm saying. I need a real bully. I want them just be a bully on offense, bully on defense, and just be the biggest, meanest guy on the court. And that's exactly what Shock was. So you give me the five, give us file, you give me the folks including me us five. Any any wreck, any gym we pull up to, we ain't losing, baby, I'm saying, too many dogs on one team, man. Then my takes for the day. Cameron pay interview coming up next. 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Fandual dot com gaming problem called the hunter Gambler or was it famduel dot com slash RG in Colorado, Jersey or Virginia or one hundred nine with it in Indiana's the only kind of gamble about that in much Virginia catching phase. I keep to leave here, man, We're gonna switch it up a little bit today. You know what I'm saying? How at the NBA side, you know I'm saying, camera payine, Phoenix Suns tapping in with us? Man, what's up, my boy? What's going on? Man? I appreciate time having me get this thing going. Like you said, we're gonna switch it up on them. Yeah, switch it up a little bit. Man. We like the hill light our hoop was to man, I'm saying I really was a hooper at heart. Men in Cleveland, Jersey, I'm saying I was going to the NBA first before I was going to the NFL my first dream for real. I ain't gonna lie. That's what's that's what's up. All right, let's let's get to it. Let's get to you from Tennessee. Man, tell us, uh, when you fell in love with the game and like how you start playing basketball? Man, Well, I fell in love with the game man, probably like three or four years old when I was My first gift from my my parents was a basketball gold Fish part and the DVD. It wasn't DVD at the time, it was a VHS Jam Space Jam. Yeah. That was one of the biggest reasons why I started hooping. As crazy as it sounds like, that was my favorite, my favorite move. I used to watch Jordan's all the time, like Man, Looney Tunes, Jordan's like I gotta play like this is it? Like I even got the tattoo on my leg a little space. Yeah, you know, to pay my But now it was just that. Man. Everybody in my family play hoops and uh just growing up that's the only thing I did. I played a little football, but everything was about basketball. My dad was my coach. Uh so if we had a basketball family, so everything was as basketball, basketball, basketball. So I just wanted to always be good. I started watching Kobe. Then it was like, I want to be like Kobe. Now, I want to be like Kobe, like Kobe the greatest, Like I want to play. I want to play because he playing. Hell. Yeah, you know. I actually used to word number twenty two twenty four. I was like, okay, he said he bear to Jordan, and I'm under Jordan. I'm gonna roll it out, you know, man. It was just that. Man, just man, everybody in my family who space down was a big thing for me. And that was really about it. That's what's up. Uh. So you played in high school and all that. I'm sure you was the man in high school. So tell me about that recruiting process, man, Why why you pick up Murray State? All right, So the craziest part about high school. I was the littlest guy. I was the smallest one. I was five five playing varsity. Little dude, little friend. They're like, who who is this little guy? Who is? Yeah? And uh man playing a U. I played for one of the top teams in Memphis, and man, one of these coaches start coming to watch watch my team play. And it was kind of crazy for me because my dad the coach, so like back then, only the head coach of your teams can really talk to these colleges. Like you didn't really go and talk to him. So we was in uh we was that he was in Atlanta, had a peace Jam tournament and one of these coaches came watching my dad was like, hey, your son played good. And that was the first time. It was Mary State Steve Prone. That was the first time a collage coach came and talk to my dad about me. At the time, he sitting here talking to all these other guys. You got me, you come and dude talking to my dad and but it ain't for me right. So Mary State came and they started talking to me. They right up the street from me. I was hooping in high school. They end up saying, man, let's go watch these kids in high school because I was the point guard but I really wanted to guy on my a U team down We actually played a guy that's in the league now, Scotlar Vcier Memphis Titus came to the game too. I'm looking. I'm like, yeah, it's time. Yeah, I got I gotta do it to him. I hit thirty. Right after the game. Uh, Memphis coach called my dad, man, I ain't know your son was that good. If you want to come here, hey, Lyne open, he can he can make that. We we got him. He was like, man, I gotta start seeing these kids playing they're high school because they're different players. I was like, yeah, that's cool. But now I'm cool. I'm I'm I'm I'm a loyal guy. I'm a lawyer, guy from down south, from loyal. So I'm like, now we're gonna We're gonna stay where we was at the very state they had just became like they just was in the term of the year before they was ranked number seven in the nation. I'm like, uh, let me come out, let me build that up. Like Memphis, everybody want to stay home. Everybody like, now let me get out of here. Two hour drive to two hour drive away from the crib. Everybody was able to come watch me play. So I'm like, man, I'm around with them and I'm gonna stick with them. I feel that. So look, knowing how ship is now right, they got all these options now g league, they got the over time league. Would you would have did something different? Then? If you could do it over with you did something different? Are you still took the college I probably still went to the college route. I think I think the college route really help a lot of players, even though sometimes in some cases some players can go straight from high school to their because their games is there and sometimes you don't need no you know, no structure. Sometimes they don't get they're that good. So I mean I kind of feel like, man, I feel like college is still a good option because you kind of build a foundation, you find out who you are because the whole time you live in the first grade, the tolfth grade, you're standing on on somebody else roof exactly living with your family. But as soon as you get that taste of college, now you're on your own exactly from home. You learn how I agree, bro, Hey, I agree, I agree man, that college it's it's necessary, bro, because it turn to a man and let you say, you know how to live. You got to watch your own ship. You gotta get your own food, feel your own friends. You know what I'm saying that before you getting a locker round with their professionals, you need to be tapped in. That's a a dog, you know what I'm saying. So I agree, I agree, I agree with the college. So you had Murray State man dropping a double game. You know what I'm saying, y'all, y'all going to tournament again. You're starting to get hot, hot man? How was that? How was that feeling? Knowing like my whole life, I was waiting to this point right here at that moment. You can kind of see it building. The crazy part, I've seen it coming. But the whole time, I'm just like, well, okay, I guess we're just still hoping for real, you know, hoping. I hear everybody talking. They're like, man, the guy from Murray State, he can go to the NBA. Oh he could. They're thinking about a lottery pick this guy. They're thinking about that. And I was just sitting there like, okay, okay, I ain't see that mutual jump. I was like, man, um, I'm starting to get some calls like this, was a dream for me for real, Like I really wasn't Like okay, I wanted to play in the league. But agent really calling me right now? You know that's how I don't. I'm like, you can calling me. We of the game against Morehead State right before the championship game, killed him like the last tend like the last the foe. Minutes of the game, I'm killing him. We made the championship game. Right after that game, went to the tunnel seeing my family. I just helded my mom like, we're going to the league, baby, right I'm talking to our hugged I'm like, we're going to the NBA. I proved myself. I proved it right here. And uh. The next game, we lost off a buzzer beater. We twenty fifth ranked team in the nation. We don't we them guys. For that's how I'm feeling. Were the boys and lost on the buzzer beater. And then Murray State. The only way you make it to the tournaments if you win. Gotta win. Hey, but that's still that's a good feeling, though, bro, I say, I was an orange ball bum. I gotta pick in the orange ball went to the crib and then I was on the fields early to like first quarter pick right I scored. I'm like, hey, like, oh I'm I'm to the league. Like I'm to the league. Hey, I know that feeling breds like it hits you really all of a sudden. What I'm saying. Tell me about that draft interview interview process. Man, I know ours to combine a little different than yards, but man, what was what was what was your experience? Like, man, we are so we was in Chicago and we had like rookie rookie stuff and uh, rookie combine. Man, they called me in the room Chicago, Chicago bulls coming in the room. I'm in the room. He just like, oh it's crazy. They just sit here just asking you, like okay, so sorry, like like so, um, have you ever did drugs before? Have you a drug? Alcohol before? And as a kid you just like, man if I say something wrong, I'm like they already know I lie tell the true I'm like, man if I at, I gotta feel it, know because I don't you here as soon as you go on there, it's like, well we did a big background check on you. We had all these guys looking in trying to ask your parents. Then you're your brother called you say, man the bulls that's called me. So it's like, I don't know what. Like. I was like, yeah, I don't drunk before. You know what I'm saying, Yeah I don't. I don't did there before. Uh. He was like okay, well I knew you did. I just wanted to see how how you were as a guy. If he was an honest man. I was like, yeah, of course I want is. I ain't a lot of you. I was y'all already know what the what's the craziest year they asked you. Oh, I'd probably say not in the Chicago joint, but in the Milwaukee interview. Man, these bro they had these boards. Many had a board and they was just like it's like integrity, courage, all kind of words, all kind of word. I was like, hey, pick your top three blocks. This this was the craziest John out of there. I was like, pick up top three. So basically, as the team, they got their foundation, they know what they wanted to play. They know. So I'm just looking at these boxes. I'm just looking them. They like, uh, you go, you're gonna choose a block. I'm like, honestly, I don't really know, because yeah, I'm loose. I feel like I'm already losing. I'm from from the begin I'm losing. Like it's cool just picking three blocks, no judgment blocks, picking my three blocks. He was like, okay, next interview. I was like, man, hold on, look and then look. It ain't no conversation. It was just see it. It was like like what you like when I cholding bullets, I gotta suit on. Hey, it means to be crazy. Man. They they interograte out you and then meeting is now so dahn. They're trying to get whatever. They trying to see what type of guy you will see what they finished be the million ship if if it was my ship and I'm the big Now I'm starting to come. I'm doing the same thing. Let me see who, let me see what I'm going to get this paper to. Man, alright, m you go lottery. Congrats on that. I'm saying, you go lottery. Um to the thunder and you pull up on Russ and k D. Man, what was that like? Man? You said young Russ, young KD. What I'm saying, so you've seen him when they was babies? Man? What was what was that situation? Like the situation. At first, it was just like a shock. I was shocked. I'm like, I'm really playing with D folks, I'm really I'm playing with k D. And And it wasn't like the type of like, oh can what's up? Yeah, nobody know me. I ain't nobody know me. So man, I'm sitting there, you know, Russ k D. I'm just like, yeah, airic practice, I got a whole Russ he coming in me. Oh this this, this, this, this little boy. We don't worry about this little lega baby. Worry about him. He worry about him. He put me in the post air time that you got kill you got care I he ain't talking, he just killing. He just killing me. Just being on that team. We had even other guys, Dion Waiters, Sergei Baka. We had a team and I was just like, cool. We called we win fifty games the energy cool man Russ. We don't build the bun now. Now we're just answering this ship. We I was that. I was that. I was there a couple of them games man having a good time. We I probably say we never really did too much outside of the court, but uh, like, man, don't folks committed to the grind and it'showing the court. It's show on the court. Russ Man. I had to meet with my current coach, Monty Wig. That man brought me into his office. It's like my third week there. This man's gonna say, how can he beat you to the gym? I'm like here at seven thirty. Like he's like NA. He's like, NA, you want to be great, Like like you want to be a somebody in this league, you gotta beat him. So I'm like, all right, I don't start beating him to the gym. This the crazy part. He come earlier, he starts coming early, so like you just know in him, he always in competition. Bo. That's why I love how I love that guy, Like he always in competition. It don't matter who else doing whatever. He got his mold and he's locked in. That's why I love playing with them guys though, it was all about working, all about getting better because they're trying to win the championship. They've been ten years. They're trying to find whatever work to get them that championship. Man, it was a fun time being there, but obviously I wish I could have played more. But I learned a lot from new guys. Yeah, that's that's that's real. Ship. That's good to do. Man, come in them all pros them Hall of Famous for real. You have to learn from the Hall of famers. Man, But what adjustments you had to make to your game? Because you know, you come from Murray, you get all the shots you do want to go and now you now you're on the team with these guys. What adjudgments did you had to make? Did you have to make personally? Well, I first had to make make the adjustment of coming off the bench. My first got there. I wasn't even playing. I ain't start playing December twenty six, so I know exactly Like I had to watch DJ Augustin, who was a starter. That's who I'm balanced again DJ Augustin. So I'm I'm looking at him like, man, what is he doing? How how does he stay on the court. In my mind, I'm thinking, man, just go out there and who like that? That's it. Now, when you're coming off that bench, it's it's it's a different mindset. I feel like the hardest things, that's one of the hardest thing to be a backup point guard or being a backup whatever. I think that's really hard because you got twelm guys. The five is good, but you got toil moment we could just swipe swap you out. Was to be consistent, knockdown shot said every opportunity I can, like be consistent. That's one of the biggest things in this league is being consistent. So I had to work on this knocking down my shot more in which now I didn't do it. I didn't do good enough. I didn't do good enough. Just looking back on it, I ain't do good enough. I ain't do good enough. I could have did more, could have did better. Yeah, being solid, not not getting turnovers. That was just one thing. As a starter, you can it like it's a quarterback and starting quarterback. Man, if they make a mistake in the self, now that's cool. Let that backup come to it. Let that backup come do it. They're gonna be looking for another backup, the whole world coming down on it. We need another one. He ain't he ain't good enough. And that's just one mistake, you know. So it was as mane just trying to be perfect. It's crazy, it sounds trying to be perfect. One of the things I tried to come in doing because I was real loose, I was real just man, it's basketball, like I've been playing this twenty years Like okay, okay, like so what I've been But that was a starter. That was the starter camera page with a coach that oh it's cool, it's cool. I got trust in him. But as a kie coming in you, you had to give you to kind of you know, being perfect like you said, perfect being. So look after after after the thunder, you bounced around a little bit. Man, you touch, you touched China, you touched the G League. Talk about what that Talk about that journey man and what you learned from it. Patience man, patience, you can't you can't rest this, like like like you can't rest it. But also dedication like really wanting to be that guy, like do you really want to play in the NBA? Like that was my question. I went to to runt how they waived me like one of the biggest Like I was like, man, what am I gonna do? Bro? Am I gonna go overseas? I was like yeah, they're offering the money. They're offering the money that I'm getting here, Like yeah, of course I'm gonna goin't don't, don't don't know. Team won't me. It's cool. Let's make the best of it. Went there, man, first day I got there. You know how NFL. I'm for sure the same way team get you. When you land, they there, they're gonna pick you up. They spend in their brier, they come to get you. Okay. I land in China. There ain't nobody there. I'm like, where are we supposed to go? But figure it out? Man, I've been an all different country trying to figure it out. I'm at Hong Kong. We're trying to figure it out. We go to this hotel. I had like six bags. It's my first time going. I got six bags, got all my stuff on with shoes. They got a hotel room for him. We go to the hotel. We don't have a reservation on your name. You don't have a reservation. Okay. So we're waiting three hours trying to figure out the room. Okay. Cool. We finally get the room. They're like, you want me to leave your keep your bags down. I'm like nah, They're like, well, the bags ain't gonna fit in your room. So like, my bags ain't gonna feel I'm like, all right, come on, let's just gonna go to the room. I kid you, not the room where you going. You're in the bathroom, you at the toilet, you have the everything right here. I'm oh god, I'm like, no, this ain't it. So me and my girl we find another hotel. We leave. They're paying for that. We're gone. We had to go to St. Regis. I ain't gonna lie. I'm spoiled. I'm spoiled off the NBA. I ain't nobody standing in this man, I like, I want to be comfortable. I'm already out here. Man. We end up getting a new crib. The translator finally come crazy crazy story. First thing, he said, you want to go who I'm like, yeah, I been waiting, has been sitting this room waiting on y'all. Man said, all right, let's go to the gym. We're walking. We pull up to the park I'm talking about. It's like toil. Of course, he like like, oh oh, man, So we're just sitting there playing with these random Chinese players. Were just playing with them. Don't know him off the street that I'm saying, just a magic You're just going to the park and you just start hooping with anybody. That's how it was next day. He's like, all right, we're gonna leave at like seven am. I'm like, cool, So we're in Hong Kong. He like, well, we can't fly from Hong Kong to China because they got like some stuff going on. They got beef, all right, So we gotta walk across the border. Now earlier I tell us that had six backs. Man, we had to walk literally probably like two and a half miles over the border. Bron I'm carrying bags, I got a coat on. I'm hot, my girl got a coat on. Were hot. I'm talking about, man, we walked two and a half miles outside going over bridge, walking through or I'm talking about walking. Man. Look, wasn't a good experience. That's a different experience. End up getting there and we finally get to town and everything. I get in there, I'm like, yeah, I want to go to the gym. Alright, cool, the team ain't here. We'll have somebody rebound for you. Cool. I get there's literally one person to rebound. I'm like, so, who who gonna work me out? I'm like, okay, okay, I'm in trying. It's different. I'm like i gotta do it. Like it's different. It's different. Start doing it. Myself. Played a couple of games there then I was like, man, call my dad. I'm like, we need to go. We need to go home. Like I'm gonna do the G League. I'm gonna gonna try that. I was a soul. I was so against the G League because I feel like, man, you see somebody going for fourty five thirteen boys, twelve of sins. They still love it. They still this ain't it Like I'm gonna go. I'm I'm gonna hoop. I'm gonna play good. I said, you know what we're gonna do. It might as well try. We we had ground zero, were ain't nothing left. We're gonna try start playing. My goal in the G League was like, let's win the championship. Let's when the whole thing. Let's win the whole thing. COVID here, I'm whooping. I'm whooping Thomas right there, Thomas, No, I was whooping, whooping, cooking, I'm cooking, covid here, shut the season down. I'm like, man, you see soon as I get it in thinking to take that ship away, if you go, I'm like, you got you gotta break, man, I gotta ground for it. So man, COVID end up. So you end up you end up? Uh back to the league. Back to the league in Phoenix, right, M gotta league in Phoenis. I want to know this. I want to know this man. What's the vibe like the team vibe like in Phoenix? Because in football, the teams you're seeing the chip, they the teams who sunk around off the field. I'm saying, they always at somebody house. They had a close college, college vibe like team. So what was the Suns Like, I know y'all ain't win that chip, but still just to go, you know what I'm saying, what was the son's vibe? Like, it's crazy that you said that, because I was just for the same man. We had. We got a college vibe. We got a college man. I'm talking about we go we got each other house almost every week like somebody having something for somebody or somebody gonna pull up on me, like our relationship crazy. That was one thing CP brought to our team. Then when he people like that, people like that, so it was COVID you couldn't really do nothing, like we'll fly to a city, we got dinner. Y'all were like, man, it's my ain one to have dinner not knowing the bigger picture is really just team chemistry that's better than anything. I just want to I just want you to come down and say it's I can find your ass up for laughing better. That's gonna like when you come onto the court, You're gonna get on this ass and he respects you. Yeah, when you don't hang out with each other and somebody says something to you, you like bros with like beef and turned the beef. Yeah, when you do that, then you you gonna do that. But see with us, it was like, man, we had the relationships man where it was good man, you ain't locked in. Okay, say less and you can say anything smarter you locked in. So it was our same chemistry was definitely at a hunting And like you said, I'm the same way with the football to say, they don't surprise me. They don't surprise me because ship, that's that's how you win games. Bro. You gotta gotta be able to communicate. You gotta be able to bump it and shake back immediately. What I'm saying, how I felt getting like being on that stage for real because I'm cp missing games. You had to play you in the playoffs, you contribute to what I'm saying. That's gotta be satisfying. Like R and I'm in the league and I'm actually on the field on the court, and I'm contributing what I'm saying. What was that feeling? Like? That feeling was kind of like when I said I hugged my mom in the in the tunnel like I didin't feeling I'm here. I'm here. I feel like I stamped my name in this league. I feel like I stepped my name when when CP said they come play. My whole thing was just gonna be perfect. Don't be the most perfect camera paign you can be, and that ends up nine eleven, eleven and nine just hooping, like hooping out of my mind, just allowing my work to just show. I feel like I don't came up to the table and time and I put all this work in. Just live with the results. They don't matter. Man, take that take that chance and their chance had here for me every time. And I man, I feel like I just everybody knows camera paying for hooping that that that that's my thing. Now. I want you to know me for hooping, not all that day because really like that's just the personality part my my basketball. I got here for basketball. I didn't get here dancing and none of that. So don't don't, don't, don't. Don't judge me of what I'm doing outside to keep myself happy, to stuff I'm doing with my team. Don't care, and I can't. And they definitely and they definitely know you for hooping as at this point right now, they definitely know you for hooping. Man. That and that's why you signed your back. I'm saying, get a nice live back, nice live pay. They uh, talk to me about your y'all free agency process because in the league, bro, if they want you, they get you to that city. Man, they take you to dinner. They try to not let you lead a building. Really, it's like a recruiting process all over again. So it's the NBA ship like that. I know COVID probably got it funked up right now, but is y'all process kind of like that process kind of similar? But for me, I was I didn't really know what the what the free agency was gonna hold for me. I knew Phoenix wanted me, but I kind of I got away. I went to Miami and just chill with my family and we just took the calls from there. And you know the main thing, Finish put the offer out there first. Bam. Three year nineteen. We like we was hooping in the playoffs and we got it, like, come on, come on, how did w hooping the off season? I've been under y'all microscope all season. Y'all know what I But it was like, man, other teams started calling and it was kind of like a waiting game. They was just like what we're gonna see. We really like you, but we're gonna see. And the only thing I wanted was, man, it just put the money on the table. I want to be just throw some money out there. I want to be in fit. But no one never really threw no money. Finis was like, uh free. She started on the second they hit me up. On the first it was like, let me know, deal off the table. After the second hit, I'm just like, man, they don't the wall. They gotta do their job too. So I was like I sat down in my parents. I was just like, man, that's really where I want to be for uh. Lakers offered me, but I was like, man, I like the chemistry. I like the team everybody. I'm cool with everybody. I can finally say I'm comfortable. So I was like, I'm gonna ride with Phoenix. Man called them. They sent me, they got a play for me, sent me the Phoenix sign that contract. I was just it was it was it. Yeah, it was then then you want to spend a couple of them dollars? Definitely alight. So we got to talk a little football. You're still as paying, right, So I'm sure you're one of the people who felt like y'all was gonna win the chip last year, y'all was eleven and then the injury started, right, So you feel like without the injury, y'all super Bowl team? Right? I feel yeah, I feel that way for show and then it was gonna be hard, but I have faith in our defense. How about this year, Oh we were good, but I don't really base it our preseason. Give me, give me the first five games, and that's how I based it out. We got some new additions, but I got to see it put together all these thinking that you can't really put it in the place. Yeah, it's a lot going on. Hunted, hunted guys on the team right now, having them, what's gonna be going if you play, if you play football, what position you play, I'm definitely gonna be quarterback. Put me in that pocket. I ain't look. I don't say. I don't watch you tube at the time. I ain't come across the middle back. Hey ship you what what you here? How talk you with? I don't see don't six three? You see three that lists you at sixfold. You would be a nice quarterback out there too. Some of you feel me, what what what NBA player? You think it comes to the league right now and play start. I ain't talking about like being on the bench. I'm tilling I come in and and get active, being a game rush right now? Huh what position with Russ lay? Like slot? Yeah? For sure, I don't know about slot. It's a big as slot now. Russ taller than you, right, Yeah, that's the crazy part. That's the crazy part, the difference between the hype difference. Yeah. See, he definitely I don't know if he's gonna look as quick when he comes on that football field because you know there's gonna be some short little guys out there. Russ explodes him. No, Yeah, that's the only reason why I say us. I feel like I'm a strap drug. Come getting off that. You ain't that quick. You ain't creaking in Tyreek Hill. Now you might be quick on that court, but like a legitim bug out here, bro for real, feel that I'm already that's what's upped though. Man, Hey, I appreciate your time. Man, good luck with this season. I know y'all lost that chip, but you gotta look at that ship glass half full. I lost the chip before. It made me have a dog gas offseason. I couldn't stop thinking about it. You feel me so buck that lost man, get to it. We're catching phase baby camera pain. I appreciate, appreciate it, Manne, thank you all for having man had a good time. You already knock h

Catchin' Fades with Aqib Talib

For more than ten years, Super Bowl Champion Aqib Talib commanded respect as one of the most fearsom 
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