In this episode, Aqib talks about Trevor Lawrence wanting to be looked at as more than just a football player (:37), his breakdown of the top WR's he went up against (7:41), and his interview with the great Chris Harris Jr. (16:50). It's all here and more!
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So he would have he would have attended a great college, he would have he would have found a beautiful wife and got married. He would have been the leader of any situation that you would have put him in. So I don't think he needed. I don't think I needed it. I agree with what he's saying. So sometimes football players get tired of just being looked at as a player. I don't want to just be looked at the players. From time I meet guys and they're like, hey, you you're the guy who ne's crabtreet chain or are you playing for the Broncos. Sometimes I tell him, now, I'm a gym owner, you know what I'm saying, just just because I just tell him something else about me. So maybe that's why he just wanted to let the let the world know that he more than just a quarterback, more than just a football player. And I don't I don't find it. I don't find nothing wrong with that, honestly. So that don't mean he like cheating the ground. That don't mean that he don't love football. But uh, you're not as successful as he is without loving the grind, without loving football. And I think he addressed in his quotes as well. He let you know he loved football. He let you know that he loved it just as much as he loved any other person. I mean, that's that's saying a lot. That's a lot to me. You don't lose five or six games since high school boy cheating the ground or not loving football. So the critics. Critics want the number one pick to have a chip on his shoulder and say, I want to prove everybody wrong. I want to prove that I'm the number one pick. I feel like Trevor Lawrence, man where he had in his career. He's been the number one guy since he was eighteen seventeen years old. So he's not trying to prove it no more. Man, He's standing on his work ethic. He's standing on not taking shortcuts, and and that's why he would be successful. He don't have to have a chip on his shoulder too to prove it to anybody. So I agree with that. Man, he's staying his his work ethic and and his his his brain and how much he loved football. That's gonna be why he's successful. So I agree with you, Trevor Lawrence. I don't need football to validate me as a person either. Man. Uh, I love a game of football. I love I love what it did for me. I love how it impacted my life. But but I think my God given traits is what makes me, you know, worthy as a person. And I think football just just brought all those traits out of me. Man, it may show me how competitive I was. Uh, showed me how much of a leader I was. Uh. It showed me how smart I could be. So man, it showed me how social I am. So it did a lot for me. I respect the hell out of the game. Man. I love a game. But I feel like if I would have been a lawyer, she would have been the best damn lawyer in Dallas. Feel like if I would have been a baseball player, I would have been one of the top center fielders in the game. So I think the traits that God gave me this will make me worthy as a person. I agree with you, Trevor Lawrence. So enough about our QB one. I talked about my QB two. Justin fields. Is he dropping? Is his draft stock dropping? Uh? Is he gonna go second round? Is he gonna drop the number twenty pick? I've seen it all, man, But it's funny to me. Man, I think it's again it's a it's a it's a situation where the media it's just making up stories because it's that time of the year where we need stories. Man, So to question his commitment to the game or or the time that he put in. It's nuts to me because, like I said, you're not as successful as Justin Fields has been. If you're not committed to the game, especially at quarterback, man, you can't do it. You cannot cheat the grind, man, you cannot cheat the hours of film that you watch and and and you just can't do it. Man. You won't be successful if you do cheat that grind. So all we can do is go off what we've seen with Justin Fields, man, and all we've seen him do is win big games and make plays since he was eighteen years old. Another guy who's been on the radar since high school, and all he do is win when games and put up big numbers. So and and all you're doing see is make big plays, run plays past plays. Man. He's a great leader. So I don't really get it. I don't really get it up. I said before, I think the old State quarterback deal it's just knocked and they just they nitpick at Old State quarterbacks. Man. So if you if you if you start Trevor Lawrence in the playoffs twice and you wanted one versu him, and the second time you played them, You really really really outplayed him, man, and he's the number one best quarterback in the draft. That says a lot to me. So you're just not successful without putting in that time man. So so I don't get it when I hear when I hear people question this commitment. He Trey Lands played at North Dakota State. He played at Ohio States. So the competition is there, Zach, What's played at b y U. He played at Ohio States. So it's level of competition is there. Uh. If I was being real nitpicky and I just had one knock on on Justin Fields, my one knock could be he ain't got no chips. You know what I'm saying? He he want you want? You want the Sugar Bowl or whatever it was. I think the Sugar Bowl, but that was like the a f C Championship. And I'm saying we can't stand on that. We can't can't stand on winning an FC champion chip or you know, or I'll be saying I want two chips. I want one chip, I want one Super Bowl. I want the NFC chip. But I didn't get it done. We didn't get it done. Win't win a chip. But Mac Jones got chips, Trey Lands got a chip. Uh, Trevor Lawrence got high school chips and college chips, So that would be my only knock on them. But if but if we were talking chips, then I wouldn't put Zack Wilson in front of him, because Zack Wilson don't had no chips. I'm saying, I don't think high school or college. I don't think he wanted any chips, so that can be the reason why they're making him drop. So I don't really see it. I think it's just you know, the media making up stories, you know, doing what they do at this time of the year. And if you do drop, uh, I would think it would be from number two quarterback to maybe the number four quarterback. And I think that's just because team fits. Man, the Jets fall in love with Wilson, I think they just fall in love with the person that he is, you know. And uh and uh. Maybe the Niners went on what the Niners gonna do, But maybe the Niners fall in love with Mac Jones just because the style of offense and his accuracy. I'm saying, just small things. I don't think that's a knock on justin fields though. But if you do drop to the number four quarterback, I still don't think he make it passed the number five picks. Somebody gonna come get him or Atlanta gonna take him at number four, So he's not dropping in my opinion. Okay, So we got a list here of the top receivers who I followed around one on one, and I followed these guys left the right, my top matchups in my career. Bags put us a little turney bracket together. Man. So we're gonna go through the matchups and see who when the chip. So match up number one Randy Moss versus Michael Crabtree. Now this ain't hard. I'm saying little crab Tree as as a competitor, you know, as as a rock runner, man, physical guy. But you're going against Randy Moss in the first round. Man, It's it's no match. Hall of Fame, got man, fastest, best ball skills that I've ever seen. So easy work, uh. In in game one, round one match up number one, Randy Moss moves on. Next match up Greg Jenning's verse, Roddy White. That's a good match up, man, that's a good matchup. Now, Greg Jennings Man he had, he had quarterbacks. His quarterbacks had a lot to do with with with a lot of them numbers he put up. He is great receiver. I don't want to take that away from but I might have could have been a great receiver with with with them with them quarterbacks. Man. But Roddy white Man physical, got good ball skills, run all the routes, not that fast. It's easier for me to guard guard receivers who who got less speed. Great Jenny is a little quicker and it out them breaks plus them quarterbacks. So if I played against him, I played against that quarterback to plus them quarterbacks. Greg Jenny's winning the match up. Great Jenny's Randy mosstay in the next round. Next match up, let's go Terrell Owens verse and Quam Bolding. That's a good matchup, man, good, good physical matchup. I always had to have my mind right going against some strong physical guys. But then but then Terrell Owens, he brings that speed aspect to a two man. So not only is he gonna be physical and run or the underneath rocks man he can he got that ability to go up top two with that speed and Kwam Bold and not so much. If he do get up top, it's probably gonna be from muscling you muscling and you're pulling you through getting behind you in that way, or maybe a double move or something like that. But great hands man gonna catch it just about everything you throw to him. Who it's a tough one and Kuombold and Tarrell Owens got to go too, though, Man I got to go too, a little bit tougher, tougher guard for me. Next match up. There's some good names on this list. Two here, uh, Andre Johnson, Vergin, Marius Thomas. When I looked at the bracket, I thought, this is probably the best matchup right here. Super similar guys man, big six, three to thirty type guys, both of them fast DT might have running better forty time, but Andre Johnson played fast man caught a bunch of deep balls. You see it in this game. Bunch of deep balls man. So it's a tough one man. Both of them that played with play with, played in big time games man big time plays all games. Super similar guys. But if I had to pick one man, it's tough right here. This is the toughest one. I'm gonna go Andre, just because I think a man that's DT. You my dog, I love you DT. I gotta go Andre, old man. And just because I just think he was maybe a little more physical at that size, DT supers physical too, man, but I think a little more physical and a little more downfield explosion man to catch a couple more deep balls in DT. Andre Johnson moved on. Next match up, Calvin Johnson verse Jimmy Graham. I know Jimmy Grahamer tight end, but I did Bill did seek me on Jimmy Graham one time. I followed the tight end, started that down. So I started in the box one game, guarded, guarded, Uh, Jimmy Graham. All these guys. Not to mention all these guys. These are not just guys who I played against. These guys who my coach gave me to a signment of following. These guys left the right, So I followed all these guys. So Calvin Johnson, Jimmy Graham, Calvin Johnson is ALI. It's not fair for Jimmy Grant to go against Calvin Johnson in the first round. But Calvin Johnson is probably the best receiver. He probably gave me the most work out of all these receivers on his list. So Jimmy Graham, great tighty and great pass catching tighty and great routes. Uh, some good quarterbacks as well, But Calvin Johnson got to move on, and he brings too much to the table move like he on the line, he's like a little guy. Uh, straight line speed, he's like a little guy, but when it comes to slants and route running, he's like a big guy. On top of that, he tracked the ball like he Randy moss Man. So by far, by far, one of the one of the toughest covers that I had in my career. Next match up a J. Green or T. Y Hill, and it's a good one too, right here. Uh two different body types, man. He got one smaller speed, speed over route, deep ball kind of guy, maybe catch a slant catching run crossing route type of guy. And then you got a true ex receiver man guy who runs come backs in face comebacks phase and slash might running dig and hit you with a corner route on top of that off that dig man. So tough matchup. Usually as smaller guys are are are are tougher for me to guard. But uh, I'm gonna go a J. Green right here. Man, I'm gonna go a j Green right here, just because he's a true extraceiver man and he got great releases. I think he's probably just as quick as t Wall off the line. Man. They both got great releases. But just that six fourth frame man ball skills a little bit more. He brings a little bit more to the table downfield. Next matchup, let's go Julio Jones versus Hakim Knicks. Now, it seemed like there's a lopside and matchup, Man, but I'm telling you, probably my worst game as an NFL pro it's probably going against Haakim Knicks. Man. He came out with like a hundred and seventy and the tub something crazy. But it wasn't all Hakim Knicks. It was a lot of It had a to do with Eli Manning. Man. Eli Manny through nine phase at me. So anybody who ever played dB, I promise you probably ain't never got nine phase in one game, because if you do good, you stop half of them, that's a great day. I stopped four pass breakups or however they ended up on deep balls. But if he catched half of him, that's another four that he caught. So Man it's that's kind of how our game went. Man. It was back shoulder to deep ball eli Manny really showed me how how good he was when I when I played how Kim Knicks. But Julio Jones, we all we all know about Julio Jones. Man, big physical, great rock runner, great speed, and he also got a great quarterback and Matt Ryan. But uh a better matchup, better matchup than you would think. Then this bracket says, because this bracket is is for me. This this hot tough they was covering, how tough they was to cover for me, and how Kim Nicks has just had a weird off the line kind of remind me. I'll shine Jeffrey a little bit. Just weird off the line. He gets to his speed fast. He was physical with great ball skills man, so he brought a lot to the table. I respect this game a lot, But Julio Jones gonna move on to the next round and last, but not least last match up the first round Steve Smith verse Josh Gordon. It's another good match up, man, another good match up. Josh Gordon explosive one of them six three big framee man, good speed, But uh, I don't think he ran all the routes like like Steve do. Steve just super physical. He running all the rouss and Steve called deep balls like a like a six three six four guy man. So so he made up what he didn't have in height, He made up for it within ball skills man. So last round, last match up. In the first round, Steve Smith moves on. So that's Steve Smith verse Julio Jones. Next round. We got a j Green versus Calvin Johnson. Next round, we got Andre Johnson verse Terrell Owens next round and uh Greg Jenny versus Randy moss Man. It should be good first round. In the books, Catching Phase is proud to be presented by FanDuel. Never play FanDuel Fantasy before great. FanDuel is offering up to five hundred dollars bonus instantly when you make your first deposit with our deposit match. Why do you play FanDuel? I play fandel for the fantasy easy to use out It's so easy to use and make my betting experience great, and I could pick a new team every game. FanDuel is offering new users a deposit match up to five hundred dollars when you make your first deposit. Go to FanDuel dot com slash coward for more info FanDuel dot com slash coward, FanDuel more ways to win catching phase. I keep to leave here with my little bro. Man. Y'all know who he is. What I'm saying, One and only Chris Harris Jr. All Pro, Pro Bowl, All Decade, Super Bowl Champ. It's my little brother. You know. You know I called him. You'll canna hear me calling me young all day. That what I'm saying. That's my name for him. You know what's up, baby? What's up? Family? I'm glad to be all man. Appreciate you, Appreciate you. I know you're still grinding. It's that grind time of the season. I know you already getting it on, so I appreciate you taking that time. I'll choke schedule man. Well, I probably know the answer to maybe like one or two of these questions. I got lined up. But for the most part, I got I put it together. But uh for with ship that I don't know about you. You know what I'm saying, Ship, I want to I want to know about you feel But that's what's up. But tell the people started off, Man, where are you from Tas Oklahoma? You you went out a little bit, so I lost a little bit of the question that you said. But I'm from TuS, Oklahoma more than raised at the tea town. Man. You see who are you bawling man in the tournament? Yes, sir, she'll madg Kansas man had Bill young r P Bill young Man. You know, tell you came to talk, came and found me. Uh, they gave me that there was my first offer. After that, I said, man, uh, I got a chance to go play opposite of us all American got not hold on, hold on, We're gonna get there. We're gonna get there. You'll don't tell us the whole story. Tosa, Tosa, Tosta, Oklahoma. So what what you know? We live in Dallas. Young he stayed out here as well, so we know about the football in Texas. What that football like in Tawsa. Man, what's doing in the Oklahoma? Yeah? We always got some dogs out there, man, low key guys that the people a lot of times they always sleep over Oklahoma comes straight to Texas. But as they were going back up north, they always gotta pop through there because you're always gonna find some guys man, Bradford McCoy. You know, we got a lot of guys that's league. A lot of a lot of guys come out that come out you know what I mean. Catch Yeah, some guys come out that oh you man, but so in uh them them youth sports, high school, middle school, all that. What what are you play? You played more than just football. I heard football, basketball, little track on the court, you know, tell him about the court though, telling about that basketball court on the court all met show. That's all the accolades and basketball. Uh, that's what that's what. That's what a lot of people don't know about. Chris Hans julior. Man. He a fool on the court. You know what I'm saying. You put him and leave on the same team as Trump. I'm telling you. Here food on the court, my number one pick in Kansas. Hey, get me young and we're good. Man. Here food on that basketball court for show. So look, you you're growing up in Toasa, Oklahoma. What was it that sparked your interest in football? How you find how you fall in love with the game of football? Man, My mom just threw me in the game early, you know, uh, five years old. I don't even remember her telling me that you're going to play football. You know, it's just kind of like, hey, y'all got practice. You know you're gonna learn to play this game. You know, so early mighty Mike. You know we played tackle football early and from there, oh, you know, I just had that that five competing and after that just stuck with me the rest of my life. With your mother an athlete. Yeah, she was an athlete softball, basketball, so you know she kind of she definitely gonna I'm telling them them athletes, right, we had kids young. We just know how to brainwah our kids like they turned like four or five. Like Jabrille, he don't even know why he liked football. I'm like, man, how you started likeking football? He was like, I don't know. I just know one day I was just playing, like yeah, hey, just we just know how to brainwash. Yeah that's funny, that's funny. So, so how high school football go for you? Man? High still a football? Man went good? Man. I was able to start early, I got to play a little bit. Uh. I was a returner as a freshman on ours, and then once we got to my sophomore year, obviously playing both ways and I was doing my thing, man, being able to get all district of state and US the state championships. But I just didn't have no offers. Man, it was just overlooking it, right, So what you're thinking was why why do you think you got overlooked? Because I see, I know when you walk on that Kansas, I see movement. I see competitiveness, like you know when somebody got skilled. Right, so immediately we all knew, oh young nice like you know what I'm saying. But how how you get on what you think it was? Now you look back, you pro bowl, all pro, all that good ship. Now why do you think why do you think you got overlooked coming out of high school? Man? It was just most most of the big time schools they were either going to Jinx Union. So you know how my partners at at Union, Dominique Franks uh got right. Oh you you mean he had fifty offers, you know what I mean? But I was putting up the same numbers or or better, you know. But it was just it was just the location I was at. My school was kind of up and coming school. We I kind of put us on the map. Now we got guys every year going D one every year going out there, and we went to state every year, so it was kind of I had to be that first person to kick that dough down. Yeah, that's what's up. That's super interesting too, that's kind of that's kind of how my school was. Bro we ain't touched the playoffs in thirty years. Boom, we go to the playoffs. That year, we're seeing four guys D one, and then and ten years after that we playoffs, playoffs, playoffs, a whole bunch of guys going D one. So that's all they take. I'm telling you that notoriety, man, that that that'd be what guys be missing sometimes, you know what I'm saying. So definitely, Man, you end up at Kansas Boom, you know, Scylie you walk on sc Kansas. Yeah oh yeah, oh yeah you came wrong right yeah yeah oh yeah Bill Bill, So yeah, just tell us that, tell us that clear clear that up. Clear that up for me. How you how you end up at camps? Bill Young came out there and he came to our basketball practice and I was just killing him, you know, yeah, yeah, yeah, Like you want to play football, you're gonna play basketball? What you're gonna do? I want to play football. You know what I'm saying, I just ain't got the schools yet. So he said, I'm gonna be down here in three days. But man, gino three days. They came right back him and man, you know, okay, I want to see you play basketball. I just want to watch your practice, and then from that you want to see you more. Yeah, he wanted to see me move. He didn't even see me play football other than the little take that I had from him, you know, but he just wanted to see how I moved on the court. And then after that, after that, you know him and build they offered me on the spot and then I came down there on the visit. I had stuck as my house. You know, he was talking, they should have gave you leave. I don't know how they didn't give you leave, you know what I'm saying, But they gave you stuck with Bill, will you win? You're saying, so we want? Oh yeah, And after that, man, it was a rat man. So sure, I was just happy to to really after after can you offered me? Then I start getting tons offers, you know what I mean? But yeah, man, you know and Bill Young because they was the first one that gave me that first one, you know, and after that, I was like, shure, this is about to be at That's that's what's up man R and P R and P. Coach Bill young too. Man. He was our deep coording otter that Kansas. He taught us so much. Man, he we mastered cover fo you know what I'm saying. That was probably the first time I really learned the coverage. You know, I'm saying, I had to learn where other guys. He taught me to learn where everybody else is so I can know what to guard and each coverage, you know what I'm saying. So I never looked at football like that until I got the Kansas and Ship. I looked at football like that for the rest of my life. I'm saying, when I got a garden cover three, when I got a garden coming forward, that's just knowing what the guard man so R P. Bill young Man, He definitely. Bill young was probably one of the coaches that was so swimularly similar to the Waves Phillips that I ever had. When his sea, the way his approaching relationships with people, and just just how he coached us and how he brought the game the light just like, really, I remember his kids. Man, we played everything everything that wenning with Bill young That's what we're running with, the Bronzel zone, blitzes, look man bliteses and coming forward. Basically, this dude was ahead of his time when you really think about his defenses, because we was doing that back then. We was. We was man RP. Bill young Man. That's a that's a great coach. He's gonna be missed by by that football world, by everybody, honestly. Alright, So so boom you end up back Kansas. You know what I'm saying, true freshman, somehow you end up on the field opposite me. Tell us about that little journey. How you end up on the field. Tell me about me too? Was lead helpful? Was I was? I mean? Was our paying attention to the youngest? How was? I don't because I don't know. You know, you look back and you don't know how you was, and I know it's young on the other side of me. We turned up. So talk about that. How you end up on the field and all that. I mean, it started out. We was in the summer, you know what I mean, we got the summer. We're doing seven on seven, one on ones, you know, and we building up in that in that bubble, and we was outside too, over there by the softball fields, you know what I mean. Yeah, uh, they didn't. They didn't change it up for the whole baseball field to check over there now, But that's what we was at, and we just had high competitive right there, you know what I mean, big time seven on seven deck's out there talking mass you know her, you know what I mean. We're having big action already in the summer, so we were strapping up again. So then that's kind of how I kind of from there, I kind of gain y'all respect from there from that jump. I think you had to come in and kind of show early that you could play. And we was out there, you know, it wasn't really a lot of coaches out there. It was really like this is the team. They couldn't be out there. Yeah, the coach just couldn't be out there in the summer, remember, they couldn't be out there at all. So it was just like, this is the team. So if you're gonna show, if it's the time when you can show what you got, this is the time, because this is what your brother is in and these are the ones I hit great, you know what I mean. So from there, I just like I got. I'm trying to game respect from right there and trying to show that competitive nature. And unfortunately when we got to the season, Kahop got hurt. But I was expecting to play anyways if it was gonna be Nick or Corner. You know what I'm saying. I was being ready to play regardless. But okay, I'm end up going down the first game. I forgot who we played, but I had nine tackles or something of PV you I think you had to pick out there. I can't remember your stats, but he was ready though Central Michigan. I was gonna say, maybe it was a B the it was. It was that Central Michigan or or somebody like that. But yeah, that's that's what's up. That's what's ups. So you end on that, you end up on that field. Boom, we storm. We stormed that year when the Orange Bowl man, and that probably was top three years, top three fun seasons for me as far as playing football on the field, practice, locker room, everything right, vibe period, that probably was top three vibes I had in the footballs here. What you think made that team so special. Man, What you think made us made us that great? Like like coming in, Man, we had great leaders, you know you was already setting the standard on the defensive side, j Mat Stuck, you know what I mean, Mike Verver, Joe Mo. We had some dogs on defensive side that was great leaders and worked hard, you know what I mean, and loved the game. So we didn't have a lot of people that didn't love the game, you know what I mean exactly. They was really willing to go through anything to play ball, you know what I'm saying, and reckless with it. You know what I'm saying. We had real dogs and and that's what And from there that's why I was like, Okay, I know I'm a fitting well with these guys because I already see their mentality and offense had tired. He had that same mentality that we had on these old li had that mindset. So that's how we jeled together. And I think that was that was the reason why. And Man, you know, also made us like that. He made us swear, you know. His strict mentality is discipline kind of made us all together even more. It made us tight, you know, his his philosophy and I think that's what really got us over the hump, right. I think it was that. I think, man, you know what the best thing Man you know did tools He made us so competitive. He made everything a competition. Remember how he split us up in him team Red team, White team Yellow team, and everything from going to class to your weightlifting too, how you doing these stations to everything was a competition, you know what I'm saying. So I felt like he was bringing that competitive edge out some people who really never had that brought out of him. And so we were just we don't care who we was playing. We was ready to go. Were competing against anybody, man. And by that color of things and by seeing how people have we compete in the off season, he could tell who you can rely on in the season, you know what I mean really exactly? So, yeah, that that was that was if I if I if I'm ever a college coach, I'm gonna have something like that. And I'm I'm I'm I'm copying that for shure what I'm saying, because he he cranked up that competition level on that team for show for show Man shout out Mark Man, Gino Man, my dog. And so so you think you think Kansas will get back to that level. Man, They've been dropped off since we left it kind of being, you know, a little bit worse and worse and worse. When we was there, it was up. You think they how can they get back to that level? You think they ever get back to that level? Man? We just really got to go back to the basics, man, go back to the to where the roots of what what we had. Man, you don't how to laid out, Yeah, the exact places to go recruit, you know what I mean. We was getting big time Texas players, big time Oklahoma players, Florida. He was good cow. He was going all over you know what I mean. And he was bringing he was bringing the dogs that he knew that he could could raise to that next level, you know what I'm saying. And he wasn't just fine, Okay, we're just gonna go get this pretty boy athlete over here that we know he got talent, but he don't got no dog. Man. Gino was finding a specific personality along and those Yeah, along and those. You had to be a dog. You had to be able to handle this. You had to feel it, Yeah, you had to. You had to be able to he had to be able to feel it, like I could get on his ass and he gonna go harder, hes gonna fight, And I'm the kind of god he wanted. He wanted real dogs. Yeah, that's what we gotta get, man, So we gotta get back to that way. And hopefully, uh, Emma Johns, hopefully as he's doing. Uh, he's the intern right now. He always been a big dog recruiters, so hopefully he can brace them some real guys that we can use. Already talked about to offer Jay already because ja I here running twenty two on the track two and shut down corner. So I'm like, y'all need to offer him right now. I know you got better, doul, I'm telling you. And see, and that's what that's That's where I think Stucker coming in that man, because I don't know made calls up there before till less like, hey, I got one a dog man his his home house, his house situation kind of messed up. But he makes straight age and he locked in. He ready to go. You know what I'm saying. He's a little bit smaller, but I'm saying here, dog me, no return calls. Wood he end up here. That's why I'm like, I'm like, man, I don't got tired of calling him. I'm tired of help him. I'm trying to help in a return. So I think that's where a guy like Stuck here come in and what I'm saying here, make here, make something happen. At least come check the guy out or he'll do something I'm saying. And I think I think we'll getting better like that Stuck to be more involved. Man, some of these guys we pushed into Kansas. We're trying to talk him. Inte going it a come to fruition a little bit though. We're trying. Definitely, we're trying, bro, We're trying to get him. It's good when Kansas football good. Man, it's nice outhing in Laurence. When when the Kansas football good? All right? So boom you go hand in Kansas, you know what I'm saying. And then you go to that draft or whatever, you go undrafted. At this point now looking back on the do you think you get overlooked coming into the league? Man? What hurt me was playing my senior year. I wasn't getting no rocks, you know, at at corner, and so I was like, shoot, coach jil, I might as well just go to safety, you know, get involved in the game, and then from there, I think that really hurt my draft stop because I'm in the top ten. Yeah, I'm in the top ten at corner going into the draft, going into the year, but then I moved to safety and I dropped the nineteam. So I think it was a bad decision for me to switch to safety my senior year because then teams didn't really have a really ideas You're gonna play corner? Is he gonna play safety? Right? So now? So now boom. When you when you go undrafted, it's almost like your first little way of a free agency. You get it. Your teams call you right after the draft. Everybody call you. Not everybody, but you know you have a handful of teams who call you. Man, Who are some of these teams who hit you right after? And why did you why did you pick Denver? What was what was special about Denner that made you want to go link up with those guys? Man? My situation was different, Man, after the draft. We was in the lockout, So it wasn't no calls after the after the draft, you know what I mean? I was just chilling, training and waiting until the lot. And then once the lie came up, Denver called me, Cowboys called me, and the Dolphins, and I thought Denver going in they had a new uh new ownership was coming in or new management was coming in with Elway, and all they had was Champ, and I thought that would be a good spot for me to come in and try to make the spot on them. We had that lockout, man, I can't We couldn't contact nobody until that guy live. I forgot about that lock I forgot about that lockout. It was a crazy year, bro, that was a crazy year. So boom you pick you pick, uh, you pick Denver. You're in the same locker room with Champ, not Champ bated. That's like anybody who know me, that's like one of my favorite corners. Wh's one of my most watched corners. I'm saying, one of my favorite NFL players ever. Uh. Then boom you in the locker room. You get to play with him. Man, what some of the things you learned from them? With some of the things you know, I'm saying picked up from him? Uh, just playing with how many years you played with him? For four years? I think yeah, four years. Yeah, so four years with champ Man with some of the stuff you learned from about just professional about the game period. Man, just talking to champ Man just he said, Man, I've been in the league fifteen years. I never missed a day or work, you know what I mean. That's that's that was just something I always stuck with huge, you know what I mean. I never missed the day. I'm always available if I can't be, you know what I mean. And that was he was right there from just chopping it up to him as a as a rookie seeing his technique. Man, he was flawless technique you know, on the press, off ball, you know, he had different He taught me that, like it's not good just have one technique. You can have a whole bunch of technoues, you know what I mean. And as we come into college, as we're gonna leave, you like you gotta do kind of like a robot, you know what I mean, You're like a robot. Champ was like, Nah, we do all I do, all techniques, you know what I mean. And just seeing seeing how he brought that to the game and brought that the practice every day and his mentality was always I'm gonna be abilm I'm gonna give him my best and my technique gonna be flawless if I can. So that's something that I always shot a copy on the show. Also, I had behing doctors too. I had the doctor. The dog brought that intention to everything, you know what I mean, every day but practice everything. He was a dog and he was the dumb guys. Being in the film room with those guys really elevated my film just seeing how they thought. You know what I mean. We used to have we used to have meetings where we had no coaches and Dark would running dark and Champ would run the meeting, you know what I mean. That's how the Fame presentation on how to break down the film Hall of Fame knowledge. Yeah, see what I'm saying. That's that's super crucial being you know, year one, year two, year three, all that. Man, that's like Robie coming in locker room whatever. You just immediately gonna be held to that standard. You feel. But that's definitely that's that's a blessing. Man. When you get to come to leave Boom, you come in, you're in the same locker room with Champ, Dark and I come in to league. I'm in the same locker room with Derrick Brooks Rande Barber the same way, that standard, but the same way, Bro. They're like, Bro, where you're pining? Where your pencil? Look when we see these every time you see this, write this down on my head what I'm saying. But I'll come back six years later, seven years later, I'm doing road the same way Road, Write this down, Bro, We need to take a break road sleep. Like what I'm saying. We just Uh, that's that's what I learned from my O. G. S. I came in the locker room with man. Just that standard. If it's your job, whether you like it or not, to set that standard, then to set that standard. You know what I'm saying. That's what's up. So boom. We fast forward some few years. Boom, champ out the dolls. Free agency time. It's perfect time too because it's free agency time right now. Free agency time. Come y'all, Lewis's chick. You know what I'm saying to a great defense leading the Boom and that off season, Uh John come he bringing uh t J Ward Marker's world. I keep to leave. How you feel about that? Some guys, some guys to take that, like, man, why are we bringing all these or some guys that take that like okay, here we go. Now what I'm saying, So how you take it? How you felt about that free agency, that wave of I'm saying that that bag that John dropped that off season? How you felt, Oh, man, creator too. We was happy because we was like, man, we just need to take that next step. We need some dogs. So to bring in TJ. You know, I don't want to talk about my prior to safety before then, but he wasn't bringing that sun to like t J. You know what I'm saying, bringing that fear. So we needed that. He did what he did good. He did what he did good, but he ain't bringing that. Yeah, you know what I mean, We needed that fear. We needed at somebody that can play in the box too with me also on the Don exactly. You know what I mean. I needed somebody that I could play with, get comfortable with in the nickel and the Don who I worked with, you know what I'm saying. So that's that's that's a perfect right there. And then we're bringing you now to where no, I can still do my thing and you do your thing. You know what I'm saying, I ain't got my game. Ain't gonna just mess up your game, and your game ain't mess up my game. We just gonna copy that exact and then you bring in d Wear who we know a Vine. That's all Vine needed with somebody else because we just doing compliment wear. So it was just a pick pieces. I think Elway brought that we needed to take that next level. But I did get mad when we drafted Roll. I did get mad when we drafting rocause I got the first round pick corner. You know what I'm saying. We already had some solid backups too, so at that time, so I did get that did kind of have me, make me bring that motivation in me. But but it kind of But it was for the good though, because when I tell you, top three most competitive guys I've ever been around, man youngest probably one or two. He probably not even three man, And you could feel it bro from the meeting room to practice to the game. When we got there, I'm like, damn it. I didn't really feel like it's young my brother, but I'm like, he going in right now, he's trying to. But I feel it because I'm paid roll first round. You're like, all right, y'all bring this, y'all bringing these boys in ship, all right, let's go like And your intensity level was through the roof, Bro, And I feel like that helped me and roll, Like you know, we could come in, we could get comfortable. I'm rich now what I'm saying, I can get come the one chill. But I feel like your intensity, your competition level cranked us up. You know what I'm saying. You made me stay feeling like, okay, young game, my little baby brother no more he with the ship. So I gotta you feel me. I gotta if I'm if I'm gonna stay lead. You pushed me and I'm pushing you, and we're both pushing Rod, And I think, man, we never bought. We never bit our tongue with each other, you know what I'm saying, And we never we never like shot away from the conversation of competing between the three of us. And I think ship that was the best thing that could have happened to all of us at that point in our career. Bro. That ship was like perfect for man. That ship brought us, that made us, It made us better on the field. One playing as one together, you know what I'm saying, and win that Super Bowl because US three ain't on point. We're not winning on Super Bowl dog dog don't. We're not winning a divisional round, We're not winning an FC chip. It was. We always felt like that, and start with finding but man, that ship, start with us. Bro. If we're strapping, we're gonna win. We always felt like that. Man. We always pushed each other. That's what So I'm glad I was. I'm glad I was part of that defense. I'm glad I got to play with your boys. That should crank me up. Hell yeah, uh so, Boom, we's the best d in the league since we definitely was the lesion of Boom was then being boomed and we came, we had our run. Has it been a defense that had a run like us since then? I've been waiting. I really ain't seen one who was who like us. You know what I'm saying. That just they ain't one of the defenses that go down in history. So so in my book, we're still waiting. What you think, Yeah, we're still waiting for show the Bucks. They had a great they had a great defense performance in that game. Yeah, and in the playoffs, the NFC Championship game, the playoffs. They had a great performance in the playoffs and they wanted to but we put together the whole thing, right, They ain't really had the full season left up. We gotta win this game on us, all defense, uh, making sure, you know, we get the key turnovers to win the game, keep pick sixes to win the you know what I mean. I guess is coming to the wire right right. And then we had to pray showing our back, you know what I'm saying. In the playoffs too. We we didn't did all this in the regulacies. Now we gotta steer perform, and I think we turned our ship up even more points per game went down everything when all our numbers cranked up in the playoffs and we got even better. Man, that's what. So we're still waiting, man, what I'm saying, no fly ship. What I'm saying, We're still waiting for somebody. It's gonna be somebody. I'm waiting to see him. I love I love to see special defense like that. So it's hard though, man, the offense has changed so much. Instead, Man, it's it's to give up. It's tough to give up seventeen points. The game's hard, you know what I'm saying. Every week, boy, and then you look at the teams, I feel like like just being outside looking in as a fan. Now, Bro, it's more talent in the league. Bro. It used to be like it's it's eight cold quarterbacks, everybody else cool. Now it's like ship, everybody got a cold quarterback, everybody got a number received, It's like everybody, there's so many. Everybody got the players, everybody exactly everybody. Bro, I'm telling you, I'm telling you tight ends getting better. Man. It's as a fan right now, No, you're still in it, so you don't get to watch everybody weekend we got. But as a fan young, this ship nothing, Bro, This ship going ham my love like man, this ship then turned to the it's five wide, you know what I mean, it's just yeah, and then the res the repsst offense friendly. I'm saying. So they're making short points, get scored, the quarterbacks getting better, but they're moving around, throwing further now, so the game changing. Man. So you're right that that that legendary defense status is gonna be harder and harder to to to get to. Man and That's why I think, that's why I put us that's the best ever because we did it in this area. What I'm saying, it was spread football when we played it wasn't quite like it is right now, but it was the beginning of that spread area. Know what I'm saying. You know what I'm saying. Come on, come on, they gotta get Cam credit for with these but these offenses doing now because a lot of they got from him, A lot of it, a lot of a lot of the r P O you staying quarterback, run and make ye A lot of that that was camp for show. Here we go. Uh So, now you don't touch the All Pro until you're don't touch the Pro Bowls, A couple of All pros, uh, All Decade Team, Team accolades. Man, you haven't been an AFC champion, you haven't been a world champion at this point. What you're gonna play your team or eleven eleven? Now, yeah, you've been going into a year eleven. How you keep that drive, how you keep that that same competitive edge? How you get better as a pro all the way in year eleven? So my motivation is in storm, you know what I mean? Like you got the end pretty much stall you got the end, got to playing the Super Bowl game, you know what I mean, just end installed. That's how I want to finish, you know, I mean, I want to finish escalating like that. You want to finish some having good, finishing storm, feeling good about yourself, feeling accomplished what I wanted to accomplish, and I finished on. So that's that's been my mentality is to make sure that this year I'm coming back trying to get vengeance. You know what I'm saying? Sure? Right? Do you do you have to change anything since? Like I'm you know, as I got older, I got flowered, so and I was like, all right nine when I'm off ship. I used to play at whatever eight. So the older I got and I'm gonna play at nine, I kind of changed my technique. I changed my my off season routine. I had to start really tending to my body. I know you're doing out of that already. So do you have to change anything in order to be great once you once you're going into a year eleven? Man? Me, I just kind of stayed on my same type of schedule, you know what I mean. We ain't kicked out like we're usually doing and marched all the way. We're kind of easing our way into it compared to how real trophy I was on the Folk Hunts you you know, back the day earlier. You know what I'm saying. We ain't We ain't got to there yet. But I like the pace that we're going on right now. It is different, you know what I mean. It's a little slower, but I like the pac kind of get Make sure your mobility is a perfect you know what I mean. Make sure you're still flexible. Uh, make sure my full body feeling good, you know what I mean? And uh, that's why I wanted That's what my main I want to make sure I feel good going in the year. Make sure my body feel good and I still got that flexibility, mobility, and um, that's the main thing. When you lose that, that's when it's time to go exactly, that's when you're gonna you're gonna start seeing one too many balls called on. Hey, and if you if you like me, you don't like that, ship's try that straight up. So let's do these charges. What's up with these charges? How you feel? How you feel going into this season? A couple of transaction. Y'all made the coaching changes, y'all made how you feel going into this year? Man? I feel good, Man, I think uh adding coach Stateley. Uh, he's similar to fans, you are similar to Way Phillips. So it's kind of for me. Last year, I was playing a totally new scheme that I've never played in, you know, playing and Coup of three system, learning that uh system before. But it was good to learn it, you know what I mean? So in case I haven't want to use that some of those packages exactly, but it was good to learn that. You learn You learned that, you learned every covering three beater in the world, everything, every how did everything you want to attack cover three? So I learned that. Bringing coming back playing and this is our system I've been playing in my whole career. So I feel good going back to the three or four. I think Die running them was gonna be solid in it. So back Michael Davis. He's the guy I want you to check out. Man, He's six two corner, you know what I mean, run forward three pour tray right, Yeah, he's solid. You know what I mean. He's solid. I know about it. He's solid corner so I think he's gonna elevate next year. But Herbert Man, it's all you know, it's about Herbert Man taking that next year, the Golden Boy and taking that next y'all gonna go the defense. The defense could take you somewhere, but you know it's a quarterback driven league. Man, he gonna have to he gonna have to play his asso if you'all gonna get there. Tough conference, man, But ship, I thought y'all surprised me yesterday. I mean last year, losing as many games y'all did, y'all surprised me. I mean, y'all had injuries and stuff. But you know how that go to injuries happen. You take young out, the defense not the same if you take Chris Hairs out. So, man, you missed by five and six weeks or something. So staying healthy, man, y'all always played a division Opponent's good. I'm saying. So, y'all always on the radar, always on the radar. You've got a chance. It's gotta be locked in catt that vibe and you already know you know what I mean. I got the we got the guys the show, and we just brought in uh, court Lindsay from the package and a couple of other cold mom and uh keep herbrid up right. And you know, he didn't have a lot of time. He was doing a lot of he was doing a lot of his Uh so I was like, you're in he was making play with a lot of pressure and taking a lot of So this year, you can you get that guy some protection, man, and we got weapons all over the field for him. So I see him having a big year for shore for shore Man. We're definitely looking forward to or see what the Chargers gonna do. Uh last thing before we get out of here. Man, what you got going off the field? I know it's it's it's fourth quarter and onlybody's trying to play two of years or nothing like that. So man, you're probably in the fourth quarter of your career. What them advancements looking like we're gonna drop that paper into man? What that what that retirement? Playing with that retirement playing looked like, Man, it's going good. Man. I got a lot of a couple of real estate. Man, I just told my cribs in Denver, So that was huge, you know what I mean to get that uh rest man, rest just slowly investing right now. You know how it is right now? You gotta watch the market. This is a lot of things kind of crazy right now. But the real estate. I got a lot of worldhouses for Nike, you know what I mean. Or that's still bowman, Uh nose A couple of things a little tit because I can throw out there for people to look at and try to do and try to get involved. That's easy money, you know what I mean. They just stories their stuff in there. Uh. It's a lot of things. Man, just really is just focusing on the girls right now, you know, first on the family, you know, and uh saying what that what I can spend my time and uh after the after the game, you know, right, you know how I am leaving. I'm on football, you know what I mean. I'm on football, family, So I don't know what I'm gonna do when I'm done. Look my up my little piece of advice. I know, I know you always gonna handle your business, but set that play up in the fourth quarters? Aren't setting that? So you ain't done? And then like all right now, let me set because I'm telling you I see a whole bunch of people do it. My transition was smooth, by time I'm done, I had this going, this going, this is going already. It was like, sh I'm still working for real, you know what I'm saying. So for that smooth transition, I'm telling you start setting them up. Boo boo. You know what I'm saying. It's hard to be scary too, Like I gotta drop my nuts and drop these ends on this building. Let's go, man, let's do it. So it's tough, but you already know I'm here. I'm gonna be a hundred percent honors with everything, all the investments, all that ship. Man. How the baby girls doing Chris got a beautiful family, man for beautiful baby girls. Man, how the baby girls? And they're doing good? Man? My older six four, three or two and once? So I got the two big, two big girls in two babies. The two babies. You gotta watch, Okay, you gotta watch them about to all this thing. They're doing good. I'll finally getting them helpers. You know what I'm saying, like you, yeah, yeah, when you get to see they start, go make a bottom, Go get me a pamper and somewhere. Yeah, said good. I love making a bottom. Yeah that's good. Let's go do anohing. That's what's up, man. But that's what's up. Bro. I ain't gonna hold you, man, get back to that grind. I appreciate you coming on and uh, any time you got some new stuff going foundation stuff, man, just hit me up. We're bringing on the show. Okay, we gotta we got a big audience and we got a great audience, so well put it out there for shak oh. Yeah. Man, appreciate you. Man, you already know catching phase. Chris Harris would appreciate you.