Casey HendricksonCasey Hendrickson

How The U.S. Won The Vietnam War, And How Revisionist Historians Lied To You

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I know, this seems controversial. It isn't.

The United States did win the Vietnam War.

Casey Hendrickson breaks down the 11-Day War (Operation Linebacker II) and the enemy giving up after we gave them a total defeat.

Casey also talks about the despicable actions of Walter Cronkite in prolonging the Vietnam War when the North was considering ending the conflict years before it did.

Revisionist historians who hate America were responsible for spreading this lie and completely gaslighting the entire American public. It's a lesson in media lies and manipulation, and how those lies can permeate throughout our society.

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Casey Hendrickson

Casey Hendrickson is a syndicated radio talk show host based in South Bend, IN. Casey covers local  
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