Reckless Replay: From A Superhero To A Hurt Villain

Published Dec 16, 2024, 11:00 AM

Previously Recorded

Hey y’all, wussup?? These men are bugging, but ladies have to take accountability for the fact that you’re letting them! And yes I’m yelling but that’s only ‘cause I care. Tap in! 

If you want Jess to fix your mess, DM her on Instagram: @carefullyrecklesspodcast

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Welcome to Can't Flee Reckless, the production of iHeartRadio and The Black Effect. And just like that, y'all, we are back with yet another Carefully Reckless episode with your girl, Jess Hilarious.

So listen. What I do is I be.

Fixing people's mess, y'all, and y'all know I love it. I have a different intro every single time. Tell me if y'all think I should get an intro for Just Fix My Mess, because I have one on Breakfast Club for Jess with the Mess. I got one on Breakfast Club for Just with the Mess. I don't have an intro for Just Fix My Mess for my podcast for Carefully Reckless under the Black Effect. You know what I'm saying. So I made it. You know that's something that I should voice. Y'all should go spam Charlemagne's comments the Black Effect and iHeart and Breakfast Club fucking throw them in there too.


Ess Hilarious needs her own intro for Jess Fix My Mess on her podcast that we listen to. We tune into each and every Wednesday, and so we can't have her fixing people's mess if she's not gonna intro it, right, So I need an intro. So we're going definitely we are what was this called boycotton, We are boycotting and rioting for justice intro.

All right, that's what we're gonna do, all right, but we're gonna jump right into it now.

We don't have voice memos this episode because people don't want their voices to be known.

And that was explained and I do understand you, mate, Go and know your voice.

You calling in about your boyfriend, that nigga, if you listened to carefully reckless, he's going to know it's you.

So please tread lightly, y'all. Tread lightly, y'all.

I'll be reading. This is from a woman. Hey, Jess, I need help. So I've been with my fiance for a year and a half and it's been pure hell down. When we first got together, I was in a good place mentally, emotionally, financially, et cetera.

Okay, so you was good all the way around.

So he was living with his brother, but things happened to where he had to move. Me, being Captain saber Hole, told him he can stay with me till he found another place. Mistake number one, Yes it was girl, not he can move with you until he found another place. If he was your nigga and he moved with you, he wasn't moving out.

That that's just what it is.

Within that time, I found out I was pregnant, so we agreed to just continue to live together. Okay, right before I found out I was pregnant, I let him use my car to go to work one night, and he ended up totaling it. Oh man, I made him put down the down payment on another car because he was somewhere he wasn't supposed to be.

Oh, okay, I know the fuck that's right, But no, you.

Don't make him put a car up a down payment on the new car because he was somewhere he wasn't supposed to be. You make him put the fucking down payment on the new car because he totaled your shit and that wasn't his. So I pay the car note, the insurance, the rent, electricity, and so on and so forth.

Now this way the real issues begin.

Once he found out I was pregnant, he started disappearing on me on his payday. He would go lay up with whoever and come back home once he's broke.

I'm pregnant anymore, so I take him back.

That was a lot to digest in that last little sentence, I'm gonna rent it back for those in the back. On his payday, he would go lay up with whoever and come back home once he's broke.

I'm pregnant and emotional, so I take him back. Oh babe. Mm hmmm.

I would say mistake number two, but it was so many other mistakes leading up to this one. I'm gonna let you go in this becomes an ongoing thing. During the middle of my pregnancy, I caught COVID really bad, so I ended up on bed rests.

Oh Jesus.

I started getting unemployment shortly after, and I was still paying all the bills myself. When I can time what I'm trying to figure out what this is saying. Y'all hold up, give me a second. Y'all gotta you know, because when they write, they write a little fast. I told y'all to make sure y'all punctuate or punctualize or punctualize when y'all write, and shit, I'm trying to figure it out.

So this is.

See if I'm gonna say if I'm a read and then I'm gonna say if I can make sense of it when I can time to renew my lease, my unemployment had ran out, and I end up having to move with his mom. Okay, so anyway it happened like this, I'm gonna just break it down. When it came time to renew the lease, my unemployment had ran out and I ended up having to move with his mom.

I thought this move.

Would help me as far as child care and being able to save. Two months after moving in with his mom, he quits his job. I was pissed, but it was a nightclub where he did most of his hoeing, so I assumed he would just find another job. It's been nine months and he still don't have a job. His mom became really sick and she put me on her medical paperwork because he's unreliable.

Damn. So now you got two headaches, him and his mom.

So when she gets real sick, I'm the one that has to take off work and make sure she's taken care of. I have fallen completely out of love with him, but I have a lot of love for him because he's still my child's father, and given the history that y'all went through. So yeah, I don't know what to do because I don't have family that can help me, especially with childcare, so I feel like I'm obligated to stay in a miserable place in order to make sure my child is taken care of. I am stressed to the point where I've lost almost twenty pounds in a month. Please just keep it real with me and help me fix my mess. Love your bunches, baby, I love you too, and this is why I'm about to get in your ass because I love you. This is gonna be some tough love. But baby, if it ain't coming from none of your friends, if it ain't coming from your mom, I don't know the relationship between y'all. Even if it didn't come from his motherfucking mom who he couldn't even move.

With at first.

See you see that that's a red flag. You lost your job and had to move in with his mom. You know you're pregnant. You were already paying the fucking bills, every single bill there was to pay, you were paying it, so you were already superwoman in your own house. He was already doing bad by yourself with a nigga who ain't worth two shits. I'm sorry, excuse me, but this is exactly what you're giving me, So I'm just regurgitating it back to you. And sometimes that is the advice you hearing your own shit thrown back at you, so to make you further realize what you need to do. All right, now, we can't put the baby back, No, we can't. And I know you do not regret your child. I would never regret any child that I had that I gave birth to because of the father. So that's one thing. So we have a baby. We know that we knew that he was unfucking reliable before you found out you were pregnant. You know what I'm saying. He had to move in with you, Like you said, that was your first mistake. Why couldn't he move in with his fucking mother?

All right?

Because he likes to be taken care of. You moved him in and you enabled him. Yep, you played a part in him being lazy. You played a part in him not being able to handle his responsibilities. You allowed it, and then you expected for him to change. That's not even what's supposed to been happening. Didn't even take care of herself. He damn sure would not be able to take care of a baby. And he and you started taking care of him. So he was okay, resting ashore, knowing that if she take care of me, she definitely can be a good mother to this baby.

So as long as I got her, I'm good. You know what I'm saying.

So you enabled him, then you lost the job, y'all had to move in with his mom. He got a job. After two months, he quit. Oh no, wait, let me go back. I don't want him misquote you. After two months, Yeah, he quit. He didn't even get fucking fired. He quit his job after moving in with his mom. Why because his mom ain't gonna put him out. That's one thing. His mom ain't gonna put you out. And if she ain't gonna put you out, she ain't gonna put him out.

There we go right there, she not.

Obviously, you two have built the bond because you over here taking care of her. Now like you not pregnant, in bedridden. You're supposed to been put on bed rest because you caught COVID. Shit happens, So now you're even more in shambles, you know what I'm saying.

Do you see this pattern?

Nine months later, fast forward, the baby's here, he still ain't got no fucking job, and You're taking care of not only him, but his mother and your baby. So you got three people to take care of, two kids and a mom. Because I'm sorry, your baby daddy is your kid. That's exactly what you need to be claiming. Is ass on tagsas or something writing that motherfucker off. I wish you could write off somebody. I really wish you could a grown ass people. But it sounds as if you know exactly what the hell you need to do. You said you're falling out of love with him already. You're in a miserable place. You're just trying to make it work to take care of your child. You lost twenty pounds in a month being stressed, trying to figure out where your next check don't come from. Then also, you got this man that you're taking care of and now his mother. You don't want to leave his mother hide in dry? Does he have any siblings? Does it? Is there any way that if you don't do it, he'll step up and fucking do it.

You know what I'm saying.

That's a big responsibility. You let her put your name down as emergency contact. You got your own shit going on, baby, you know what I'm saying. Where's your mom, where's your family?

You know what I'm saying. What I'm saying, this is not good.

And then the first thing that you said, So, I've been with my fiance for a year and a half and it's been pure hell. He proposed to you with no intention on giving you a fucking wedding. You know what I'm saying. And I'm saying that because look at the place you're in right now. If he can't even pay bills, how the fuck he gonna pay for a fucking wedding.

How it needs you to understand that?

Hold up, Hold up, I know the shit getting good, but listen to just a couple seconds of a commercial. If you love me, you'll listen. Your fiance for a year and a half. That shit ain't supposed to be going bed that soon. But it's still situations that could be worse, that are worse than yours. So you're not completely in the goddamn dumps.

No you're not.

If you still got good credit, you still got breath to breathe every time you wake up, you have a chance to change your situation.

There you go.

And the reason why I say credit is because you need to get the hell out of there and get into your own shit. Still, you need to get another car, all right, You donna let Jody crash and goddamn car up. Yes I called him Jody, Yes I did. Event I called him Jody, and you didn't let this nigga joey you. That's what it is. I ain't mad at him. I'm mad at jo ass, yes i am. But unlike my brother Charlemagne, I'm not gonna give you dunky other day because we live and we fucking learn. We live and we fucking learned, and you got a great blessing out the deal when that is your baby.

So we will always move forward with grace.

But listen, it ain't like he gonna be fighting for custody and taking you downtown for child support, baby, and he ain't even got a leg to stand on, you know, So we just pray for him and you keep it moving, You keep it the fuck moving, and you don't look back. Don't look back in that way. I don't mean you got to cut all ties with him, because he's still your child's father and you still have a great amount of love for him, but have enough love for him to leave his ASTs all the way alone. And let him get hisself together, because you can't make him get hisself together. You gotta let him get itself together, and you can't make your child a part of that, that toxicity, that that whole little situation going on, okay, because you gotta do it all for your baby. You gotta be mentally prepared for motherhood. You know, you got a child to raise. So shit is real, all right, Shit is real. Shit is real for you every day, all right. So I need you to check in with me. Well, the advice is straight up to fucking leave. I'm sorry, make him take care of his mother. Will let him take care of his mother. He ain't gonna let her get so sick where she just you know, you know, she just fucking croak. You know, if it's if it's you know where, if that's in his control, you know, he can take care of his mother. You need you are a mother, You need to take care of your.

Child because he can't do that with you. Right now, check back in with me.

I'm gonna need to know because I'm I'm I need you to get the fuck up out of their baby. And we're moving on. This is from another woman, and there is no voice memo. She oh god, she got emoji. She really about the main this shit. Okay, hey, jas, I just wanted to say that I'm proud of you girl, keep doing your thing, but I need help with my mets. So I was dating this guy for about three weeks. Okay, the vibes was there, he cooked for me, we had drinks.

I really like him.

This nigga dropped the love bomb on me after the first week. But the nigga threw up a red flag two of them shits. I have two jobs, two kids, in a house that I'm putting back together. The nigga asked me to help him pay his rent that he's behind on eighteen hundred dollars.

The fuck is he on? Then asked me could I apply for a loan to help him.

I immediately fell some type of way because the fuck he kept saying, Babe, I just want you to have my back and love on me and do what I say.

He and me fucked up, Jess, I'm too independent for this nigga.

So he snapped on me because I said I'm not helping him out, like it's only been three weeks, and I honestly feel disrespected.

It's the audacity for me?

Then what makes it so bad is I caught feelings for his dinosaur dick ass, Jess, I listened to your show every time you drop episode.

Does it the okay? Well? Thank you? You ain't just going hold up?

Wait a minute, time out, flag on the play? Can we just go back to our corners real quick? How the fuck are you gonna go from?

She said? It's audacity for me? Then what makes it so bad? As I fell for his y.

I caught feelings for his dick ass, Jess, I listen to your show every time you drop episode. That's just how we're gonna end it, baby, all right?

So she listening right now?

So I gotta help you. I gotta help you. Boy, I get it. And you're so pretty. I'm looking at your page, your profile, you so pretty? All right, girl, here we go here, it's all right. I'm just gonna tell you, don't don't beat yourself up for falling for the dinosaur dick girl, Please don't.

I don't. It's alright.

Sometimes we get a little weakned knees for a little dinosaur dane LINGI it's all right, sorry, I'm glad you listened to my episode. My episodes every time I drop one, and this one is for you baby. Now we got a commercial and if you click off this podcast, I swear I'm gonna beat your ass.

Listen, all right, so.

You seem to be very smart, all right, and look at the three weeks girl.

Look that's a flex. She had a nigga time about he love you, all right.

What's not a flex is him saying he loves you and then following up what all this extra bills and expenses bullshit that he got going on? Like he just reade drop all of that shit in your lab after three weeks.

So this was either his plan because this is what he does.

He saw you, he know, he know the power of his Dino dick, and he just was able to win you over.

You know, we got.

Guys like that, guys that prey on successful women with good hearts who like to save people. This is the same girl from the last story put on her save a whole cake, and now she and the gutter right next to the niggadamnnar in the goddamn gutter with a baby taking care of his mother and him, and he'dne fucked up her credit.

Her life is and shambles and all this shit.

That's what happens when you go from being a superhero and now you are a hurt villain. That's some bullshit, ain't it. That's like the story of the Joker. Everybody got a story, right, Every villain has a story because every villain wasn't born bad. They were born great and they were actually saving people at first, and then they got fucked over, and then that that that hurt people, hurt people, shit them kicked in and now you're a villain. Well, I don't want you to be a villain, young lady.

I don't.

I don't want you to hurt the next nigga because this nigga was a trash ball, because that's exactly what it is. First of all, I don't doubt that he loved you. After three weeks. You probably got good conversation. You probably different, you know, with all the shit that he told you, Yet you different.

I ain't never hurting nobody like.

You, like you really got good pussy pussy like you know he probably could have, you know, the match to Donald Dick.

I know you got some nice spicy pussy.

So y'all, sex life was already booming all right the red flag you seem to know.

I see. I hate giving advice to people who already know what the fuck.

Going on, because you are, like I said, like I said in the last story, maybe you just need your bullshit regurgitated back to you so you know what you need to do. You just need to move the fuck on. You said he cooked for you, y'all had drinks and you really liked them. That's good. That's a part of his plan. That's the part of his plan. The only thing he didn't give you was no money. That's because he had nail money to give you. You had all the money to get back. He ended up billing you for that dinner that he cooked for all that Donald dingling he'd been dropping off, and them good drinks. That's your bill. Now you got a goddamn bill, eighteen hundred dollars. You need to help them pay his rent. And this is how niggas think. You have two jobs, two kids, and a house that you're putting back together. So that shit must have got blown down by the last nigga. Here come another.

Nigga trying to blow down this house.

You're gonna let them, or what you're gonna do you're gonna dust off your cap and save your goddamn self. Don't keep saving these niggas, bitch and not saying you. I'm just speaking into the universe. Stop saving these niggas, bitches. That's what I need for y'all to, you know, and I can be all nice and wholesome with you.

Stop saving these guys ladies.

But y'all don't understand when somebody talked to y'all like that, because that's how you fucking almost ended up paying an eighteen hundred dollars rent that wasn't mean yours while try to put your house back together. So yeah, I'm yelling at you because I ain't mad at this nigga. I'm mad at you because something tells me that if you still asking for advice, that you're still fucking with this nigga here and there after that little three weeks and you probably didn't pay eighteen hundred, but you probably gave him eight hundred toward the eighteen.

I don't know.

You need to tell me if I'm right, because you talking to me now, you're talking to me, or don't don't bullshit me. You didne did something to help this nigga. All right, you did something and that's probably why you feel disrespected. And it's only been three weeks and you upset because you caught feelings because you know, no, you didn't help this nigga. You help them, and it don't look like he made a change or he going do anything to.

Pay you back.

It don't look it, don't it don't look too good you either let her move in that goddamn house.

It's something something you ain't telling me. Now. You're gonna have to come back and.

Tell me, because I know you, because I was you before, and I don't want you to be how I was any longer. So I'm gonna need you to tell me what I'm missing out of here, what you failed to tell me. You to help this nigga out, and you need to stop for you end up like the girl from the first story who ended up pregnant and had a baby by a nigga who she had to take care of. So now she got two damn kids, the baby and the father. That's not where you want to end You want to end up in the gutter. You don't want to end up in the gutter with a baby, but sometimes that happens, and I'll continue to pray for you if you end up there, because my sister's looking at me like this, You being too hard on it, all right, So I don't want to be too hard.

I'm gonna pray.

For you and I love you, but I know you're lying to me about something, something you're holding back. So you me every thing, tell me, and just like that, we've come to the end of another. Carefully replace with your girl, Jesselarius, fix and mess the way I'll be fixing it each and every Wednesday. Make sure you catch me on iHeart Spotify, Apple podcasts, anywhere you can catch a podcast at you can catch mine, and in my deepest Pam Voice can't Fully Reckless is a production of iHeartRadio and The Black Effect. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.

Carefully Reckless

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