Jess got so many holiday stories that she decided to double back and help 2 more people before moving on with the New Year. The holidays might be over, but they always come back around. Tap in!
Welcome to Can't Fully Reckless, the production of iHeart Radio and The Black Effect. And just like that, we're back with yet another carefully reckless episode with your girl. Just hilarious. What I be doing, I'll be fixing mess now. I'm sorry I couldn't get to everybody's story for the holidays. For Christmas, I know y'all got Hello Christmas stories, and y'all y'all want me to give y'all advice. A lot of y'all had a lot of the same stories, the same types of stories. So I'm sorry if I didn't read yours specifically, but maybe you heard me read one similar to yours, almost identical even. And then hopefully that advice that I gave to that person last week you applied it to your mess. You understand what I'm saying, But if not, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. So it looks like I'm gonna be reading holiday stories for a while and well into the new year.
All right, So listen started off like this.
Okay, first, I hope everything is well with you and your new baby, but I need your help, girl. So me and my girl upen dating for a little over a year. It's holiday season, clearly, and quite frankly, I don't like her family DM. Okay, but wait, it's not like I just don't like them. I can feel the tension. Jes like motherfucker's taking the funk with me. I can't stand that. So I told her, And I also told her I wanted to stay home for the holidays instead of traveling two hours to see them.
Oh shit, and you would have to go far.
I told her she didn't have to stay at home with me, and that just made her even more mad. But I'm not understanding if I'm wrong because I was being honest, or maybe I should have never said anything. I love this girl, and I know her family means everything to her, but I just can't kick it with people that clearly aren't fucking with me.
For real.
I totally get it, truthfully, I don't feel comfortable. It's just always something. They always get quiet and then resume their conversations like I'm not there or like we were their topic. Hold on, let me read that again, y'all, because if y'all heard it like I just read it, I don't get it all right.
Hold on, Wait a minute, wait a minute.
They always get quiet and then resume their conversations like I'm not there or like we were their topic.
Okay, I get it. I get it.
Then when talking to her mom, it's just like I'm being tolerated. I cannot stand that shit, and that's from previous experience. I cannot under. I cannot stand feeling like I'm being tolerated, you know what I'm saying.
I do get it.
Continuing the only people who like me are her sisters and her nephew. But it's different when the mother and father of the girl you love don't like you or not vibing with you.
It's fucked up. Honestly, it hurts, but it's just so weird.
Like I know I'm not crazy, but I don't want to tell my girl she overreacted because I don't want to go. But it's like a comfort thing. I should feel comfortable, right, not just going because she wants me to. I should want to be there, right Or should I have just went and kept it cool?
Should I even still go? Like I'm stuck? Help?
Okay, So you must have wrote this on actual Christmas, because because you're talking as if she already went and you can still go, So maybe it's like a holiday thing where Okay, I totally get it, but no, I'm totally with you, sir, I do get Actually, let me not even just place a gender on your ass, because you ain't let me know whether you were a woman or a man, right, But either way, you're totally right. If I would hate to be in the presence of somebody who I know, don't fuck with me, you know what I'm saying.
And then it's kind of tricky.
That's kind of sticky when you're dealing with somebody, you're in a relationship with someone and you love them, you see yourself spending the rest of your life with this person, but their family don't fuck with.
You, you know what I mean.
And now this is the thing, further more than it just being a thing, you not the damn fuck with you. Have you talked to her about talking to them about it? You get what I'm saying. Because she's in the middle. Imagine how she feels, first of all, at you. How she feels first of all, it's like fuck, like I know that she It has to be some type of dreading feeling that comes over her during the holidays when she feels like, h I got a drag, my man or my woman here to be with my family, and my family don't even fuck with this person, like you don't fuck with my partner, you don't fuck with my lover, you feel me, So it has to be a sticky situation for all, well for both of y'all. I don't know what the family got against you. I can't speak on them. I want to know because this is this what can also happen. Have y'all had any previous situations where you may have cheated on her, You've done something that she don't like, and then she goes back and tells her family and now y'all are good. You know, y'all got past that bump in the road or whatever y'all were going through. And then now she has to take you around for Christmas and for holidays and shit like that. And they still looking at you judge you from the situation that she to them when y'all were fucking up or where y'all were going through something. It could be that it could be a fact of she had an ex that they fucked with more than you.
It could be a number of things.
So I can't really speak on the family, but that could be, like that's just one of the main reasons as to why somebody's whole family don't fuck with you. If it's the mom, the dad, the cousins, the aunties that you know, because you said she got about two or three family members that fuck with you, like her two siblings and her nephew or something like that. You said, like, if everybody else don't fuck with you, that's what it is.
I feel like that's what it is.
If it ain't a previous exit, they prefer her with over you, it has to be something that she has told them. So yeah, like, have y'all had any issues in the past with infidelity, trust, not keeping it real?
Did you betray her in any way?
You know?
Do y'all argue a lot?
Or were y'all ever at a point where y'all were arguing a lot? Maybe she took that back to her family. Maybe she confides in them, you know, about certain things. And that's when shit gets sticky, because, like I said before, if you plan to spend the rest of your life with a person, ugh, and the person put me through some shit and I ran and I told my parents and my my family members, and now y'all looking at this nigga like, uh, why are you here.
We're gonna tolerate you.
But because you said this, you feel that that the parents tolerate you, you don't like to feel tolerated. Yeah, that's exactly what happened. Then I'm not gonna I'm not gonna say that's not what happened. That's what happened. She talked about something that happened with y'all. Y'all must have been having problems and she took it back to the fam. But going back to the initial advice, you need to have a conversation with your girl about having a conversation with her family. Maybe y'all all can sit down, but I think it needs to be a conversation between her and her family first, not just bringing you because they're already they're already a little skeptical of you. If you love me, you'll listen to this commercial and then we'll be right back. Anytime you got to tolerate somebody, Yeah, you ain't really fucking with me. I'm suspecting some type of way to you, you know, And I don't like that feeling.
And this is the holidays.
You're not supposed to feel that way during the holidays, you know, And you're not supposed to be forced to have to feel that way either. I understand she's your girlfriend, y'all, in a relationship, but if you feel uncomfortable, I think there has to be a level of compromise.
I think if.
You are if you projected this to her like you're projecting it to me, like you're telling me you described the same, the very exact feelings to her, and she knows about this, I think she should be open to be like, all right, let me go and spend this day with my family because it is two hours away. All right, let me go spend this day with my family, and then me and you can spend the rest of the holiday together.
You know what I'm saying.
At least let me get Christmas even with my family, and then I'll be home early morning on Christmas, or I'll be back late that night so I can wake up on Christmas with you.
It should have been a compromising result that you understand what I'm saying.
Yeah, you have to sit down.
You have to talk to her, because it just sounds a little skeptical. I you know, they're skeptical because of something that was said to them or something that they don't like that you've done. But they would only know that or find that out from your girl, you know what I mean. So just have a conversation. I'm sorry that you had to go through that, you know, But no, to answer your question, No, you're not wrong ful feeling that way, You're not wrong and you're not supposed to be forced to be put in situations like that where you're unsure about the company around you.
You get what I'm saying. And it's not just one.
Or two people this this girl whole family basically like a lot of the family, you know, So I totally get it. Keep me updated and let me know what happened there, all right, moving the hook owing, Hey, Jess, happy holidays. Whole parenthood is treating you well. So girl, let's get into it. I met this boy at my job. He was tall as fuck, Like all right, hey, he was tall as fuck, dark skinned, big lips, funny as hell, and I don't know, we just hit it off. We started flirting at the job. He would always come to my section and bother me.
On some cute shit. Okay, so you must work at a club. We ended up we ended up smoking together.
He would take me home afterward and we would just be with each other more often. We ended up having sex. A few days after we had sex, he told me his baby mom was about to have his baby.
What the fuck?
My response was, nigga, have a good life, lol exactly. I was also on and off with my ex at the time, so I wasn't really worried about that. Hmm, okay, you mean a do you fucked him? You wasn't really worried about it? What the fuck is going on with y'all?
Girls? Uh?
I go back to work the next day. This man comes to my section, like, can I talk to you real quick? So we talking and he jacks me up and said he jacks you up?
The fuck?
He jecks you up and say you really dumb with me? And my dumb ass says no. First of all, your dumb ass, like, yeah, you're dumb.
Why would you say no?
This nigga jacking you up at your fucking job, Miss Tike Turner. Really, this is what you It's what you're saying for yourself. Did you pussy got wet off that this should not be sexy to you?
Bitch? The fuck? Like?
Now, what if he dejacked you up and gave you a gut punch. Then what the fuck? Don't ever that's not sexy. I wouldn't know where you're from, what you're doing. You know how old are you?
That's not cute? All right?
So continuing, I know, I know, yeah, you better know. You already knew how I was gonna react to that. But we ended up being with each other every night. You know how that go? No, I don't know how to go. I ain't even gonna try to act like I know how this go. But I just had this gut feeling that he was still messing around with his baby mom. Well, I die, bitch, the baby was fresh out the coach, stupid, and just messing around in general. Okay, so you thought he was just messing around in general as well, like you ain't the only other woman, because you are definitely the other woman, not the baby mom baby you were to begin with. Okay, Continuing, so I get to lurking on social media to see what's going on, and he actually was, I mean, showing the fuck out, buying shoes, paying for hair, giving her money, laughing my ass off.
Bitch, You ain't laughing.
You're distraught and miserable right now, shit, you're devastated. We stopped, we stopped messing around. But the type of person I am, I'm really thinking, Okay, this is my nigga. He acting like it. I'm with No, he not acting like it. I'm with this person every day. We always on the phone. I'm giving my body to him, you know what I mean, girl, and not to see his bullshit ass horn.
But the sex was good.
You know, the package was packaging girl, goofy ass ah, these whole hugs, bitch, Oh my god. And yes, to answer a question, we did start messing back around. I wasn't even gonna ask because I already knew. And I just felt like it's no growth in this connection, like I'm not getting anything out of it.
I can't wait to be done with this shit. It's and that's to me talking, y'all.
I cannot wait to be done with this story because I'm about to read your ass for filth.
It's always the same thing with him, like either his car isn't working, he needs some money. He depressed him and his BM beefing, and we only having sex. We ain't together, we only having sex. But I knew that though, and I was only having sex with him, and we've been Girl, you're running all of this shit down to me without one punctuation mark in this shit. This is a long run on ass essay, it's one sentence. So bad with me, y'all.
We've been messing around with each other for a year and some change. Now. I don't know.
I just feel like I'm on a different level right now. I'm trying to focus on myself because I truly believe the love I give out I will get back one day. But it's like I'm mistaking lust for love.
I've been there as well, and I was so blind that I couldn't see how I was being played.
I wouldn't say I'm gullible, Oh.
Bitch, please, I would say it takes me a little longer to understand, especially when my feelings are involved. But I just be wondering to myself, how do you give this person so much and they give you nothing? When do you start loving yourself more and saying enough is enough? Now you're asking the right questions. How many more times does he have to show me I don't matter for me to get it? So my point is, how do I detach myself from a connection that I truly feel isn't for me.
Ah. Now I'm about to get in your ways, baby, okay.
Ah, you called the gullible. I call it, for lack of a better word, dumb. First of all, it's too much that you allowed at the beginning, you had sex with this man, and you said the next day, I think you said whatever shortly after you fucked this man right without even really getting to know him. That was the first fucking red flag right there. That was the first problem. Right there. You're giving up your pussy too fucking quick. This man turns around and tell you he got a baby that could be here any fucking day now, so you know it gotta be something still going on with this fucking baby, mom right Hold up, hold up, I know this shit getting good, but listen to just a couple seconds of a commercial with you love Me.
You'll listen. Now.
You even start fucking with him after that, and your excuse as to why you did it and it wasn't really worried about him telling you that he had a baby on the way that could be here any minute, was that you were still texting your ex girl.
You just as toxic as this.
Nigga and you're allowing things and you could be unknowingly unintentionally toxic.
But that's very problematic.
And the reason why it's hard for you right now is because you kept giving him yourself over and over and over. And I'm gonna just go ahead and take the fucking gloves off and get ready to box with you, because I'm about to tell you you let that man fuck you raw.
You didn't even have to tell me that he was. You didn't even have to tell me it was raw dog.
It was because you sound way too fucking gone over somebody else's baby daddy, slash man. He was in a relationship with the baby mom and the whole time he was cheating with you and other girls. The proof was right there. You went on social media. That's the number one place to fucking go when you're trying to figure out if a nigga creeping or not. Y'all weren't public. It's public with his girlfriend slash baby mom. He's been cheating on this bitch, so really she should be right in me. You are a side bitch, and you've been a side bitch. Okay, that's weird. That's how you break it. You don't talk to him. You don't anything that reminds you of him, you burn it, you block that number. I wish you could burn the damn phone that you got, but you can't, so block the number. Cut sides with him. That's why at the end of the day, you're never gonna be happy. You're looking for love in the wrong places, in the wrong men. Like it started off wrong. It started off wrong, okay, And then I'm not trying to like judge. This ain't for all women that works at a club. But this man comes to your job. Obviously you do work at a club.
He comes to your club often, he sees you. You probably a bad lord, joy, nice body. You know what I'm saying.
You look good. You know you probably wear clothes. Who's you know?
You probably wear a shit that you show your body. So nigga's minds and imaginations is running wild. I mean, what's left of their imagination because you probably wear clothes where niggas don't really need to imagine much because they see a lot of it already. You get what I'm saying. You're not leaving anything to his imagination. You're not making them work for shit. But in your in his eyes, you're just a fucking bottle girl maybe or a bar tend.
I don't know what you are, but you work at a club.
That is the first fucking place that niggas find comfort. The baby mom she's in her third trimester, so she getting on his nigga nerves like I got on my mass nerves the third trimester, every fucking trimester, but by the third you ready to have that fucking baby. So you on this nigga's head like about everything. Any little thing that he does gets to you, gets on your nerves. I was there, so I know what the baby mom was going through, and the fact that I was there, I know what the nigga was going through too. And instead of of being faithful and just sticking it out what a real man should do if he's in a committed relationship with somebody who's about to have his fucking baby, he went to seek comfort in the club, and you gave him a microwaveable night, basically instant pussy.
Like you know what I'm saying.
Like you gave him like you talk about, we smoked and we talked and then I fucked him. Yeah, you didn't get to know him, or you would have known he had a bit who was pregnant. You know what I'm saying, So I all the gloves was off. I had to give it to you straight like that, because you're smarter than that. You're smarter. I'm gonna say you're smarter than that, because you This ain't the first time some shit like this happened. This ain't this, Cabby, the first time. I don't know how long you've been working at that club, but you notice is how that shit go. The club is a revolving door of niggas who looking for something real quick.
You know, unless that nigga was t Pain.
No, because T Pain made his wife stop stripping, he went and got her out the fucking club and she ain't been back since. Okay, I don't know if they so together now, but yeah, you know what I'm saying. That's what happened. Neo went to go get Crystal Renee out the fucking club, married her.
She ain't been back since. I know that, all right.
Stevie J went to go get Josceling out the motherfucking club. She's still in the club, and she married and she's faithful to our fucking man. You get what I'm saying she makes a living off of doing the cabaret, being in clubs and shit.
So yeah, like, if you ain't one of them, and.
You're mad that that nigga wasn't one of them, then yeah, girl, you got used and abused. Then you're just a convenient piece of pussy, which you have been. Yeah, because you ain't on in social media she is, So get your shit together. You maybe need to quit that fucking job and do something where you can actually apply your brain to cause that ain't that ain't good for you, That ain't good for you. I don't know how old you are, but baby girl, do not take this as me just beating.
Down on you, beating down on you, beating down on you.
But I need for you to understand play this episode back for yourself, because sometimes, like I always say in these episodes, sometimes it takes a person to read you back your story for you to be like, oh, I sound crazy as shit. I gots to get up, pack my bags and run for the fucking hills.
I gotta stop. But if me reading it.
Back to you is not enough for you to realize you need to wake the fuck up, then yeah, you yeah, you just need to quit that job.
You need to quit that fucking job. But lead that man alone. Enough is enough.
And the questions that you ask me toward the end of your passage, I can see that you are waking up.
You starting to wait. You ain't fully woke yet, but you are waking up.
You detach yourself because he's already detached you holding on. This is a one way thing. He's never he was never attached to you in the first place. You attached yourself to him. And you've been riding on this nigga coach tail. You've been letting them drag you up and down the street too. Nah, let that shit go. Let that shit go, baby girl, and update me. You talkt the nigga asking you for money, talk about his fucking car up, broke down, this car ain't working and all of that shit.
Me and my baby mother beef.
And that's because you heat and ran out of money, and or she probably done went through his phone, found out that he fucking whatever bitches now she on his head.
The baby's here.
He got a lot of shit to do. He got a new baby, So no, he can't buy you no bags and shoes and shit. They got a baby goofy ass, So write me back. I love you, shit'd be having to give him the tough love tailor shit. Oh lord, write me back, make sure you do fuck the first story.
Write me back you.
I'm looking for your response because you're fucking trying it okay, and I want.
You to to to like that's uh like you.
We shouldn't be losing out dignity over these men, these no good ass MENUO like you gotta wake the fuck up at some point. And just like that, we've come to the end of yet another episode of Carefully Reckless and what I be doing, I'll be fixing messing. I'm gonna keep on trying, y'all. But y'all got me over here, judging y'all from a fall.
I love y'all. Catch y'all next week. Happy New Year There Peace.
Can't Fully Reckless is a production of iHeartRadio and The Black Effect. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.