Sung and Emelia sit down for a quick catch up before the Thanksgiving holiday. They talk about F1 in Las Vegas, visiting Poland, mastering the egg, and the many, many wonders at Costco. Join us for another full length interview episode on November 30th.
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Hey, everybody, Welcome back to another episode of Car Stories.
With Sun Kay and Amelia Hartford.
This is our Thanksgiving episode. We appreciate you guys listening, but we talk about things we're also grateful for. Not to be cheesy, but I'm really grateful for you coming into my life this year. Oh that's my that's my thankfulness.
Thanks Ameriya.
Yeah, yours doesn't have to be about mine, No about me, Well, that'd be awkward.
Then you have actually us us reconnecting this year actually has been great because I think it's saved well, I don't think I know that it saved this podcast because I was not going to continue to do it. Really I wanted to kind of fold it, to be honest with you, because I don't know if you guys knew that where.
It's like every one of this room is nodding their head.
Yes, it wasn't working. It was like I was like, I don't know, how are we going to move forward? And you came in as a guest, and I was like, this is the future of this podcast. I think if we connect and we do this together, we can actually create something amazing.
Yeah, right, Sung and I have an episode coming out soon. About our history together and how we know one another.
So thank you. All right, well let's catch up. Have you been I've been good.
Have you been?
I've been great. So you went to F one.
I was at F one over the weekend in Vegas. It was a great time. Won the race Max firstappen, no surprise, he's been kind of dominating the season. But it was the first race in Vegas since eighty.
Two that a F one race in Vegas.
Yeah, to my understanding, it was in like the Caesars Parking Lot and they did in eighty one and eighty two, and so this was kind of a monumental thing to bring it back. And they used the strip, which was cool. The one thing that I felt was very different about this race versus others was you couldn't walk around the track. You're almost very grid luck to wherever your seats were. So it's kind of like every hotel or establishment owned some part of the trap to view from, and if you didn't have ticket, they kind of blocked everything off.
Is this going to be a thing now every year? I think?
So they signed a contract for next year already. So yeah, yeah, what have you been up to? Can you say what you've been up to.
Yeah, I've been traveling the world.
I've been in England. I've been in Poland, which I don't know if you've ever been to Poland. Poland is now one of my favorite.
Places really world.
Oh that's so cool they are.
I don't know if you know anything about Poland me. I didn't either.
I thought it was like, you know, communist country, like Iron current type of thing. But no, they are such a wonderful people. The food is I would say, some of the best food I've ever had.
In my life.
What's the cuisine.
A lot of fermented vegetables, so it's very similar to Korean food, right, So cabbage is like a big thing, so they ferment the cabbage and so it's very healthy for you. Right. So the food, you think it's going to be like like Ushian food in a way, like sausages and beet soup.
I guess right. I mean, I haven't had a lot of Russian foods. I can't compare.
But I thought it was going to be very like European or British style food.
But it's not.
It's like, you know, a lot of like Italian like like beef tartars and carpaccios nice.
A lot of like fresh.
Fresh fresh, Like the produce is amazing because a lot of the produce comes from small, independently owned farms. So you could drive around Poland and there are these like food like vegetable carts like on the side of the road with nobody attending them, and then you can just go and like pick out some fruit and vegetables and you leave your money and so.
Like safe it is.
That's cool.
I love that people are so so cool.
There is there a big car scene out there.
Biggest drift event in the world took place there a couple of months ago. Oh really fifty six I think fifty six fifty seven thousand people showed up.
What's the name of the event?
I don't remember.
Okay, yeah, busy Poland.
Maybe that's cool something huge. But anyway, and then they're builds.
The amazing thing is like because they came from the communist era. When they build something right, they build it to lass. Like you go in the bathrooms and the tiling, like I noticed tiling because anytime I had to like you know, redo the bathroom. We had a restaurant that you know, we had to constantly redo and so the workmanship that goes into tiling, like I really pay attention to right, the crowd and stuff like that.
And it's impeccable.
And that's why there's a lot of Polish like construction and like craftsmen in England that actually like build the houses there, right, So so I.
Imagine they build cars in a so more fashion. Attention to detail, yeah.
To last because you know they because you know during the comments there and everything was ration so you got it once right. And then their love affair for cars because they only had a few cars, like the Fiat Poleski was like a Polish made car. It looks like a five ten, like a dots In five ten in sedan, and you know it's a beloved car. It wasn't the most powerful thing. But now that they have money and now they have access to know different cars, whatever they get they appreciate. And so the enthusiasm is very new. It's not like love we have we've seen it already. It's like so just it's just amazing.
Oh yeah, you'll you love it. You'll you'll love it.
And the people are so kind and something I learned, right, it's like you know, we have coffee in the morning and then our our crew, you know, everyone's kind of like just waking up and they're a little grumpy because it's like five in the morning, right, And I was like, hey, you know, compared to England, you know, Polish people are not like the smileiest people, right, And this is the best answer. They're like, well, we're very direct, we're very honest. And I was like, what do you mean by that. It's like, we're fucking tired. Why would I say good morning? And like why would I have a fake smile? Like we're fucking tired. Sure, so you're going to get like an honest answer.
I respect that, right, Yeah. Yeah, I'd almost prefer that honesty in conversations.
So you're ready for Thanksgiving?
I am.
Are you staying in La?
Yeah? I'm doing a friends giving this year?
Ooh nice?
Yeah? Turkey, Yeah, yeah, the whole shebang.
Can you cook?
I can? I don't like it.
What do you mean you don't like it?
I don't can?
I can cook, but you don't cook with love.
I just don't enjoy cooking. No, not really, I don't enjoy cleaning either.
Food on'tly taste good if you put love into themelia. You have to cook with passion, just like the cars.
I feel like cooking takes so much time. I'm generation I was everything.
Yeah, you could probably post me it's a turkey.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure you can.
Well, all right, all right, I understand it can be.
There will be some cook I'm not postmating Thanksgiving. We're doing like a potlug, so we're all going to kind of chip in for.
Something that's good. Yeah, that's good.
What are you guys doing?
My wife and I used to have a tradition of going to Jerry's famous Deli to go eat Thanksgiving dinner there, but they're no longer.
Really, I think they're all gone.
So we we have a tradition of going to this place by our house in the valley.
They have like a.
Thanksgiving brunch that's fun, right, So we have a four o'clock like reservation to go there.
Yeah, because I don't.
I don't have a big family in La, so it's just usually my wife and I or my sister once in a while, but I think she's out of town.
So so you don't like to cook either, then I like to cook.
I cook every day, Melia.
Really, Yeah, why are you guys cooking Thanksgiving?
Well, I cook the same thing every day. What do you cook every day before I die?
I'm trying to master the egg.
That's a real thing. I laugh, But that's a real That's like what chefs can devote so much of their life to perfecting is the egg I cook? Is this a poached egg, a boil egg? Is it all servings of an egg?
This is a poached egg for breakfast, but then for lunch it's a Japanese omelet. So it's like up on my TikTok. Yeah right, so like you know, and you cut over, just chocolate melts over.
So I'm trying to perfect like the poach egg in the morning.
You eat us every day every day.
So that's what I eat every single morning. It's like I'll cook two or three eggs. My wife doesn't want the eggs anymore. She's like over eggs, right, But I'll eat it seven days a week.
So I look forward to actually cooking that because I want to get to a point where whoever I feed this egg to these words come out of their mouth.
This is the best dameg I've ever had in my life. So I had to have.
So I've watched a lot of videos, right, and I've tried to like emulate other people's eggs, but kind of come up with my own recipe.
Now, do you get farm fresh eggs?
I do good.
Because it's all about the ingredients, right, so the organic farm fresh.
The yolk is actually orange and all like this weird yellow color.
Yeah, the shell is like I try to get the brown shells. I don't know if that makes a difference, but it feels healthier.
And then butter, I cook with butter, okay, right, butter, but I put so it's poached, so you cook it in the water. So I put the butter in the water. I don't know if you ever saw that. It's changed the game. And the butter is key like Irish butter. Okay, all right, anyway, let's move on. Let me talk about eggs cooking with songs.
Yeah, So happy Thanksgiving everybody.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody, And don't count calories. They don't count today.
Yeah, I just eat whatever you Yeah. I eat a lot of pie, all.
The pie with the ice creamy and the cool whip.
You know.
I went to Costco yesterday, Yeah, to go buy pumpkin pie, Yeah, because I don't know, there's something about Costco pumpkin pie that I love.
Yeah right, it's first, it's huge, it's delicious, and it's five ninety nine for one pie.
But yesterday was crazy how many people it took me about the thing. It was like twenty three minutes to find parking.
Really, I was going to get one of those pies for the friends giving, but I was like, are they going to be out? Is it going to be just a nightmare to go buy a pie? Should I just cook a pie?
You guys are there's a lady there that's just stacking pie. Yeah, like because the pies were like flying those pumpkin.
Pie off the shelf.
I mean five ninety nine. Well can you buy for five ninety nine?
You can't even get a gallon of gas from what Donald's.
You can't even get why.
I don't understand how Costco sells their pumpkin pies for five ninety nine. Yeah, right, and it's delicious or also, are you going to get a delicious pie like that?
Marie calendars, you know.
More expensive than five ninety nine.
I think they're gone anyway.
They still have the frozen ones because I like their banana cream pies.
Oh you can where do you buy that?
Ralphs in the frozen section.
But there used to be a Marine Calendar restaurant on wilsh You're at the sack building, Oh, by the tar pits. Yeah, and so you could go in actually buy the pies fresh there.
Oh that's cool, but that's gone sad.
Like I don't know where you guys get your pie, but.
Tag us in your pie photos. We want to see them.
But for five ninety nine, that's like the pre price right. Also I have no association with but I do love Costco, even the optometry at Costco. So the Costco on subpulvida and and I I say supulvida and like victory O.
That's like the busiest one, isn't it.
But there's a doctor's a optomistress there that he is the only doctor to this day that can figure out the right prescription for my context, really to this day. And I've been going to him probably since like the late nineties, right, And I tried many many doctors, right, and he's the only one.
And you can't beat Costco pricing pricing.
Yeah, I sound super like cheap, don't I butay, Costco is great.
Crazy, it's where.
Costco is the best. I mean it's it's as I get older. This is something that I like to do on my day off is just go to the.
Guys Checked and grab pumpkin pie.
Yeah, and they even sell Hearing ads. They're not that they need the Harry ads, but they sell it all. Yeah, they have great stuff. I bought shampoo at Costco. It's probably some of the best shampoo I've ever bought because they have these seasonal items there.
I don't know if you know this, Simel, Yeah.
I'm learning, But because they have like these like super unique, high level brands that they're not and they don't stock them. The thing about Costcos you can't ever really like get it addicted to one thing one like a brand there.
Because I think they stretch them out.
Yeah, but I recently bought this like coconut infused shampoo. It was like eight ninety nine for like you know the family size, right, It's like the best shampoo I've ever used in my life. What's the funny you can't find.
I just love the passion, the energy.
So cheap, but it's like it's like what you would have to go to like you know, naming Marcus or like some type of beauty salon to go find this exquisite like silky beautiful shampoo.
I hope someone's in Costco right now as they're listening to this.
I look, I pay my annual membership of like I think it's fifty.
Five dollars now they raise the pars.
Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving and go to Costco get that pumpkin pie