Call It Short & Sweet: What's In A Name?

Published Nov 7, 2024, 5:00 AM

Imagine picking out an imaginary baby name with your boyfriend only to find out he cheated on you and the new girlfriend chooses the same name-- Say it ain't so!

Camilla discusses what this really felt like as Jess explains what it was like leaving the hospital sans names for all of her daughters. The ladies also have a candid discussion about why choosing the wrong baby name can affect friendships.

Call It what It Is with Jessica Capshaw and Camille Luddington, an iHeartRadio podcast.

Hello Call It Crew, and welcome to another episode of short and Sweet.

Oh this one, this one, this one can get not so sweet I have.

I'm interested to see what your opinion is on this, because we might have different opinions on it.

Okay, talked about this before.

Well what are we Well, first of all, what are we going to talk about?

We're going to talk about baby names, but the stealing, oh shameless, the hijacking of the name.

The high jinks that can occur around names. By the way, were you when you were a kid.

Did you have your baby names picked out when you were like playing with Dolly's.

I mean, I loved the name Lucy.

That was my little rag doll name, and A was on the list for Hayden. But I'm glad actually didn't name her Lucy because she came out with bright red hair and I feel like, you know, I love Lucy in the US, like it would have just now, it would have been really cute, but I think it would have been too like on the nose.

Did you have baby names like when you were little?


Yeah, I don't remember what they were. But I did love playing house. I loved the Yeah, I liked the conceiving of names and whole personalities.

I remember when I was in French class, I had a French name. Yeah, I like names.

Did you okay, so before you had kids, but you're getting older, you're getting married, doing all the things. Did you have your adult like you know, your real baby names ready to go?

No? Every single one of our babies came out without a name. Oh really, we loved the hospital twice without a name?

You did for which kids?


Wow? Actually three all the girls, Eve, Poppy and Josephine and Luke. We we pretty.

Much decided the day after he was born. He was born at night, and the next day I think we cemented.

It that he was Luke all three of your girls.


Took almost like a week, I think.

Wow, I don't think I even knew that you could do that.

Actually, they let you leave with a nameless baby. Yes, yeah, it's not illegal.

By the way. With the first baby, I thought it was illegal to let me leave with a baby at all.

I was like, well, what who's.

Gonna let me leave with this baby?

I don't know anything you're like, drive, drive, Like, have this idea.

Of what they're gonna look like in the baby, like you, because you know how you put the car seat in like a month before you even have the baby. Yeah, just in case, you know, Yeah, because by the way, that's it's hard to put in. And so I remember putting the baby, you know, a day old. I always left the next day a day old in the car seat. And my idea of what a baby would look like in the car seat was far different than what the real baby looks like in the car seat. She was They were always like all shriveled up and like their you couldn't get their arms to go putting a raisin in, Yeah, but.

A raisin with like a hat, a raison with.

A hat and like hanger wire for arms, like they didn't then remember they couldn't get them to fully No, no, they like they didn't move, and so trying to get it inside the seat belt buckle, I was like, what is this?

Am I uncandid camera?


No, no, oh, because they're strong too. No one tells you how strong a newborn is. Yeah, if you don't want to.

Move that arm, how about the legs in like the up position. Those things aren't moving either.

They're not moving.

No, they're in a full stork.

They're like.

Okay, back to baby names. Okay, that's interesting. Okay, So you didn't know.

Did you? You had names for yours.

I knew Lucas before I even had babies.

Lucas was a name.

You were having a boy, and it was going to be named Lucas.

Yes, And when I was pregnant with Hayden, we were like, if it's a boy, it's Lucas, And so Lucas was Lucas. I did have a list of baby names for Hayden, and I went through a lot of them, but there was one name and I can't say it because I'm about to tell a story about it and it will just out that person.


So I had one name that I absolutely loved forever.

Matt really liked it for a girl too.

And and then my uh but my uh ex boyfriends and my high school sweetheart that i'd been with for a really long time, like after I threw into college, we moved to Los Angeles together, ended up cheating on me with a pretty famous reality star that is still around.

We're full of surprises, I know, why do we not know the story?

Yeah, I need to tell you this story. So she's pretty famous. I mean that you definitely know her name. And she ended up naming her girl the year before, like maybe why maybe like a couple of years before I got pregnered with Hayden. My favorite baby name for a girl, and I can't say it because it's kind of an unusual name. Like if I said the name, would you Google would find it in two seconds and let's do it.

Let's do it.

No, I can't tell it out that Jessica Capsules, wheeling speed.

Trouble make went a little trouble today.

So it ruined it for me though, And then I kind of like, who cares, it doesn't matter, you can just still know. But it kind of it just didn't And honestly, I wish it hadn't because in a way, I feel like it would even have suited hated maybe a little bit more, but anyway.

Mm hmmm.

No, I did feel like my baby name was stolen without this person knowing we're not this girl.

Knowing we named Luke.

Then we got pregnant with you, we knew we were having a girl. And I had a friend who was pregnant at the same time as me, And what we all know about names in general is you actually probably shouldn't discuss them with anyone because everyone's got an opinion, right, and so then all of a sudden, they're gonna yeck, you're yum without even.

Meaning to, or someone's gonna say, that's my baby name.

You really best practices is you should just zip it, like, don't talk about your baby names.

It's not a good idea.

I did have a list and my friend who is also having her first baby, there was a name that was on both of our lists, but I was due before her, and it was my impression that she had not settled on any name. But I did know there was this name that was on both of our lists. And then baby Eve arrives and we don't what we didn't know was baby Eve baby girl arrives, and we are going through the exercise of naming her and we end up kind of zeroing in on this one shared name.

And I'm like full of all the post partum.

Feelings and the ups and downs, and it would like, on day three, it turns five o'clock and I'm crying in the kitchen.

Yeah, and you don't even know why you're crying, but you're crying.

And by the you're so happy, but you're like, I'm crying and that looks sad, but I'm actually happy, but I'm also really sad.

Yeah, yeah, all of those things. Yeah, and I have a.

Nameless baby, which felt like some kind of pressure. And then and we zeroed in on this name and it sort of started seemed like it could be her name. And then this part is really fuzzy in my memory. But somehow that friend of mine who was still waiting for her baby, reached out and was like, where are you on the names? And I said, I think we're kind of narrowing it on these two. And one of them was the shared name, and she was devastated, hurt. Uh oh, it was a giant, giant, big, huge, giant giant.


Oh. So wow.

This is such an interesting story because I feel like, I don't know if this is fair.

Well, I think probably The story is that sometimes in life neither side is fair. Like it's not like in life there's gonna be something that's not fair to someone, and that's exactly right.

The story is not fair in my opinion. It was not fair to either one of.

Us, right, because if she had settled on this, which in that at that point when there became this big issue, she it was her. It was her case that actually it was not a question mark over that name. It was already decided and even though this baby hadn't arrived yet, this was the name. And then it was a firm like planting in the soil, like this is mine. And I was sitting there looking at a baby.

Without a name going and my husband was like, but I really like that name.

And I was like.

I really liked that name and I really love that friend. And so everything came into a cross section of like choice and again, wow, not very fertile ground, not very comfortable ground to be making big decisions a couple of days after having a baby. It's just everything is just like it's like you're walking around without skin. It's just like your sensitive to the whole world.

I mean, she also like really left that to the last minute, like the week that your baby's out.

She's like, actually that is the name for me, Like yeah.

I know, I know, and you know what.

I think that her story would and I think that her story would be that maybe it was before then I don't know, I don't know everything.

You're still friends, can I ask, well, you know what?

It was a very very big and very it caused a little bit of it caused a lot. Yes, we have absolutely since repaired, and I she was a longtime friend and I love her and she loves me, and absolutely there's been repair.

But it was, it was, It was a big deal.

So you look at these people who who you know, have situations where they feel like someone stole their name, and you're like, that's crazy, like what are people losing their minds about? But given that I had was in a situation, I you can can see why people lose their minds and and I think it's like not completely unforeseeable.

Here's my opinion on it.

I do think that if you have someone who's like my whole life, this has been the baby name that I've wounded, right, like, I think you let it go, Like even if you love the name, there are a million names out there and you have to let it go. I think that, Yeah, if if I you know, everyone sort of knew of my circle that I really loved Lucas, and if one of my very close friends had had a boy named and Lucas.

I would have been pissed.

Yeah yeah, yeah, even though.

It's a common name, Like, I would have been really pissed.

I did.

I also had a friend. I mean again, I have four children. I did have a friend.

During the naming process, there was a there was a we knew we were having a girl, and there was probably I don't know, five to ten names on the list, and my my friend knew what the names were.

And then she got a dog and she named her dog.

That is also not okay, are you kidding me? I was, but I was kind of like all right, I mean I actually didn't you didn't say anything.

Uh uh.

I was kind of I don't know, just had to make a joke.

I would have had to be like, well thanks, woof, woof. That name was off the feelings really, like Benji wasn't available here, Peanut Butter, like literally, I mean, when it comes to a dog, like, you're dead to me. I used to friends with that person. Yes, why I hate this person, whoever you are.

I don't like you. She's like Adam.

I mean, but here's the thing.

I mean, this is the point when it comes to this whole topic and and you know, reading about different people who lost their minds because of names.

Yeah, here's how I feel.

It's not personal. And I don't know if you noticed this, but it seems to me like sometimes not everyone gets c seed on like my most important thoughts, and then they are just like leading their lives and they do a thing and it goes against something or interrupts something of mine, and I'm like, okay, I have a choice here.

I could either be like wound up around this and have this whole thing and melt on the floor, or I could be like, cool, that wasn't going to be my name. That's gonna be Woof Woof's name.

I don't I really, I don't know if I agree with I don't know how her. I mean, you're so ndding on the floor, so nice.

My children are so annoyed with me about it lately.

About how nice you are.

Yes, yeah, yeah, you got it.

You gotta cut it out. I know, all right, it is ridiculous.

I'm gonna try.

So we started this conversation, and we got inspired by a People magazine article about a man who talked about how his sister knowingly used a baby name after Green not to I mean that basically sums up a story. I would be so frustrated about this, and people in the comments were suggesting that he have a conversation with his sister to express his feelings and to try and understand why she chose that name. I think that that would be the conversation I would have explain to me. I would have to say, like, listen, I'm not going to fake. This isn't hurtful, this is crazy, So explain to me why of the million names in the world, you were like, wait, that one's LA favorite. And then I'll also just still hate you after I'll hear you out, but like, I definitely hate you, definitely.

Forever by the way I mean, given that we just dipped into something that was a sibling issue, yeah, I can divulge that you that if we were real sisters and I wasn't just your American version of a sister, you might hate me because it turns out I didn't know what I swear.

I didn't.

But my sister, Destrie, she asserts, and I believe her that she that Poppy was her baby name, but she was but she was fifteen when I had Poppy. So I mean, this one is where I the adult Jessica. I'm swear I'm not trying to be too nice. I just see everybody's perspective.

I can imagine at fifteen when she was like, that's going.

To be my name because it's a very specific name, like there's no other version of Poppy, and Poppy is such a great name. And I still, I mean, every time I say my daughter's name, I mean, all of them I love so much. But there's a real like snap to the poppy, right, like she's just like you can't say it and not be happy on some level. Yeah, it's also hard because I know your kids and like your like their names. Just I can't imagine them not getting so well.

I think that like, if you're fifteen and you have a name, I'm sure that, like Brittany was one of my names, you know, back when I was fifteen, Ginger Slice, because you wanted to grow up just like Britney Spears, it's gonna be yeah, exactly right. So I mean, I feel like you've got to enter an adult, fully formed brain before you can really claim it. However, if you're still claiming Poppy by you know, twenty one, that could be real.

I know, yeah, but you.

Then you gotta really announce it. I think you gotta really let people know, like listen, you.

Know, well, Destri's my younger sister, so she would probably say I did. It's always the youngest.

It's like, I'm talking here, Can you please listen to me? And it's tough and a family of seven.

You gotta say aloud.

You gotta email it.

You gotta have evidence evidence, Yeah, you gotta yeah, get it trademarked.

You got it trademarked, and then you yeah, yeah, yeah, you can sue.

You can sue.

You need to get it notorized. You need to get that name outorized.

Yeah, but I'm glad that she's a poppy and I think the Destri's okay, and she's gonna come up with a great name for her daughter one day. Well.

No, I'm curious because I like the idea of you saying that nobody just nobody talks about their baby names, because if you don't talk about it and then your friend names it that baby, you know, there's nothing you can really it is.

What it is. Yeah.

Oh, if we had never talked about it, and if I had never said what my name was, and that baby came and I named that baby. I mean, it's not like I wish this because everyone, listen, everyone ended up being named the right thing, right, So I don't. I don't.

I'm not worried about it at all. But it just it did suck what it created.


But if the baby had come out and my friend just got the you know, announcement, what do you do? Nothing?

So I do think I would stick with that. If I was going to continue to have some babies, I would not talk about it.

It's hard though, you're so excited and you're not thinking about that. But there are there are some names dealers out there.

Yeah, yeah, they're they're they're among.

Us who walk among us, walk among us, and they will take your name. They'll get a hamster the name is John. Yeah, bird a bird, a goldfish, a goldfish.

Yeah, there's Hayden. There's Hayden. There's Old Hayden and Lucas swimming by. Yeah, oh great, those were just the names I loved. Never mind, look at.

Old Poppy and Luke swimming away. To kill you, literally, I'm gonna kill you like I'm gonna name all my children your exes. Yeah, yeah, so you have to hear them every day.

You can't name your kids, I know.

And it's hard because one of my exes names was a good boy.

Me too, me too, And actually it was a boy. Well he was a boy or he was a man, but he had kind of a name that could be both. And at one point it came up as an idea for a girl. But I was like, it was actually more me than anything. I was like, that name is done to me, that name because by the way, he was not.

A good guy.

Oh yeah, see one of the guys I liked, he was he was a good guy. But I just you know, I can't do it because Matt knows my history, right, so he'd be like, I know they do.

About that.

They listen, well, they listen when they need to. Anyway, we want to hear from a calic crew.

Yes we do. Has anyone stolen your name? Have you stolen?

I want to hear from the people who've stolen the names? Come on, yes, that's you're not going to be seen. Why did you take that name? Why is the goldfish named that? Yeah?

And why did you think you could get away with it? And were you see you feel any guilt?


All right, call it crew?

We want to hear from the name stealers.

We want, in fact, convince us why you're right, because right now we're not.

We're not feeling, we're leaning out of it. We're leaning out.

So I want to know why it's okay to steal a name. You tell us and we will hear from you. Yes, bring it on, all right, this is so fun.

Let's call it the end of the episode.

Call It What It Is

You may know them from Grey Sloan Memorial… but did you know Jessica Capshaw and Camilla Luddington  
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