Once again hosted by Peter Anthony Holder, these reedited interviews from the long running The Stuph File Program, are streamlined in a narrative form to bring you some of the wacky, yet ingenious feats of whimsey and innovation that is the human spirit. Like the first season, these ten new episodes will feature an eclectic grouping of 20 new guests, displaying a rainbow of talents and dreams. You’ll wonder how Lithuanian potato chip company, Chazz Chips, came up with their Pu*sy Flavoured Chips; what’s included in The Icelandic Phallological Museum; how the owner of the website, Rent-A-Hitman, has made it his mission to turn in the gullible souls who dare to inquire about his services; the woman who makes jewelry from breast milk and semen; how you too can stay at the murderous Lizzie Borden Museum/Bed & Breakfast and much, much more!