Burnout with Connor FrantaBurnout with Connor Franta

Listen to This: Making of an Activist (Part 2 of 3)

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Burnout with Connor Franta

Burnout: You’ve read about it. You’ve heard about it. Heck, you’re probably living it. And you’ve probably tried everything to fix it. Levels of burno 
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In episode two of Making of an Activist we dive into DeRay Mckesson’s college years where he was the first and only class and student body president at Bowdoin, DeRay was the centre of civic life on campus. We explore the formative experiences on and off campus, what drew him to the classroom, and revisit what key people in his life at that time remember about DeRay the student, leader, and teacher.

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  1. Burnout with Connor Franta

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Burnout with Connor Franta

Burnout: You’ve read about it. You’ve heard about it. Heck, you’re probably living it. And you’ve pr 
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