Have you heard of the tunnels underneath Wilmington, where pirates supposedly smuggled their treasure and slaves escaped on the Underground Railroad?
Perhaps the most enduring legend in Wilmington's history is ripe with salacious and fictitious stories, the passages under the city have a far more practical and not-so-flashy origin. On this week's episode, we dispel some of the legends that wind through the tunnels and ponder why they are so popular (and potentially dangerous) centuries later. Joining the episode is Jon Schleier, executive director of the Public Archaeology Corps, which excavated one of the passages named Rock Spring in 2017.
Be sure to come grab your copy of Louis T. Moore's "Stories Old and New of the Cape Fear Region," on which this season is based, in the Burgwin-Wright House gift shop today!
This podcast is sponsored by Durable Restoration Company.
For more information about the Burgwin-Wright House and to learn how to support the house, visit BurgwinWrightHouse.com.
Cover art design by Rachel Ross.