Second Date Update: Zoo Zaddy

Published Jun 21, 2023, 3:07 PM

One of our listeners felt INSTANT REGRET during his date and even tried to BAIL as soon as it started… But he stuck it out and now wants our help with a Second Date!

The second date of day, Jose, If you messaged a girl on a dating app, how long would you wait for them to respond back to you before you decide it's like time to move on? Two or three minutes and then it's like she blew, got to act fast if you want to hop.

On this round, I assume as I'm sending it, I'm not going to get a response.

Oh you give up?

Oh yeah, there's just no right, yeah, exactly like.

An error going on.

Yeah, that's interesting. Is different than one of our listeners who says he didn't hear back for three weeks after he sent his first message. But good things come to those who wait. That's why I've been I've been keeping Grant on hold for the last forty eight minutes. Talk to us, Grant, it's finally time. Welcome to the showy.

That's it. Jeffrey's trick on how he gets people to respect him.

Yes, yeah, do you respect me? Grant?

Hey, I'm very vulnerable, so be careful.

Just how I like it.

He's sensitive right now?

All right, now, tell us about the woman that you met up with recently. What's her name?

Her name is Shan and she's super cool. She's very sweet, she's very funny.

Oh okay, so sweet. She left you waiting for three weeks before she responded to your message.

What she say? After three weeks she.

Said that she had forgotten her account was even active.

So, oh, do you think that was truthful? Or was that just something that women say to throw you off.

I didn't really think about it that much.

Is it today's version of I never do this? Right?

Oh, I'm on a dating app?

Well, I mean she was really cool. So like, once she was actually messaging me, I was like.

Who cares?

It was cool?

Who cares?

I don't care what happened?

Typical dude.

All right, so you guys connected, that's awesome. What'd you end up doing?

Well? She loves animals, and so I said, so we go to a zoo.

That's a great date.

How did that go?

Well? At first, I kind of like instantly regretted it because it was a little later in the day and there were so many people. There was super crowded. They're like kids screaming everywhere.

And like it's like being in a chucky cheese at that point, there's no alcohol.

Well, I was about to ask that, did you guys pre funk because I went to the Zoo drunk ones and it was awesome alone.

Yeah, well no, I was okay.

Well I think I want don't remember now.

Sitting in the Otter exhibit just talking to him.

Strant was that you kind of we didn't drink before, but once we got there and realized it was like a zoo seeing funny too like that. I was like, why don't we just go to a bar? And she was like, well, it just so happens that I have like those little you know, those like little bottles of vodka.

Yeah, she's got a bar in her purse. I like her.

Is that is that cool? Or is that a red flag to you?

Oh? I loved it?

Okay, yeah.

Yeah, So we like just got some sodas at the Zoom and we made our own little like cocktails and.

The cans or the bottles.

Yeah help you and all the other moms there.

Yeah all right, that helped things out.

Yeah, I mean, like it was super chill and we were like laughing and it was just fun.

That's awesome.

Was the big what's the biggest highlight from the Zoo?

Oh gosh, Well she's kind of short, so like she'd sit on my shoulders, like if the crowds were like too big in the way, which is kind of cute.

You put her on your shoulders.

She wanted to go.

I mean, we were drunk, So.

At what point did you get kicked out of the zoo.

We didn't get kicked out.

We did good.

We weren't We weren't belligerent.

It's funny. We never asked you if she was a minor. We usually don't have to, but maybe it's just safe. She's over eighteen, she's.

Just over twenty one. She's drinking over twenty.

One thirty something.

Oh wow, it's interesting.

And she liked being on the shoulders.

I mean, oh so she did a few times, so okay.

Yeah, she's the one suggested it.

How did you guys leave the zoo? How did it end?

Well? She told me that her favorite animal was with the penguins. Oh, she was in the bathroom, and I like snuck into the like the gift shop, and I bought her a stuffed penguin.

That's a great move.

She was super happy. She gave me a kiss like it was a whole moment.

Okay, so you guys had a penguin moment together. I like it.

I mean, I feel great about the whole thing. And then later that night she posted pictures of us ooh Instagram like on her story.

Okay, just the story is not as dramatic as ye, I don't know.

It sounds like she may be trying to make somebody jealous.

Yeah, that's a good boy. I don't know.

And you were okay at the Instagram stuff.

Yeah, but she deleted them the next day. The stories they auto delete, she deleted them. She deleted them before like the twenty four hours, like the next morning.

How many times did you check her out?

You don't have to answer that if it's going to sound incriminated.

It sounds like the person she saw it.

Okay. How long has it been since the zoo date happened?

Like a week?

Okay? And nothing.

She's not hitting you up.

Yeah, she's not responding to anything. So did you.

Reply to her stories when you saw the pictures of you and her up there?

I liked like the emoji response or whatever? Which emoji like the heart eyes?

Oh no, these are good things. But I can see how you go from an extreme high like wow, this girl kissed me she posts me on the story, to then immediately she's deleting you that.

It is a quick relationship.

Yeah, it's like a little breakup.

The penguins made for life.

Yeah, no, that's only when they can't have that's only when they can't wait.

Okay, sorry, you trust the penguin expert there. So we're going to come back and we're going to try to have you and Shannon made for life. But we do your second day.

He even thinks that's a little too intense. Let's just go with a second date.

Yeah, one second date. We'll start with it. Then forever an eternity when we do your second date. Update next now, Brook, hop upon my shoulders, let's do this.

I would break.


Brook. When was the last time you were on a man's shoulders? Was it a Sultan Peppa reunion tour or when you were trying to scale the Capitol Building? I forgot The Radio Fation doesn't want us mentioning that because it paints everybody in a bath. That's what they were saying to you, But you wouldn't. It was definitely shoot okay, okay, yeah, sorry, we take that last part out in the end. Yeahah, but that light a good life though, was shining on Grant during his zoo datecause him and Shannon enjoyed the animals together a couple of drinks, and she even got on his shoulders more than once throughout the day.

That's so crazy.

And you know that she liked it too, because she posted the photos on her Insta stories later that night before deleting it before the twenty four hour period. That's why I need to ask, Grant. Do you think that maybe one of her friends saw a picture of you on the Insta stories and could have been like, oh.

No, like talk crap about him?

Yeah, I like delete that. That's not good. Is that possible?

Uh No? I thought maybe like she posted it when she was tipsy, and then the next day it was like, oh maybe that was a little too much.

Yeah, but but you replied with hard eyes, so she shouldn't have felt that way.

Well maybe that's why she felt that way. She's like, oh god, he's already hard eyeing it. I'm already wait a minute, I was drunk.

Okay, So everybody's way too in their head about this instant stories thing, is what we're hearing. Yeah, I am okay, alright.

All right, Well we're gonna get all the theories out of the way and just get right to the truth when we call here here in a minute, Okay, you ready to do this?

I'm ready?

Okay hermo simple smile.

So maybe it was his fault.

Let's find out here we go. Hello, Hey, is this Shannon? Yes, Hey, Shannon. I'm sorry to interrupt your whatever you're doing today, but I hope you have time to be on the radio with Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning.

She could be doing nothing.

Yeah, off, what hi, Shannon? We're a radio show.

What we're a radio show? I don't think she asked, like she couldn't hear. Sorry, Shannon. Yeah, sounds like you're not on the radio much. But we do this all the time where we reach out to people trying to hook them up to go out on another date with our listeners after they've been out once before.

Did you follow him, Shandon?

Yeah, yeah, this is called the second date update. And we heard from one of our listeners, Grant, that you tube met up at a zoo.

Oh my god. Yeah yeah, yeah, regretful.

Yeah, it wasn't it fun? I mean like his description sounded like you guys had a great time.

Yeah, yeah, we did, We really did. And so why are you calling you?

Well, Grant agrees that you guys had an amazing time and is wondering why not responding to him, because he says, it's been a week since you've last talked, right.

Okay, he's super cool and we had a great date. I can't lie.

We had a really, really great that's good.

So are you planning on getting back in touch with him? You just haven't had time?

No, I know, I mean probably not as it a whole.

It's not him, it's me saying.

Yeah, it's just I would rather not talk about it, you know, Okay, but we.

Rather would.


I think Grant deserves to hear at least some sort of reason why you're saying yourself. He's amazing, he's a great time.

I mean, look, all I can say is that there's another person that I go out with sometimes.

Okay, like sometimes, as in like all the time.

No, no, no, but we have our own situation, like he's a little bit of an older man and he looks out for me. And I made a mistake of posting a picture of Grant and I on my Instagram story.

And did you call it a mistake or does this other person call it a mistake.

Well, I mean he saw it, and he was a little little bit threatened by it, I guess, and and and normally, I mean, it's not a problem for me to date other people. But for some reason, there was something about Grant that so.

Get well, I mean, was it gonna be that blunt I was gonna say, like, like, is this older person you're are you physically in a relationship with them or is it more of like a financial relationship.

Yeah, I mean that's my own situation. It's a good I'll just say it's a good situation for me.

And it doesn't sound like it though, because it sounds like you can't date who you want to everybody but him.

Is that true? Is that true he controls who you date?

No, he's not controlling whatsoever. Wants to do this for myself and what's right for me. And based off of the reaction that I got from this other guy, I don't want that.

I don't want to feel it that way. So I'm making this decision.

And you said that you've been seeing You've seen other guys before. He doesn't have a problem with it, it's just something about Grant.

Yeah, And I have no idea. What it is?

Do you know what it is? It's probably that he can tell that you really like Grant.

Or maybe he's maybe he's just jealous that Grant can carry you on his shoulder itself. He's too old to do it.

You can't do that anymore.

I got a locker you can sit on.

It's not as fun.

Listen, I've thought about this already. I've already done my processing of it. And like I.

Said, even though I'd like to see Grant again, I'm just not in the position right now to mess up something else that is great in my life.

Okay, Well, I know maybe you've had a lot of time to process this, but someone who hasn't is Grant, who literally just heard about this the moment you said it, what a second ago. He's on the other line right now, wanting to talk to.

Oh my gosh, I wanted to avoid this. I didn't want to hurt his feeling.

Well, we don't know if his feelings are hurt, Grant, they are hurt.

Well, good guess Shannon, you read on that was right?

Ours was wrong, Shannon. I'm just I'm so confused, Like I didn't expect something like this. You're just so like cool and pretty, like I never imagine something like this for you. I almost don't even believe you.

Don't believe her, she didn't know you're on the phone, bro.

I mean, I'm sure she could have guessed. She's not dumb.

Wait a minute, Yeah, it's nice of you to say. I just don't think it's the right time for us. Just not the right time. And how many.

Years does this guy have left?

What's the expiration?

It has nothing to do with that. I'm trying to do what's best for me too.

Are you, okay, Grant?

Yeah no, I mean I hear what she's saying, but I just feel like, I don't know, we have a really great connection. I don't even want to give this like one more chance. Like does this old dude get you a stuff penguins or.

Her a real penguin?

I mean, yeah, he's got.

Me like three, but.

That's a lie. That is a lie.

Ye oh my god, he forgot that he got her the first two. So it keeps buying your mind.

It's my favorite animal, like that's why.

He does it.

I don't know.

Okay, Look, you yourself said the connection between you and Grant was very strong, so if this has anything to do with money, I'm sure Grant is open to doubling it right now, prove that you're the better man an auction.

Now, I don't I talk to Shannon about how she's an independent woman and.

Doesn't already told us that you don't have to put the words in her mouth.

I'd like to hear what Grant has to say.

Oh, cracked up and you gotta slam it open? Go ahead?

Is ruin in it?

Well, we're only on the first date, so let's not get ahead of ourselves. I'm not paying for her yet. But if she wants to go on a second date to get to know me better without like jangling a money carrot in front of her, bro I like that.

So it's like insinuity. He does have money.

Yeah, there might be a VERSACEI bag waiting for you at the very end if you go out with him one more time.

These are false promises.

If that's what she wants, that's not from us, that's all out of grants checking account. We're just going to give you a little tiny gift card to get the date going. Yeah, it's like, so what do you think, Shannon?

I don't know. I don't want to screw up some the off.

You're really rich.

Her heart is saying yes. You can hear her heart saying yes, But can hear your mind is saying no.

That's a good way to put a jeb And you could always go back to school, Shannon, you know, and get your own job. She didn't go to school's.

Really putting her down somehow, So depressing little mudience. I haven't heard from the yet, Grant. So are you giving up here?

Yeah? I'm not ready for a triangle at this point in my life.

Good for you, bro What if you could get on the paycheck too.

Though, I would have to know what that would entail.

Oh, I'm sure they just say companionship. That's what they always say.

Right, Shannon. Does this other guy have openings for more people like you? Oh? I was gonna put in my application.

Brooking Jeffrey in the morning.

You know what's sad to me not that the world's changed so much. It's that Brooke can't get on board because I'm over here trying to broke her a financial transaction between two soulmates and make everyone happy. And there's Natasha, they say or in the background, like, what are we doing. Is that a woman listening to a man?

No, it is unhealthy relationship, Jeffrey. It is. She Yeah, but she's telling herself that, oh, he lets me do anything. Accept whatever. There's an accept then you don't get to apply anything to it anymore.

You see what I'm saying. Right after we take that second day update, Brook actually sent me an Excel spreadsheet on what she thinks Grant could have paid, So technically is totally on board. She's playing it up for the audience that she's the boys.

Of Reason, but none of it qualifies as tax deductions, Jeffrey. So it's not smart for him either way.

To make it fun. You know, Brooke is Brook. Alexis is on eBay right now, not trying to buy anything. She's offering herself to the highest bidder for like a hundred thousands.

I'd buy it for her, but I also think that that's wrong. You're someone else. You're going to keep working here and earn an honest wage.

In the meantime, if you ever want some help with your dating life, you can email the show. We'll call that person who isn't calling you back. It's Brook and Jeffrey in the morning, Brook

And Jeffrey in the morning,

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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