Second Date Update: You Saved My Face

Published Oct 18, 2023, 6:10 PM

Sometimes laws need to be broken in the name of love...And while our listener might have gone too far but that’s not gonna stop us from helping her with a Second Date!

Second date, up date. What's the best activity to meet somebody at?


I mean I could think of a handful, but maybe the worst activity would be mid hang gliding. Oh my god, logistically not great for a dating scenario.

Do you glide?

See? Other than that, I think outdoor stuff and sports in particular are a good idea because being active, the doorphins are going and they don't know if you have a dungeon at that point. You got to keep the surprises for later. That's one of the benefits of sports.

But they if you're hang gliding, of course, totally.

Yeah, you got a sweet dungeon.

Yeah. But one of our listeners says she met someone during a sports activity. Not sure if there are dungeons involved with her yet, but let's talk to Avery about it. Avery, welcome to the show.

Oh hi, Hey, hoping for dungeons or you against dungeons?

Avery, I don't know I feel about dungeons.

Yeah, wait till the second date to explore the dungeon.

Talk until dungeon, I see.

But let's start with the first encounter that you had. I guess, what's your activity that you did where you met this guy?

Well, I joined this like recreational softball league. Okay, it could be less of a couch potato, you know.

Yeah, those are always so fun and.

A lot of those leagues they drink a little bit.

Yeah, the softball is really good because it's mostly standing. So that's a nice transition.

From the couch.

Yeah. Okay, he's into it.

Okay, is he on the team too, Well, he's not on my team. He's actually on a team we played again. Okay, Yeah, he basically saved me.

Whoa there was like a ball? Yeah, you said, well, okay, can we get his name real quick? Oh that was Josh? Okay, okay, how did Josh save you?

Well, at first and foremost, like, I am not good at softball, like the team, they're very nice to let me play, but they made me like the base coach. You know, I think in an effort that I would.

They don't even give you right field. No, sounds like that you are having fun with it. Still, She's like, I don't.

Know if you should run? Should you?

I'm just like you got this, sweetie.

I'm like, okay, sweet kind of like the team. Mom.

Okay, so you're you're bass coaching.

What happened?


So basically a foul ball is coming right at my face, and this guy from the other team, he just like reaches in front of me and like catches the ball.

An out for your team that sucks, would have been better for got hit in the face.

That's cool, that's nice. So Josh is the one that saved you and caught the ball.

He saved my face.

Please tell me.

Because every guy kind of dreams of something like this. Did it impress you? Really?


Well yeah, saving a girl making good catch because I play baseball and like the crush you have sees it like, did it impress Okay?

Oh honey, let me tell you it works?

Okay, child, dream is coming. I just gotta start.

You're supposed to stop that sorr refle But listen, it wasn't an out on my team.

Everybody wins.

This was a good idea. Okay. So that was the start of your in Josh's long romance.

Yes, I'm like, this man is adorable. He's my hero. He looks good in the softball outfit.

Okay, Okay, is this encounter? Is this the date? Was there a date that happened after this? No?

Okay? So after the game I went up to him and like thanks him again for saving my face. And then there was like a bar right by where we were, and I was like, oh, hey, do you want run over there and grab a beer real quick? So we just went and got a drink. It was nothing crazy, you know, it's just twenty minutes. We chit chatted and exchange numbers.

Okay, but it was just you too.

So that's a good I mean, that's a date that was like a pre date.

I mean I thought, maybe, Okay, how did you end the night with him? I mean there was no like scandal, there was no like kissing or anything. But he did offer and give me a.

Ride home, and oh that's good.

He has this like cool old pickup truck that like reminded me of this truck that my dad drove when I was against Like it was just like a cool It felt like a little extra sign of like, oh he's got the truck and he saved my life and the soot all out. But you know what I mean, you're.

Definitely crushing on him because when you end that feeling, I think people look for signs.

So old trucks are sexy. They just are old trucks are hot.

Didn't you buy your husband an old truck and then he sold it like a month later.

Now we sold it like eight years later.


Oh, we never drove it because we had kids and there's no back seat and you can't put him in the bed, and more like you.

Used to super hot, it was.

Hot when it was just he and I. Okay, yeah, we'll get another old truck someday.

Okay, So how long has this been since you last saw Josh.

I mean, it hasn't really been that long, but we texted back and forth a little bit, and then he just kind of like stopped responding, So I don't I don't know if he wasn't feeling it or if I I don't know, maybe I said or did something. I don't know.

Have you seen him back on the softball field or have you talked to him since the Well no.

Because he's not on my team.

Well it doesn't sound like you're really much on your own team, even so she could just cheer everybody on for at this point.

I care you.

I'm just kidding, Avery, We're messing around, but we will try and call Josh here and try and get you your second date update when we come right back. Okay, Okay, all right, hold on second date update. Mariah Carey taught us you never know when a hero might come along and give you the strength to carry on and help you cast your fears aside, so that you know, tell us you can survive.

Un even Alexis knows that song.

And one of our listeners, Avery met her hero the other day at a recreational softball game.

Man I met this song was playing in the background.

It was a dude on the other team named Josh who saved her life when he caught a foul ball right before it hit her in the face. It was a special moment.

Unless you're laughing that it didn't hit her broke.

Yeah, just staring at it like it go.

Avery admits that she's not the most athletic type of person. She's doing this just to get out of her shell and get out into the world. Yeah, and it's amazing because she met this guy and they grabbed a drink at a bar. He drove her home that night. Now she's just trying to get another hangout.

I forgot to ask Avery, you did cover with Josh that he was single, right? I mean, because there could be the case where maybe he just thought you were just saying thank you for.

A girlfriend.

No, he's single.

You know that.

I love that you laugh no matter what you're saying.

But you can, guys tell even if he is not single. Not important, am I right? Avery?

No, that's important when you.

Know, you know, when the hero comes along. I think that's it doesn't matter he was in a relationship. I didn't catch it because I love you. But let's find out what's really going on with Josh. If he answers the phone, I'm gonna dial his number right now. You ready to do this, Avery, Yeah?

I want to know.

Okay, here we go right now.

Hello, Hey is this Josh?

Is this hey Josh? My name is Jeff. I'm a morning radio host on a show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning. My co host is already laughing at me for how I said that. What was wrong with it?


It was a little clunky.

That was weird.

Bro Okay, Hey Josh, Hey.

We're morning radio show.


How are you?


I mean, yeah, brother? What's up to be? Like? What's up the home?

You can't yeah, I don't say my home.

Trying to be casual here, sorry, Josh?

Me quiet?

Jeff sorry to interrupt you in the middle of your day, but we're doing a segment called a second Date Update. We'd like you to be a part of it. Well Brook, why don't you explain how this works?

Josh, A lovely listener of ours was interested in you, and you're not coming her back.

You met a woman the other day when you were playing softball named Avery.

Oh, now you're laughing, Why are you lay?

What's going on?

I mean.

It was pretty clear that she was kind of into me.

Okay, okay, is that good because or are you like in a relationship.

No, No, it's not that. It's just like there was I don't know how. It's like an air of desperation, you know what I mean? Like every time I looked she was looking at me.

You were getting a vibe that she was maybe like super super into it right from the start.

A little bit too much, A little yeah, but it was more so like a day or two later, I'm in a coffee shop somewhere, and I'm pretty certain I saw her walk by staring at me. What somehow knew I was in that coffee shop?

Now, woh, okay, that would be creepy.

Yeah, I mean it's true unless you all live in the same neighborhood. Like I run the people I know all the time and at the coffee shop, at the grocery store.

You're a woman broke. It could have been a quincin.

Totally could have been a coincidence, except she then was there at my bank when I was at my bank.

It's a really small town.


I picture her as the teller for some reason.

She's just in every business he walks into.

It seemed that way, is what I'm saying, Like, it seemed like she was following me.

Wait, did you ever go up and say hi to her?

Because it's weird.

She didn't mention that she saw you at all. She did after the softball.

Was strange or like I was trying to you actually.

Even asked you, said, have you seen him since like on the softball field, and she's like no, yeah.

But I guess I meant when I asked her, like, have you had a conversation with him?

You should start asking the listeners have you stalked him?

Yeah? I mean that seems like a big stretch. I didn't get that type of vibe when we talked to her. Yeah, do you feel like maybe you could just be in your head about it, Josh.

How can you see the same person that you know or sort of know?

What if it was a coincidence and she thinks you were stalking.

Her, that's probably true now that is I would be creeped out a little bit in that second Yeah, the second one.

Yeah, I mean at least the good news is she's not like secretly listening on this phone call right now, like knowing that you would be on it or anything like that. Oh wait a second, she actually is what Yeah, that's how the segment works. We have them listening quietly on the other line.

Sorry, you didn't think that was important information. When I was saying she was everywhere around.

Me, like you know about it, and we weren't really come to my head right away.

She's listening.

Yeah, you know what by bad but she is there, Avery awfully.

Chipper, Yes, did you hear what he said?


H Yeah, just a coincidence, right, you mean, not exactly?

Why don't follow people?

You do be good at it.

You're following him.

I'm not like consistently following him.

I just what's going on?

Full disclosure. I do, like Josh, I got the little flutter when he saved me at the game, but then seeing his truck. Honestly, I just I really really like the truck. It reminds me of my dad, and I kind of want to buy the truck. Like I was hoping I could make an offer. And then I thought like if I just casually ran into him, like if he wasn't into me, I could still maybe get the truck, if I guess what I was thinking.

So you're not you're not seeing You're not like following him. You're seeing his truck around town, and that's how you know where he is. Kind of a how are you doing it? What's going on?


Just be honest.

I mean he gave me a ride on the truck and I may have air tagged it.

What that is? So it's got to be illegal. That's crazy? Are you joking right now?

You have a tracking device on my truck right now? That's crazy that you're telling.

It's not that big of a You're not like in any danger of like if I wanted to do something too like dangerous. I just thought like, if he wasn't into me, at least I could like run into him casual, you know what I mean?


The air tag is so scary.

It pops up on your phone, it'll say, like an air tag is following you.

Have you seen that on your phoneto.

Android studio?

Not say, because then you don't know.

So, Josh, you've never been air tagged by a woman before?

Oh, come on, it's the first for me. I mean, I am so.

I know it's awkward now, but like it's out there, you know, them interested in him and the truck.

You know, my god, way to put the vibe out.

But okay, if you take a look at the other side in a way, Josh, it's kind of flattering, kind of it is.

What, Yeah, I don't know. I think Jeff's stretching really hard to try to see Avery's side.

Our job is to help Avery get another date with you, and we're going to offer to send you out with her one more time, and we pay for it.

Make her take the air tag.

I'm sure this is going to work out well, Josh.

I will save you the trouble. It's under your passenger seat. You can throw it away.

She's got plenty to go around for the next round of men. She's like, don't worry, there's one behind his license.


That's pretty appealing, you guy, it would.

Miss that's appealing.

Yeah, your semi stalker just told you how to stop being stocked.

I get I should get brownie points.

Brownie do get Brownie points for stopping stocking.

That's where the dating world is now. So what do you say one more meet up with Avery? We're gonna pay for it?

No, absolutely not.

Yeah we figured out.

Yeah, okay, but would you sell me the truck?

Okay? I don't think one good thing come out of this phone call.

Make the money, make the money, take it.

Just set the price for seventy thousand dollars.

That's all you got to do. And Josh, you don't even have to answer right now, let's roll this over into our next awkward Tuesday phone call. We'll get a bidding war going. Psycho wants to buy a truck afterward.

My man, oh my god, I know if you.

Are freaking Jeffrey in the morning, you know.

What I was thinking. How is this not a Hallmark Christmas movie?

What are you doing?


Sweet guy meets a girl at a softball game. He saves her from getting hit by a ball. She air tags his truck and follows him all the way, and then on Christmas Eve, just as the snow starts to fall, she pops up at his parents house fourteen hundred miles away to say, hey, you interested in selling that truck? It reminds me.

Of my dad Christmas.

I can see it.

That doesn't scream best Christmas movie ever? Nothing does.

She stumbles out of the truck.

Would we get subpoenaed by the cops the audio?

Can we cut this last part out?


Why not? I thought it was kind of romantic. Did across a line, across a little bit. She wasn't doing anything malicious. She lights the truck. She wasn't doing anything that bad.

I think that was her problem is in her head she's like, well, I'm not gonna do anything, so she thought it was okay.

Highly illegal. It do not put air tags on people, you know your army and that.

Guy has to get an iPhone because it does alert you.

Don't do it unless you're certain they won't find out. If you want to ever get a second date up date, you can always email the show and we'll call that person who wasn't calling you back.

Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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