One of our listeners TRIED to reschedule with his date but she said NOPE and showed up anyway. We couldn’t believe where they had their first hangout… find out where it was in a new Second Date podcast!
Second date, up date. I want everyone in studio and driving to close their eyes right now.
Now, if you're driving, just think out of all the places in the world, where would be the worst to have a first date.
You're taking me somewhere nice?
Maybe next to an active volcano.
Yeah, that's pretty bad, kind of romantic.
Inside of an off brand Hooters off best called Alley's, or maybe the radioactive playground at Chernobyl.
Oh oh, my date has three eyeballs if it's swing moved by itself and one of our listeners says he wishes he could have had his first date somewhere else, but unfortunately he didn't really have a choice, and now he needs our help.
Let's talk to Steve about it. Steve, welcome to the show.
Hey, thanks you guys for having me.
I love when dates go wrong and people put blame on something bigger than themselves. I appreciate that. Yeah, yeah, I appreciate that.
What was the name of the the woman that you went out with?
I went out with Julie.
Okay, I'm always just assuming these days that you met on an app.
We did, Yeah, we we matched about two months ago, but our schedules just wouldn't match you up, okay, coming up? And we finally settled on a date and suddenly the day before I got dramatically sick.
No, no, did it feels like the universe is telling you not to go out with Julia?
Right right, but like so bad I ended up in the hospital.
Oh my god, are you okay? Now you're okay?
Oh yeah, I'm good.
Now okay, you said dramatically were you acting?
I mean, that's the thing. From Julie's standpoint, it'd be hard to believe that after a few months of like.
And then like, now I'm in the hospital.
Well yeah, so this is what happens. I messengered the night before to cancel and I kind of explained why, and her response was, well, I'll come visit you.
What she was trying to call your bluff.
That might have been part of it, obviously, like I wasn't bluffing, But all I was thinking is like, this is like easily the worst I've ever looked.
Yeah, yeah, did you agree to have her come visit you?
I told her no, let's please do another day. Yeah, but She's like, I don't care. I want to come and see you.
Oh. Now I'm thinking what Alexis said, Like she doesn't believe.
You that you sorry to hang out with someone sick you.
Would want to do an So did she show up?
She showed up?
What did you do to prep for that? You're like, hey, can I have a washcloth to wash my face? Like you're not showered?
That's what I would do. I want to get the fancy, fancy hospital gown on.
Extra pudding or whatever. I mean, what was that moment like when she walked in the room.
I mean, part of it was like, oh, this is cool, we're finally seeing each other. The other part of it was just like me being purely mortified.
And it sucks if you ever get excited on the date, like you can't hide it because the heart monitor is going to be like.
B b b by, she's beautiful and it's like your heart's going crazy?
Are very thin? Disgusting? I'm sorry about that. How did it go?
So? I mean it was it was nice, It was sweet. She showed up with a gift. It was a book of like a hundred unbelievable.
Facts because she didn't believe that you were.
Liked that's a nice gesture.
Yeah, something to help pass the time in that we split a hospital meal together in my room.
Okay, insurance. I mean, were you able to hold a conversation with her? I don't know how sick you were.
Yeah, I mean we you know, we were like she read some of like the facts in the book and we talked about that. The most embarrassing thing was like the staff was kind of like harassing me about like if she was my girlfriend. You know, they were doing the whole like, ooh is this your girlfriend?
So that probably was kind of awkward. How long did she stay for?
I mean it was a couple of hours? Wow, Yeah, she told them it was actually our first date. The nurses then like went and took some flowers from like a dead lady's room.
Oh could you just be'd be a vacant room?
Okay, it has the condolence's note still on it. Yeah, Oh my god.
So was there any like, I mean besides them giving you a hard time and being funny, was there like a spark? It'd be hard to have some sort of like just make chemistry in that situation.
So I thought we had a good time, and I thought the experience like kind of bonded us very unique you know for sure, and that like one hundred percent we would go out again. Yeah.
I mean, if she's willing to come and visit you on a first date while your bedridden in the hospital, that speaks volumes about like where she thinks this relationship could.
Go wild to me to think that you haven't been in contact or gotten another date with her, And how.
Could she complain like, oh, he wasn't that funny? Yeah, you were in the hospital.
What did she say?
How long ago was that?
So that was it was a few weeks ago.
Oh okay, And we've.
Been texting up until this past week and now she's like hardly responding at all. Huh, And like I'm out of the hospital. I was hoping to see her for a normal date And honestly, I just don't know what the deal is. And the only thing I can think is maybe I really did look like I was in as bad of shape as I was.
That's understandable. And you were texting after if.
You take a really cold person to come into a hospital and like you hospital, or maybe she got sick with whatever you had, and now she's in the hospital, you're gonna have to do your second date.
There have options for him, and none of them are your fault so far.
That's so we're going to come back. We're going to call Julie for you and try and get you your second date update right after this.
All right, thank you so much.
Hold on second date update. I'm just super glad that Steve pulled through and made it all Steve, and we got to get him back. Get I'm here, ready, clear, clear, because your timing is really off on this doesn't matter. We saved them. Second day back up and running with our listener Steve, who is fully alive and his first date happened in his own hospital bed. But Steve matched with Julie a couple months before this. They had to keep pushing back their date because their schedules weren't matching up, and the night before they were due to meet each other, he ended up getting super sick and had to go to the hospital.
Yeah, and so she just wout him back down.
I'm coming to visit you there, and showed up, brought a book for him to read. They shared a meal.
Together, even told the nurses that it was their first date, so.
They thought that was super cute, and stole some flowers from the deceased to make it extra special for.
Them, don't it's at that point.
No, yeah, it doesn't belong to anybody. Yeah, but now Steve is better, he is out of the hospital. Except he's not getting a call back from Julie anymore.
Maybe she only liked sick boys.
You know, have you ever thought of that, Steve?
You know that must be what it is. I better throw myself in front.
Of the car.
You have too much color in your cheeks.
Like, Hey, guys, so did you meet any like super sick hot dudes in there? Maybe you need to work on your sniffles and your coughs a little bit before we reach out. That's a theory.
I bet there's a I bet there's a good reason she's not calling you back.
We can fix this, I feel like, or, if not a good reason, at least a reason whatever it is, when you find out, let's call her right now.
Hello, Hi, we're looking to talk with Julie.
Yes, this is Julie.
Hey Julie. You're on a radio show right now called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.
Hey, Julie, welcome to the show.
Oh okay, yeah, what's this about?
This is about a segment we do called a second date update a really saucy sexy segment. I should add I don't know how it was.
For you, though, probably not, probably not in her case.
We heard a little bit about a date that you went on recently with a guy named Steve. Okay, Steve, you know from the hospital Steve.
Yeah, yeah, I remember.
Okay, can we just ask did you show up to the hospital because you were trying to call him out like you thought that he was faking.
No, oh no, I mean you're just like a genuinely caring person. We don't.
I mean I was a little bit worried about him because we had become friends talking online.
Okay, okay, you had a couple of months of like chemistry and that's good. So what did you think of Steve when you saw him?
I r L I mean that, yeah, the interaction with with old Steve over there.
I mean I was, I was liking him.
It's good.
I just I don't know if it's going to work out. And uh, it has nothing to do with him.
So it has nothing to do with him. What does it have to do with sorry to pry, Yeah, I mean he's curious.
I had a friendly ghost appear like a Casper situation.
Haunting, No Casper situation.
It's like when there's a guy that you've been seeing, we think you have future plans with suddenly ghosts and stop talking to you. And then he's on your d ms on Instagram and then you know he likes your stories, but like he doesn't say anything to you, and why would you.
Put any energy into that.
I mean, obviously those guys always come back around as they can like sniff out that you have somebody interested in you.
Yeah, Brook, speaking from personal experience, he's definitely gone back. They're the guys haunted.
Let me tell you, They're the guys that only want you when they can't have you.
Well, I thought he was really cool and we dated for a couple of weeks and he's supplying coffee for different places and businesses and I love coffee.
And you're still dating this guy and love his coffee. That's why she's not dating him. He's just like floating around her Instagram.
So you're you're just putting Yeah, you're putting Steve off because you want to keep the door open for coffee boy.
I know that sounds kind of rude, but if you want to sum it up that way. I guess it's true.
So he's this other guy. He's just like liking your Insta stories and things like that. Has he actually said anything to you?
No, he just wants me to know that he sees me.
No, this guy sucks. You need to run from this.
Yeah, we need to get some backup on this too. And we actually do have like a friendly ghost who's floating on the other phone line right now. His name is actually Steve.
Oh, he's a real person.
What what? Yeah, the way the segment works is we have Steve waiting on the other line, listening to the conversation, waiting to jump in. Yeah, I mean, little scared Steve be there.
I am so confused right now. So you're basically ghosting me for a friendly ghost.
It's a.
Yeah, I guess that's one way to put it.
Oh, I mean that is how you put it.
Hey, I did not mean to hurt your feelings, but I'm in a weird situation and I don't know what to do.
Yeah, so you don't dislike me. You actually like me though.
I think you're a good person.
But here's the thing, Julius, but you don't distribute coffee to a bunch of businesses.
So you haven't seen and hung out with Steve outside of a hospital bed. I mean, if you can walk away from a hospital room on a first date and say that was really great, can you imagine what it would be like if you were pulling full health.
Like I said before, this isn't really about Steve. This is about this friendly ghost that I'm dealing with, and I'm kind of waiting around to see how it plays out.
Sounds like you're dealing with a ghost problem. And it's not even the dead lady from the hospital whose flowers magically ended up in your room. That's a totally different ghost who's been looming around. There's a lot of.
Ghosts in the second it's haunted.
I'm just wondering, like if I was to hang around on your Instagram and like a bunch of your stories and then after I did shoot for a while, like that's something you would like?
No, ew, No, that's creepy.
What is literally the difference between me doing it and this other guy?
Well, he's my ex, Like you and I haven't been anything real enough for you to friendly ghost me, Like you just be a creepy ghost.
Wants to be creepy ghosts.
What if I ended up in the hospital again, who's gonna come and see me?
Strategy? Come on, Steve, is funny.
You could bring the guy with the coffee business over to the hospital and take him there. Why turn him into a real ghost, like, oh my god, Yeah, I don't know.
Yeah, I keep thinking the only time the coffee guy's gonna call you is when he's sad and lonely.
Yeah, that's a perfect place to get really sad.
I just gotta hold out.
So I'm just I'm just supposed to wait for this guy to fully ghost you again before.
Well he's not. He's not going to fully ghost me.
This is the time. Okay, have you actually talked to him yet?
Not yet, but he's getting closer.
But Steve, I know that you're trying really hard here to get Julie bad, But it sounds like this doesn't have anything to do with you. This is totally her deal. She's just trying to figure her own stuff out.
So and I mean, honestly, she's gonna be single for.
A while, so it's probably pointless for me to even ask this question, But I'm gonna do it. Anyway because there's a ghost whispering in my ear to do it. He's saying, you and Steve should go out on another day and we'll pay for it.
I don't know.
I don't know as close to yes.
Sorry, I'm sorry. I just this is all very the end, Like, I don't mean to rush you, Julie, but I've got an ambulance on the other line. They just want to know where I'm at.
Dated in the hospital again.
I just don't think it'd be fair to you, Steve, like I'm not in this situation.
Okay, I mean that's honesty right there.
Okay, I'm sorry, man, this isn't going to work out. We're not going to be able to get you a second date.
This is okay. I'd rather deal with this now than like if we were dating.
That's true, that's true. That's a good attitude.
Don't give up, hope, man, Try to haunt her in a month or two.
And then.
I know I know the game plan now.
A couple of months, man, good luck.
Don't do that, Steve. I told you it's creepy, okay.
Looking Jeffrey in the morning, I've never heard the dating term friendly ghost before. Like being caspired where if you missed it, that's where a former love interest who ghosts you comes back and is quietly hanging around your like Instagram and Insta stories, liking things, just to make sure that you know they're there.
Okay, I'm gonna tell you this has been happening long before Instagram was even invented. Okay, totally.
Yeah, you were friendly ghosting people by hanging outside of their work.
No, it's just like those exes.
You know.
Everybody has those exes that just like linger. Yeah, and they don't do it because they want anything, They just want control.
Well, jose you mentioned saying like, oh this is me, how many haunts would you say that you're currently doing at the moment. I think me and a lot of girls were haunting each other back where you're like you like, but no one's like actually said high yet.
So it's like I see you and then like they go on a date and you like that and oh that's petty.
Yeah, because we've been liking each other. I didn't even know two ghosts could haunt each other. I didn't know either till today.
Supernatural world is hard.
We're more attuned to what's going on in the real world with real people, So if you have an issue with that in your dating life, we can try and help. Email the show. We'll call that person who's not calling you back and make sure you go check out all of our podcasts. All the second dates are up at Brook and Jeffrey, wherever you get yours