A simple text reply error may have cost our listener a sure thing with his date. We’ll see if we can rectify his mistake coming up in a brand new Second Date Update!
Second date, up date.
Sometimes in the dating world you realize the ideal person that you have built up in your mind. Yeah, isn't necessarily the ideal person for you in real life.
Yeah, rip that right out of Brooks wedding vows.
To her husband.
But that could be the case for our listener, Rob today.
Well, you said him who says he met.
A different type of woman than the one he would normally go for, and he described her in the email as someone who doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, is one hundred percent.
Vegan, and must be in bed.
Every night by eight forty five pm.
Rob, discipline, woman.
How did you let this party animal slip through your fingers?
Yeah, I don't know. I just found it endearing. I thought she was kind of wholesome and not really the type of girl that I normally go for.
But it's interesting because it could be wholesome or it could be that she's done all those things so.
Much that she can't do them anymore.
You know, on the party life. Okay, well, what's her name?
I think it's Maggie.
All right, how did you meet her?
We met online? But I just thought her pictures were so natural. She was very naturally beautiful. The pictures weren't photoshopped, and she wasn't out at the club. It's kind of pictures of her hanging out with her friends, and I just thought it was nice.
It was such a good photoshop. You didn't notice. Can I ask, are you any of the things she is like?
You know, no smoking, vegan?
No, not at all?
Okay, okay, yeah, I definitely drink and I definitely eat a lot of meat.
So it could be in opposite subtract sort of situation where you like mesh together over time, Bacon.
I mean, it could be the reason she's not calling him back.
Well, what did you guys do when you guys went out?
Well, it's weird on two dates back to back over a weekend.
Well that makes sense because she has to be in bed by eight forty five, so that's not very much the first one.
Wait, how did that work?
Well, so she wasn't like to drink, so we got ramen and then we got ice cream.
Oh yeah, took the vegan to ice cream.
Well I learned that they actually have vegan ice cream.
Oh cool, so you checked it.
To me.
But for her that's great.
Yeah, Like coconut milk ice cream. Sure.
Yeah, and it actually tasted pretty good, I mean a spoon nice.
Because she was probably impressed that you like put some effort in to find a place that could fit her.
So how did date number one end?
So there was no kiss at the end, but it was like a long hug. And then she actually suggested that we go out again the next day.
Oh wow, okayugah, no kidding.
So what did you do the next day?
So the next day, I was like, you get to pick where we want to go. So we went to a vegan restaurant.
Cool, okay, oh my god.
I'm not vegan, but one of my favorite places to eat is a vegan restaurant in my neighborhood.
Is scary, Like, I'm a foodie and even someone going going to a vegan restaurant, it's kind of intimidated. Well maybe it's like the ice cream shop where they have the one vegan option for people one plate for the media have.
A really bloody how was it?
Yeah, well they had a bunch of like cauliflower stuff.
Yeah, that's popular.
I mean it was okay, I didn't mind it.
Okay, they have like.
How is the connection between you two.
I mean after that date, we definitely kissed.
Okay, yeah, your first two dates sounds like they went great. So what's happened since then?
Well, so then after the date, she starts texting me and it's a lot of texts and like it's text like I can't wait to see you. There's a lot of love gifts and uh memes out love and she was really accentuating the love aspect of everything, and uh, you know, it was a little bit much.
I don't get why he's on with us if it was freaking.
You out, calling you back.
Yeah, Well what happened was she sent me a Spotify song. It's a song by Starship called we Built.
This Thing Together. I don't know if you guys know that song.
Yeah, we built this string together.
Nothing's gonna stop us.
That's a good song. Everyone.
She trying to like force a couple song already.
Oh yeah, like what have we built?
We were on two dates?
Did you say that to her?
Well, I said, oh, that's a nice song. I'm not really into the song though, it's I'm not really a big fan of it. And that totally changed things for her.
Yeah, just slammed her taste in music.
No, she was trying to convey up.
And it's like when I used to make mixed CDs and like put in secret songs for different dudes I like and be like, yeah, I know that.
One hit, You're right, yeah, and we'd be like, dude, once she gets a song for I prove yes.
So I'm hoping it.
You basically turned her down by not liking the good honestly, maybe she needed together, but.
You said that changed things between you two.
I mean I wasn't trying to put her down. It was just a little confused by it.
Yeah, okay, so what do you want our help with? Do you want another date or do you not?
So we had two really great dates together and the only thing that was weird was when we were apart.
Okay. I've been in situations where like.
Maybe we can who you want to live together, Let's.
Twenty four hours a day with you from now and so forever so you both die.
I just want to see where she's at, and I hope I didn't offend her, and I just want you to check for me.
I see, I see it. Yeah.
Maybe if she knows how you feel, she can lay off the love gifts and the songs.
Yeah, yeah, I.
Don't know how to tell her that politely. If she is that kind of person, I don't necessarily want to change her, you know.
Okay, we'll let Brook tell her to cut that crap out. We'll do the second update right after this.
Hold on second date update.
Man, we're back to the nineteen eighties again.
Is this the song?
The Decade of Love?
Sixteen Candles, Dirty Dancing, Wow, Ghost, all the best love movies? Okay, I can honestly say that we built this thing together.
Nothing lasts forever. Nothing was gonna stop us. Now that's a song.
Unless Maggie doesn't answer the phone, then that would kind of stop us and we'd be screwed.
Are you all forgetting it's a song that she sent to him?
This is This is the song from the nineteen eighties that kind of soured the relationship after Rob went on back to back dates with both of which went great, but this Spotify song ruined it because Rob said I'm not really a fan.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean it's pretty cheesy.
But Brooke had a good point. He was trying to say, I don't really like this song. Maybe Maggie took it as he doesn't like my love.
He's rejecting our relationship.
That's how I would take it.
Yeah, sure, but that's not the case.
So that's why Rob has reached out to us, hoping we can respark this, get this going again. Maybe do a little ghost love scene situation, right Rob, that's right.
Pottery class you no alcohol, very vegan, you know, would be perfect.
That's what we should offer to send them to if we can get her on the phone.
I like it, Shirtless though.
Are you wanting to apologize to her for your response?
I mean the way you put it, I guess I kind of see it like I was being a little rude.
So yeah, I would like to apologize. Yeah.
Cool, Well, we don't know for sure if she took it that way. That's just Brook's opinion, and you know how valuable that is.
So you throw a dig in there.
I'm just saying, we don't know. Yeah, let's let's find out once and for all. I'm going to call it right now here we go.
Hello, Hi?
Is this Maggie?
Yes? This is she? Who is this?
We got you? Uh?
I mean I'm happy that you answered, is what I meant to say. Because we're a radio show. We're called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning, and we've been dying to talk to you.
Okay for what I mean, why what's going on?
Because we're doing a segment here called a Second Date Update, and it's where we try and help out our listeners if they've kind of stalled out in their dating life with somebody.
We're trying to help somebody named Rob.
Oh yes, Rob, Okay, I see?
Oh my god. Rod said you had two great dates together.
Yeah, back to back dates and one weekend.
He actually told us that he felt really good about it. How did you feel?
I felt really good about it too. I felt like we had this instant connection and potential to really go somewhere. I was really really excited to keep things going with him.
It's so sweet.
Was there something that made that change? Because it does sound like you're talking in past tense.
Well, I mean, I'm the type of person who wants a guy who's going to be my prince charming and come in and ride in on the horse and professes love to me and just go all out and then we ride off into the sunset together.
You know, you had.
Grand romantic gestures that's what you like. Yes, exactly, that's totally fair.
It could be a lot though, for some guys to process that after just one weekend hanging out out, you know, and not a.
Lot of guys are romantic at all.
Well they should be, and I made that very clear on my profile.
Oh really, wait, it's on your profile? What'd you say on your profile?
I want someone who's sweet. So if you're wanting to court me, I want you to send me messages and let me know that you appreciate me, because that's my My love language is affirmation's words of affirmation. So I love giving those out and I want that back in return.
Got it?
And you feel like Rob was not fulfilling those needs for you.
Correct especially came down to where you know, I sent him what I thought was our first like love song or potential first dance, and I just envisioned us already there. You know.
Does that be a lot for anyone?
So we did hear about that text and the song being sent to him. Honestly, here is what I worry about for you, Maggie. Along the way in your life, you've come up with this idea for a fairy tale romance.
In your mind.
Okay, right now, I see.
It's totally okay to have these ideals in your head, but you have to be able to adjust to other people, because no one is going to match up perfectly with everything that you've said.
It's already adjusting. I mean, she was already going out with somebody who wasn't a vegan. She was already going out with somebody that drinks when she doesn't.
But she said the problem was he didn't like one song.
No, she said, the problem was he wasn't romantic Jack.
But the thing is, that's the conversation.
You have to go off of the two great dates that you guys had together. That is not easy to do in the modern dating world. We never hear about that. That's special and that's something that you should actually hold on to, not that he didn't like a song that you texted him one time.
Do you know what I mean?
I can see. I mean it was just my favorite song and I just were getting along world.
Yeah, you can hear it. And then I think Jeff's play.
It's too easy for people to just ghost right now on these dating apps over one dumb little thing, and then it gets awkward between you two. You have to remember two great first dates, hold on to that, cherish that and work on it.
Like you have to talk to each other about that thing.
Why did you drink this morning?
I don't need your love hate right now.
I'm trying to build a love tower. And that's why I know. That's why I need to tell you, Maggie. Rob is on the phone right now. You like a grand romantic gesture.
Here it is. He is waiting to talk to.
Hey, Hey, Maggie, how you doing?
Hi? Rob?
I'm good. How are you.
You know, I just I wanted to apologize for blowing off your song. I didn't realize that it.
Meant so much to you.
But you know, I hear what you're saying about being more romantic. It's you know, we've only been on two dates, so maybe I need a little bit of a build up my time a little bit.
Rob is a little bit more of a slow burner, but he's willing to burn a little bit faster for you.
Well, I mean, I do appreciate that, and I felt like I was very transparent on my profile. I can't change who I am, and I do want someone who's going to be more forthcoming and romantic, so you know you can still.
I got to say, Maggie real quick, just so you know.
When he was on the phone with only us, he specifically said, I don't want to change.
Who she is.
Oh oh that's sweet.
So you hear that she doesn't have to change, Rob, that is so sweet.
I just wanted.
Actually, she's just looking for some you know, more affirmations that the connection is there. Here's an opportunity for you to say that to her right now on the radio on the grand stage.
Are we going to have a romantic.
Well, I don't want to lie.
Is The other thing is, I don't know if I love.
You yet, but but.
I can see that I can see that in our future. Definitely we're get.
If he put his heart out on the floor for you.
That's almost like a thank you after someone drops I love you for the first time.
He's trying, though, come.
On, okay, Rob, I know you might not be inherently romantic, but I would appreciate if you could try a little more.
Brook's been saying that same thing to her husband for the last ten years.
I think every woman has said it in any relationship you've ever been proba.
If you could send me kind of a love song. What would it be?
It would be that song Maggie by Rod Stewart.
Wake Up.
That's just her name, right, Yeah, I think that's after Maggie.
Leaves him one night standing super romantic.
I'm trying.
I don't know.
What's amazing is he's not scared away right now? Is Honestly, I don't know if you're gonna find that.
We'd like to offer to send you guys out one more time and we would pay for it.
Yeah, let's do it. That'd be great.
It's true what they say, you can build this love together.
Some things do last forever.
Nothing's gonna stop us now except we're running out of time to do the second date updates, so we got to stop it.
Jeffrey in the morning.
The word of the day is compromise. Say it with me, like compromise.
Like still like you came across as like love doctor during.
You did it was just a side of you that we don't get to see very often.
Yeah, routin for them this time and I like that.
Do I know all the answers to unlock the true meaning of love?
Yes, that's not And I keep those to myself for personal selfish.
Yeah, yeah, we didn't have any more second date. Jeff just gave everyone the answer.
I do feel like modern dating has made it way too easy to completely write people off for saying one wrong thing, not replying back to a text fashion. It's literally me like yeah, like three girls I go to this last week because I'm just saying, give someone a chance, especially if you have that rare in person connection that's worth holding on to at least one more day.
No speaking of giving people a chance, give our second date, podc hast a chance wherever you get yours at broken Jeffrey and have a blessed day.
There's a therapist.
Guy, Fine, have a fine day whatever, we don't care, needs tail or something.
And Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning.