Cupid needs our help with a Valentine’s Day emergency! The woman on the phone says they were KICKED OUT of their restaurant but she insists it was one of the best meetups she’s ever had.
Second date of date.
Sometimes it takes a bold move to make a first date really stand out. Oh okay, what that means going in for the kiss right when you meet your parents along with you, or giving them your car at the end of the night.
It's a little thank you gift for meeting up.
He signed the title over to you.
It sounds like a great day.
Another bold move is to have your first date during the most romantic holiday of the year, Valentines. That's what happened for one of our listeners, Melissa, who now needs our help on Valentine's Day. So, Melissa, welcome to the show.
Hi, I'm so curious. Who would ask you out on a first date around this time?
Oh? Well, it was this guy that online.
Actually, all right, it's gonna sound silly. Did he in any way say I don't like you like that?
I feel like he probably just forgot that it was the holiday. I mean, he's a that's a classic guy.
Going to do a lot of like complicated question. Let's start with an easy one. Does he have a name?
There is, Yes, his name is John.
Tell Us about tell Us about easy John.
John. He's really nice, He's so cute. Okay, I just thought he was like a perfect gentleman.
Really, what did he do that was so gentlemanly?
Okay, well, he definitely knew that it was Valentine's weekend and he went above and beyond. Oh, booked this really nice restaurant.
So he didn't shy away from it.
He was like, I want to take you on a Valentine's date on Valentine's weekend, proper totally.
Okay, So how did it go?
Well, So we get to the restaurant, really nice, but it is so busy.
Oh did he have reservations?
Yes, he made a reservation.
Okay, okay, wow, man, nice restaurant like reservations on Valentine's weekend. It's very romantic, but it could put a lot of pressure on both of them going into that day. Did you feel that pressure energy at all?
I felt pressure going into it, but then once I got there, he made me so comfortable.
Oh we did.
How was it?
Did you have a good time with him?
I had a good time, like I no, no, no, I really liked Tips. It was just that the atmosphere was so insane and hectic, like we get seen at our table, we get our orders in our food comes out, and we noticed there's only one fork, Like the waiter's so busy, never bring in another fork, Like, okay, I guess we share it?
Did you? Did you share it for?
We tried to share the fork, but that just like took too long because then each person was waiting for the other person's take.
Seriously, take a bite from the fork, and then you'd pass the fork over to John and then he would take a bite from his meal.
Well, you can't make it like wait for one to finish. The other person's gonna get cald.
He's a real gentleman. He'd wait for her. Gentleman, he'd just go in the back like I do and steal a fork.
Station about this, I mean all the joking aside.
Isn't that like a weird way to go about your first date sharing utensils?
Yes, but it was like sort of.
We had a laugh about it. I switched over to a spoon. It kind of makes it a little bit. It made it low stakes because we were like, this is crazy, right.
So he cut up your meat for you and then you spooned it into your mouth.
All right, let's get past the fork sharing. What what other highlights happened during your restaurant date.
Okay, So this is where it got.
A little bit weird, a weirder.
We're finishing up our main course and then the host of the restaurant comes over and ask if he could speak to John, like away from the table's. John goes over, has this long conversation. I could see them talking. It looks like a little bit heated.
I couldn't hear what.
It's a little animated.
It lasted like five minutes. It's kind of long for you.
Is the host a male or a female?
A guy?
I was wondering if it maybe was an ex or something.
Okay, not an ex.
So what happened?
Well, okay, so when John comes back from the conversation, he was like really upset and he was like, screw this, We're leaving. The host chases after and is like you still have to pay? Like I'm in the middle of it. I'm confuseding, like, what's happening.
So you're dashing, Well, it sounds like they're being kicked out of the restaurant.
Not dashing.
They're like, you have to pay, but hey, you're kicking me out of a restaurant.
I'm not paying either. Yeah, what happened?
Well, John told me to go out and like wait in the car and that he would deal with it, and he pays, he settles up. Okay, So when we're on the car ride home, I'm asking, like.
What just happened? Crazy?
Apparently the host told John that we were taking too long for our meal and there was an hour limit.
Oh sometimes, ye didn't John say? It only took so long because we had to share one fork passing it back and forth.
That was probably, I.
Mean, and I was supportive. John was like really upset about and I was like, honest, but too, that's ridiculous.
Time on your day. Well that sucks.
That puts like definitely a sour taste at the very end of the day. Were you able to end it on a happy note?
Yeah? I mean he took me home again. He was a perfect gentleman, walk me to the door, that he would call we should do it again? Really, so he apologized for the restaurant thing, even though I could tell he was still sort of heated by it and it wasn't his fault.
Yeah, I mean, so you haven't heard anything from him since this weekend?
Does that feel like I don't know. Maybe he's busy.
It's weird to do a whole Valentine's DA date and then not text on Valentine's Day.
Yea, all that build up and nothing super embarrassed.
Or maybe he only has one cell phone that he shares with his roommate back and forth, and so his roommate has the.
Cell phone this week. Yeah, so I don't know. There must be an explanation.
We're gonna call the number that you gave us, hopefully it's John, and we'll try and get to your second date update.
Right after this.
All right, all right, all right, hold on second date update two meals one spoon should be the title of our second date today.
You still shouldn't look that up on the internet.
Well, because our listener Melissa went on a Valentine's date on the busiest weekend of the year, with couples packed into nice restaurants.
Their waiter was too busy to give.
Them another fork. Sorry, so I said fork before, But so they just shared one, which it's a little awkward to do on a first.
Date and for a long meal.
Yeah, but it does.
Sound like it helped break the tension of having a pressure filled first date.
On a holiday light totally.
I actually got to taste each other's food. Yeah.
The weird part though, was when the host came over to the table during dinner, pulled her date John aside, and they got into a heated conversation which Melissa couldn't hear. All of it led to John saying, though, screw it, We're gonna leave.
Dude. They basically got kicked out of the restaurant. It's super often.
Yeah, a lot of questions about that, but apparently they were there for too long and the restaurant was trying to turn as many tables as they could that night.
Oh my god, so rude.
So yeah, almost ended in disaster. I mean it did, Melissa.
Do you think?
Yeah, maybe John's just embarrassed that that situation happened on the first date.
Maybe I was also trying to think of anything else weird happened. And I do remember that he wanted to get to the restaurant early and I was like a little bit late getting ready and.
He put you up right like you guys were in the same car.
Yeah, he picked me up Okay, too late.
Oh so you're part of the reason that may be the reservation yep.
Yep, got shifted.
Yeah okay, but.
If they only have you blocked out for like an hour of eating, and you arrived twenty minutes after your hour, like they might run.
Have you ever dated a woman like? Are we ever on time?
I mean, come on, oh, you should pat it into the reservation.
I don't know how I'm apologizing for this, but yeah, I'm sorry.
Thank you.
Before you even get a kay, I would put myself in choes. I don't think I would want to call her back to really so embarrassed. You have all these expectations, and now you're never gonna You're always gonna remember the first day yelling, storming out of the restaurant.
We're gonna save this vale.
I can see if.
He is we're gonna save it, or we're gonna blame John for not understanding what women are really there there is here will make him say I'm sorry right when he gets on the phone.
It felt good when you said, do you feel good about that?
Yeah, I just want to answer.
All right, let's get those dials number right now here we go. Hello, Hey, we're looking for John. This is John and John Maya. My name is Jeff from a radio show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.
Hey, John, sorry for how seductively my host tried to say that to you. But John, it is Valentine's Day after all, Dear John.
Okay, John, it's just.
A yeah, we're kind of a wacky fun show and we do this wacky segment called second Date Update.
Okay, and we're.
Trying to help one of our listeners get back in touch with you after you went on a date with her named Melissa.
Oh Man.
Yeah, we heard.
We heard.
I thought bold move on your part for going on a first date on Valentine's Day weekend and like leaning into it.
Yeah, that's a big deal, dude.
Melissa you Yeah, she.
Emailed us and we reached out to her to find out about how you two met and what you guys did on your date.
So we have a few of the details.
The information we're looking to get from you, though, is why you're not reaching out to her after the date. She says, it's been a few days and got nothing.
Oh Man, because this is very embarrassing. You know, I want to call her, and I know I know I need to call her, but I've just been putting it off because it's such an uncomfortable conversation.
You weren't physically attracted to her?
No, no, you.
People, it was a bad guess. Sorry, I get three bad guesses. We all get three bad guesses. That's my first strike. What were you embarrassed about?
So I was really nervous about the date, and so I really wanted it to be a good experience for her. But I waited too long to get dinner reservations, and there was no restaurant open, you know that had anything open for me.
Wait, she said that you had reservations and that you guys went to this fancy restaurant. Yeah.
Yeah, well I might have done something a little weird what I don't know if she told you. But so at the restaurant, the way put me aside. Yeah, I had like a he had like a little conversation with me.
Yeah, she was mentioning that it got kind of heated between you and the host, but she couldn't hear what was happening.
Yeah, So basically what happened was the host he pulled me aside and he was like, are you John, And you know I told him that I was okay. But so what happened was the actual John showed up.
Wait wait, wait what you took someone else's reservation that was also named John?
I did.
How did you know there was another John there?
Did you just go a table for two for John?
What about Tom? What about Sarah?
I bet Kurt?
How did this happen?
So the day before, me and my friend went to the restaurant and I told him to distract the host, and I went up to the reservation book and I looked for another reservation with Nick John.
That's brilliant.
And like it's such a generic name.
Oh yeah, I can't tell if I'm flattered that you put you you put energy to making sure you had a table.
Seriously, it makes sense because Melissa was saying you wanted to get there early and she was running late.
I thought I could sneak it in there, you know.
Oh my god.
Okay, hold on the server and me has to ask was John the table for one? Which is why there was only one set of silverware on the table?
Yeah, that's right, figured it out, okay.
John, Well you should have just asked John to join you.
Yeah, man, And you've been waiting to tell Melissa this.
Yeah, I guess that's just too embarrassed to let her know. I had a great time on the day with her, but I just was so ashamed of myself.
I guess I think it's kind of fun I think that she's gonna think it's funny.
All the women think that it's great that you took someone else's reservation and stole it from another honest man.
But that's okay. I wonder sure, I wonder how Melissa would feel about that, though.
Who actually is on the other line listening to this conversation, dude?
Oh are you kidding me?
I'm serious you Yeah? She I think she's still there, Melissa, you there?
Yeah, curious that's what happened.
Oh my god, Hey Melissa, why.
Wouldn't you just tell it? Why did you have to make it make a thing like you made a reservation? We could have gone anywhere.
I know, we just we clicked so and I just wanted to make it special. And you know, I just I guess I like you a lot, And.
When you're starting to vibe with someone online, you don't want to lose that momentum and let it go like two three weeks till the actual date exactly. You got to get face to face as soon as possible to sound so understanding.
You sound good, right, I.
Mean, I guess I do see how much he likes me to go through all that trouble. That is kind of sleep yeah.
But also kind of sketch. That he wasn't going to pay the restaurant bills they were leaving.
Remember that I.
Was going to pay it, but I just didn't want to get busted in front of her, so I just had to get out of.
It, had to get her out.
That's sweet.
If he commits crimes or makes mistakes, he won't involve you in them.
That's chivalry. You say it's dead.
And it's not just I have to promise every man should make so because of that, I feel.
The vibees going on here.
We'd like to send you guys out on another date, Melissa, that we would pay for.
We can't get reservations for tonight though.
Yeah, and I promised two forks at the table. You're at your own utensils. What do you think, Melissa?
You know that is weird that that was happening, and I had no idea, but I do think that it is. It's actually kind of really nice that you were like freaking out so much about it and put all that effort in. So, yes, I would like to go on another date.
Love is real.
Look at that.
If you are a little bit dishonest on a first date and then admit to your dishonesty later on.
But it's all in the name of love, Jeffy.
Yeah, yeah, it's fine as long as you say that. You don't have to actually believe it.
Just say that it's for love and we can get you a successful relationship.
Congratulations, guys, Thanks.
Valid, time's day.
It's Brook and Jeffrey in the morning brooking Jeffrey in the morning.
Well, it's official.
The hot new first date move is stealing someone else's reservation and claiming it for yourself.
It's romantic.
Still the effort is I mean, Brook, if you found out that your husband Michael did that for your Valentine State and stole some other couple's table, would you would your reaction be on Michael, You're so conniving and manipulative.
Sweet, I love you.
Yes, I would be impressed. I am not even lying.
Okay, an effort.
Yeah, we got into a fight over how he hadn't planned anything and so he did finally play on something right, well, whatever.
I just find someone with a generic name like Michael at a reservation somewhere.
Could be I had a great date on Saturday night.
There's like five man Michael Fox.
Well, the lesson that we're learning is it's okay to be dishonest on a first date as long as it's for a good reason or to possibly get some.
Action benefits from it.
Yeah, as long.
As the girls on top of everybody wave, I'm so excited for them, excited for a couple in a long time.
I feel bad for the original John guy whose reservation got stolen, but I.
Feel bad that he was eaten by himself on Valentine's Day weekend.
But you know, yeah, on anyway he shows up. Of course, someone already has team. We promise not to pile on to you, though.
If you need some help with your dating life, email the show. We'll call that person who's not calling you back and find all of our second Day podcast wherever you get yours app
Brooke and Jeffrey Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning,