Second Date Update UPDATE: Unidentified Family Opportunity

Published Sep 15, 2024, 1:00 PM

We're adding a little extra content to help you get over the Sunday Scaries! Eric and Carrie joined us on our show a few months ago after Eric met her family on DATE ONE. Now they're back on the phone to tell us what's new in their relationship ever since! 

Alexis knows this better than anyone. Younger siblings always try to ruin things for you. They steal your stuff and then claim it's theirs. They'll leave a giant mess and tell your parents you did it. Alexis's little brother even actively trolls her on her social media.

He really does. He's pretty funny too.

He's a legend. Follow Alexis online to go see her epic brother trolls. Yeah, but the worst is if a younger sibling ruins your first date. And that almost happened to one of our listeners a few months back. You might remember when she introduced a guy to her little brother at their family barbecue and it created one of the most awkward situations ever.


Well, since that call, listeners have been texting in wanted to know whatever happened between that couple, and we finally.

Have some answers for you.

I love you.

We're gonna get.

Them back on the phone once again for a second date update update, and that's happening.

Next second date of date.

Weird coincidences, they happen all the time. Like I just found out the other day, I'm sharing a birthday with the guy who does my oil changes.

Is that just funny happenstance or is it the work of aliens?

Is it even that big of a deal.

It's just it's just too bizarre to just happen all by itself.

And one of our listeners had.

A weird coincidence happened to him on his first date. We're aliens behind it. We're gonna find out. Eric, welcome to the show.

Thanks for having me.

Guys, all right, from your latter I can tell the alien thing.

Was it your idea or we're aliens behind that intro?

You may never know.

Sorry, it's a weird you out, Eric, don't are you.

No no, no problems. I get it. Aliens exist.

Okay, he's very confident about that. But we're gonna shift from the aliens and focus on your day. Unless you went out with an alien, who'd you go out with?

I went out with a human.

Woman, okay, or so she says.

Her name was Carrie actually, and we just met online.

Yeah what was special about her?

Oh well, yeah, we chatted for a few days. I suggested drinks and it was her response that was a little like weird to it, Like the night that I suggested. She said she had something going on, but she was like, okay with blowing it off to come hang out with me. Oh and she told you that, Yeah, she said it exactly like that, And you know, I was like, okay, as long as it's not important or anything.

See, I would think that's risky. It feels like you're making yourself too available, like you're too desperate. I would be worried, Like what kind of message I said? But you liked it?

Yeah, I thought. I just look at as her being eager, and I made me excited to go hang out with her.

So what did you do for your meetup? Exactly?

We met at a bar, okay, and when we got there, we just connected. You know. I thought she was super cute, funny, and it was refreshness season a nice normal person.

Oh okay, I mean the standards low. Yeah, what do you think she thought of you?

I thought it was great, you know, like we were talking for twenty thirty minutes and she was laughing at pleas and I didn't even think were funny. So I don't know, it felt to be like she was also having a good time.

Okay, Okay, it got.

Kind of weird in the conversation though. We started talking about families, and I don't know, this is a weird coincidence came up like she had mentioned that she had this cousin and I knew the cousin that she was talking about.

Oh really, Oh my god, it's too serendipitous to just happen by accident. Did they really know each other from a past or was it alienas.

She knows his cousin? Yeah, he says, Oh wait, you know her cousin?

Sorry, yes, yes, I know her cousin. Yeah, we just knew each other in college. Actually, I haven't seen him by these seven or eight years, but we were good buddies at the time.

That's cool. Nice, nice, It's really cool, And I mean it makes for an easy like, oh my god, I'd love to see him. We should all go hang out.

Oh well, she told me that actually the plans that she canceled was a family barbecue and that her cousin was gonna be there and so we should go check it out.

Now, whoas were back on?

Did you go? Then you would meet the entire family on the first date.

And that's what I kind of told her. I was like, isn't that weird for a first date? You know? And she said, no, don't worry about it. It'd be funny.


Yeah, yeah, And so we went left the bar.

Did what was that Like, is that awkward?

Well, I mean I had a cool time. You know. We ended up chatting with the cousin. I ended up chatting with her a brother who's like in high school. Now I'm a teacher, so we talked a lot about classes.

Yeah, that's great.

And the family was like friendly, They're polite to me, so like I thought that the whole thing was actually kind of cool.

Yeah, I mean this all sounds so positive. Yeah, did something go wrong?

So the way it ended because we had drove there together, but she was with her family. You know. I gave her a hug, said goodbye when it was time for me to like start heading on out there, and she decided to you know, hang back and be with her family, which makes sense.

Yeah, I totally.

And we talked about seeing each other again, and I thought like, Okay, this is going to be really cool and everything. But she's actually been sort of ghosting.

Me since then, sort of she responded at.

All, No, not even a single repon I've been trying to reach out to her, but I can't even think of what it could be.

You didn't have any strange interactions with any other family members of hers, because I mean, she could have gotten a report like ooh that guy stay clear.

No, no. And I met some people, but mostly I just kept talking to the little brother and we talked mostly about school.

Okay, that sounds healthy and awesome.

Are there any like large gaps of time that go on accounted.


Was it daytime when you got there and then nighttime all of a sudden when you left.

Probably because of barbecues later in the.

Day a large And now she's ghosting me. The mystery deepens.

We're gonna try and explain these unexplainable things when we continue your second date update. Right after this second update.

You're in the middle of a second date update update, and we're gonna find out how the couple is doing right after you here Part two, let's look at the facts.

Eric went on a first date with a woman named Carrie.


Check, Carrie has a cousin who just happened to attend the same college as Eric. Huh, Carrie cousin college. That's three c's. You take three C and turn it upside down. Looks like alien footprints to me. Or I'm sure our listener Eric is seeing the exact same signs as I am, aren't you, Eric, I just.

I just don't even know what's going on.

Okay, you and I should meet together and talk about other theories that I have at a library soon, But first we're gonna call Carrie for you and ask her to explain the unexplainable.

Thank you, thank you. Yeah, I don't know what was going on?

Can I ask you, Erek? Because I mean, good theory, Jeff, But what do you think?

I don't know. I think this is a reach, but like, maybe there's a world where I spent too much time apart from her barbecue, like it was a date, you.

Know, some sort of alternate dimension.

Differently, I know.

You mean that she was jealous of you, vibing with her little.

Bro, or just not giving her enough attention on a date that we're supposed to.

Be going that you know, we didn't think it.

I'm still leaning towards aliens are behind it all because I don't want to subscribe to the idea that you're just a bad dater. But for your benefit, I'm hoping that extraterrestrials are behind this, but let's just call Carrie and get to the bottom of it.


Right, here we go, we are We're going to pick up this device and.

Try and reach out to carry Let's do it. Hello, Hey is this Carrie? Yes, what's up.

We're a morning radio show called Brook and Jeffrey.

In the Morning.

Hey Carrie, Hello, It's okay for.

You to be skeptical of us.

We get that a lot, but we're doing something on our show trying to help out one of our listeners who's having a hard time getting a hold of you.

That's different for you, not for us.

We do it.

I mean, honestly, we do it every day.

Yeah, there's like litterally thousands of these calls, but you're just one of the thousands. And we would like to put you back in touch with a guy that you went on a date with recently named Eric.

Yeah. Yeah, I don't like him who.

You brought him to her? You brought him to your family's barbecue.

That's weird that he would even tell you that.

Well, I just I mean it in like you liked him at one point.

Yeah, Because here's how this works. We talked to Eric before we called you and we heard about your guys's first date about getting drinks and the strange coincidence that he knew one of your cousins.

Yeah, so did you like him then during all of that part?

I mean I did.

I actually thought everything went great at the barbecue and I was going to hang out with him again.

What happened between Everything's going great and we're having a good time together at the barbecue too? I hate him?

Okay, she didn I hate I said I don't like him.

That's how it came.

I heard it.

Okay, Well what changed?


Okay, Well, everybody in my family.

Liked him a lot, but.

My younger brother liked him the most. He's a freshman in high school.

And we heard Eric's a teacher, so it seems like it was easy for him to, you know, find subjects to connect with your little brother on.

Yeah, maybe a little too easy, because I actually found out the reason you liked him the most is apparently Eric has agreed to write an essay for my brother in his English like class because he's a teacher.

What a good guy, smart move?

Is that what your little brother said? Because I highly doubt a teacher would do that like, maybe your little brother got confused.

I don't know how he got confused, because he was so excited. He's like, I only have to pay him fifty bucks for it.

Take his money. Yeah, willing to help your brother with his academics. And that's a term of.

Teachers that poorly that they need to get fifty bucks from a high school kid exactly.

And it's just like, what is this guy doing? Like I didn't okay that he didn't even tell me about that conversation. I'm pretty sure that's against the rule.

Can you believe your brother no matter what? Like, God, that's just wild to me.

We didn't hear Why would he make that up?

I we didn't hear any of that from Eric, and I feel like we don't know the whole story here. We should probably get the rest of it from Eric himself, who's actually on the other line right now.

No way carry oh.

Yeah, oh, he needs to be called out if that's the case.

Carrie, that's a weird coincidence that he was just there on the other line.

Yeah, Carrie, Carrie, I hear you. And I'm not saying that you're wrong, but I'm shocked if you're saying what you're saying.

Right now, So you didn't offer to do my brother's English let paper?

Is that what you're saying?

You didn't he's lying.

I'm talking to your brother at the party. He was just complaining on about how no one and in the family's helping him, how stressful the class is, and how much you appreciate it being to talk to me, you know, being a teacher. Didn't I only took the fifty bucks because he insisted of being nice, and I didn't even take anybody from He just sent me a random like notice on Benmo saying, hey, I appreciate the conversation on what's coming up?

You know, all right, Eric, Eric, I think maybe should take a breath because you're sounding a little bit defensive and nervous here.

You're talking really really fast.

Yeah, I just had a really nice tide.

Okay, I supposed to.

Believe that you didn't ask for the fifty bucks. Did you send it back to him, and did you offer to write this paper anyway or did you just offer to help him, Like, like, why would you think you're going to write the paper, because even if you don't get paid for that, that's not ethical, right.

Yes, exactly. I only offered to give him some tutoring. I don't know how he phrased it to you. It sounds like he was saying, like someone's gonna do his work for him, But I'm a teacher. I would never do something like that. He needs to learn, you know, you know, because someone in the family was supporting him.

It's funny that that none of this came up when we talked to you the first time.

Eric, I didn't even seem like a big deal to me. I forgot about it almost.

I want to believe you. I want to believe you the tutoring part. But it's just like the fifty bucks in Venmo makes it feel different. Yeah, it sounds like it's not the first time this kid's cheated. Also, i'd like to say, without being asked, he's.

Like, I know how this.

Yeah, it seemed to me like he didn't want anyone else to know. And then I was just doing him a favor, you know, and like I really wanted to impress obviously you on our date, and so I said, like, okay, no big deal. Normally I charged two hundred dollars for tutoring.

I actually believe it. No, Yeah, I'm gonna trust it. I thought about it for a minute. I'm gonna trust him over a seventeen year olds.

I think Brook's just trying to get the family discount for her ky. I mean, it doesn't really matter what we think about it. It really just comes down to Carrie. I think that you should go out with Eric one more time.

Give him the benefit of the doubt.

And we would pay to send you on another date if you're up for it.

I might be up for it. But Eric, I feel like you need to do something like apologize to my parents, or like give my brother the money back, clear the air or something before cut.

Again, Carrie, I had a really good time with you. I'm excited to see you again. Done and done. I'll get that money right back.

Oh good guy, Carrie, All right, kind sister.

You don't always connect all the dots. But finally we have the answers. It wasn't Aliens, it was Benmo. Stay tuned for the next Unsolved Mysteries. It's well solved mysteries on Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning.

I like that.

Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning.

It's been months since we got Eric and Carrie to go out again.

Oh my gosh, I thought they were so cute. I'm really hoping for a good update.

Well, since then, the numbers seem to have dwindled down to one because we just have Eric on the.

Phone for an update. Update Eric, what's going on?


Is carry there in the other room? Just are you guys sharing one phone?


Very funny? And now now Carrie's not here with me?

What happened?

Yeah? I mean things with you. Me and Carrie were like super cool, like great for me for a few months.

So you guys dated for a few months.

Yeah, and it was like nice, you know, like we were making dinners together, we were meeting each other's friend.

Yeah, you're married. Now what happened?

I mean, her friends, I feel like just got into her head. They were always acting like I was sketchy for helping her brother with her fighting assignment.

Oh my god, he never got help in school. Yeah.

The friends blessing goes a long way. What kind of woman listens to her friends?

That sucks? Man, I'm sorry, thank you.

I mean I've tried to reach out to her a couple of different ways and haven't gotten anything.

Oh my gosh, but it sounds like you're still trying to get her back.


I mean we were good together and I just wish I could explain it to her.


No, fel like you're asking this for another second date updates.

Yeah yeah, I mean, if there's any way I could make an announcement over the airway. It's like everybody cheats now.

I thought you, I thought you tutored. Are you a teacher?

Yeah? I mean like what she was calling and cheataing, like that's just helping, you know a little writing I was writing, So you did.

Do it for him?

Were done up?

All right?

Good man brooking Jeffrey in the morning,

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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