Logan and his notecards were on our show a few months back and after we helped him snag a rendezvous with Meghan, they are BACK on the show to give us the details on their love life!
Second date up date. They say, if you truly love something, you need to set it free, and then if it comes back to you, that shows you're really soulmates.
I heard that, and my ex is still it's been.
She's not listening.
It hasn't worked for Jose, But someone has come back to us after we let them go when they fell short for a second date from a few months back. His name is Logan. Logan, you came back. Does this mean we're soulmates?
I'd returned to you guys.
A little clinger. Last time Logan was on he got delayed at the airport and ended up spending about four hours with a woman at the airport bar. And it was really, really good for about the first five minutes until she said Logan got a little bit on her nerves. Yeah, I want to get into too much detail about it. But you spent the next like three minutes basically roasting him for being annoying and clinging. I cannot believe you came back. We must be doing something right now because you lock down another date for yourself. Who was it with this time?
This girl named Megan?
All right, what did you and Megan do for a date?
Well, first of all, let me just preface this all with I learned some very valuable things from my first debacle at the airport therapy.
Okay, what'd you take away?
One is that my perspective of who I am when I get drunk is completely different than someone else's perspective.
So that actually takes a lifetime for some people to learn.
Yeah, in my mind, I'm in a tuxedo tap dancing on a table. In reality, I just like crashed on something birthday cake.
I I drink too, So is the perspective now you you wanted to tone it down on the booze a little bit this time around.
Yes, So what I said to Megan? I said, I said, you know, I'm working on myself and I have a one drink minimum.
Oh wait for maximum?
Yeah, god, one drink maximum?
Sorry, go off?
Okay, I mean, why did you feel like you had to tell her that? Why didn't you just do that?
You know, I was just letting her in on the fact that I'm like a guy who's under construction a project.
Women, what did she think about that? Was she cool with it?
She seemed fine. I said, I just want to have one drink, so I want to get to know you. I want to be able to listen. So I suggested this fun, almost like a game. I said, for the first thirty minutes of our date, we are only going to pass notes to each other. That way, everything that's being said or communicated is really focused and important.
Well, you want to work on your listening, but passing notes doesn't involve any listening whatsoever. That's more of the reading and writing aspect, which is still also good to work on.
What did she say to that idea?
She thought it was cute, really okay, oh wow. So then we started getting into things. You know, what matters to you, what's important.
To you, and this is all being written down. It sounds like a lot of right.
You could have texted this before the date.
I know. But we're there and we're looking into each other's eyes and she starts getting in on this popcorn thing. This she has a dog named popcorn.
Okay, there's an appetizer.
Yeah, yeah, started getting excited. So she was like scribbling down popcorn, popcorn, this, popcorn that, and I was, you know, I just sent her back like, you know, more question mark, question mark. I couldn't believe how much popcorn was coming at me.
I drinks the minimum one right now, I really go on for thirty minutes.
No, it didn't, it did not. I really overblew that estimate. It was about maybe five to seven minutes in and it's like I'm getting writers pamp.
At that point I would have to your face, left you on red, just folded the note.
So at that point, after five whatever seven minutes, you decided to transfer back to normal vocal conversation.
Yes, and then and then at that point it was like, okay, so my little cute attempts obviously fell a little not short, but we adjusted them. So then I also lifted the one drink min a moment, I was like, okay, you know what, no rules?
H see there? Yeah. The good thing is you're adapting.
You know, if you would have said, well, no, I did not break the rules and I forced us for thirty minutes, then of course that's the reason.
I feel like he caved to all of it.
Like it's like you set up all these rules for yourself logan, I mean, were you having fun?
For sure?
It was like how many people go out and just do the same mundane thing. This was like something that was memorable. So I was having a good time.
Okay, what about her?
Yeah, she was having a good time.
Maybe, and maybe it's something like we don't understand the vibe, like you had to be there to feel what was going on between them.
Yeah. You know, if you ever watched like that Netflix show Wednesday, Yeah.
The Adams Family spin off, it's right.
The lead actress is always just sitting there, like just with her eyes, like looking back and forth.
In a round blink or smile. Wait, is that how you're saying, was like Wednesday Adams.
In the Network show?
No, I'm just saying that there's a lot to be communicated with eyes and.
Just you know, she puts like fear and me. So in your opinion, in your opinion logan, no speed bumps.
I don't think so. No, it was good. I got a nice hug at the end. But then I was setting up a second date and she was like, oh, yeah, I'm busy for the next couple of days or you know, this week is really bad next week, so she yeah, I couldn't read. Is she blowing me off?
Sounds like if you think that you had a good time, then we totally believe you want it and we want to help you get another date.
Here with with your favorite pen pal.
Yeah, so we're gonna call Wednesday Adams here in just a second. First, we're going to play a song come back, and then get your second ate update right after that. Hold on it, second date.
You're in the middle of a second date update update, and we're gonna find out how the couple is doing right after you here Part two, you're.
In the middle of a second date update with a good friend of the show named Logan, and it's not his first time doing one of these with us playing the Adams Family theme song because he described his date with a girl named Megan like Wednesday Adams the Netflix series, meaning during their dinner they did a lot of staring, a lot of brooding and nonverbal communicating, which was extremely healthy. Yes, it's a little bit fearful, but healthy.
I mean Tim.
Burton told her not to blink in that show ever, because it was creepier.
Sure, yeah, I get it. It nays down a little out of the ordinary to most people. But Logan did end up getting a hug and the only thing he hasn't gotten is another date. So we're about to call Megan up here, and I just want to get your approval logan before we do this to use verbal communication with him? Is that okay?
With you stamped? I stamped my approval boring if not?
Honestly, you know, I felt bad for you the first time that we did a second date update. But I think you're such a good person and confident in who you are, You're going to be able to bounce back from this no matter what she says.
Yeah, thank you.
Put that on a note card and send it over to it. Okay, let's just dial her number and we'll see what Meghan has to say.
Are you ready?
Let's stay quiet?
Good Ideah, that's until until we need you to speak up. That's really important. You all people know how this works.
All right?
Here here he goes, Hello, Hi, this is jeff from Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning. Blink twice. If this is Megan, please, how would you see her?
I'm sorry, who's calling?
Definitely lah? Yeah, I laughed at that. I'm a funny person, Brooke, deal with Hey, Megan, So you're on the radio right now on a show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.
Oh I thought this was a prank call.
Yeah, we also do those so we're pretty stereotypical morning radio.
We don't normally introduce ourselves well before we do that.
Right, you're gonna find we're pretty bad at our jobs.
One thing we're kind of good at, though, is helping people get another date.
Okay, so you're calling me about a date.
Yes, yeah, a date you went on with a guy named Logan.
Oh yeah, I remember Logan.
Yeah, he's a good friend of ours. Actually, i'd say he seems like a nice guy.
Yeah, I mean I would say he's he's a nice guy.
Okay, all right, we're starting off on the right foot.
Anything more. Because he told us a little bit about the date, and we teased him a little brook teased him. Actually, I personally thought it was kind of a fun, creative idea for you to pass notes to each other. What did you think of it?
Yeah, I mean that part of the date was actually nice. You know, I like the guy that's willing to just improve themselves and try new things. But there was just something weird that happened on the date.
So was it one of the notes that he passed?
Actually maybe it was that.
You what do you mean, how do you not know?
If it was written down well, it.
Came to the point where we had to order and the waitress that showed up to our table, and he wrote a note to the waitress. And I have no idea what he wrote to her, but like she started giggling right away.
Maybe some dietary restrictions that he has.
Great, she's making fun of us. Was just it was very flirty to me, and I immediately felt uncomfortable because I didn't know what he wrote, and I was like, what's going on here? And then you know, she wrote a note back that she did. Yeah, and she gave him a fifth bump too.
Wait, wait, what did it say? Did you ask him? I mean I would have been so curious.
Yeah, I asked him, and he said he was like it's a secret, and like in a joking way, but I'm like, I'm sitting right next to you.
Yeah, okay, Well I'll just tell you, Megan that we weren't aware that that happened, that there was anything going on between Logan and the waitress.
Yeah, we didn't call her on another line.
Something that you're not aware of, probably unless you have a really good sixth sense, is that Logan has been listening quietly on the other line, this entire time line, and he wants to talk to you with his voice.
Oh no, are you serious.
It's a good thing, Megan, Hi, O's to sing it to you.
I guess this is your chance to get the bottom of what was going on.
Yeah, I'm like pulling my hair out here. I feel like I'm in a bumper car and I'm focused going forward and then I just get bammed from the side.
Vivid imagination. But let's bring it back to uh, let's talk about the notes that you were passing with the waitress logan.
I am, I floored. I am such an idiot. I cannot believe that I didn't pick up on that that looked bad. Like I literally I thought it was neat to just be like, oh, here comes the waitress. We're including her in the game for a second.
The whole restaurant passing notes to each other.
All I wrote was like playing a note game with my date. What's good or what's your favorite? And she wrote.
Shrimp taco and you fist bumped over shrimp tacos.
I said, I was like faux show or something like a little job. I was like Fox Show, shrimp or something. And she goes she goes yes, favorite, and then I was like, done.
How much she Okay? Well do you believe him? Yeah?
I was not getting the vibe that this was something like fun and it was a game that the whole restaurant could have been involved in. I mean, you made to me like you were trying to improve yourself and you were trying to prove to me that you know, you had interest in me and you wanted to kind of get to know me better.
That's what I got.
So it's just your action did not make sense to me.
I should have showed you the note. I thought I was being cute when I was like, oh, it's a secret, Like to me, it didn't mean anything. You can ask these wonderful radio personalities. We talked about the date thoroughly. Not once did I even consider the waitresses being anything.
That's because you were hiding Logan that you secretly got her phone number on one of the notes.
Jeff, I mean it's what a lot of people were thinking. Be honest, Logan, did you get the waitress's number?
Absolutely not. I mean given it to me.
If I asked, probably, are you trying to make her jealous?
What are you doing? Why would you say that I was trying to be charming and I and I thought if if this other girl was giggling, I thought it was points for me, like, oh people like him. Clear I was wrong.
Don't turn other women when you're on a date.
You guys know me. I'm a charismatic, charming guy.
You and I have the same curse.
Make everyone we talked to you laugh sometimes at backfires.
You know why she laughed at that, Megan, I know that this is a lot coming at you, But from my perspective, it's just like you're going out with a guy who's just very charming to a lot of people.
Naturally, what do you say one more date with logan on us?
Yes, I get where you're coming from. Like, I would rather have a guy be super charismatic and funny and kind of have everybody like him rather than being, you know, a dork that you know doesn't have any confidence or boring.
YouTube may be made for each other. Yeah, so it's happening.
I think I'll do it. Let's go out again.
I thank you so much.
It takes a team, it takes a village, and you guys are my my my true ones. There brooking Jeffrey in the morning.
It's been months since we came through for Logan, and now he's back again with Meghan so that they can give us an update on their lives. What's up you two. Is it weird to hear your old second date call being played again?
Are you happy Meghan that you gave him another chance? Or you call it to tell us if it didn't work out?
You know, it's funny because our friends and family members all heard the podcast of it, and they just couldn't believe that we actually did a date like that.
You pass the notes back and for us exactly like they were like, did you seriously do that?
And I'm like, of course.
Actually, since then, we have a little tradition now that we do once a month.
So yes, we pass notes and kind of relive that first experience that we have together. He's actually kind of hot when he's not talking.
I did I did a lot of guys like that.
Yeah, no, I mean, you know what I mean.
I do.
I wait, So the relationship is good then?
Yeah? Yeah. The quiet nights has been great, except for there was a little incident. I was I went to the bathroom and this guy was in the bathroom and there was something going on with him. I don't know. I thought he was having a heart attack.
Oh my god.
It ended up being just something minor. But at the time I was like, I need to go assist in this or I need to let people know. And I rushed over to her and I'm like, okay, follow the rules. So I grabbed the piece of paper and I'm scribbling down his back like man like man in trouble in bathroom, Like.
Break the rules my friends.
Right, that's what she said. She goes, just tell me what's going on. I was like, okay, well, the guy in there, I think he's having an art.
I can't tell you it's going to ruin our day.
He didn't. Just broken the silence faster. I mean, if any people are watching this that really want to try the same thing we did, just break the silence. If there's an emergency, get help.
You know.
These are those PSAs that you're like, I can't believe that has to be said.
Yeah, although Logan was not as hot when he told her that there was an emergency, it's much hotter when you run it down. Done. Yeah, well, it sounds like you guys are happily still together. Yeah, yeah, we love it. Keep us updated on your lives okay yeah. Text in seven, eight, five, nine too if you want to be onto the next edition of Second Date Updates. You could end up like Logan and Megan. It's Brooke and Jeffrey in the
Morning, brooking Jeffrey in the morning,