Second Date Update UPDATE: Mom's Car Is MIA

Published Apr 18, 2024, 3:36 PM

We thought one of our listeners was getting played the last time he came to us for help but we may need to eat our words because he’s back to fill us in on what’s happened since he and his girlfriend were last on our show!

Second date up dating.

Whether we want to admit it or not, Guys usually have a type when it comes to dating. Yes, maybe you're into brainy girls or sporty types, or ones with really large.

Hands that can open the pickle jars that you can't.

I want to meet that girl too.

But one of our listeners, Zach, clearly has a specific type that's kind of unusual. He's attracted to beautiful women. Oh, unainably beautiful, isn't that right?

Zach? Unattainable for most.

Not for me. We're here for you, though, because apparently he's found a brand new, unattainable woman that he wants to track down.

Who'd you meet this time?

This beautiful girl named Taylor. I met her on not like the average dating app one of those higher end ones, you know. And then she spends a lot of time in my hometown and in Vegas. I noticed she's a model. She models like she's wearing these fancy outfits riding horses, and those outfits are not made for riding horses. Let me tell you that.

Okay, that sounds painful.

It sounds like maybe a photo shoot.

Yeah right, I mean I hope model?


Yeah, I feel like we're pretty far into this and we haven't quite gotten to her personality or like your connection.

I mean, no one really cares about any of that broke.

Yeah she does. She cares very much about that.

I mean she gets hit up non stop, probably by men looking for dates.

Why did she go out with you? Out of out of everybody?

Try not to take that as an insult, Okay, I honestly.

It sounds like she probably gets inundated.

Well, to be honest, I really think it's my persistence. You know, Like we've been chatting for a few months now.

Oh wow, Wow? Is she responding in those last in these last couple of months.

Or yah, she's responded like five to ten percent of the time.

Oh okay, Well she sounds like a busy woman. It's all the horseback modeling and a lot of time.

How did you get to know her when she's responding so little?

So we've actually met up?

Oh you did?

Oh yeah, I noticed she was back home the app lets you see the location that.

Seems dangerous, just like when when you're in town.

Yeah, if you can tell.

Update, people will be like, this is a person's a mile away? Within five miles that's really tad, Where did you guys go?

What did you do?

So? I just sent her a text. I was like, made dinner reservations for two at this five star place. Would you like to go?


And she was like yes, but I'm warning you I'm a little stressed out. And we sit down for dinner. Get this she starts to.

Cry, Oh, she's really sad.

Yeah, And then I realized the reason she's been stressed out lately is because she doesn't have a car anymore.

And do you know why don't you? You said anymore?


Is it like gone or is in the shop?

She didn't want to go in the detail. She was like, that doesn't matter. I just don't have one anymore. She was explaining, like the reason she stressed out is not just because she lost the cars, because she can't get to her shoes and it's affecting her career.

That sucks.

I am a little concerned about the next thing that happens.

What happens, You guys.

Don't see what shot and needs something? Yeah, you don't see what she's setting him up for.

Sounds like a nice lady, So you guys know where this is going.

Basically told me she would like for me to help her, uh well, to buy her a car.

I can get this done.

She didn't specify a new car.

She just said a car that's reasonable.


No, I'm not a simp. I'm not going to buy her a car birthday. I just let her borrow my mom's car.

How long did she have it for?

She's had it for a little over a week.

She's had it, so she so she stole.

So that's the thing. This isn't just to get a second date. I need your help to get my mom's car back.

Gosh, what did you tell your mother?

My mom's on break right now, she's not back for another few days.

She didn't What did you tell her?

Did you tell her it was your separate car? Did you say, oh, you can borrow my mom's car.

I just told her I can arrange for a car, so she thinks it's yours.

Did you give her a time limit? Did you give her a time limit?

She said it was just going to be a couple of dates, and now it's in the week.

Wait does it is the location thing on the app still working?

Because now I think we do need to find her.

I know what you guys are thinking, and how it seems, but like we text back and forth quite a bit since our dinner, Like it's not that she stole it or anything. We're still in touch. It's just kind of good awkward to be like, Yo, give me my car back.

Thanks for putting the responsibility on us to get this done for you and your mom.

By the way, the.

Reason why is weird the girls don't agree is because he looks good right now. He doesn't want to blow it and say this wasn't my car.

Yeah, you guys don't have to let her know it's my mom's car, Like, don't blow my cover up.

Okay, yeah, all right, Well we'll come back.

We'll call beautiful tailor.

For you, and we'll try and get you another date and hopefully get your mom's car back. My God update right after this second date update, you're in the middle of.

A second date update update, and we're.

Gonna find out how the couple is doing right after you here part two.

Today, we're trying to figure out where in the world is Zach sax mom's borrowed car, because he offered to let his date Taylor, who's an Instagram model by the way, borrow it so that she could get to her photo shoots more easily, and I think she's more than an Instagram I think she's like a real life model. It's a very generous thing for him to do without his mom's permission. First, the problem is that was a week ago, and Zach has not gotten the car back yet.

He also wants another date with her too.

I cannot believe he wants to go out again with her.

So a borderline fell in at this point.

The situation is one that let her borrow is he's not doing anything wrong. He hasn't even asked for it back yet.

The thing is, we've been so wrapped up with the car borrowing stuff, we kind of got sidetracked from asking more about the actual date in the time that they spent together, Like, Zach, was there any like romantic? Was there a kiss at the end of the night or anything like that.

I mean, obviously when I gave her the key, she gave me a little kiss on the cheek.

For your car. Yeah, yeah, that's it.

I'm sorry.

I think, really, what's happening here is the people in this room are.

Jealous of you.

I wish I had my mom's car to drive around.

Yeah, let me just say this. Jealousy is the purest form of flattery. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much.

You know what, I'm sure it's gonna work out great.

We're going into this with a lot of positivity. Let's call Taylor, try and get your mom's car back, and then also get you a date with this smoking hawt girl.

Okay, this is exciting. I haven't spoken to her since the date, so it's kind of cool.

Claire, Hey, is this Taylor?

Missus Taylor?

Hey, Taylor, Taylor. I hope you're not driving right now. You're on a radio show with a team called Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.


I usually take the call through my agent.

Oh no, we just want an interview please. You have the hottest model in the industry. Were not looking to book you for anything, but we did hear that you're a model from one of our listeners that you went on a date with recently.

This isn't about hiring me for a job.


Models are actually pretty useless in radio, can't see much.

What we're doing is something called a second date update.

That's where we have listeners emailed the show if they're trying to get a hold of somebody they went out with.

So you recently went out with a guy named Zach.

I'm sorry, wait, remind me who Zach is again.

You went on a date with him about a week ago.

He said that you were stressed out and you showed up and you were crying.

Wait, give me more.

Whoa you don't remember crying.

Zach has a fleet of cars that he owns, and I think that you made driving.

One of them.

Yeah, no, I I believe that I do have a car of his.

Okay, now we know who Zach is, thoughts, Yes, No, I still need this car.

I've been on the date.

Like what you thought of him, Like, he's obviously a really like giving caring dude to let you use one.

Of his cars.

No, he's he's great.

Okay, this is anything else you needed?

Yeah, this is way more challenging than I thought it was going to be. So maybe it would just be easier.

If we had Zach talk to you directly, because he's on the other line right now.

I wanted to talk to you.

Hi, Taylor, how's it going. How's the car?

Oh? Hi, yeah, it's good.

Good. If you ever get confused about like any of the features you know I can always come over help out show you like to see.

I'm good.

I'm just I'm sorry.

I've been so busy for sure.

This is just like been the worst ever. And you know what, Actually, I'm glad.

You called because.

So in my last shoot, someone walked off with my bag and I loved that bag and all of my stuff in it. And I know this like really great place that does like an amazing discount on louis what you now?

She's asking you out of Wait, why are you.

Involving yourself in this?

You wouldn't come on guys. First, the car trouble that she had and now her bag, that's like a lot for anyone to go through. Let's just try to be in her shoes, right yeah, actually.


Look, I don't know what you guys are talking about. Almost all of my stuff is in Vegas right now, I'm like kind of stranded here, like I don't have any of my supplies, my bag gets stolen, I have car trouble, like and you guys can like no pity.

Zach said that you're from here, you don't have any friends or family to help you out. I mean this is a guy that you literally didn't know who we were talking about two minutes ago.

You know what, I.

Really don't have time for this. I am very stressed out. I've got a lot of my plates that are we doing the bag thing or not? Because my schedule is like super packed and I need to like figure out what's happening.

Of course we're going to do the back. I apologize for these guys. They don't understand, you know, like, guys, how expensive can luggage be? Like I inherited a lot of like bags from my dad.

You, Oh, so maybe you have what you could just borrow?

Yeah, like an old Samson like from ten years ago.

Leather side.

I'm allergic to dust, so I really need new clean things in my life.

Suitcase. I think it's weird.

The car, I will say, zag, it's not that bad of a trade if you get the car back and then buy her a bag.

I mean, wait, I need this. I still need this car. I didn't say, And he came abound giving the car back what you before.

Right, he might need it back though.

Taylor, Like for real, I was thinking, like by Wednesday, the car should be back. Why don't you have another car?

I mean you came in a different car.

I mean, I got a fleet of cars. I don't know if you heard my homie safe, but you know, it's just I need them best. You know, we could actually do dinner again.

To look, I really might need this car. I think it's a week two of the most nothing.

That's pretty simple, Zach.

You could swing that right, shoot, you know, yeah, obviously, honey, of course I could make that work for you.

Oh god, Okay, don't listen to these losers. You're just sad.

Dinner. She's probably allergic to gift cards. They were in our in our prize closet. It's pretty dusty and the dusty gift cards.

Yeah, so gift cards.

I haven't used those in years, but I didn't even know they still made those things ever since you.

Got that black card, you don't want to worry about it, right, So you got it? Sounds like you're gonna go out one more time, right, Taylor? We have that locked in.

I mean, the day may have to float depending on like my schedule and when I got four and it's changing by the minute.

But yeah, that's understandable totally, But uh, did you work it out? I feel like this has been a success.

We set out to find out where the car was get him another date. And now we've done that, plus added a new luxury bag into the mix.

Yay, okay, and for the first time ever, we don't got to pay for dinner.

Yeah, freaking Jeffrey in the morning.

We all doubted them months ago. But guess who is back to prove us all wrong. It's Zach himself on again for an update update.

Zach, How you doing man, I'm doing it.

How are you guys?


Is it only Zach on the phone?

Is Taylor there?

No, Taylor's a little busy right now. But you guys are wrong.

Oh really, we were. We thought she was using you for this car.

There was a lot of doubt in here what happened after we got off the phone with you.

So she didn't return the car for about a month.

Your mom would a month without her car.

She did, But like it was just a misunderstanding, you know, Like to be honest, I was the one who was getting antsy, and I just kind of reported the car stolen, which was my bad steal?

Did you just casually drop that?

I mean, look, I'm not the kind of guy that gets taken advantage of, So I just had to take a stack.

So what part are not wrong?

Well, you gotta hear me out. So, like, she got caught running a stop light and they took her in actually, and then get this, like, so she's in jail and she uses her one phone call on me, Like how romantic is that?

She just wanted the charges dropped.

Come on, guys, this is romance.

Like I hadn't had a phone call from jail that wasn't romantic. So I'm with you.

You felt bad when they finally caught her.

I did, because, like, I'm not a monster. I have compassion, and like, just her using that one phone call for me meant like so much to me, and I was like, this is the right thing to do. So I went and paid her bail. You on the report that you put in it was a misunderstanding.

Oh my god. So what Where's where's Taylor? Now?

She's moving to Vegas and I'm helping her get started over there, like you know, just paying the deposit in the first month.

But you're too good of a guy.

I'm just supporting her dreams, you know, Like we're not in a committed relationship. She said she wants to see things step by step.

But like, have you guys ever go on a dat and like kissed?

I'm sure it's coming. Year ten of this relationship is going to be super help.

Yeah, my man, she's just misunderstood.

That and there's nothing we can say to change your mind on that.

No, this is like the happiest off then she's amazing.

Will We're happy? That's all they said.

Money couldn't buy happiness.

That's anymore.

Good luck with the whole thing with Taylor.

Man, keep us updated on your situation, all right, We're happy you're happy.

Honestly, keep the police updated.

You guys are going to feel so silly when you're at our wedding one day.

I know who will be paying for it.

It's broken.

Jeffrey in the morning, Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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