A little while back we had a guy on the show whose mother was meddling in his love life. It led to an awkward but hilarious date night with a special lady and now we have an UPDATE on what’s happened since.
Second dat day. We've helped people rekindle old flames on the show before. Ye and when I say we, I mean Jose Alexis and I'm talking about the other person usually barges into the conversation a pouty and sad and snuffs the flame right now. I love love. I think love is fantastic. I think it's what you don't have to scream it into my ear. I'm just asking out of the bottom of my heart, Brook today, Please let's not give up on these people so quickly. I feel like the only times you ever say that is when the people really have screwed something. I can feel you giving up already. I'm just saying, whatever happened, whoever said whatever to whoever. Let's give them some grace. Okay, Let's give them some leeway. Yeah, can make mistakes. Let's be the healers that are listening. Audience deserves to hear, because that's so hard doing your own speed. That's the type of energy we're looking for, listeners to the only person. Can we ask that of you today? I feel like you're setting me up for something, but sure, half hearted, Sure is the best we're gonna do today. Thomas so we're in a mildly safe place, she says she we have Welcome to the show man. Thank you, thank you for having me, Thomas. We're ready to hear about the date that you went on. Tell us about who it was with. So it was with Marie, okay, and she is somebody that I knew in middle school? Did you guys slow dance at a at a middle school dance before? Um? No, we were never closed. Okay. She actually beat me up, Oh when I was a kid. What she's like? You're so beautiful to me. Is she still scary or no, she's not as scary, slimmer, a little bit intimidating me. Did she remember that you're the guy that she beat up? Yeah? So maybe I'm jumping ahead too much. But when I went out on the date with her, I actually wore a boxing helmet, like boxing like headgear. Rematch. Let's do this now, let's go. What did she say when you showed up wearing that? She laughed. She thought it was great, she knew exactly what it was. Oh my god, that's actually pretty funny. How did you guys reconnect? Yeah, so I'm like recently divorced. I got on the dating app and and she was on there and I didn't recognize her, Like I've sort of recognized her, but not completely. You're like, can I get a picture of your fists coming towards my face? Then I'm recognize. But it's kind of crazy how many people like stay in town like a high school, like you're all in the same community. Still, that's great, Yeah, it was great. Um, so what did you guys end up doing for the date? We just went to like a sports bar and had some food and oh that made our headgear not stand out as much since what was the chemistry? Like I thought we had like great chemistry at first, I thought we had great chemistry. I thought everything was like good you know, conversation, like energy, the whole thing. Like I just felt like we had a really good dynamic at first. Yeah. Yeah, so, like I guess this was a dune move on me. But I told my mom, you know, it's a small community, so we all kind of knew each other's parents and all that stuff. Yeah, and my mom actually ended up showing up on the date. Oh yeah, I don't blame me. I feel like my parents are the same. If I was, like, you remember the blankety blanks from tr did she like brook Brook, don't give up? You're ready to quit on this. You're feeling it's feeling bad. How long? How long was the interaction with your mom? Please tell me it was, like I'll put the judgment. How long did she stay on your day? She didn't stay that long. I mean she showed up, said hi, I gave her a hug, but like I didn't tell her to come meet up with it. So I hope that she didn't think it was like set up or something by me. Oh yeah, I don't know. Honestly. It could just be that, like suddenly there's the adult, sexy version of you, and then when you introduce the mom, all she could see was the dorky, junior high version of you that she beat up harsh. Yeah, some people in this room actually use their moms as their wingman to this day, Isn't that right? Elect I do think a guy would like me more of a But like, it sounds like it didn't work out quite that well for you. Now you say that the chemistry changed totally after the mom, So that's you're thinking that's where everything went wrong. Yeah, I think so. I mean, the day didn't last much longer after that, like we pretty much just like we paid, we hugged and that was it. Yeah, even like a chess bump. Yeah yeah, bro activity. But okay, have you reached out to her since that happened? Yeah, and it's nothing nothing. Yeah, has your mom tried reaching she about her? Not like I didn't ask her to go. Well, we'll find out for sure when we play a song come back call Marie for you your old middle school bully. I just want to like let you guys know that she did beat me up. But I did get a few licks then too, so it wasn't like on the ground. Okay, Well, we're gonna do it right after this with your second date update. Hold on second update. You're in the middle of a second eate update update. We're gonna find out how the couple is doing right after you here part two. You know they say in middle school, if a boy has ever mean to you, it's because secretly he actually likes you and he just doesn't know how to show it's true. Sometimes it's true an adulthood. But I didn't realize when a girl in middle school roughs you up, it means she wants to go on a date with you twenty years later. Ye see, if you've manned up at all in that time. That's why I never got beat up by any girl. Because that's how Thomas reconnected with a woman named Marie from back in his middle school days. They went out to dinner together, and the weird part of it was when Thomas's mom showed up unannounced halfway through just to say hi to Marie again. My gosh, So that obviously threw a wrench into the romance part of the day and hasn't seen her or spoken to her since. Brooke, is there any final things that you want to say to Thomas before you ruin it once we get Marie on the phone. I mean, your mom ruined it. It sounds like and that was a bad move on your mom's part, and you definitely need to have a conversation with your mommy about boundaries. Yeah, and I promise, if you guys get me a second day, I promise I will not tell her about any I won't tell her where we're going. That's a good rule to live by, Yeah, secretive. Yeah, all right, So I'm gonna dot Marie's number. We're gonna see what she has to say. You ready, Thomas, yep, Okay, here we go. Hello. Hey is this Marie? Yeah? Who's this? My name's Jeff from the radio show Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning. Um okay, yeah, exactly, such a weird phone call. Again. Well I'm cleanly in here. What's going on? This is something we do call the second date Update, and one of our listeners, Thomas, reached out to us because he says he went out on a date with you. Oh you're being connected okay, yeah, yeah, so he's been having trouble reaching you after the date and he's not a hundred percent sure why. He does have a little bit of a idea of maybe what caused it, though, Um, well, not that it's any of your business, but I was on a business trip bread after that date. I had to actually leave early to catch it early flight in the morning. Oh, were you planning on getting back with Thomas then and having another date? Okay, so maybe we were reading it right. What's going on? Yeah, it was kind of cool. I don't know if he said anything to you, but we knew each other middle school and yeah, we heard the story about how you actually beat him up once. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that sounds like a fond memory for you. And he told us that he wore headgear when he showed up to the date. Was that fun for you? It kind of was funny, and you know, like we took care of the elephant in the room. Yeah, I beat the snot out of him in sixth grade. Like it sounds good? Yeah, I mean what else did you think about the date? His mom showed up? Yeah, we also know about that, and he says that up, I mean, we're back in sixth grade. Oh my head defense. He had no idea that she was gonna just randomly showed up. He didn't invite her there. He felt the same way what you just said was just like, did it bring you right back to junior High? Is that way? Oh? Yeah? No? Just like do I need a haul pass for a second date? I mean, it was just it was weird. I mean, I mean, can't you forgive him for that? It clearly wasn't It was out of his decision. Yeah, well okay, so maybe that's out of his control. But I was actually thinking about getting back in town and maybe giving him a calling going out again, because it was she was It was a great dit up until that point. And then his mother called me. Did you say called his mother called old me? How did she get your phone? Oder? I mean it's a small town. We all grew up here. We don't know each other, so I mean it was that she probably called my mother and got my cell phone. Why say I get this call? And she says, why aren't you noting my Tommy back? He had a wonderful time with you. He has no idea that his mom called you. Do you know that? I don't know. I don't know. I'm telling you he doesn't know. Yeah, I don't think he knows. We should ask him if he has any idea because Tommy, because I was calling Tommy Thomas, our Thomas is on the other line listening. He's been there the whole time. He wants to talk to you, Marie. Yeah, you talk to her now. Yes, Um, I had no idea you and I apologize. I don't know what compelled her to do that. I really apologize. I promise you my barriers, I will like set up barriers for this in the future will never happen again. Physical barriers, just like your mom told me on the phone. In addition to reaming me out for not calling you, back. She also said that she's spoken to your ex wife over the years and just between us girls, he's hot in the stack no quote to in the stack, And I'm like, oh no, Thomas, is your mother right about that? Um? I actually just want to jump out of my second story window right now. I feel like Jeffrey, of all people, has empathy for you. He's got a mom like you have a mom like this. She signed you up for a dating app without you even knowing about it, but then you just get used to having her in the room when you're kissing the girls. She actually does have a lot of knowledge of it. I can see your I'm like, let me just take some pictures. Yeah, I feel bad. Do you feel bad for him? You got to feel a little bad for Thomas. Oh no, I do. I feel really bad for him. But do I need to jump into that kind of mojo? I know? Yeah, Thomas, I do think that you need to take a little bit of responsibility here, because apparently you told your mom that Marie wasn't calling you back. Yeah, one hundred percent. I mean, but I just didn't know that that was going to turn into her calling and trying to like get to the bottom of it well, and I hope the conversation was, Hey, mom, don't show up to my dates because now my date isn't calling me back. Yeah, I definitely should have probably brought that up. I'm yeah, seriously, Yeah, you don't talk to your mother that way, Marie. I just want to say, like, I'm so sorry that she reached out to you. I did not know that was going to happen. And then on top of all of that, we're on the radio right now, and like we're putting all this stuff out there. So I just want to say, I'm like very mortified that that happened, and and i'd really like to go back out with you. I just you know, I'm sorry about everything. That sounds pretty sincere to me to my ears, Marie, how do you feel about that? Well? Could you pinky promised me that your mom's not gonna have anything to do with it. Like I said, I'm gonna definitely have to talk with her about like everything that's happened. I'm maybe not or yes, stop talking to you. Well, I mean I can't stop talking to her. I mean she is my mom and good boy, good boy, yes, well, yes, so let us step in here, for a second and ask Marie, Marie, would you like to go out on another date with our little Tommy? We'll pay for that date. Now that you know the whole story, you know everything, the truth. Yeah, I think I would. Yeah, that's actually cute. I do feel like we need to call his mom in like an awkward Tuesday and like set some ground rolls for your friends. Did she just say yes? Because he's such a sexual dynamo? The mom's actually wingman? No comment. Nice, this guy's got it going to be going on talking about something else? Yeah, broken Jeffrey In the morning, back from all the mama drama, Thomas and Marie are on the phone once again to give us an update. What's going on you too? Are you together? You married? Are you in the middle of a bitter divorce where we are probably surprised? We are still together and it's going really good? Is the mom in the background somewhere? I just I just figured she'd be on the phone with us, right, That's the thing. We kind of had to set some ground rules, but we did, and things are We're going out really good. Mom following the rules. I'm shot your mom just listened to you, Thomas, No not at first. That sounds more accurate what happened. So yeah, after the call, it was like kind of awkward. We kind of asked her to just kind of back off, not be so involved, but you know she's like old and bored. Y. Yes, but we like kind of found out she's been a little lonely and like she just kind of like needed a distraction. Yeah, okay, so we set her up on a dating profile. Oh idea, She's like, we'll give you your own dating drama. Mom really smart. It was kind of weird, but it was fun and you know, like we took pictures of her and helped her put her profile together and every date it's it's actually kind of fun for us because what we do is we go to that coffee shops where she has her dates and we kind of just make sure she's you know, from a distance. Oh everything. Now you're being annoyed. You're doing exactly what the mom did. She could do just to make sure she's okay, because she's kind of ignorant about like the real world today. You know, she's getting catfish quick. Australia's in love with me and wants me to send him money. Modern dating has changed so much, Thomas, how do you feel about that? Watching your mom date people, It is a little weird for me. Yeah. The good news is now she's like focusing her energy on her own love life and like you said, just not hours. So it's just nice. We have a little bit more space now. She's not like a normal moment over she was an Italian. I was gonna say they should go on a double date, but they may not. Watch yeah much. We're never happy for you guys. Keep us updated on your relationship. I remember if you ever want it. If you ever want to hear any of our second eight updates, you can find the podcast up online and Jeffrey Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning