We're adding a little extra content to help you get over the Sunday Scaries! After appearing on our show months ago we now have some details that will fill us in on what happened with a listener, after we dubbed him “Hot Burrito Boy.”
You've heard the stat that fifty percent of relationships end in divorce. Yeah, well, on our show, fifty percent of people who go out on second dates never return our emails. I would say it's higher actually likes. But hey, there is one couple who did. They went on a virtual date that even had a special theme for the night. Things definitely got weird, not just that evening, but over the phone with us too. But today they're back with an update on their situation. We're gonna play their original call first and then afterwards talk to the couple to find out what's new in a second date update. Update that's coming up next second date update. What counts as dating right now? I think that's a fair question. Like if you only see each other between the hours of three am and seven am and you're never sober for that, is that Well, that's how I used to date. I thought that was dating. If you've only bought you socks from them online? Is that dating.
In that case?
In some circles, I think that might qualify. And one of our listeners emailed us because she isn't sure if her hangout should be considered worthy of a second date update. She said she was hoping that we would do it.
Well, we have low standards, so I'm sure we will.
And she's actually lucky that the first four people that we tried calling this morning didn't answer.
Because of that, Nicole, you are worthy of a second date. Welcome to the show, Hookup, Nicole. We look forward to helping you, even if you've only bought someone socks recently. Okay, okay, well I'm gonna stop guessing. Why don't you just start telling us what's going on?
Who are we trying to call today?
We're trying to well, Evan, I wasn't sure afet answer because it was actually we had a virtual date, not an in person date.
Oh I think that counts more than like a three am hookup as a date.
I mean, it's thoughtful, it's planned out right.
Yeah, I don't mind a virtual date. I actually I actually prefer it.
You know, when you meet people online, there's a lot of build up, and then you meet up in person and sometimes it's really awkward, like they don't look like their picture and they have no personality, and then you're you're stuck.
Is that why you chose to do a virtual date, because you've had such a bad run with online dating.
Or because you can start a virtual date with no pants and no one would know.
That usually makes a date go better even in person.
A little bit of both, A little bit of both.
Okay, I'm just so exhausted of doing any sort of video like chatting at all. But it sounds like you can talk a lot, so it sounds like it'd be good.
She meant. I think she meant that as a compliment.
Is there any nerves going into a virtual date?
No, I do have nerves.
I was a little nervous because he had a really fun date plan. So Evan said that we should meet up online and do a virtual burrito date, which I thought was really cute.
What does that mean?
Sounds messy?
No, No, and it wasn't messy because his idea is that we would buy three different frozen burritos, the same ones, and then we would try them together on you, which I thought was really cute.
I kind of like to like find the best frozen burrito.
No, it's not.
It's not a bad angle.
We don't know the name of.
It, but it's that orange one. Let's try and focus on the date and not the food. How did your frozen burrito date go.
It was really fun.
We both thought the bean and cheese was the best. We had a grating system. It was one to ten, like in the Olympics. Like we wrote it down and held up a little signs so we could both see it.
The scale of one to ten. How sexy did Evan look eating his burrito?
I I'm saying ten.
Okay, you know ten's the highest, right, yeah, hot burrito boy?
All right, So how do you end a burrito date?
But you got to go to the bathroom.
A sprint to the toilet? No, luckily, what how does it end?
You know?
We just we finished burritos.
We were just hanging out and talking, you know, we broke the ice and I just was told them that I was taking bass guitar lessons, which is something really fun.
But he asked me to play a little bit.
So I played a little bit of my songs.
It's like, what did you do?
Just sit there and he asked for it.
He gets a slighter out and liked, yeah, the whole thing.
You only played one song, right, You didn't.
Differ full concert.
Of full set.
I mean I played like a bit of different songs.
I see, I see and we're talking like real songs, not like old McDonald.
Or something, no, like another One bites the Dust or like journeys leven, touch and squeeze in good And that's.
Impressive, even if you're not good at it, at least you mus.
But you're worried that it like turned him off. Did his mood change or something after you're done with your bass plan?
I didn't think so.
I thought it was fun. We just kind of like chatted a little bit more and then it kind of came to its own and we said goodbye, and I messaged him about going on a real date.
Yeah, and he didn't seem as.
Interested anymore as before we met first, really like he stopped messaging me back that much. And I started to think about, you know, like all all the things that I worry about with a with a online date or virtual date. I was like, do I not look like my picture? And I started I asked my roommates. So I don't know why he's kind of faded out.
It sounds like you covered a lot of basses there, Nicole.
Do you have your bass guitar with you right now?
It's in the other room, but it's it's here.
Would do you think maybe we could get a sample of your bass guitar playing, just so that we know this is research, so that we know what we were working with.
These so uncomfortable people playing music. That's just because you have.
I mean, i'd have to get at my amp and get it set up.
I could.
Well, that's good because we actually have to play a song. So we're gonna leave. We'll come back, yeah, and then you can play us a song when we do your second date update right after this.
Okay, all right, radio, hold on update.
You're in the middle of a second date update update, and we're gonna find out how the couple is doing right after you here part two.
I'm purposely bumping into this segment without any music because we got our own in house band today.
I've never been so excited about the second part. It's just a moment alone.
One person, our listener, Nicole, who we've been talking to about her dating life. We're gonna get to that in just a second. But she's an up and coming bass player. Nicole. We asked for a little demonstration because you played a little bit of bass on your date. So what are we going to be hearing today?
I'm telling you I just started this month another one bites the dust.
Okay, Okay, before you get I'm gonna introduce you, ladies and jam please welcome to the stage for your listening pleasure. Nicole and the finger flip.
Nic That would give her a second day to think, Oh my god.
Okay, body, all right, now.
We've heard the YouTube version. Now play it yourself. An't way better than I was expecting you to do after just one month of lessons.
That was legit.
And so if you're just joining us and you don't know why Nicole played, it's because during her virtual date with a guy named Evan, she played the bass guitar to show him what she's been doing, along with tasting some frozen burritos with him. But after that, she's been having a hard time organizing an in person meetup. So we're gonna call Evan and ask what's going on.
That is, if you didn't die from embarrassment just now, Nicole, embarrass you. I just hear you in the background kind of like laugh, moaning or something.
I'm still breathing.
You're still breathing.
Okay, Okay, here you go, take a deep breath.
Yeah, we're gonna dial Evan's phone, and we're gonna try and get you a second date. I just hope that another one doesn't bite the dust, but yeah, let's do it. Hello, he is a seven?
Yeah cool?
Yeah, Okay, Hi Evan. My name is jeff from the radio show Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning. We're hoping to talk with you a little bit about your dating life.
Uh okay, Well I'm not interested, so, uh, could you take me off your list?
Regardless that No, yeah, it's not us, it's actually somebody that you went on a date with who's asked us to call you. Her name is Nicole.
Oh so this is a real call.
Then, yes, yes, dial one to sign up.
Yeah, so what's going on with this is called a second date update? And Nicole reached out to us because she told us that you guys went on a virtual date together and she's been trying to hang out in person, but she's confused why that isn't happening yet.
Yeah. Well, to be honest, I don't think an in person date is going to happen. So who thank you?
Oh that's too bad.
I mean she seems so fun loving and your date sounded awesome. She told us that you like put together a what would we call it a burrito battle?
Yeah, we had burritos and it was fun. It was a fun date, don't get me wrong. But if I must get into it, Nicole is a liar.
WHOA, that's heavy.
Well what I found out that she liked to me about her age?
Oh oh, dang, bro Like, I mean, is that how much a big deal to you? Like?
Yeah, how much?
She told me she was twenty nine, but I found out that she was actually thirty?
Wait year are you? Is that a joke?
No? That's the wretch flank to me, Like, what a stupid thing to lie about, especially by one year?
That's true?
Who cares?
It's one year?
Well what does that mean to you?
Why is that such a big deal that she's one year off?
Well, she's lying about that. What else could she be lying about it?
Just maybe she made her profile when she was twenty nine and she just never updated the eggs it updates, it updates.
Yeah, okay, I get it.
If you're not concerned about it, Evan, then you should have asked her.
Yeah, but this was after our date, and I wasn't gonna just text her about that.
You're just gonna move on. Well, are you okay if I asked her that question, because Nicole is actually on the line and she's been listening this entire time, and I'm happy to do that for you. Oh great, So yeah, here she has Nicole. Is it true did you lie about your age to Evan?
I wasn't like lying directly to Evan. It's not that big of a deal.
On my dating profile, I said, yeah, I'm twenty nine.
It's one year.
It really bothered you haven't one year firm.
It's just really weird, Like why why one year? Like I see, if you lied by like five years, I almost would respect that more.
I mean year old really honestly, like, okay, wow, I would be actually more upset.
I'fs like I met someone and they were like forty into the thirty. That's a big difference.
This is one year, and I.
Really feel weird that I actually have to explain this.
But I was on other dating websites and I have found that if you say you're in your twenties, you get way more matches.
So it was just a way to just maybe broad in the field and I get to meet more people.
So you were just trying to optimize your matches by going down one year saying in your twenties.
Evan, what do you think is that a reasonable excuse for you?
I mean, I buy it, but I feel weird about it.
How old are you, Evan?
Thirty one? Oh?
I thought it was going to be something like I don't date women in their thirties because I'm twenty three, or something like.
It's just the more.
If she would have told you she was thirty, you had been cool.
Yeah, I don't know. It seems like she's gaming the system a little bit.
Isn't that what dating naps are for?
Yeah, you obviously on your range set that you liked twenty year old like people in their twenties. Yeah, you know, Evan, I ought to say on your profile you said that you were athletic and fit for your build in that question, and I don't know, you look a little more average to me.
First of all, I was sitting down for the entirety of the thing. Yea, they get look way better standing up.
Obviously, Nichole's feelings are a little hurt Evan, because it just it seems like a pretty superficial reason not to call her back. It sounds like if you would have just asked her her age, she would have told you.
Yeah, I guess so, and I accept her reasoning to be honest.
Okay, you know it's okay. Honestly, this was probably good because that's.
Gonna bother you and you're gonna not call me back or even talk to me about it.
It probably is better that we don't see each other again.
It's spoken like a true thirty year old, right. It sounds like he was just getting over it.
Wait, but now that I've heard your reasoning, like, I'm into it, let's not give up on there. It's just like that no.
You called me at The first thing you said about me on this call was I'm a liar.
No thanks, but you did lie.
Okay, it's not wrong on it. Oh man, this is like such a little thing.
Guys. It's like they're already in their first fight and they haven't even met in real life yet.
She is kind of going towards her midlife though, Brooks So, but I'm still willing to offer to send you guys out on another date. And Evan, it sounds like up to this point you were into it.
Yeah, I mean maybe I jumped to conclusions too quickly and I probably should just fast but I'm into it. But if she's get.
It okay, well, Nicole, he admits that he made a mistake.
And which is a huge thing right now. Like to find a person who could admit they were wrong and learn from it like that is a good quality to have.
So can we meet in the middle here and go out just one more time and we'll pay for it? Think of the burritos.
I can prove that build.
And maybe what would do it is if he's honest with you right now and he tells you what he really thinks about your bass playing.
It was pretty solid for someone who that live been doing it a month, see, but it was honest.
It wasn't over the top like glowing review. It wasn't horrible. It was like, it's pretty good.
I would like to hear more.
Come on, all right, fine, stop yelling.
Me court into a second date, Nicole, to celebrate you want to play a little bit of bass guitar on the way out?
Yeah, I like I'm trying.
No, maybe not.
Freaking Jeffrey in the morning.
Making their glorious return to our show. A few months later, we have Evan and Nicole once again back to give us an update. Welcome back, guys, Yeah, hey every day.
Okay, you both still sound friendly, which is a good sign.
I just want to first of all, clear the air. A bit after that second date, the infamous second Day aired, I got a lot of heat actually from my friends and family.
Who really about lying about being twenty nine on your dating profile?
Yes, but you know, when we did the call, I didn't know what Evan was going to say. We got him on the phone, and yes, he called me a liar because I am actually older than what my profile.
I said, what I said on my profile.
I panicked.
You know, it's a lot someone call you a liar on the radio. So I went like what he said? Yes, I said I was thirty, but the truth is, I'm not thirty.
What the whole thing was based on how it was only one year, It didn't really matter.
Yeah, how old are you?
I am thirty four?
Oh that's still not that big of a difference, I know, but.
It is when you say, Okay, you're right, I'm thirty, and then you come back down. Next time we're going to call her, she's gonna be fifty. Why didn't you come clean and just say that to us.
Well, I was. I was worried that if I know admitted that I was actually thirty four, I'd come off even.
More death right or set or whatever, because he really mad at me.
For being thirty And Evan, how did you take that?
Not as bad as I did the first time?
Weirdly, Oh, it was pretty bad.
He was conditioned exactly an age at this point.
Uh huh. Well she opened with it, which I appreciated, and uh, I get it. Like she was on the radio, there was a lot of pressure, so I totally understood why she did what she did.
Are you dating an older woman then? Right now?
I am dating a cougar right now? Oh my god.
It's nice when one of these actually turns out. We congratulations, guys, Thank you, and remember you can always email the show. We'll call the person who wasn't calling you back. It's Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.
Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.