Second Date Update UPDATE: Funny Farm

Published Jun 16, 2024, 12:30 PM

We're adding a little extra content to help you get over the Sunday Scaries! The couple on the phone today had one of the most memorable calls of the year, and they're back to tell us how their romance has gone over the past few months!

A few months ago, we heard about a first date that turned out like a real life sitcom, all because of a simple misunderstanding where the girl thought she was going to be going to her favorite brunch spot that day. Oh, it turns out they were headed someplace way different.

Yeah, she was definitely not dressed for No, not.

Nearly as romantic, but still it led to one of the sweetest, most memorable calls that we've had all year. And today we're gonna have both of them back on the show to find out what's happened since their chaotic first meet up. That's right, we're doing a brand new second date update update right after their original phone call. That's happening next second dat up date. You know, recently, I was on a dating app trying to find matches for Jose. Oh yeah, Honestly it was really difficult. Not because of what Jose wants, you know, because he'll go out with pretty much anything. I'm just saying that as a single it's got to be hard because the apps field was so many odd people.

Yeah, mostly on like.

With photos wearing tons of makeup and filters, or someone that's standing alone in a swamp holding a sign up that says still single. I don't know is that supposed to be funny or is it meant to make me sad and it make me feel bad enough to go out with it? All I know is after that experience, I really feel for listeners like Steve, who emailed into the show today and said he was just happy that her profile seemed somewhat normal.

Yeah, you're not looking for a swamp girl to go to you with your swamp.

Boy, No, not at all.

OK, tell us about the woman that you matched with. What's her name, Jamie? All right?

Is there anything exceptional to say about her? Or was she just normal?

She seemed very normal, super cute, and you know, I was raised on a farm, so she didn't necessarily look like a country girl. But she looked very sweet and innocently so I kind of went with it.

She could still pick up a bail of hay. I mean, I'm assuming that that's on your list.

What do you do with a normal girl for a first date?


Well, the date that I kind of pitched to her that she kind of agreed to was, you know, let's just have a date on my family farm, and you know, I can show you what farm life is day to day you know.

Minute, does that mean that she's like meeting your family on the first date.

I mean it is the family farm, so we pretty much it's just family that works there. But you know, I just wanted to experience how I grew up and you know, my just kind of day to day living.

So are you still working on the farm too?


Part time okay, And I can imagine all the cute animals are also your family.

Yeah, we had the whole nine yards. We got a cow's chickens goat. I will get to mister Harvey in a little bit, but yeah, yes, that is our goat.

Okay, this is an interesting choice for a first date. Like, what was her reaction when you pitched this idea to him?

Well, she seemed kind of excited about it. I mean she didn't voice any concerns. I thought her. I was, let you know, I'll get you some overalls and some boots. Picked her up early in the morning. We drove out to the countryside, you know, and went to the farm, and she got dressed and got to work.

You know, Okay, I like work.

Yeah, I got to stop here for a second. I grew up, you know, surrounded by farm life in a tiny little town. It's not glamorous. I mean, like to me, it sounds like you're shovely manure.

No, I did spare her the manure when you know, we picked the eggs for breakfast and then we went out and we melt the cows. We did not use the milk for breakfast. But I told her, you know, I was like, do you want to feed the pigs? It's super simple, it's not really all that mess. And she was down with it. But mister Harvey. That's where mister Harvey comes in because he kind of just roams the farm. Yes, he's our pet goat. He's kind of like our guard dog. Instead of a blue chick hound. We have a we have a big goat. Yeah, he's sometimes a little temperamental when it comes to meeting new people. He'll just nibble on them.

Brook did the same thing to me on my first day on the show. She just came up and start and tear my clothes right off.

I got to say, I'm part goat.

I did.

I could get behind that. Did that scare her?

Well? Not at first? I mean at first I think it did, but it wasn't until he kind of started getting a little aggressive with it because I had turned my back for a minute and I turned back around and she was pretty much almost on all fours, just getting chewed up.

Yeah, you're describing Brooks to a tea. Here's getting flashbacks of my own life.

I mean, she did laugh about it, so I just I took it as just one of those things.

I mean, if you've ever tried to milk a goat, you know how scary they can be. Put in that small, enclosed area that.

Sounds like a mostly Brooke experience room at least, So I mean, how did how did the date end for you there?

Well, we had we had lunch with my parents and everybody who and I introduced her as my new friend.

But everyone knows that I want her.

I didn't want it. I wanted to do the kind of thing normal, like not too serious, like you're meeting our parents, my parents on the first date. Because okay, we agreed to the farm date.

Do you bring a lot of women out to the farm to meet everybody or is this.

A new thing with now that's honestly, this is the first time thing. I thought it would be kind of cool to get out of the city, and so the lunch went fine, and I told her, I said, you know, next date, you pick city, whatever you want to do, we'll do it. And she hasn't returned to any of my text.

Are you regretting the farm date idea since she isn't writing me back, or do you think it's something else.

I'm beginning to think it might have been a bad idea.

Yeah, I disagree. I think if she's a city girl, you bring it to the frights, like bringing someone to a zoo, you do something to see. You don't have the whole world work at the zoo, but you don't have to work. Though you said, you made it light and she just got to kind of hang around. I think maybe mister Harvey swooped in on your girl. He stole it from you. But we're going to find out. We're gonna call Jamie here in just a second and get your second date update right after this.

All right, thank you?

All right, hold on man, update.

You're in the middle of a second date update update, and we're gonna find out how the couple is doing right after you here. Part two.

You know, old McDonald may have had a farm, but old mcsteve o had a date. Oh yeah, yeah, yoh. And on his date, there was a Jamie yeah yeah, yoh with a farm chore. Here in a farm chore. There, here's my mom, here's my dad. Here's a goat. That's bad. But Steve did take Jamie to his family farm. And I think the overwhelming thought in studio right now is that Jamie probably didn't want to spend the whole time doing farm work.

I mean, it almost sounds like your family was using it as a ploy to get free labor.


I wouldn't say that. I thought she was having fun.

Okay, okay, she was having fun. This is like a one cent you know, life not lifetime. But it's like random thing. I mean, hose would you like to do that for a first date? To a lifetime opportunity? The animals.

It sounds like you want to go to yeah, yeah, farm.

Farm almost something like a heavy petting zoo.

I'm gonna tell you, do not want to drink fresh milk makes me vomit every time.

Yeah, I want to go to a heavy pet Yeah that sounds kind of fun. But maybe we should start a business after this is over. But we have a job to do on the show, and that's to call Jamie and figure out why she's not calling Steve back. So, Steve, you're ready to do this?

Yeah, I'm ready to do it.

Here we go.

Farmhand, Jamie, farm hand, that's what people who work on a farm.

Okay, regular hands. Here we go.


Hey is this Jamie? Yeah, Hey Jamie. My name is jeff from the radio Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning. Okay, we need some extra help around the radio station. And we heard you are excellent.

I'm sorry, what is this about?

Yeah, that was strange.

This is about a segment that we're doing called a second Date Update, and say we're trying to help one of our listeners named Steve get back in touch with you after you went on a date.

Okay, yeah, that was all big old side there, Jamie.

We've already spoken to Steve about your first day with him, and we've heard his side of the story. We're interested in getting your side of the story to know what you thought about him and his family farm.

Well, first of all, he didn't say his family farm.

He didn't.

No, he said, hey, do you want to go to the farm for frunch? And I'm like, oh, I love that.

You didn't know his family was going to be there.

Wait, you love that place, like the farm is in like some hit brunch spot.

Yet it's really hit. So I thought we were going to have brunch. We weren't going to an actual Oh my god.

Oh that's a lot different.

Oh my god, he thought that you understood. He didn't think that you thought bottomless mimosas I was not.

I was not against it, but I had a night the night before. I was a little hungover.

I was not expecting to be feeling hay and smoking cows.

Wait, so wait a minute, though, Like his parents opened the door and they hand you a set of coveralls, Like, why didn't you say something like that? You had no idea.

Honestly, I was a little out of it, and I was like, you know what, just get through this.

It's gonna be a story to tell.

Plus that would be really rude to just get out of the car and his parents are like, hey, nice to meet you, and she'd be like, oh, she didn't want to do I didn't want to be here.

I shouldn't have to say that. She could say, oh my god, I had no idea. You meant a literal afarm like.

That doesn't look good in front of the parents, know, but like have fun with the goat, right. We heard mister Harvey really liked you.

Yeah, he really liked me.

And honestly, it started out like, oh, this is cute, and then it was like, oh my god, I'm going to be eaten by ago.

Well I know, like, not only did mister Harvey like you, but Steve really liked you. And don't just take my word for it. Hear from Steve himself. He's on the other line right now and wants to talk to you.

Oh my gosh, you're joking.

Right, No, I'm serious.

Hi, Jamie. I'm so sorry for the misunderstanding. I assumed because the family farm and everything's on my profile that you just automatically knew that I'm at my farm. I've never even heard of this brunch spot.

No, I see, yeah, you you know, and just start talking.

You were like the farm, the farm. You never said my family's farm. So I think we had just a little bit of miscommunication.

Yeah, just the sad Yeah, I apologize for that. I'm so just so used to calling it the farm. You know, Honestly, hearing you talk about it, it doesn't seem like you had that good of a time as I thought you did well.

I mean, you know, I was having as good at a time as I could, being hungover and not expecting I was going to be in coveralls and like failing.

Hey, so your family is lovely, and I think you're lovely.

We didn't have enough time to actually get to know each other, but it was just unexpected.

So Steve, like, how is this sitting with you? Hearing her reaction to what her expectations were going to the farm and then what it was actually like for her.

Yeah, Jamie, it sounds like you really had a lot to complain about, you know, And I'm just I'm typically not into complainers because you know, I grew up on a farm, so we just kind of sucked it up and pushed through it and dealt with it and got what needed to be done done.

Yeah. I was getting that same vibe when I was hearing her talk about it. So Jamie, why say the top three things that you enjoyed while you were there? Top five?

Then I'm not trying to fit into your family. This was like our first date, So like, I'm complaining because there wasn't clear communication.

So yeah, do you understand that, Steve, Because it's like she's complaining. You're acting as if she works on the farm and she's a bad employee, is what it sounds like.

Yeah, that's not what I'm trying to sound like. To quote you, there was some miscommunication that I do apologize about that, but that doesn't mean that we couldn't try something else. Because you did agree to possibly having a date in the city later on.

Well, you know, I did agree to that, but after hearing you say that I was complaining about a situation that.

I could Oh no, now you're going to complain about the way they're.

Well, that was if I could interrupt. I mean, that was clear communication. I just communicated my feelings about the situation to you, and.

I think, honestly, you're not understanding in my shoes of.

What it would feel like to not be like aware and prepared for this situation that I was in.

It sounds like he's understanding, and it's just he's being a little defensive of his own family. You know. It feels like you're getting he's getting attack.

It sounds like a classic example of a guy giving a woman exactly what she asked for and then getting blamed for giving him. He was apologizing he's trying to communicate.

Well, he did kind of attack her for complaining, and.

Now he's getting it from the host of the show and called for help.

To I just think everybody needs to take a deep breath. I think this could work.

Starting with you would be great because I would like to send you to out on a nice second date where you have great communication. There's no farm work needed to be done, just like Brooks still breathing over there.

Well, you know what the positive thing is that he did really go over and above. And there's very few dates that I have been on where someone actually cared enough.

I mean it was caring a little bit mess to me. His family so fast. I guess i'd be open to it.

Okay, okay, Jenny, you're open to it. Steve, what do you say?

Sounds great to me? And I apologize about my family.

They're lovely. It was just so fast.

Oh yeah, see, this is kid against all odds. We got a successful second date. All right. Now, let's agree on a safe word up front. What do you want yours to be? I don't know how your guys are second dates work, but that's how it goes in my neighborhood.

Frooking Jeffrey in the morning.

Well, it's been months since we had them on for that second date, and today at least one of them is back on the phone to give us an update on what happened. I think we just have Jamie, Jamie, how's it going.

Hey, guys, it's going well.

Okay, that's shocking. I really didn't think it was going to be you on the phone. Oh really, yes, I thought it's going to be him for some reason.

Oh, he couldn't make it. He had a meeting. He wishes he could be here, but on wait.

Year still talking?

Oh yeah, or you him and you know his schedule. So wait after your call, you guys did go out on another date.

We actually did go out on a second date. I took him to the actual brunch spot.

How was that? Was he impressed?

I mean there was a little touch in going the beginning because it was a little awkward. It sort of soppened pretty quick, and then about thirty minutes after he ate, unfortunately he got sick.

No, whatten got like food poisoning sick.

Yes, he after poisoning sick. It was really awkward.

Of course that would happen the one time you bring him to the brunch spot. He comes down with something.

But it was.

Actually pretty bonding because he went home.

I took Cara him.

And then like you know, for the next few days just checked in on him and it actually brought us together.

So wait, so you guys are still dating.

No, we're like exclusive.

Have you been out on the actual farm working again? Then, now that you're the girlfriend part of the family, Well.

No, I mean we we've met with this family, We've gone out to dinner, but we didn't work to the farm. We're basically we're staying away.

From all things with the farms.

Anything that farm related, we're staying away from.

Yeah, learned your lesson. I see, great for you guys.

Yeah, we're really happy.

I'm really grateful to you.


Were like offering a second date because after the first one we did work, just not on the same page. And so now it's it's great.

Sometimes you see a second chance. Yeah, you make out your check five hundred dollars to Jeff. Okay, serious, we're all happy for you, Jamie and U And tell Steve what's up.

I will, I will. He's back to normal.

Just so you know, it's Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.

Brook and Jeffrey in the morning

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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