Second Date Update UPDATE: Friendly Favor or Salmon Scam

Published May 9, 2024, 3:23 PM

Sometimes in order to jumpstart a romance you need to do a little gentle sabotaging... The couple on the phone were on our show a few months ago and now they're back to tell us everything that's happened since in your Second Date Update!

Second date, up date, Alexis, let me ask you and just be honest here, have you ever gone out with a guy just to get something out of him for free?


Like a meal or of coffee? Duh?


Okay, Jeff, why would you Sorry?

I didn't mean.

I didn't mean every single time you've ever spoken to a guy. I just meant like once or twice. But sure for you, Alexis, you didn't think anything of that. You feel like they deserved to pay for your steak dinner and the fourteen white claws just to enjoy the privilege of being next time I am fun company.

Think about the guy? What is he left with?

Yes, that's what dating is, Jeff.

It's a large credit card bill too, okay, with nothing to show for it. But one of our listeners, John, says he feels like he may have been used when he went out with a woman the other night, and we're gonna try and help him out.

What does he expect? I mean? Okay, all right, John, you're getting sympathy from today. What do you want in return? There? John? Yeah?

Why don't you actually rand over your credit card information to us now before we get started? Okay?

Yeah, you know relationship guarantee that'd be more fun.

Can you not judge them? He hasn't even gotten to say hello to us. It's like John, what's that man?

John away?


Hey, I'm here. I don't know. I feel like maybe I've been years.

So usually, what what were you used for?

All right, we'll back it up.

Yeah, why don't you start from the beginning. Tell us about this woman that you met, how you met her, what her name is, and then lead us into the story.

If you say, Alexis, I swear to change my name.

What's her name?

Now you're sake her name? I guess her identity is probably safe if I just get coded the first name Nikki we had after last name.

We've got a caller, bro, Like that's how.

They said that. Okay, her name is Nicky? And how did you meet her?

Okay? Uh, you know I met her online?

Okay? And was there any red flags? Seeing that you think you got used?

I mean it was cool at first. She's cute. She's not like strangely hot where you know it.

She doesn't look like a bot, is what you're saying?

Yeah, exactly. So we were having trouble getting together because I have that schedule. Okay, we're getting casino. I'm in the surveillance room.

You have like a crazy schedule.

Yeah, it's a problem.

It's funny that a guy who works in surveillance thinks he may have gotten scammed.

It was ironic.

Yeah yeah, so, I mean your schedule must be hard to like find a good time to go out with somebody that you really like.

What did you end up doing with Nikki?

So it was cool. She goes, all right, you come over, I'll make you a nice dinner before you're going to work.

Oh are you complaining about being scammed?

About that?

It was so.

Awesome and it sounds amazing.

And she trusts you right, like, because she's inviting you to your place before she's even met you exactly.

I thought that was cool. I'm not like a criminal looking guy, so.

I don't think it's looks on that one. Yeah, there's a lot of good looking guys, and also you can't trust.

But yeah, sure, so she invites you over.

She opens the door, she tells you here, put your wallet over here, and.

Yeah, not so blatant, okay, like salmon and wine. Oh yes, it was awesome. There's nothing this movie too fast we're just having a nice dinner. It was the first step.

It's cool, great, Well, you have to go to work later, so it's not even like you can have a drink or two, you know.

It's like nothing's going to happen during.

That date, right right, But okay, so there, and then she mentions the fact that her bathroom sink is gripping a lot, and she's like she did the scene where it was like she mentioned it like twice and stop.

Oh she keeps bringing up that darn sink.

Oh that's funny, right, Okay, it was like enough of a pump where I'll was like, you want me to look at it?

She did, and I'm like, yeah, cool. I was happy, Honestly, I was like, cool, Okay.

Are you a hand to feel helpful? Are you a handy guy? Did she know that about you?

Yeah? So I think that's like maybe why she did mention it because I mentioned that I renovated my place.

I see what the using I think is going to come into play here.

But it may not be using.

Still, she may still be into you and be like, look, while you're here, I don't go on a lot of dates.

Just look for me. Yeah, Okay, So did you go look at the sink?


I did, and I fixed it in like ten minutes.

So yeah, how did the date end?

Did you just like fix the sink and you're like, all right, well it works here done?

No, I mean it ended like I thought we were totally vibing, got the hug, got a kiss, but there was like thirst strain kiss. You know, I kind of initiated it, and uh, okay, it's.

Gonna be a little awkward.

So she cooked you a meal, she gave you a kiss, you fixed her sink in like ten minutes, and you feel like that was the scam.

I mean, I'm wondering. I can't help but wonder because I thought the day was good. You know, I texted her. I texted her again.

Okay, she's not responding exactly, but like, maybe she just doesn't like you like you like it doesn't mean that.

She's using you for them. I want to give you a to do list of things that.

It makes it.

Sound like you didn't want to do it as a favor, Like it just sounds like a friendly favorite thing to do, like you expected something in return.

Oh, it's sound like I expect her to do something in return. But it comes down to this, right, it's you that she's not into be don't ask me to picture shaken.

I don't want to waste her night. She wouldn't give you a full dinner if she already knew that. That's a good point, you know, like she wouldn't.

I mean, if that's what a scam is, I hope that somebody scams.

Open first. I got you so good with that five course meal.

Oh, let's find out once and for all, maybe there is a nuggative truth to this. We're gonna call Nikki for you and try and get you a second date update right after this.

Okay, a right, all right, man, hold on second date update.

You're in the middle of a second date update update, and we're gonna find out how.

The couple is doing right after you here Part two.

To be scammed or not to be scammed? That is the question.

Because one of our listeners, Noble John, foundeth himself at the apartment of the beautiful and fair Nikki Ah and during the dining date, she exclaimth oh down, noblest of John's my Sinketh doth leake it?

Can you fix it perchance? Which he did.

Yeah, that's nice of him, it was very nice ten.

Minutes, and then he went on his way to work because he does the night shift over at the casino inside of the surveillance room. Has not heard from Nicky though in eight days. Yeah, why don't you guys applauding the performance that I had.

The Shakespeare halfways?

Well, I only had a small role in anyway. John feels like maybe Nikki took advantage of his handyman skills and had planned on using him for free plumbing work the entire time.

But it's not free, John, she paid for the salmon. That's expensive.

We don't know that she paid for that salmon.

Fisherman using men all over time, time is money.

She cooked the salmon. She put an effort.

I mean, you didn't text her anything like hey, are you using me or anything like that.

No, I'm not like texting your accusations and stuff, you know, I'm just like, hey.

It's okay.

We don't have to read all the texts that she sent to her. But you've tried to reach out and she's not responding back, and that's enough for us to give her a call. Yeah, let's find out once and for all whether or not she's a scammer here.

We don't think she's a scammer.

If you're gonna do something nice for someone, then you shouldn't expect anything in return.

That's the nice part. Do you see what I'm saying, jeff.

Don't do nice things for other people.

That's okay, let's just call that's the nice thing we're gonna do for John. Maybe John, you can get us back when we're done. All right, here we go.

I'm dialing it right now. Hello, Hey, is this Nicky? Yes it is Hey, Nikki.

I apologize for the weird call that we're pushing you into here, but you're on the radio right now.

Oh hey, Nikki?

Uh did I wait for something?


I mean you could at the end of this.

At this moment, what we're doing is something called a second Date Update, and that's a segment where we try and help out lit steners who've gone out with someone and they're not getting.

A callback afterwards, to help him figure out why.

Who did you say you were?


It's Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning is the name of the show.

That's not what she She asked who I was? She wants to know who the stars are.

I think she meant in the room.

Now, She med me.

I'm Jeff, and I would like to ask you about a date you went on eight days ago with a.

Guy named John.

Did you say, John, yeah, John, that you cooked him dinner? You cooked him a lovely salmon dinner.

He said, Yeah, I did.

I did.

I went on a date with with John.

Right, we heard that you made him dinner and you guys hung out right before he had to go to his work, his like night shift. He says that you haven't responded to any of his texts in the last eight days. And I'm just gonna be honest. He says, he feels like he was used by you were going to scammed.

Wait if he thinks he's being scammed, I mean he's not.

I think I was the one being scammed.

Oh no, that's it.

Wait a statement I didn't expect to hear from you. Wait, you think you're being scammed by him?

Yeah, I don't understand. We know that he fixed your sink.

That's the way he thinks he was being used for.

He feels like you knew that he's good at being like a handy guy, and so you invited him over just for that.

What No, and also like he thinks he fixed my thick, but I tried it out and it was fine. Then we were ending the day and he goes to leave and then he's like, oh, can I go to the bathroom of fat And I was like okay. And then later on that night, I go to the bathroom and the stick's like broken, like the hot water isn't turning on? What?



I mean the weird part about it was that later on he started texting me like, hey, if you have any other problems, like, I'm totally there for you, I'll come around and fix it.

That's nice though, Yeah, but why would she have more problems? It's like I think she's saying he's using it as an excuse.

It's like the classic like girl leaves, you know, to at said man's house, like he breaks her sink.

So that right, is that what you're thinking, Nikki?

Yeah, he like fixed it and then he purposely unfixed it to invite himself back into my house.

The oldest plumber trick in the book. I don't know if that's true.

That's it's kind of a stretch.

He thinks that you're scamming him, You think that he's scamming you.

Maybe it's maybe it means you're meant for each other. Two scam artists on the one day.

I never scammed him. I invited him over for dinner.

Yeah, I'm on your side.

Well, let's find out for sure, because we do have John on the other line, who's been listening to this entire conversation secretly.

What another But don't you want to know? John?

Yeah, Hey, guys, I'm here.

What's going on with the sink?


That's a big accusation that she laid down there? John, did you.

Mess with the sink before you left?

I mean, hold, dude that has a patience a little light cute sabotage.

I knew it.

I knew I knew that that was the case. And you met me there with no hot water, Like you made my life worse by doing to.

Wash your hands in cold water. Can you imagine if you would have.

Invited me back the next day? It would have been.

John romantic when you put it that.

But is there like a string of women out there with plumbinesses because of you?

The THERMT? So I'm joking, it's.

Really hard to that's a good joke.

Maybe does that make you feel special that, out of all the women he's dated, you're the only person to sink that he has sabotage.

He wants to come back.

That jo sabotage very.

Cute, said, I mean, he's breaking things instead of fixing them. And I had to call my neighbor and like inconvenience people because of him. I mean, oh, man, John, you don't have to call your gamer.

I live close.

Oh do you not feel bad?


I don't feel bad. I'm fixed the main problems. You don't have a leak anymore.

It's just turning enough.

I mean, would you blame a woman for purposely leaving something at a guy's house?

Would you call her a bad person for doing that?

I mean if she called the radio station and accuse the guy of using her first, I would call her a kind of a crappy person.

Yeah, judge, I would Oh, hold on, everybody's like paying me is the bad guy? Certainly you did turn off her hot walk? Yes, yeah, well, I mean just barely.

GA mean, it's really up to you.

Could you find it in your heart to forgive him for just doing a little cute sabotage because he really wanted to see you that badly one more time?

Could you see that and maybe give him one more chance. It's kind of.

Funny, he is kind of funny. We did have a good time.

This is crazy.

Come on, Nikky. Maybe it looks in a certain light that I did something less than above board, but come on.

He said, yeah, come on, yeah, how can you say no to this romantic You.

Know what, life too short?

Let's do it.

She wants a little.

Extra punishment for you.

You too.

Don't invite me back to your house. Never let a look on your car.

You just scam us for a day.

Yes, yes, he did, freaking Jeffrey in the morning.

Well it took some convincing, but we got Nikky to agree to give John one more chance, and now look what happened. Months later, here we are doing an update update with the cute saboteurs themselves.

I know, I want to know who's simming this time.

Welcome back to the show, guys.

How are you guys?

We're doing okay? The question is how are you guys doing?


Are you both on the phone?


Sounds scared John? Are you guys dating? What's going on?

Yeah? After we talked on the phone and you all told me to give him a second chance. Something really funny ended up happening.

Okay, what happened?

Okay, So he got ticket to a show and he picked me up and it was awesome, Like we had a great time.

That's a good review, John, good job man.

Yeah, Okayante, Okay.

All of a sudden, when we got back to my place, I'm like doing the dishes and stuff, and then my garbage disposal decides to just break down.

John, did you break something down?

Nothing to do with me in the world. I came and switched it.

Oh, you're a hero. Sounds like you know exactly what was wrong with it.

But I'm like, every single time that something breaks down, Now, you know, I'm always going to be wondering if he totally did that so he could come over.

I mean, in your dating I think you can hang out.

Whenever he.


Now that's like the running joke between you guys that if anything ever breaks down.

Running out of appliances.

Yeah on the freeway.

Breaks went out again. But it sounds like you guys are doing good.

Yeah, you guys are happy.

Yeah, we're still dating and it's been going great.

We'll keep us updated on your budding relationship, if if your phone doesn't break down because Jonathan sabotaged it, but.

It's Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning.

Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning, y

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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