Second Date Update UPDATE: 8 Trees A Trimming

Published Nov 9, 2023, 6:36 PM

The holidays nearly broke up the couple on the phone today when they first dated a year ago. But now with the yuletide season coming up were going to reconnect with them for a special update!

Second Date updated. Brook swears she's never used the dating apps before.

I have it?

Is that true? Or because she knows that her family listens to the show.

Sometimes I really have it.

But with the way we've been doing our second date updates lately.

It's kind of like Brook, you're getting the online experience anyway, because we've been asking people to open up their dates profiles, love it and read us some of the stuff that they've wrote on there.

And I'll say I have flipped through my single friends.

Has changed all of a sudden. What about a test, Brook? If you want to match someone in which direction do you swipe?

Everyone knows that you swipe.


Anyway, now that Brooke has schooled us on how online dating works, maybe you can talk to Shauna, who wants our help today. And we want to get into Shauna's dates profile too. Shawna, Welcome to our happy little slice of morning radio.

You're welcome, Shauna. So who did you swipe right on?

I swipe right on a guy named Hunter?


Okay, he says he's looking for a lady to match his energy.

Okay, that you should put that on your dating profile.

Oh man, my energy. We would be exhausted.

Someone with the energy of ten.

Thousand ye by, oh my god, what's your name? What's your name?

Someone's out there for you. What else?

That's a lot?

Okay, so we have sports picks on here, like he's in different like jogging attire.

Ok So he's an active due and also.

Says he's an old soul that is dreaming of moving to a tiny town in the middle of nowhere.

All right, now, you lost me.

I grew up in a tiny I tell you, I grew up in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere.

Nothing romantic about it.

Yeah, that's a really sad story. While your parents listen to this, it's like the opposite market.

They know, Yeah, they thought it was going to be more picket fences lefts meth laps on what small town life is actually like, yeah, are you into that?

Yeah? Well, because I think I love gardening and I would love to have some animals and stuff like that, you know what I mean. It's like, I don't think meth Labs have played it, and I hope not.

But anyway, we'll call her Plan B for you. Does anything else on there?

And he ends it with he's unapologetically me so it's great. So its like, Okay, that's a red flag.

I'm sorry.

But guys or girls that say that, it basically says I'm drama. Yeah, and I'm not gonna apologize.

Well, it worked for her already.

You're much more forgiving than any of us are. So tell us about the date that you went on.

Okay, so our game was great. He took me to a pro hockey game. Oh fun, And I kind of like hockey, so it was kind of a good thing, I think. Yeah. So anyway, but that thing about it is that there was no parking. We like literally circled the parking lot for twenty minutes.

Did you say the best thing about it was there no parking.

The worst thing about yeah, like one of the worst things about it, there was no parking. Yeah, So we looked like twenty minutes and then I realized that I didn't have my gloves, and so I made him take me home.

Why did get in the gold box the gloves?

You mean, like regular?

No, I understand you, guys. I'm always cold, Like right now, my hands are freezing. I have cold hands all the time.

You say you made him take you home?

Yeah, yeah, we haven't found parking at that point anyway, So I'm like, just take me home and get my gloves.

Yeah, okay, so you missed the whole first period it sounds like.

Probably yeah, but we did come back and we saw the rest of the most of the game, which was great. And then wait.

That didn't ruin his mood, like having a demand like that.

No, he was so sweet about it. He's like, I get it, very nice.

Plus he doesn't want to get hugged by her if she has cold hands too, So they made it back.

Find me a woman that doesn't have cold hands.

Cold hands, I know, cold hands, warm hearts. Anyway, the game is great, and then he took me home because you know, games are long. And then he was like, can I come in to my apartment. I was like, well, you can totally come in, but it's really cluttered. I'm doing this home project. But I kind of just discourage him because I really didn't want him in my mess because it's embarrassing.

But you're like, yeah, you come in, though it's going to be the worst experience in your life, but you am.

So he didn't come in.

No, he did not come in. Yeah, So then you know, I texted him and he's like, I had a great time. He texted me, I had a great time. But then there's been no, let's get together again, let's go out on another date. There's been like this, Hi, how are you.

Yeah, that's what I was gonna say.

You are definitely a lot of energy, I can tell you, and it's a good thing.

I think.

I'm not sure if it matches his energy though, because I don't know what he's like.

Yeah, I'm telling you, I don't know, but I mean, I'm telling you, guys, really did tell all right, he was really nice and I had such a great time. It's just kind of wa wat. It's kind of like, you know, well, I want to.

Hear this in person when we call it.

We're gonna dial his number just fe minutes first of the play song. We'll come back, and then we'll try and get you a second.

Date update right after this. Okay, okay, all right, hold on second date update.

You're in the middle of.

A second date update update, and we're gonna find out how the couple is doing right after you.

Here part two.

If you're just joining us for the second date. We're on the phone with Shauna, who clearly has a lot of personality. Yes, she's got.

High energy, with freezing cold hands and a messy apartment filled with secret projects that she doesn't want her date to see.

I think it was just think it was just a mess that she'd want him to see, not the project.

Well, because after the hockey date, Shawna's told Hunter in no uncertain terms, no, you cannot come inside and see my place.

It's a pretty bold ask for a guy to go. Can I come in?

I mean they already been there twice that day for the first time. You have to go pick up the gloves.

She found her gloves in the in the clutter.

It's true.

I'm curious, hose as a guy, would you take that personally? If a girl turns you away at the door, I would.

Definitely read into it. I mean it's like most of the time, if a girl says it's messy in there, it's nothing compared to like a guy's mess.

What you live with exactly. There are some clean men.

Yeah, I don't know them.


I would ask you, but I know you've never turned away go at the door, So for let's forget it.

Jeff jump Seana, how are you doing? Are you okay?

Before we call Hunter here, I'm good hysterical Okay, nobody else has ever said that face?

Yeah, no, I hope we can get you a date. I mean maybe he's just been busy or something.

Yeah, I hope.

So all right, let's find out for sure. We're gonna die Hunter's number right now and we'll see what he has to say. Okay, okay, and just for the record, we think you're hysteric.


Yeah, we're matching energy.

You're welcome, all right, Yeah, let's just call him.

Here we go.

Hello, Hey, is this Hunter?

Yes? This is him? And who is this? Hey?

This is jeff from the radio show Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning. Is this the same Hunter that went out with a girl recently named Shawna Tackey game.

Who's asking? I'm sorry me?


Name you guys from the radio? Yeah?

Yeah, we do a morning radio show.

Yeah, it's called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.

Okay, so wait, I'm really confused, right, I'm sorry, this is this is never happened to me before.

Well, we'd like to ask you questions about the date, because Shawna reached out to us afterwards and said she had.

A really nice time with you.

Oh, it's part of a thing that we do call this second date update, and we're trying to help her get some answers for why afterwards you two aren't reconnecting.

Well, she's she is something that's for sure.

Is she being too eager? Like, were you going to get back to her? Were you?


I'm assuming you spoke to her, right, So I'm guessing you kind of got the feel from her that she's a lot of energy. She's a lot, yeah, but.

She said, I mean she told us on your dating profile it says you're looking for someone to match your energy. I mean people who write that are only people who are like high energy, right, Like.

You'll get me wrong, I'm all for matching energies. But there's levels to these sort of thing and levels. The date itself was fine, I mean, albeit that there were minor inconveniences having to go out of my way to get her gloves, and it's the whole thing.

Okay, Yeah, we heard about that, and from what we understand, she felt kind of bad that she left her gloves and made you leave and miss.

Part of the game, you gentleman, about the whole She told me about that and I understood, it's fine, it's whatever. That's not what the deal breaker was for me.

So there is a deal breaker, yes, one specific reason.

And that was kind of like the cherry on top, and I was just kind of like, okay, now I can't.

But the gloves were at the beginning, like what was it?

Then the tail end of it, okay, yeah, the very very very end of it. When we went back to her place and she's telling me about this project that she's working on. It's a mess, you know. She's telling me, I don't think it's you know, you might feel comfortable with a little cramped in there. And I asked, I was, what's this project that you're working on? And she told me that she has Christmas trees. She's you know, like, okay, well Christmas time is coming, and what she said plural trees. I'm like, wait, you have more than one?

Oh yeah, some people do that, or.

What's the problem.

Well, she has five of them and she's working on three more.

Does she like make them for other people and then deliver them or something.

It's for her just just to have her on the household full.

Size trees, Like every room in the house is a full sized tree.

I don't know if it's all in one room, or if it's in one room and one's in a bedroom, one's in a I don't know.

So you hate Christmas?

No, I'm not. I'm not trying to be the grinch here. I'm just saying that, you know. And then she seems a little compulsive obsessive over it to the point where it's kind of creepy.

So it sounds to me like you might see her as a little bit high maintenance.

Well, I'll tell you this much. I've been on enough dates through the apps to know that when someone obsesses over something like this, it's a major red flag.

I like to call red flags fun facts.

Yeah, well, you look at this. Red is a color of Christmas. Maybe you could the green flag.

And I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation she could give you right now when we put her on the other line.

Because he's actually been there the whole time. Hunter, Oh wha what?


Yessing to this conversation?

Hunter high?


Oh yeah, So okay, so I'm listening to this and my head is about to explode. First of all, you haven't even been in my house. How in my house did this energy.

Well, I mean it sound like you didn't even want me to come in so well I didn't.

Because I like, I have ornaments everywhere everything else. They're so cool. So I have like a forest, yes, I do, admit. I can have like four in my living room. It's kind of like a forest. I have like little elves and stuff, you know. I put one in my garage and I have it decorated like with like little tools, like with little nuts and bolts, a little wrenches.

Sea Hunter, there, you definitely overacted. Not a red flag at all.

Oh yeah, and then I have one in the back. I actually put one in the bathroom, like in the corner. I take out my hamper and put like it in.

The bathroom like a full sized tree.

But yeah, it's right.

You have a big bathroom.

It's pretty big. It's tallin skinny shape trees like different shapes and sizes and whatever.

This is.

Thank you for sharing so much. I think we get the picture now. You you love Christmas, you love all the trees in your house.

He sounds like a glench, and.

I don't think so.

I would just like to give Hunter a chance to respond to you a little bit about what what he thinks about all the trees in your house? Hunter let him get out maybe more than two words this time. Hunter gave it a shot.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for Christmas spirit. I love nature, foliage, you name it. But outside the house, you know, maybe one Christmas tree suffices.

Christmas for you.

I just can't get over. And you put up eight trees, which means you take down She's rich Wards Benson. Big house like big energy is.

Probably the equivalent of one tree?

Flash, what do you do for New Years? What do you do for Valentine's?


Now you have me thinking, well, you.

Know, Valentine's is great whole. I have a whole, like a separate storage unit for all of my decorations for every holiday of the year.

Hunter was asking her about Valentine's Day, which makes me though he is interesting. Huncher.

We would love to send you on that pre Valentine's Day date and we.

Will pay for it. Oh yes, my friend.

I mean you've got to give her. She is fun, she is spirited.

And we know from your dating profile, Hunter that you're unapologetically yourself and you can continue to unapologetically be yourself on that next day.

Right now.

But I will say the majority of people in this room thought that was a red flashes.

Maybe you could look over her red flash.

Come on, Hunter, one more chance. We'll pay for it, man, red flag, green flag. Put him together.

It's like brown, It's like a bad nask.

What do you say, Hunter, you're paid?

Definitely all right.

He's unapologetically cheap too.

Another day, brooking Jeffrey in the morning.

It's been almost an entire year since we've had them on. But apparently Hunter and Shauna are still dating.

Which is great.

But the holidays are coming up again. I wonder if that's going to cause any tension in their relationship.

I would say it already has. This girl has already decorated.

There is no way she's waiting Hunter. Shauna. How you guys doing?

We're so good?

Can you hear it Christmas?

Can you hear us in the forest in your house?


You haven't.

Why is that normal for you? Or are you trying to be considerate of him?

No? Totally normal?

Okay, good?

All right?

Hunter, how are you doing? Are you excited for the holidays this season?


Yeah, I'm excited. I'm actually more excited for her, you know, so her being excited makes me excited.

I mean where you guys, are you living together or what?

Yeah, we're together. I mean we're actually oping the ante this.

Time around the anty.

What does that mean?

Yeah, so we're actually instead of eight trees, we're doing nine.

Gosh, is that ninth tree like your tree the couples?

It's like the Maan Cave tree?

Is that?

However, there's actually something really special about this extra tree because this one we're actually going into the forest to get it ourselves. We're going to cut it down.

It's gonna be totally like a Harmark movie. I'm so excited.

Also, check for squirrels.

Yeah, Hunter, I'm curious.

Is Seanna liked us on any other holiday of the year, now that you've almost spent like a whole one together, is she.

Like this for anything else? Well?

At first I thought it might, but no, it's actually only Christmas. She has a spreadsheet that she has prepared in July. In July is okay.

It has to be that way because I've got to keep it all organized, and I have to write it down, like all the themes of the trees and what's both on each tree. I have to be that way.

Wow, you should keep it simple.

I feel like you should start your own business.

You know, Santa should hire you to act.

You need to go and set up the North.

Oh, it sounds like you guys are in a really great relationship.

It's really great. He's amazing.


If you ever get married, when you get married at Christmas time.

Amongst our forests, ye, I love it.

I keep us updated on your relationship. Happy to hear from you.

Yeah, congratulations.

It's Brook and Jeffrey in the morning

Brooking Jeffrey in the Morning.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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