Second Date Update: Uber Eats

Published May 15, 2024, 4:42 PM

One of our listeners says HER MOM may have accidentally ruined her chance with a guy and its all because of what mom needed from her daughter in the MIDDLE of a date.

Second date, up date. We've done so many of these second day calls. What's the strangest way we've ever heard of two people meeting? Can you guys think of one?

God, whenever you asked me to remember them that, it's so hard, Jeffrey.

I can't.

The only one I can remember was back in twenty eighteen with the colliding zip lines. Unfortunately they didn't both make it, but at least they got to know each other for a few seconds before the other one had to let go the pill.

And it doesn't matter.

It was a crash course to love a little bit too soon. But hey, that's something you guys remember that anyway, today's caller, Isabella met a guy in a pretty unique way too. Hopefully this one is still with us. So, Isabella, welcome to the show. I heard you hit him with a log truck? Is that true?

Maybe that's why he's not calling.

I shouldn't. I shouldn't be telling the story for you. Why don't you tell us the story of what happened? What's this guy's name?

First of all, So this guy's name is Justin and he's pretty damn cool.

Oh okay, what makes Justin so cool?

Well, he's pretty to look at.

Oh how did.

You meet him?

So just randomly? I think, I want to say, by a week week and a half ago. I ordered some food through one of the apps. Okay, the entrance to my building is a little hard to find. Oh, that's why I went ahead and called justin.

Oh he was a delivery driver.

He was a delivery driver. You know, I just thought i'd make life easy. I went downstairs, I waited, and then finally I saw his car pull up and I just kind of waved him down.

Oh my gosh.

Yeah, And I was in my sweat, you know, just chilling. And the thing is when he got out of the car, Yeah, I think my heart stopped.

Oh that is so cute. Or was it like a medical emergency? Are you.

Attack MyD She means that your heart skipped a beat because he was.

High exactly, Yeah, Oh my god.

Were you immediately like, oh my god, how do I make a connection? How do I make a connection?

Like going through your mind?

Yeah, the first thing I thought of was, oh my god, I look like crap.


Oh no, but I always like that, to meet them when you're at the lowest. So everything you do from then on is going to be like better.

Right, yes, but it's hard to hit on it and be like, you know, I got a bottle of wine upstairs.


Alexis. He used to be a driver of food, right, did you get a lot of people trying to like conversation?

I tried to drop that food off as fast as I couldn't.

Drive away fast. That's why she's so good at track.

So how did you like approach him? I wouldn't even know what to say.

Yeah, So when he gave me my food, I couldn't help myself. I started flirting with him. Yeah, and I said, you know this little cheap things like how long you've been doing this?

And that's a good question.

That's so funny. Do you come here often?

That is like the uber question to ask any type of driver, how long you've been doing this?

That's what in the car this guy has, like other orders to take.

Yeah, how long did the interaction last?

I mean, I want to say, a good five minutes?

Oh wow, So he didn't care about other people's orders. He was ready to take another order.

That's actually a sign I think that he stuck around.

Was he into you?


I was hoping it wasn't just for the tips, but I think he was kind of entering the right after he dropped off my food. I immediately sent him a text to the app. I said, I hope to get a chance to drop off food by my place again with a lazy smile.

Oh my god, dessert right away.

That because like, you don't know if this guy's in a relationship. Yeah, I mean you don't know anything about him, but I love that you took the chance.

If I didn't take the chance, I would have wondered.

Yeah, So did something come of it? Or is that the end? Yeah?

It actually did. He called me. We started chit chatting, and then we decided to meet up.

Oh yeah, date, Wait, like that same night or no?

No, no, no, like a couple of days later. We met up for a happy hour.

Okay, okay, And is this like you're eating other people's food that you're delivering with him or is this a.

Real that would be a really good happy hour you're just.

Sitting in the backseat chilling.

No, no, guys, it was a real date.

Okay, what'd you do?

We met at the location. It was a happy hour. I got seed up, of course, because I didn't want to remembering that image of me.


Okay, So we went in, we got a couple of drinks, We started to sit down chit chat. Here's the problem.

I start getting a lot of phone calls. Well, they just randomly happened, Like one was a work call that I had to pick up. Another one was my mom and she was freaking out because she couldn't take a screenshot of something. I spent like fifteen minutes telling her, no, mom, you hope both of them to get you all.

I mean, I had to shoot it's my mom. I've got forbet something was wrong.

I always silenced my mom. I'll call you later.

I'm hoping.

He was really nice about he had his mom and he's like, don't worry about it. I get it. But I could tell as every call came through, I could see he was starting to get annoyed.

Yeah, because you keep answering the.

Call, hed them and addressed it. Wow, I'm getting a lot of calls. I'm sorry about that. That's one thing where you're answering that.

So that's a regretful moment for sure.

Yeah, I know. So it wasn't a good look on my part, and I know I messed up.

So what's happened since then?

Well, the date only last at about an hour, and he said he called me back, and she didn't.

The one call you actually wanted.

All right, I'm hoping you guys could help me out.

I'm sure he feels like you weren't even that interested, you know what I mean?

Yeah, this is more like he obviously isn't interested.

It's a little why is it?

The phone calls like, what was it?

These are good questions. Let's remember them for when we come back and call Justin, the Uber eats driver that Isabella met while he was dropping off her food. He is a true love connection. We're gonna find out when we call him. In your second date update right after this second date update, apparently we met the one person in the entire country who admits, when they're on a date with a cute guy, they're gonna pause that date to help their mom figure out how to screenshot her own phone. I don't think anybody else would have done that, but Isabella did. She's not getting a call back from Justin. It could just be because you're such a great daughter. He's intimidated by it.

I think she's just not very self aware. I could see you just answering the phone. Next thing you know you're talking.

You look up.

Oh my god, I'm on a date.

What am I doing it? Like you?


Yeah, easily distracted?

I can see it, Isabella.

Does that make you feel better?

Not really?

Okay's at but you know that you're on a radio show right now, and you know that we're going to call justin for you to try and get you a second date here.

Yes, I'd love that.

Okay, Okay, we never asked.

Did you ever like text him after the date and apologize or be like my bad?

I should have in hindsight, but no I didn't. I just called and I thought during the conversation I could bring it up, but I never got a call back.

Oh okay, so you were just waiting. So this is going to be the first call from you.

And to be fair to you, you don't know if that was the main problem on the day. Maybe his reasons are totally unrelated to the fun.

It could be, but there's more problems.

Yeah, he's like it could be a personal problem on his side that has nothing to do.

Let's blame him.

I like it, Jeff. Let's call him right now and accuse him. Of being a bad dater.

Here we go.

Hello, Hey, we're looking to talk to Justin.

Yeah, this is him.

Hey, hey, Justin. We're a radio show calling you.

Okay, tell him who we are, Jeff, just continue the sentence.

We're a show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning, and we just called you.

Jeff wanted you to know that if you didn't know.

Okay, yeah, sorry, I'm not very good at my job, Justin. You're going to learn that as this call goes on.

We're here to help him, Justin.

But we have a lot of fun, so that's cool.

I'm sorry, are you calling me?

Good question? Because we do this segment called a second Date Update, where we try to help our listeners get in touch with people that they've gone out with once before they want to see them again. So that's the case with you and one of our listeners, Isabella.

So what did she tell you?

Okay, you remember Isabella.

But listen, you said that you said that with a smile on your face.

Yeah, it's definitely a smile. I don't think it's one of reasons you think it is.

But well, I mean, here's what we know about your guys's date. There was happy hour. She said that it didn't last very long. There was only like an hour that you two spent together, which I mean we do a lot of these. That's pretty short for as far as these interactions go.

Well, that's how long I was happy. I guess, Oh.

It was.

It was a happy hour.

Happy hour, Okay. Didn't have anything to do with the fact that she was on the phone for like most of the time.

Yeah, that is regrettable.

She brought that up to us.

Yeah, you know, the phone calls weren't great.

Yeah, she knew that.

She feels so dumb, and apparently one of them was from her mom.

Yeah, there was one from her mom, which, honestly, that wasn't a big deal. My mom really sucks at tech two. I literally just got done texting her about how to use her Apple TV, so I get it.

Oh, okay, so you're understanding of that.

She was really self conscious about that one. She thought maybe that was a deal breaker.

No, I mean, like answering the phone that's annoying because it's your mom is kind of endearing. But okay, you know, there was another phone call that was what kind of turned me off.

Really, Oh, she said, a friend, maybe a call too. Is that what you're talking about?

Yeah, definitely a friend.

Why are you laughing?

Okay, so here's the long version of us, I guess. But we were talking whatever about our lives, what we do, blah blah blah. And she said she had a cat, a cat, a cat, a cat. Yeah, okay, like she loves this cat, very close to the cat, teaching the cat tricks.


Then goes to say that my cat like we talk, she talks, she does these things. And I mean I've seen like Instagram videos where a cat it sounds like they say I love you when they're really just like or whatever. Okay, yeah exactly, I'm like, oh sweet. But after the mom calls, the phone goes off again, but her voice totally changes, being like oh hey mom. It was like hey.

Baby, like that like pet talk voice.

Yeah, like baby talk to who was on the other end.

Well, I mean we just got done talking about her cat, so immediately I think she's talking to the cat. How Yeah, she's like eight up on the counter. You shouldn't be on.

The counter load. Okay, So how the.

Hell did the cat call the phone?

Yeah, did you say anything to her? Like did you bring up is that your cat that you're talking to.

Absolutely not no way, no.

Way, cat called yeah.

I was just so shocked, and I was afraid that she was gonna say yeah. I thought it'd be best if I just sip my drink, tip my hat and get out of there.

I did not have been her cat calling her the best option.

They have little buttons for animals and talking.

Here, let's find out, because Isabella is actually on the other line wanting to talk to you all about this right now.

Isabella, of course she's on the phone. I mean, you could have just led that she's here.

It's kind of works. Your cat's there too, Isabella.


Wait, it's ridiculous.

You make me sound like a crazy person. Who what the heck are you talking about?

Talking to her cat? Who was talking to her dog.

The counter?

Who was exactly Alexis Who were you talking to?

Guys? I was talking. It was a work call, and I was talking to my assistant, who I've known for over a decade and we worked together in a design shop.

What you talk, baby, talk to your coworker.

Guys were best of friends. And when I told him, did you get on the counter?

He understood that because well sometimes you have to get on the counter to manipulate the mics, so you should have been using a ladder instead of putting his yucky shoes on the countertop.

Okay, so it's the baby voice for.

Me, Justin? Does that explain the baby voice to you?


Worse, it's your friend, the person you like hired a. You're going to talk like a baby to yours?

Then we've been best of friends for ten years. We joke around.

That's how every that's my professional voice here too.

Why isn't that right?


Don't you want to phon?

There would be workplace violence if you talk to me like that.

Somebody's yeah, I think somebody needs to go to the break and have a snack.

I don't know how instantly I can go to raze. Are you being serious? Are you just trying to cover up the cat? Is this true?

Guys? Talking to a cat like a baby sounds insane to me, Justin?

Where where's your hat? We're not here? In from where's my head out?

I kind of wish it was the cat now, Justin been curious.

Like I said, we've been friends for so many years, like we have this pport. I could talk to him like that, and he'll turn around and he means me. I mean, it's just we're just fun. That's just part of your friendship.

I mean, think about it this way, Justin. If that call never happened and you never heard her talk that way, would you still be interested in going out with her?

Yeah? I probably would have, But now I don't know what to think.

Well, I mean, it seems like you could give it another shot, and.

Who knows, maybe, like in a few years down the road, she'll start talking like that to you.

I don't think that's a cell.

It's worth at least finding out, because we would offer to send you guys out one more time and repay for that date.

I'm willing to do redo if you are.

Yeah, we know you are. That's why you call the whole that's his decision.

Yeah, that was your big girl voice, Justin, that was.

The big girl voice.

Okay, if we can promise that phone go on silent and away, I would do it again.

Oh okay, can you do that, Isabella?

I will do one better than that. If you get a chance to my coworker, I will let you talk to him that way.

Justin. You want to baby talk her coworker I think that's what the offer was.

I'm not like that.

I'm out, I'm gone, And then we lost him.

Did he say no, Yeah, he sounds cranky too. It's booking Jeffrey in the morning. It's brooking Jeffrey in the morning. When we first heard these two metover a food delivery order, I was thinking, oh, this is going to be the first ever second date meat Ug's meat, you know, instead of meet cute. Because she was disheveled. She said she'd never make up on it to met Ug. But we didn't even talk to them about that when they were both on the phone together. No, we just focused on her weird baby voice calls.

Yeah, it's interesting. He wasn't worried about the sweatpants and the messy hair at all.

As soon as the baby voice has started, then we all kind of chimed in and went into our own baby boye talk.

Yeah, it was a little sad.

I still really, really really wish it was just like, yeah, my cat called me. I was talking to my cat.

You are so adamant, Jose that cats can call people during this whole thing.

Have you guys not.

Seen those They could push the button and call.

It would be very easy. Even that's too much. They should plot cell phones into cat's brains so that they could call with their minds. Anyway, back to the dating stuff, we're not what we're supposed to help you with. We'll call the person who isn't calling you back, and then we'll come up with a bunch of cool cat inventions can call humans.

You're the easiest trained ann the boats ever.

That's Rod and Jeffrey in the morning.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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