Second Date Update: Twitchers Not Tweakers

Published Jan 13, 2025, 4:40 PM

Is it a green flag or a red flag when your date brings BINOCULARS on a first date? The listener on the phone today said it’s a GREEN FLAG and he’ll tell us more about their magical experience coming up in the Second Date Update podcast!!

Hey, you're here. You found the Second Date podcast and we love that. Thank you so much.


You know what, if you want us.

To invade more of your life, we're on YouTube, yeah, with Brook and Jeffrey. Your address, I can show up loose Jose will come to your house and give you hugs and.

You give me food.

Uh huh.

And also there's forty five more minutes of this dumb content that apparently you like, which.

We're really grateful for.

You can go over the main feed for the full show Brook and Jeffrey.

But right now, let's get into this relationship stuff.

Second date, up date. Sometimes you go out on a date and after you're not really sure if it went well or not.

Yeah, that's pretty common.

But other times you leave feeling like, even though you got arrested and taste, you hit that thing out of the park. Yeah, barely peed myself when the electrode went into my legs.

Actually impressive.

Yeah, I feel pretty good about And we got any from a guy who said this was definitely even though he thinks of himself as a boring guy, this was the most exciting date of his entire life. Feeling ever when all smiles and you can't stop exciting.

I can wait to hear what happened. You never get a call back.

You take it, peaked, Mickey, What made the date so amazing for you?

Well, I'll tell you what was so amazing about it is when we first started, we spotted an entire family of American gold finches.


You're a bird guy.

Those are nice birds.

Oh They're amazing. And it was like the first thing we saw.

And I was like, oh my god, Oh, not exactly what I thought you were going to say about why the date was amazing.

Was there birds?

Hey, you're a bird guy.

They caught me off guard.

What was her excitement level at the golden finch family?

American goldfinch?

She seemed to be very interested, But it was even more amazing. The thing about this date is it kept on getting better because as we started walking away, I was really I had been for so long trying to spot, yes, a very rare bird that you would see around here, a cedar waxwing.

Where is this date happening?

Halfway through the day.

I liked the little chuckle to himself in the middle of November in the.

Story, this all sounds very, very exciting, Mickey and we want to hear more, but maybe we need to get a little context first, because we don't even know this woman's name yet. There is one birdwatcher going crazy on the textball absolutely, So what is your date's name?



Did you meet Tiffany on a bird watching forum?

Well? No, I didn't meet her. I met her on a dating app. And you know, she was a nature lover, but she wasn't like a Twitter like me, which is you know what someone that watches birds is called twitcher.

Yeah, that's an official thing is called That's why it's called Twitter, or it was Twitter and it's a Twitter.

Yeah, I look, google it a tweaker.

Those are the people that live behind your house in Idaho.

Oh, I know, that's what made me think of home.

Okay, so you you met Tiffany on a dating app. How did you guys get to this bird family that you found?

Well, we met up at a park and that's what it was so amazing about it is, you know, we start off with the American goldfinch family and then within twenty yards there's the seater wax wing and it was it was a perfect.

Example the yellow belly that the agent of the rose colored chest.

And wow, I hate to interrupt you.

I hate that you interrupted too.

No, but what I think is it is cool about this? Is it? It's really good to have.

A passion and to show a passion off to somebody like that can be a turn on, even if she's not a Twitter right.

What a useless comment. You interrupted his bird description to.

Say that, What else do you want to know about the yellow belly?

No? Tell us more, tell us more about the It was amazing because as soon as it saw us, it started the very distinctive that hind sin whistling troll that it does.

Oh wow, can you give us a sample?

Yeah? Did it sound like this?

It's much higher pitch.

I can't.

Are you calling us to find the birds again? Or it sounds like it's made in season for the birds?

I don't know, like it might be made a season in here soon if we keep talking about this.

I mean, it sounds like you were super into the birds.

Were you able to connect with with Tiffany?

Tiffany, good work. I'm sorry I got birds on my mind.

I think she was enjoying the nature walk and she looks great, I mean so well into the into the background, of nature that was right in front of us. It was amazing.

You described more about the nature behind her and.

What she actually thought was a compliment.

I do still well against the beautiful backdrop.

Well, we were talking about families and everything. But again this is why I was saying, this was like the most incredible date I ever been on. As we started to talk about the families, I look up and there it is right in front of us, a rose breasted Ghostick what you do not see these at this time of year, and it was right there and it was just fantastic. And I was like, this is amazing. If nature is assembling for you like that, that is a really good indicator.

Pooped on me. I don't know.

That's absolutely good luck, approved my husband.

This does have moments of romance in it at least.

Yeah, the natures there together, there's passion that shared lasted bird.

Yes, the birds are singing to each other and that's something. So how did this nature walk Indeah?

After a while we went back to our cars and I gave her a nice little hug and talked about how great the day was. And what's really weird is I haven't heard back from her in about not a week or so after we went on our walk, I went back to that area and the strangest thing was, I don't think I saw one bird at all the whole time I was out there. It was like the birds had come for us, and if she wasn't with me, they weren't going to come back.

Maybe it was just you went a little bit too hard on the birds.

Not possible. You can never get too hard on birds.

Was definitely it, guys.

But she's an animal lover, so the birds also, I don't think could be the deal breaker.

That's true, you know, And I'm gonna guess all his dating picks were of birds.

Yeah, let's tell her what's happened since then, and that the birds all missed them as a couple.

All right, we're gonna tell the.

The word jet it is, and we're going to do it with your second date update. But when we call her right after this hold on second date update. So if you're just tuning in for the second date up date, you know that I'm a bird guy.

We do.

I appreciate a ruby throated nuthatch just like the rest of us, but specifically not on the same level as Mickey who recently took a woman named Tiffany out for a nice little nature hike date, and we heard a lot about the majestic rare birds that they saw during their walk together.

Yeah, he like geeked out over him. I mean that twit.

Yeah, he is a twitch. We didn't honestly, hear too much about Tiffany his date, but he claims that she really enjoyed the experience and he thought it was the best date that he has ever been on. More importantly, the birds agree. They ship their relationships so much that they haven't even reappeared at that park every time he's gone back day.

It was a sign. That's how you're taking it right.

Well, of course nature is really in command of everything, and birds are basically they're harbagers and they're the best indicators of things that will happen in the future.

No, that's great. This is a dating segment, though, so we probably should get to the part where we call about the date. We don't know nothing about the.

Date Tiffany, and that's she looked good in front of trees. You need to know.

That's really good. But we're going to have you back on for Brook Jose and Alexis's podcast so you can tell more about your bird experience.

You know, you can just take my spot on that one. You take over a bird hour on my stream.

We have a whole hour.

Oh I would love to.

Okay, we're going to stay in touch for that, but let's call Tiffany in the meantime and ask her why she's not calling you back. So here we go. Hello, Hey, we're looking to talk with Tiffany.

Tiffany, who's calling.

Hey Tiffany, my name is jeff and you're on a radio show right now. It's called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning. Hello, there's more. There's actually four of us. Yeah, they're gonna make only half of this room is enthusiastic about making this called thank you.

We were just like listening. It's what people do that are polite in a conversation.

Jeff, Wow, you guys found this functional.

Yeah, you nailed it.

That's what you get when you're listening to Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning. We put the phone and dysfunctional.

We're going to.


We're not just calling to waste your time. We're doing a segment called a second Date Update because we hear that you went out on a date with one of our listeners named Mickey.

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, nature, it sounded delightful.

He said that it seemed like you were having a really great time. Was that true?

It was weird.

It was really weird because he told us all about it, and for us it sounded less weird and more magical and majestic.

It was weird.

I mean, you know, okay, I want to hear specific examples.

Okay, Well, I appreciate hearing about people's hobbies and passions, but then when it crosses the line into obsessions, that that can be different.

Are you talking about him being a what is it called twitter?

A bird?

A bird guy?

Yeah, he's he's really like a little too much into birds.

I don't think that's a thing in the bird community. I'm not even gonna lie.

I once had a boss that jumped on a desk with a pair of binoculars because they saw a bird out the window.

The Brooks still hooked up with that guy was a woman.

She was my friend.

So that was too much of a turn off for you, that he was too passionate about his hobby.

Yeah, I mean he's a cute guy, like, but maybe he was too much in his element. I mean, I asked him to go back to my place with me.

Wow, oh, so you actually liked him that much?

Just like.

I thought, maybe like to get him away from the birds, I was going to maybe like have a drink, something to eat, just hang out, like see if he was different in a different setting.

Yeah, okay.

And so he asked me, Hey, do you have the Food Network? Yeah? Why, He's like, well, there's this episode I want to show you where they actually sample some of the birds that we saw today.

Wait. Wait, but breast and finch they eat.

Isn't that weird?

Can you eat those?

I think they're like endangered or protected? Right, they're telling me the bird lover wanted to watch episodes of the Food Network where they eat those exact birds.

Yeah, I mean, doesn't that kind of not make sense?

I don't know if it makes weird.

A pigeon.

The circle of life, he just wants to know everything about the bird, including what it takes in his own time.

Possibly, or is there a chance that you misheard what he said? We should probably get some clarification.

Maybe it was a joke. You know, that's a funny joke that could be.

Too doesn't seem like a jokey guy at all.

That maybe that's why you don't read his jokes as jokes. His whole time he was joking with us.

Let's just clear all this up, because I do need to let you know, Tiffany, that Mickey has been listening quietly on the other line waiting to talk to you.

All right, tell us the punchline.

Mickey, Yes, I have been listening, and kiss me. First of all, there's nothing weird about being a twitter or a bird watcher. Know. The North American Bird Watching Association has over one hundred thousand members in the Northwestern region alone.

Okay, yeah, but make you hold on. Out of the one hundred thousand whatever members, how many of those members are eating the birds?


I think probably the four.

Chefs on the network, because I think that was the weird part to her.

This is another thing I can't understand. You're laughing about this. People eat chicken all the time, to eat churkey, not a problem at all. Right, that's okay, I got you.

The chicken eaters are the weirdoes. We got it.

Okay, Before you mock this, have you ever had Carolina rub on a black capped chickadee.

Before I know that one sounds delicious.

Chickadees are tiny.

Listen, have you had a quail? A quail is tiny and they're so good?

What is going on? Are you guys really supporting this? Do you hear how weird this is?

Well, we're just trying weird it though.

He just wanted to watch the show and it was something you guys had connected on.

He's just trying to show you what he's interested in.

You're right, Brooke, nothing is wrong with eating birds in a park. It's basically like an all you can eat buffet when you walk through one of the park.

They were going to bring them home and cook them for.

Hey, it's not as weird as you think.

Here you go fishing. What's the difference. You're throwing a.

Cocktail at a bar with them.

That's the thing, is Mickey? You want to date with Tiffany. She found it a little bit odd that you wanted to consume the animals that you love so much and which you want to take you back to her place.

You were more concerned about Netflix than other things that should be probably involved.

First of all, it's the Food Network.

Yeah, I'm sorry, I don't know.

I think this guy could give you a lot of great stories and a lot of fun that you would not necessarily find on your own.

I'd rather go out of my comfort zone in different ways. I don't this is not feeling right to me.

I think we're talking about eating animals in the nature too much. I think let's just let's just circle back to the romantic parts of the date where you guys were talking about things.

Do you remember, Tiffany, when I complimented the red tips on your hair, how it looked just like the red tips on the ceter waxwings feathers?


Oh my god, So did you eat that bird too?

No, you don't eat a wax swing stop it.

Not a wax.

That's off the menu. See, you have a lot to learn about birds and about love. Tiffany, and Mickey can be your shirpa on that journey.

I would call him a hunter whatever.

He will be your guide on the journey of love and bird culinary cuisine. So we would love to offer to send you on another date with him, and we would pay for it.

I'm gonna have to pass.

It's going to be a steakhouse. There's no birds on the man. Our salads only.

Maybe, Yeah, I don't think we have enough in common. And this is really all I have to say about it.

Okay, we tried, did try.

Hey man, every buddy, Mickey.

I better not see her outside of a Kentucky chicken or anything like that.

That's right.

If you do, Yeah, Rookie Jeffrey in the morning. I want to answer a lot of the people on the textboard right now, because some are horrified what they just heard, some want to learn more about it, And for those that are wondering, head on over to our Insta stories at Brook and Jeffrey. You'll find the recipe for oven bracet black capped chicken and deep fried meadow lark right there.

We do not have recipes for that.

I just want guidelines whatever. I just get like a steamed blue jay. Yeah that sounds good, it does. You are welcome.

That is going to be gamey for some Yeah, bitch, I would go to.

Fish text into seventy five nine two your wild bird suggestions that we should be tasting. But he would have thought the guy that loved watching birds would also love to eat him too. Tell him so much. I bet he's like, I wonder, Yeah, I mean.

Why he never said he actually cooked him. He just watches them.


Yeah, then a lot on these segments. You could hear all of our second dates up on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, wherever you get yours. You can find the mapp broken, Jeffrey

Brooking Jeffrey in the Morning,

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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