Second Date Update: Trust Fails

Published May 31, 2023, 3:09 PM

How long should a first date last? The couple in today’s Second Date Update had their date last much, much longer than either one of them either expected.

The second date of date. We haven't been to a lot of offsite team bonding events at our radio station, but I've heard.

That we don't want to give management any ideas.

But I don't know what you're saying.

I have heard that other companies do that they do okay, and one of the big events that they do is the trust fall, where you stand with your arms crossed, either on top of a desk or on a tree stump out in the woods, and you fall back and just trust that your team likes you enough to catch you.

There is no way I would trust any of you to catch me.

The only good part of that is the part where you get to close your eyes for a secon. Yeah, I will say, I do know the one person in this room that I would accidentally let slip through my fingers. I guess you'll just have to fall and see. It all comes down to trust, and unfortunately, our listener Kevin recently asked his date to just trust him. It wasn't that, but it was possibly the worst thing that could have happened when she said yes, No, Kevin, you came to the right place because we were just voted the least trusted morning show in North America, So welcome brother.

Well, it's congratulations of meta word everyone.

It sounds like from jess description that you should be part of our show sounds very untrustworthy, sir.

I mean, it's not my fault, but I still feel terrible about what happened.

Never is I trust you.

Let's start at the beginning. Tell us about the girl that you met and how you met her.

All right, so her name is Purtney. Met her online and it's obviously online, so I generally do off the pictures. But in the pictures, you know, she had a great smile, and she was sport and bangs, which to me is usually a red flag, but she brought them.

Well yeah, now you're not trustworthy and I'm offended. What don't you like about bangs?

Why is that a red flag?

Like bangs look good on certain people, it looked good on her. It's that usually when a girl decides to get bangs, that's after something traumatic happened in their life, got.

Married, and then right away that kind of checked out.

Yea, what did you and Courtney decide to do for your date?

Well, you know, we were talking a little bit, and you know, it seemed like we were getting along sign and she said, I get to pick where we go on the first date. We decided to do dinner. I love wings. That's my favorite food.

It give me a questionable first date food though, because it's so messy.

Yeah, but here's the thing, that's actually why I love wings on a first date, because it is messy. You like, put your guard down, like you could tell a lot about someone about how they eat their way. Okay, Yeah, so she tells me she doesn't normally eat wings, but I told her about this place I love, and she said she trusted me, which I did. I feel really bad that she did trust me.

But that's where the trust Why what I mean, what happened?

Well, you know, we we sit down, we start look at the menu, and she admits to me that she's never had bone in Waynes before. She's only ever eaten boneless ways.

I married a man who doesn't want to know that animals have bones for some reason.

I don't get it. Better for sure, you're just eating chicken nuggets though. Perfect?

Yeah, So did you want to end the date right there? Did you keep going?


Because here's like I said, that was like red flag number two for me.

But a red flag it should be.

I mean, I think it shows that she's adventurous and that she's open to try new things, like she's never tried it before, but she's there, she's ready to do it.

Well, that's what I liked about her though. She said that she's never had boneless wings, and I said, tell you what, why don't you order some and you can have some of my bone in wings. I can sort of show you how to eat them.

Okay, Oh, that's a green flag instead of a red flag.

Actually I think it red flag not only one.

But it's also showing he does compromise. Right, she's bordering bone free.

That's a yellow flag. So now we have we have a green flag, two red flags, and a yellow flag.

Which I think means we're at purple.

Oh yeah, we have a rainbow flag, which we love as well. Yeah. Sure, it's all kinds of color. All right, we approve bottom line so far, Kevin. What happens next?

So the food gets there? And I did her one of my bone in wings, and she, honestly, I thought it was adorable. She like genuinely did not even know how to approach the thing.

I think people can see that again Okay, how was it?

She loved it. She was like, oh my god, this is so much better, and I said, I know.

It does taste so much better.

Yeah, so I did. For a chuple of my bone in wains, I take some of her chicken nuggets and legit the third wings she bites into. She actually just bit into it. I don't know if like she forgot that the bone was in there or something.

But I just hurt my mouth.

She yes, straight up chipped her front tooth, front tossing. She sees on my face that I'm freaking out, and she starts freaking out. She likely I had to leave. I try.

That and bangs together. Imagine just horrible.

I mean, here's the thing. There's like something of a happy end in here. I told her a friend of the family is like a dentist and hauled them up, and she said that she could see her right now. So we jumped in an uber. We went over there like it was after hours, but she opened up just to see her and actually fixed it up, like you really couldn't tell that anything did even happened.

Wow, you are a problem solver.

At you and you just maybe maybe she's not called you back because you got the dentist bill.

Oh yeah, that's gonna be four thousand dollars. Is that true? Did you have to pay for it?

No? No, my friend said it was free of charge.

Oh wow, you're coming off actually looking really good here.

Yeah, that's amazing and he found the one nice dentist in the world.

So is that where the date ended? I'm assuming you said goodbye after that.

I mean, if you want to call it a date. I feel like we were on a date for about twenty something minutes and another like two to three hours together, but we're more on a medical emergency exactly. And I've been in contact with her. You know, it's like we still talk, but whenever I asked, like if she's busy or if she wants to hang out again, that's when she doesn't respond.

Interesting, We're going to hit her down and make her answer.

We're at an orange flag with her right now. We've got to get to the green again, so we're going to play a song, come back, and try and get your second date update right after this. All right, all right, thanks? All right, hold one. You know there's that famous saying, ain't no saying a chicken wing yes turns out chicken wings are a little more dangerous than we originally thought. Yeah, because one of our listeners, Kevin, encouraged his date, Courtney, to taste a bone in chicken wing for the very first time in her life, which was great except for the part where she chipped her front tooth on the bum.

Not worth it. I could.

I mean she was eating boneless and bone in at the same time, so I could see her and when she bit down, she just wasn't thinking to.

Get a look confused, And luckily Kevin had a family connection with a dentist and got it fixed for her that night free of charge.

That's amazing.

Still, though she's been acting a little bit different, he said. Still cordial between them, but not much else going on, and he wants to redo.

Kevin, the one thing I didn't ask you, was she like super grateful for the dentist or was she kind of blaming you for having to go get her tooth fixed.

No, she was super duper nice about it. She said, I can't believe I did that, so thank god you do someone get at help. So she much she was in good spirits, so it's hard.

For me to believe no one's in good spirits after visiting the.

Doctor, maybe laughing at she had.

Yeah, she was high for sure. Well, let's just call her. I mean, we'll see if she even picks up, but hopefully she does and we can get a little bit more of an explanation from her. All right, yeah, okay, hopefully she's not like whistling through her too little at her number. Right now here we go. Hello, Hey is this Courtney? Yeah speaking Hey Courtney. My name is Jeff from the radio show Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning. Okay, I can't gag her.

Just say hi, just can'tinue the conversation.

Hia him, Jeff, I'm sorry. Who is Jeff from the radio show Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning, as per mentioned previously.

And we're all here too, I'm I oh okay, it's like a conference call kind of Yeah, we're.

All in a radio studio just calling you.

Got it?

Why Because one of our listeners went out on a date with you recently and afterwards things have cooled down between the two of you. He's hoping that it could heap back up. It's weird. What like a chicken wing?

Did you know we were talking about? After he said chicken wing.

Yeah for sure.

Okay, okay, we're talking about Kevin.

Just to be clear, he sounds darling, I mean when we talked to him.

Yeah, No, she's a nice person.

Yeah, totally.

Just that whole date was just like pretty much like the worst date of my life. But not his fault, you know what I mean.

Yeah, I think we assume that he agrees. I mean, it was out of his control. But obviously getting rush to the dentist is not like your dream date.

No, no, and I I don't really know exactly what you told you guys, but yeah, it just didn't leave me, you know, feeling too comfortable about Well, I can fill you.

In on the parts that we do know, which is that you guys went to a chicken wing place. He encouraged you to try a bone in chicken for the first time, which caused you to chip your tooth. But then he said he had a family connection.

Yeah. Well that part was really wonderful and he was really awesome.

To do that.

But there was like a whole situation at the dentist.

Did you not like the doctor?

No, she was really sweet. It's just it felt like it took longer than it should have you know.

It's a chip tooth.

I couldn't believe, honestly, I couldn't believe they could even just fix it in one visit.

Yeah, yeah, no, they were this one. I was like, I think her name is like Claire. She was really nice. That's not the issue. And I don't know if he told you, but like she's really beautiful hot. Okay, that's just she's a really hot dentist.

That's a bad girl. Is it a bad thing?

No, except for the fact that Kevin was just openly flirting with her the whole time, like fight in front of me, just like saying like all this she didn't me too, how nice she looks, how she's so sweet and all this like family from who knows when?

Yeah, that she was doing him a favor, right, like she stane Ley.

He's probably just trying to compliment her.

I was there. I know what it was. She's flirting back, and there was a lot of chemistry. And don't get me wrong, it was chemistry between me and him too.

But you're just sitting there with a broken front.

Tier seriously, like I couldn't even open my mouth, I mean, forget about talking, and he's over there talking about how great she looks Okay.

Is that why you say that it took so long that he was just flirting with her the whole time.

Yes, yes, really literally she would stop and they would talk and laugh, and then she's like, oh ha, let me change my gloves and blah blah blah, and I'm just there, you know, like you want to get her coffee. They drank it, Shen coffee.

It sounds like you kind of felt like you were watching another date happen on your.

Exactly right, That is exactly right.

They came in with martini. Where do you get those from?

Are you remembering this correctly? Were you on any anesthesia or anything?

Or you No, I didn't have any anesthesia.

No, okay, Just are you sure you didn't hallucinate?

Like, obviously, she's really cool and it was great that she did this, But I just felt like maybe they have some emotions there that they need to kind of figure out.

You're making a lot of assumptions like it. To me, it's just like it's a family friend.

I would assume she's hard because.

She is not older. She's not she is his age, and he couldn't like keep his eyes or his attention off of her, Like he literally did talk to me until we were leaving.

Okay, Well, I.

Mean I can I can understand why you may have felt that way that night, but I would love to hear how Kevin actually felt because he's actually on the other line listening right now. I wants to talk to you, unless I don't know he's on a second call with Claire.

You're joking, I'm not Kevin.

Hey, sorry to surprise you. Is it okay if I asked you a few things about this?

Well? Sure, what do you want to ask me?

I just I don't even know where to begin, Like this is just very weird to me, that's how you saw it. I just want to let you know the bad story with me. Player. She's literally my mom's best friend's daughter, so she's like my god sister essentially.

That doesn't make it.

That doesn't really.

But here's the thing. Like we were literally just catching up.

I hadn't seen her, Yeah but I get that, but like catching up about how you have the most amazing eyes. Oh and that smiles, like when you complimented her smile, And I literally wasn't sure if I was gonna have a fun too It's just wasn't the right time. You know.

Look, I didn't mean to be in considerate. It's just like she is beautiful, you know, like she has literally completely okay. But I feel like just because she's beautiful, you can't hold that against me. I feel like that's you.

No, it wasn't how she looks. No, it wasn't how she looks. It's how you gave her so much attention during a really difficult moment for me.

Can I just ask Kevin?


Why would you compliment her eyes? You know, like I could even say.

Smile because she's a dentist, I could maybe see that, But like.

That, you ever sat in one of those dentist chairs with those bright lights shining on you, It makes your eyes pop.

She wasn't sitting in the chair.

The whole room, the whole room, everybody in the room is instantly gorgeous.

That's that's not like a friendly compliment. It's a flirty compliment.

Exactly to ask this question, Kevin, have you ever hooked up with Claire before?

But do I want this answer?

I don't know that was I think we did.

I'll tell you straight up, no, we never have. And look, yes we have like some sort of like vibe or chemistry or whatever. But here's the thing, Like I heard you asked you didn't know if she was single. She is single. She's been single for a while. I just never wanted to go down that road with her because, like I said, I see her almost like a family member, but not really.

This is so hard. I can understand both their points. I really can.

Yeah, I mean, Courtney, I don't want to invalidate your feelings. But they've known each other going way way back. There's already like just an established friendship there. And I don't think it's fair to have a beauty contest in the middle of your oral example.

I don't think that's it. I think it's about the way he made her feel.

He promises to call you beautiful at least one hundred times on your next date that he will send you on and pay for if you're still up for it. What do you think, Corney.

Guys, I'm just enjoying my new tooth.

Okay, I like it new tooth life.

It's a gorgeous tooth. By the way, Yeah she is too. I've ever seen good job. Jeff Kevin, would you like to throw in some compliments about her pretty teeth.

I mean, I literally said, I thought you had a great smile when they asked me about you, and he did still do. I'm happy about that. I'm just disappointed that apparently we're not going to go out again.

But what you'll learn never be friends with women. I feel you, man, I support.

Broke and Jeffrey in the morning.

I think the part of the second date that I just can't wrap my head around is, like, I get she felt a little ignored, you know, but what is a guy supposed to say to a girl who's propped up in a dentist chair for two hours to make her feel special?

Anything but complimenting another girl? Yeah? I mean, honestly, he could find memes. He could find YouTube videos to show you get on TikTok and be like, look at this, this is funny.

Like he actually doesn't even have to say anything. He just has to feign interest in her.

That was good, just sit there and shut up for two hours. Well you this?

I mean, are you serious that you would actually compliment a family friend by telling her she has beautiful eyes if they looked beautiful?

I think I think people like compliment.

No, that's not a thing.

It's just I don't think it's fair, like if you went somewhere you wouldn't be allowed to talk to a family friend in front of your husband.

I mean he admitted they had a thing, like they had a vibe, right the dentist.

It's just he hadn't acted on it. I mean I could see his side.

I understand why he wants a date and he's still interested in Courtney. I don't know you can both sides again. Yeah, you know, I can put he put effort into going out with Courtney again.

I think she should have said yeah.

I think he said to too many compliments? Okay, too many? Well I was gonna tell Brooke when I thought about her eyes, but forget it.

You cannot see him behind these glasses.

All right, never mind, then I won't say anything. I'll just say, if you ever want to get a second date, update email the show. We'll call the person wasn't calling you back.

Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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