There’s a new unofficial rule for dating that involves 3 simple numbers. We’ve never heard about it before today til one of our listeners came on our show to explain. Find out what it all really means in a brand new Second Date podcast!
The second date up date. Recently, we got an email from a listener who says, when it comes to dating, she used to be a triple six girl.
What does that mean?
What meaning?
The only guys that she was going after had to be six feet tall, six pack abs, and six figure income.
Wait, triple six, they don't exist. I don't believe it.
For some people they exist. But apparently she's throwing that out the window.
I don't know why is she gonna go for the five five fives?
Is that it's a little more realistic. She's changed her ways, So let's welcome to the show, Brandy with an I. Hello Brandy, Brandy. I don't want to brag, but I make at least four figures girl, at least.
It sounds like your expectations have really dropped.
If you're yeah, brand, maybe explain what made you change your strategy because this could have an effect on Alexis in her future here.
True true, Yeah, I started to realize that if you're going after superficial things and a guy, they're only gonna be superficial.
Back, look at that, but isn't that the best thing? Superficial things are really great? So you're saying we know what to expect like that consistent. Okay, you decided that wasn't for you.
You're looking for something more long term, is what it sounds like.
Sorry, gag for a second.
Well I want I want some substance, you know, Okay, someone who will love me and care for me.
And can have a good conversation. Yeah. God, now she's really looking for you.
Okay, that's what everybody wants to guess.
It's so boring.
That's so it sounds, but it really it looks.
Like found.
Your standards. Did you end up meeting a guy?
I did meet a guy?
I'm lying, okay, Okay, I like that.
How you tried not to be superficial, but you start with that instead of his name?
What is his name?
His name is Evan?
Okay, he makes.
Ninety nine thousand years. Could you tell if he had a six pack online?
Not sure? I don't think so.
Well, if there's not a shirtless pike, he doesn't.
Well, I was actually, if there's not a shirtless pick there might actually have some substance.
Alexis, She's right.
No one hides their ass, all right, we know he's five to ten. Question mark about the abs? What does Evan do for a living.
Do you know he's a claims adjuster or a car insurance slave?
I know, I know.
Just it's more exciting for Jefferies what it does.
But it was his job security. It's like a stable job. I'm sure he's great exactly.
So what do I mean so far? What did what did attract you to him online?
Because like none of these things are what you're looking for?
Well, you know, I want someone and I feel safe with that feels stable and secure, and my girlfriends are like, you know that this seems like a stable, secure guy, like someone I could feel at home with.
All right, okay, so what did you and mister stability do for your hot date?
Well? We met for a happy hour.
Lukewarm d well, we're heating up. How did that go?
It was good. We had a couple of drinks and had a nice banter and he was asking me some questions and then he asked me a question that kind of stummed me.
What's that?
Oh? He said, tell me something quirky about you.
Ah, that's a hard thing to answer because you don't want you don't want to come across too quirky and come off like a weirdo for me, I'm.
Like, I suck my thumb. That's what I tell people.
I mean, the first thing I thought of is I have a weird bone on my chin on one side but not the other.
Do you know what I mean?
That's quirky.
It's a lot of weird.
How did you answer that? Brandy?
Did you?
Did you have an answer for him?
Eventually I was like, how do I answer this? But then I was like, oh, I guess well, I wiggle my toes right before I go to sleep.
I think I do too.
I just realized, oh.
My god, my husband has a weird thing where he puts his heel in between his big toe and his next toe.
It's very y.
Let that be the last time we get an insight into Brooke and her husband's face. On top of no, we don't want any more details about the positioning of your body.
I am sorry, Brandy. What okay? You you wiggle your toes right before you sleep?
Yeah, and I have really small toes.
That's quirky.
But did did he respond positively to that to your toe stuff?
He didn't really say much.
Okay, okay, Well, I mean he's asking a question. That maybe he didn't actually want the answer to you know, isn't very sexy either, Sorry, but nothing quirky sexy. I guess did change the like vibe of the date.
It's hard to tell. I mean I also told them that I collect them teddy bears, but I don't think that's a turn off.
Like how many?
Well they're collectible, Okay, you don't sleep with them all?
No, no, is that even important to us?
You know, I didn't even think to ask him. We had a nice tug at the end. I mean, good.
Have you not heard from him at all?
No? I thought it was a good date. I'm not doing my triple six, but I haven't heard from him.
Is this shocking that the guy who's supposed to be stable as the one ghost you knew.
Were the ones you had to get rid of?
Maybe a little bit.
Yeah, keep moving down the line if we need to. Yeah, we'll go three. We'll actually get you another date here, Brandy, but first let's call Evan for you. We'll try and hook you up one more time when we do your second date update right after this. Thank you old all right second date update. If you're just joining us, one of our listeners came on and said that she used to live by the triple six rule for years, dating only men who were six feet tall, six pack abs, six figure incomes.
Yeah, and she's.
Not doing that anymore. And Brooke made the comment like, oh, so you're into the triple fives now then, and it got me thinking, what is a triple five? Five feet tall? Yeah, five figures, five felonies, five warts on his face? It could be anywhere, jeff Okay, yeah, let's not limit it to just the face crazy. I support that, But the main night, the main idea is if you go away from chasing superficial things, then you won't attract superficial guys.
That's what she hoped anyway.
Yes, yeah, and that's what brought Brandy to us because she met a nice, stable guy named Evan, went on a date with him, and now he's not calling her back. The ones darned damned if you do, you're damned if you don't. All right, Jeffrey, but whereabouts to call Evan?
How you feel in Brandy?
I'm you are?
That's good because you sounded a little jaded when we went from the triple six down to you know, Evan.
Well, color jaded.
I don't know a little bit like it wasn't working out for her. That's okay.
Don't take that from a woman with a chim deformity.
So weird you feel it.
I don't mean to touch sure, no, I get it. Fascinating, Okay, I'm sorry I said it. Let's just call Evan for you and try and get your second date up date. Here we go, das number right now. Hello, Hey, we're looking for Evan.
Yeah, this is Si.
Hey Evan. Congratulations. You are on the radio right now with.
We don't normally applaud for.
The people's congratulations.
You're on Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning. My man, you picked up a phone call that deserves you.
I'm on the radio.
We're doing something called a second Date Update, and we're trying to help out one of our listeners named Brandy, who's a girl that you went on a date with recently.
Yeah, man, oh oh oh yeah, okay, sorry, you remember Brandy?
I do, I do.
That's good. Yeah, it sounds positive.
We heard a lot of good things about you from Brandy, about your date and everything, and she's just a little bit confused now that there hasn't been a second one.
Oh sorry, this is this is for the radio.
Though, yeah, it is for the radio. And I'm sorry that this is like kind of an awkward question and like way to do this.
But she couldn't get ahold of you though, you know, and she, like Jeff said, like to you a lot.
We're just trying to help her out.
Right, Yeah, she's nice, she was cool.
Were you planning on were you planning on seeing her again?
You know what?
Like okay, okay, okay.
If the answer is no, that's fair. It's your dating life. You could do what you want with it. But we're just wondering for Brandy's sake, was there anything that didn't go quite that well that night?
Like is there a reason?
Uh man? I mean to be honest, not really. She was pretty cool. I mean, like the day was fine.
Then why aren't you dating her again? You dummy? Come on, he went back real quick. You are trying to help our listeners, I do just like you know, that doesn't make sense, like if everything's so good.
Right, well it's cool, right, it's one happy hour. How much can you really know a person after just one date? You need to give it another shot.
Don't you think what's.
Holding you back?
So I'm pretty introverted myself, and I had a nice time hanging out with her, and I just I think, for me, I need to find someone who I think is a little bit more extroverted, who's going to like bring me out of my shell and stuff.
It's interesting.
I feel like she I mean, she's a person that contacted a radio station about her love life.
That should say a lot about how extroverted she is.
Well, she's having other people do the call for her. So sorry, so you don't think that she's troverted enough? Can you elaborate more on that?
Yeah? I mean, like I'm gonna be honest. The name Brandy I thought, especially like the way it was spelled, like all the Brandies I've known, kind of like when I was in college, they're kind of wild, and I thought that she was going to be kind of a little bit more crazy or.
Okay, wild girl.
That's not the same as extroverted.
Those are.
You were thinking she was a party girl? Is that what you're thinking?
No? Not really, but like like I answer her this one question, I remember being like, what's your biggest quirk? Like I didn't want to be like, are you crazy? Wait?
Did you want crazy? Or did you not want crazy?
I want just like more fun.
And I have a lot of trouble out there and kind of like going out or meeting new people or or anything, and so I need I want to be with someone who's going to do that for me.
How did her answer? How did her answer have anything to do with that? But her answer to be I talked to everybody.
Like where was your head out?
Well, I mean her, She said her biggest quirk was wiggling her toes or something before she went to Beth.
That's what doesn't scream wild girl that love.
That's cool that she sometimes moves her whole ankle.
The whole body starts going, wait, come on, it's.
Just one answer, like.
No, I mean like. She also said that she collected stuffed animals.
Okay, are you crazy? Girls do that?
It's all like an answer my grandma would have given me.
Oh wow, that's kind of hard.
Your grandma sounds a good time to me. Yeah, yeah, I don't know what Okay, what you expected?
That's kind of the.
Sort It feels like you should have asked her, like, what's the wildest thing you've ever done.
Well, I already know the answer to the wildest thing that she's ever done, and that's sit on the other end of this conversation listening to this call, waiting to jump in and talk to you wild. Wow. That's how this works, dude, Are you serious? She's here, I'm serious. Brand are you there?
Oh I'm here?
Oh my god, go on, wild girl, talk to him.
Wow, that's really interesting. I get given the context, my answer sounds really boring and strange. But had you asked me the question, normally, you would have know a lot more about me. Quirky is like, it's a weird way to put it, Like, I'm a lot of fun.
Took so long? Yeah, Randy, all right, I mean, like, are you a lot of fun? Like? Prove it? I guess I kind of you know. I mean, what is the wildest thing you've done?
Okay, I'm here for this.
I don't know if you're ready for it. Insurance suggests her.
Fire with fire.
I mean, I'm waiting. I want to know. We're all waiting. Still.
Well, let's just say I may have recently found a contest in the Caribbean, and I may have lost my shirt, and I may have funneled the beer.
Drinks, loses her clothes.
I mean to me, it just sounds like she went to college.
But yeah, that's pretty fun. Left an article of clothing behind.
Does that feel better to you? Evan? Feel crazy?
I mean I think it feels more on the way. I just the date ended with like a side hug, and I was like, who gives side hug?
Are you just like sick of safety because you're an insurance a just and you need something else? Like you like that chaos guy and that one commissional mayhem.
That's it, Just like she's.
Looking for someone more stable. I know, you guys are like opposites attract here in a weird way, and maybe just a little bit more communication, a couple more dates will help bridge that gap.
I was a couple of shots at tequila wile bridge it.
I don't know if that's strong enough. I mean, do you ever clear? But we would pay to set you up one more time. You're willing to see each other? What do you think, Evan?
Yeah? I mean, if it's on your guy's still, I'm sure.
I an't you a crazy financially stable person.
That's kind of what she was going for those but what do you think brand? Are you still into this?
You know, just use your words man like or make a move.
Yes, sounds like a challenge, and that's what Evan sounds like he wants.
Okay, it's going to be either this or you go back to the six six to six guys, So it sounds like devil.
You want it?
Crazy crazy?
Wait a second, she was a Satanist.
You know what, That's a great conversation to have on your second date.
Because faking Jeffrey in the morning man.
Her story about the Caribbean really turned things around. In that call, she mentions her shirt comes off and she starts making bad decisions. Jokes on her though, because I'm sending them to a Caribbean restaurant with a gift card, so it's gonna happen all over again.
I just think it's like she was going for the superficial dudes and that's what she thought they wanted, and then she finds the one stable guy and turns.
Out that's also okay. So none of you guys want just a normal.
Boring Everybody does want that normal, boring, stable person, but they have to get through their wild phase first.
Looks like this, I don't know will it work out for them or will it not. She's she's through that phase, Jeff.
Yeah, she's born with experience. Maybe she'll push him through that phase too and they'll land up on the other end together. That's our hope, and our hope for you is to be successful in your dating life. So email us and we can help you out by calling that person who's not calling you back. Go check out all of our Seconday podcast wherever you get yours at Brook and Jeffrey
Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning