The spot where the couple on the phone today decided to take their date night SHOCKED us initially but it might actually be one the best hangouts we’ve heard all year!
Second Date, up Dated move Over, Monopoly and Charades Naked Twister, because the hot new game everyone is going to be playing is Tinder Swipe night. We always talk about dating trends on our show, and maybe you guys have seen this one on social media.
I have it.
But apparently you can launch the dating apps on your TV and enjoy swiping on people's profiles as your friends come and watch and help you pick out who they think you should date.
Guy, can we can we have a show game night and go through it nice enough to do the blue connection over to my house? Oh? Yeah, do you want.
Us to help you find your side piece to cheat on your husband.
With these two's profiles?
Oh for Alexis Jose that could be fun. But one of our listeners, Tanya, actually did this the other night and apparently it sort of worked out for her because she needs our health today. But Tanya, welcome to the show.
Thank you. I'm super excited to be here.
Oh my god, So your friends are the one that swiped right on the person you went out with.
So basically I got together with eight of my friends. Okay, we divided our friend group into two teams, so then like each team would look at the TV together, and we would kind of look at the dating app and we would swipe left or swipe right as a group.
But how do you win?
At the end of the night, Whoever matches with the most amount of people, they got a little reward. So we put together like a little wine basket.
But if you're just trying to get matches, what does that make your friends swipe on the desperate day?
Can you lower your standards for the purpose of this game? I would want to win, so I would just be.
Our only rule is that you cannot swipe right three times in a row at okay, okay, even if you choose two in a row that you really like, if the third is cuter, more successful, more perfect, fifth, it doesn't matter.
Doesn't matter.
Oh my god, I used your two.
The Hemsworth's brother came up on number swipe left on him.
It wasn't Chris, so.
You can see why it would be fun.
Right, So did you get a d M by the end of the night from one of these guys?
Actually I got three messages from three separate guys. The first guy immediately told me that he wants money from me, and that's not you.
Okay, get rid of Guy number one.
Yes, okay.
So Guy number two immediately told me that he would love to take me to Slovakia, and he went into more details, but again extremely creepy.
Yeah, Brook almost at her honeymoon in Slovakia.
I've actually heard this beautiful place.
Yeah, but I guess depends on which Yeah, okay, that's right. Okay, So you moved on from guy number two, who is guy number three.
His name was Keith.
Oh god, and at this point, Keith could say anything right.
At this point, Keith.
Is married with seven children, but he's a keeper, right, Okay.
Okay, So that's why I'm reaching out. Because he asked me out on a date, and he was really quirky, like I thought at first he would just be kind of like basic, like a lot of the guys play it pretty conservatively on a first date. But this guy was like, you know what, let's be spontaneous. I'm going to take you out, but first meet me at the Walmart.
And you agreed to this because it was better than Slovak, a little bit better now I think they have Yeah, wait what you actually did this? Yeah?
I did.
At this point, I was like, okay, I'm going to take a risk. We're gonna get together, and we meet up at Walmart. He looks handsome, he smells great, he's got duct.
Tape and a shovel in comparison, at Walmart.
I should meet my dates there. I'm sure you look great. Yeah, I mean, it's an unusual choice.
The date was not buying his grocries at Walmarts.
That's not crazy.
So he was like, well, we're just going to pick up something fun for us to do while we're at dinner together. And we picked up an or a Gammi kit, Like it's going to make sense at the next location. I was like, okay, all right, scavenger.
To meet him.
He couldn't have just gone on his own.
Made her credit card to pay for so, yeah, exactly. I was skeptical at first, but it was kind of fun walking down the aisles of a store with a stranger, seeing what he liked.
What I like have very different definitions of but that's okay.
So where did you guys go to dinner?
We went to a local sushi spot in Japanese.
It was honestly so much fun. Like I was laughing and laughing and laughing because like we're trying to make these little animals and little flowers and they're both just sailing.
Just look, I mean you sound like you're glowing right now. I mean you do.
We were all skeptical when you were saying, like Walmart day like mysteries.
I'm living in the RV in the parking.
But this is all sounding actually really good. So tell us how did the night end?
We kissed, and it was one of those things where I was like, I texted my friends after. I was like, wow, Chinger dates white night. Really uh, it really like works. But I haven't heard from him and it's been over a week. I'm just gonna confused, you know.
Okay, Well, we're gonna come back. We're gonna call Keith for you. You're a animal folding Walmart loving raw sushi eating hunk of a man ye description, and we're gonna try and get you your second date update right after this thank you second date update. It's the classic Walmart Origami sushi date manea super played out. That was very unique, and that's exactly what Tanya did on her date night with Keith. But here's my question, because I can see, like Brooks said, Tanya, you were glowing. It seems like having drinks, eating sashimi, folding swans. When you told us the story, you were even laughing as you were telling.
It to It was like she was reliving it in her mind.
But here's my concern. Maybe you were having such a good time that after a couple of drinks you decided to confidently lean over and say to Keith, guess what, I didn't just pick you off of Tinder. Six of my drunken girlfriends did too during a big swipe.
Night details I'm trying to would guys care?
Would it be flattered though that you made the top cut?
Like I would be more flattered, like, oh my god, not just you. I would feel like a fish in a fish bowl, being like all of my girlfriends chose.
You all they're talking about.
Anyway, As a guy.
It can feel weird to hear that Tany did that come up during the first date at all?
Not at all? No?
Okay, so you don't probably want us to bring it up during this call that.
I mean, at this point, he'll probably find out a lot of things just because it's on the radio. It's gonna be one more thing, hopefully that we laugh about, right Okay, I just said we can.
See both good and bad in knowing that.
Oh yeah, and he's a quirky guy and he feels like a guy that can roll with the punches.
Yeah, maybe he likes that you put your faces into a program to see what your babies would look like in ten years. But we'll see, he just made that up as a joke. I do not say that. Well, I won't say anything. I'll just ask him why he's not calling you back for another doll. We'll keep it basic. Here we go, the doll's number right now. Hello, Hey, we're looking to speak with Keith.
Who is this?
Is this Keith?
This is Keith?
Because you know during this thing that we're doing, is I'm the one who asked questions. Is a radio show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.
You love a little aggressive Well, I'm taking charge.
I'm intimidated by Keith.
You're intimidated masculine voice, and I'm scary. It's a beta malef Okay.
Keith, listen to me. We're radio show. We want to ask you about your dating life.
Well, okay, how can I help I guess?
Okay, Well, I'm still a little scared. We're honestly just asking because one of our listeners went out on a date with you the other night and had a really good time, and now she's a little bit confused why there hasn't been a second date yet. Oh you know what I'm talking about.
Yeah, it's a little complicated.
This is Tanya right, as complicated as Ogami.
I told you about the og Huh.
Yeah, I couldn't believe that you said meet me at a Walmart parking lot and she agreed.
Yeah, okay, So, like I was just trying to feel out the vibes, like if someone's like you, no Walmart, like too low brow, Like that's probably not the person I want to date, you know, it's more about a stranger.
But Tanya sounded like she was into the idea, So that sounds like a good thing. Why wouldn't you be getting back to her?
Yeah, I kind of have like another relationship situation going on right now.
Like how serious? Well then, why did you ask, like you're dating other people or.
You're No, it's not other people, it's just it's this girl.
I know we're through work.
You're dating someone at your work?
Well, I wouldn't say dating.
We haven't gone on a date before.
Oh you're just okay. Now I'm confused. What what now?
It sounds like the opposite, just looking up?
What does that mean?
No, No, we haven't done anything physical.
Have you spoken with this girl.
In a professional way, like I'll send her email, correspondence and anything simple hello and goodbye.
You're just saying that you have a crush on someone at your workplace, is what it sounds like.
Yeah, but that's like an emotional, one sided relationship, like I wouldn't want to cheat on her.
You know, emotionally, let's not put relationship. You don't want to cheat on her?
Well, yeah, because you know we're in a relationship, but.
She doesn't know that, is it? Like you back?
Have you talked to her? Do you know how she feels about this? Well?
No, no, no.
Relationship is a very strong word that you used at the very beginning there.
Yeah, I know.
Is this all?
Is this all like trying You're trying to get out of going on a date with Tanya?
Like, are you trying to Are you making stuff up on the floor?
Oh no, no, Tanya was great.
Are you accusing him of making up a fake emotional girlfriend?
Yes, it's plausible. Because like you're all over the board, like you don't want to cheat.
On her, but then you isn't that how feelings are.
They're messy. It's like someone from work.
I'm not trying to get in trouble with h Like it's so complicated, but you don't you don't know.
Why don't you just ask her out on a date? If you really are that indo her and see what she says.
Are we talking about Tanya the girl?
Why don't you ask a girl out at work if you're really that into her?
I guess I could.
I guess that's great.
You don't even exactly interested.
He's no.
But that's the thing, Like it would be devastating if she said no, it would crush me.
Well, then it's fine. Then you get an emotional rebound girl to emotionally rebound.
That's what we're gonna say that Tanya is.
Well, Tanya could be your emotional friend with benefits.
I don't know. We need to check with her. I don't know if she'd be cool with that.
Let's just ask her right now, because I gotta let you know. Tanya is on the other line listening. Your emotional friend with benefits wants to Tanya has been listening. Yes, Tanya has been there, the only.
Woman you've actually gone out with in person.
I have a great question, and hi, Keith seeing not a question for Keith, though, it's a question for Jeff. Oh, why would you encourage Keith to ask out somebody from his work when you know I called in to try to get your support.
No, I am one hundred percent on your set. I asked a question, why wouldn't you ask out somebody if you liked that? Okay, it was more of a philosophical Jeff, it made sense in my hand.
You heard him, Jeff, you heard the answer. You're the one that asked, well, why haven't you asked her out yet? And he was like, oh, yeah, well maybe I should.
Exactly, I'll be honest, the question backfired on me, so it did.
No, it really seemed to have backfired on me.
Jeff, Well, let me get back on track here and ask Keith another question. Why don't you go out on another date with this great woman that you already have been out on one date with? Why not do that? That seems like a great idea. Listen to your life, coach.
Jeff, Oh, God, the two of you two together.
To be honest, you kind of convinced me to ask out my coworker.
Oh my god, thank god.
Okay, can we just go back to swetnight? That was way easier of a concept to me.
Listen, Keith, this is you're you're living in a fantasy world because you don't want to get hurt.
That's what you're doing. You're creating this protective bubble. What you need to do is drop that.
Okay, this person that you've made up in your mind doesn't exist, go with the real thing.
She doesn't.
She does exist, but the relationship is single and I am interested, Keith.
Yeah, you said yourself, Keith, that you had a great time and she's the type of girl you've actually been looking for.
Honestly, I'm just really confused because a few minutes ago you were all trying to convince you to ask out my work friend, I mean girlfriend, and now now you're trying to convince you to ask out I'm just so confused.
Keith. Here's the bottom line is we're running out of time, and the whole goal of this phone call is to get you to go out on one more a date with Tanya, the real woman that you went to sushi with the other night. Will you see her one more time and we would pay for it?
Come on, Keith, Okay, Tanya, I need to ask you a question first time.
Okay, Okay, ask me make it fast? Will you move in with me? Why? How did you get hurt?
Swipe Hilarium.
Lario, It's so funny.
I told you he lived in the van.
Anybody, he wasn't serious. He wasn't serious.
I wasn't.
We're gonna send you out on another day. No one gets a choice, all.
Right, freaking Jeffrey in the morning.
Well, I guess you never know who you're going to be meeting on Yeah. Just some guys want to fly you to Slovakia. Some guys want you to move in with them, even though they're secretly in love with their coworker.
What is happy.
On the dating apps?
I told you he was being serious. You wanted him to be joking, and he wasn't be She's still up for it. That's the craziest part to me. That's how bad.
It is stated the dating world. She even said when he said that, she was laughing, and she goes, see guys, he's funny.
That's what she likes about him it was not a joke. I don't well know what he asked was supposed to be a joke.
I don't even know if they're honestly going to go out again after that whole thing, because it kind of ended weird.
We need an update from her no matter what she decided.
We're gonna send Tanya a gift card to Walmart and just see what happens, and then maybe if she emails us back. I mean, that's the place that's been the spot for.
Her, and then we're going to do an awkward Tuesday with him to call Stacy to let her know that he's been in love with her for years.
That might be on the books. He's about to be a member of our show, but at least we tried, and that's what we can promise for you. We will try as hard as we can to get you a date with that person who is in calling you back. Just email the show and go check out all of our podcasts up wherever you get yours at
Brook and Jeffery Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning