The listener on the phone today was TECHNICALLY on a first date… but it wasn’t actually theirs. It’s once of the strangest call requests we’ve ever gotten and you can hear it in an all new Second Date podcast!
The second date up date, Brooke, I have a question. Okay, looking back on your dating history, how many boyfriends roughly, would you say you stole away from your friends?
Unfortunately, don't use that I was too ugly excuse?
Again No, I did get asked for their number a lot, but never not as often mine.
You were aware your friends. Yeah, they'd be like hey, and I thought.
They'd hit were hitting on me, and then they'd be like, your friend's really cute.
They're like, man, Okay, you were the stepping stone.
I was much shorter and not as gorgeous as they.
Okay, again, I said that the too ugly excuse you keep. We've heard it, you lived it. Can we just get past it? Can we just asked me.
You asked me, and you wanted an answer, then you get mad at the answer, Jeffrey.
I only asked because one of our listeners is thinking of going out with the guy that her friend went out with previously. Oh. Interesting, But there's a twist to it and we're going to find that out soon. But first let's talk to Maya. Maya, how you doing?
Oh hi, oh hi, Maya.
I don't know if I want to know about your friend first, or the guy first.
You know, there's a lot of tea. Yeah, I mean there's a lot to unpack here. Why don't you tell us how it all happened.
Yeah, it's all kind of like intertwined, so you'll get both in one story. Okay, this was a couple of weeks ago. I'm like doing some errands. I'm at the drugstore, mine in my own business. I get a call from my friend. She's like, hey, what are you doing. I'm like nothing, just running errands. And she's like, so, I'm going on this Tinder date in like literally twenty minutes. Any chance you can just swing by and do like an oh hi, you know, just in case it's going terrible. Then I can just like extract her, you.
Know, yeah, like play dumb, like, oh, I never meant to walk in at this exact time while you're at table.
It's a good wellness check, yeah, you know, make sure he's not too crazy.
I'm like, yeah, girl, I got you. Let me get these tampons and I'll head right over.
Perfect. Okay, a little t m I on that, But that's all right, So let's focus. Let's focus more on the dating situation and less on what's happening to your bodies? So you go to this place and meet up with your friend and her date.
Yeah, so I do the oh hi, and we're acting like we haven't you know, we're putting on this whole.
Thing, are you guys? Like at a coffee shop? Where are you?
It was like at a bar. There was like a happy hour situation.
Okay, okay, did you clock the guy's reaction when you walked in? But did he seem annoyed?
No, he seemed not bothered by it. It seemed like good played it off like I'm an act. Treat you guys. I feel like it's good to I think it's good to see that your date has like friends, Like.
Yeah, so wait, did your friend need rescuing from this guy?
No? Well, okay, so I thought it was just going to be like me in and out saying hi and like dipping. But then she was like, oh, do you want to join us? And I was like, well, I'm here to help my friends.
I guess if she asked me.
To joy, I'm going to join right okay? And I ended up staying on this date with them for like a full hour. It was a whole date.
You're a great friend.
Was she not filling him then?
I mean, I don't. Here's the thing, I definitely didn't feel like a third wheel. I actually kind of felt like me and him were hitting it off a little bit more than she and it because I'm again, this man is a stranger to her, you know, so who knows. But like that was kind of the vibe I was getting. But like it all goes fine. It wasn't weird or uncomfortable. He I mean like I was like, oh, he's cute, He's like a good hang you know.
Okay, do we know the guy's name yet? Yeah?
His name's Finn.
Finn. Okay, all right, okay, so you and Finn were vibing a little bit better than he was with your friend, but.
You didn't get his name mobile no, no, no, no, So I we go our separate ways. I didn't act on at all. It was just kind of the feeling I had that're like, oh, it seemed like me and him were hitting it off in that way, you know.
So a couple of days later, I talked to my friend and I'm like, oh, what's going on with you and Finn? And She's like nothing, he's not texting me back. I don't know, maybe it's not there.
Okay, And she was okay with that. It sounds like it's like, well, whatever, move on.
I mean, I feel like she was a little bothered by it, because obviously it's annoying when somebody goes to you. But I didn't get the feeling that like she thought there was like fireworks flying, you know.
And yeah, but you're saying that you felt fireworks happening between you and Finn.
I've also little something something, So I went into detective mode and I find him on social media and I get his number. No, I didn't do anything. I'm just hoping you guys will call him and do the dirty work for me.
Oh my god. I don't know if I feel really comfortable doing this.
Because because we don't have the friends blessing? Is that?
Why? Right, there's that she hasn't gotten the green light from her friend to call. And also the guy doesn't necessarily even know that there was like a connection happening, like.
Right, it's going to be a totally But why wouldn't you just text him first or as my friend?
I mean, listen, I waited two weeks. He's not texting her back. She doesn't seem that torn up about it, and I do feel like she's a good enough friend that she'll be cool about it. But I mean, yeah, you're right, I didn't get her blessing. Okay, okay, the first the guy goes like, honestly, if he's not into it, it's not a big deal. It was one weird date situation and I just kind of felt like we were hitting off. And if I was wrong, I'm fine with it. It's not crazy deep. You know, she's kind of.
An ask forgiveness later type of sure.
And if she can't forgive you, then it's always easy to find yourself a new best friend. First, we're going to call this guy and try and get you a second date. Update. We'll do it right after this second an update. You know what best friends do. They show up when you need them to be your wing woman on a first date so that they can have your back. That's right, and if that doesn't go well, they'll swoop in and date that guy for that doesn't feel good, Alexis, I'm sure Brooke would do that for you any guy that you are dating. She is one phone call away. I can do it to each other.
I've seen Alexis's type. But yeah, quite a mess.
Yeah, text you back, you'll be bitter, But a beautiful friendship between you two, they really are. See that's what one of our listeners, Maya is about to try with us here, because she was the third wheel on a date the other night. She observed, she supported, and now she's just checking to see if maybe Finn liked her more. Oh god, you know typical best friends stuff, as women are cruel to each other. Not me, not me, that's for sure.
Oh you don't think a guy would do this?
Never, Oh you did not have an roommate model who would sleep with girls.
I'm sure you did it.
Yeah, yeah, but you're still friends, and that's that's the important part, right, Yeah.
For now, feel good about this, Maya.
Well not after hearing y'all say sorry.
Sorry, that was mostly Brook that probably trying to swoop in on that was very rude. I get that, but no, we're here to have your back because we want to be your best friend.
Well, and to be fair, I didn't say she was my best friend.
Okay, hopefully she doesn't hear this.
We should just like go with it at this point.
And remember the friend does not know that we're doing this, that we're reaching out to the guy.
The guy doesn't know that we have his number. No, there's a lot of unknowns in this.
One surprises in story. But we like that on you show, on his social media, he's just tuning in.
It's you know.
So let's let's reach out to him right now, see if he answers and see what he has to say. Here we go. Hello, Hey is this Finn? Yeah? Who's this? Hey? You don't well, maybe you do know me. My name is jeff from a radio show called Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning.
Hey, Finn, you're on the show right, Welcome? Why I like your directness? Then, yeah, I applaud that.
Don't worry, it's for a good reason. It means that somebody who's a listener of our show really likes you.
Yeah, Well, do you remember you went out on a date with a girl a couple of weeks ago.
You're gonna have to be more specific.
Okay, Yeah, you guys went to a bar and did happy hour and while you were there on the date, her friend came in randomly and sat with you guys.
Oh yeah, I mean it sounds like the friend hung out for like an hour?
Was your name Maya?
How did that date go? In your eyes? Like, what did you think of it?
We were all just sort of having a good time together and hanging out at the bar.
Pay Like, what did you guys say your name was?
Why is this happening?
It sounds like you're having a good day already.
Some Irish coffees this morning. Yeah, to answer your original question, remember we're broken Jeffrey in the morning, and the reason we're calling you.
Hola, how do I ask this? It's part of a second date update, But it's okay.
So you know your date, like, you had the friend that came in and joined you. What did you think of the friend of Maya? Right?
I mean she was cute, She's kind of cool. Uh, it's kind of weird. You don't usually go on dates with three people, unless you know, you're like Italian and wear those kind of shoes and stuff.
Like a mom, Like, what do you mean, especially.
Unless you're like, like, I.
Think we get it, well, don't. I'm getting the vibe that you had a good time with everybody.
Yeah, okay, yeah, everybody's cool. In fact, Caitlyn, I've sort of been like hanging out with her a little bit.
Uh, what you've been hanging out with Caitlyn? Who you were on the date.
With my friend?
Yeah? You know, she's kind of cool. We sort of hitting off. We went on a few other dates.
We went to like the movies and did my light and she met my mom.
Whoa, Wow, she met your mom.
Okay, so you're like dating Caitlyn right now?
If I could have kept my mom, I'm from meeting her.
Honestly, we did not know a lot.
Of that, and that's shady.
I don't think that Maya knew that either, or did she.
I'm sorry, I really don't know what that is going on right now.
Yeah, you don't know you are you sure?
No? I mean it sounds like he's saying that my friends just lied to me that she's been seeing him, and this in fact met his mom while telling me that he's ghosting her. Like I don't that doesn't make anything.
Okay, okay, wow, Maya, thank you for that beautiful reason. I couldn't have said it any better myself. But then that's Maya who has been waiting and listening in on the other phone line, wanting to talk to you. No.
I mean Maya told me that you haven't responded to any of her calls or text for like two weeks. And I mean, honestly, I did think you and I were hitting it off. So I was like, maybe he was more into me than her. But it sounds like I was totally wrong, and my friend is, I guess, a little insecure about us maybe getting it off. I don't know.
It sounds like, look at what her friend is doing. I think she was insecure for a reason.
Yeah, I don't think she was dating him. I obviously wouldn't have reached out like it actually did.
Why we didn't know any of this.
We thought that you were talking to Caitlyn at all. We thought that you were totally single and available to.
Move to another town change my name.
Why wouldn't Caitlyn want her friend to note about that.
I don't get it either.
Owe doesn't want her friend to go do this.
Exactly what's happening.
Yeah, but if she knew they were dating. I mean, I think I'm on Maya's side on this one.
Like, no, I would have just not gone for it at all. I would have just be like, okay, cool, they hit it off. I was wrong.
That's Can you like step in and give us a little bit of clarity here, we're all really confused.
I feel like Kitlyn felt like you were coming on too strong, you know, and it was her date, so I mean.
I mean fair enough. I don't know. I mean, it did feel like you and I were hitting it off. I tried to downplay it, but maybe i'd into a good job of that.
I don't know. I think she saw the connection happening between us and she was scared it was going to take away from our connection.
Okay, Okay, So I wasn't wrong about the connection then, yeah, I mean, I mean that's something.
And what's funny is Caitlyn also read it right.
Yeah, but Caitlyn did I think called dibbs based on the swiping.
So, but that's fine. Like I said, this was low stakes, Like if he wasn't into it, he's not into it. If he's not into it because he's with my friend, that's fine.
Well, and think of it as a benefit.
You're going to be taking off of her emergency list on the future day.
Yeah, Oh my god, this is going to be so embarrassing to explain to Kaitlyn later.
Are you to your friend.
No, can I explain it?
I mean, I'm going if I already know, if she's in the car, I know she could be listening.
I know.
Maybe maybe you guys can sit down all together and explain it and figure it out. When we send you out on another date. We would pay for three people to go to a happy hour and hash it out.
Why are you laughing? You said it was a good times.
It was when it wasn't all awkward. Now it sounds terrible.
You just add alcohol to that and I'm sure it'll get better if you really want.
We can see you and Caitlyn at different tables and we'll have Finn go back and forth. Just sit down five minutes apiece you up for that, Finn.
Yeah, it'll be like miss.
You are a strange mansion.
I know.
Whatever you've been doing this morning, do less of it. I figure before you meet up with Caitlin.
I've been working five am.
He's been working.
I don't know what co operation all right, Well, it sounds like we're going to send you down on another date. Congratulations.
They said no, they said no.
To that. That's crazy. Also, he seems like he's on something.
Okay, Okay, so clearly Maya's being sarcastic. She can't wait to sit down with and fight to the finish. Whoever comes out on top winds Finn's heart rooking Jeffrey in the morning, you got a text seventy five nine two that says, I like Finn. He sounds fun, right word. Apparently our listeners are trying to swoop in on Finn never ends and weird. A lot of the texts are coming from Brooks phone number, interested in. Uh yeah, you the air like Finn, some like random stone or degenerate, but off the air, you're like, oh, Finn. I dated to see Radio INSIGHT's latest article that I'm the ninety eighth most up and coming female radio host under age sixty.
I dated a dozen Finns when I was like twenty three. Been there, done that, Do not need them.
Mama has experienced with me.
You are so weird.
A lot of text men on this one, so it's resonating with people. I don't know if it's in a good way.
That is not a healthy friendship.
Ah, yeah at all. I know they're keeping secret from each other.
Oh my god, swooping in on each other's men.
Yeah, Mike I'm hoping that we get an update from this situation though.
Somebody date of what if he's still dating Caitlin do.
Why don't we ask her to make the awkward Tuesday call to her friend on the air. It could happen like a disaster. Yeah, maybe not.
Disasters are our bread and butter. Yeah that year. So if you're a disaster walking around out there, email the show. We'll call that person who isn't calling you back. And check out all of our disaster second date updates wherever you get your podcasts at Brook and
Jeffrey Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning