Second Date Update: The Situationship

Published Jan 27, 2023, 4:02 PM

The woman in today’s Second Date is stuck somewhere between a casual courtship and exclusively non-exclusive. So we’re gonna try to clear things up for her!

Second day. How many times have we heard the story? I don't think that girl would have ever spoken to me, but I had a puppy with me in the park thing. You know, I've got fifteen different phone numbers, yeah, checks out. Sure. Some were from eighty year olds and a couple of fourteen year olds. Still phone numbers. There's a few ones who haven't been through menopause quite yet, and those are the ones that I want to go out withee. We've all heard that story before, Okay, is that not the story we're gonna hear today? Well, we haven't heard is the girl with the dogs in the park and how that leads to a life of romance? I mean it works exactly the same dog park. And I was like, how I more often? And are you talking to us? Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I was talking to somebody else. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I thought I would do but I must have did. Not none of your drama. You're a good Lisa, You're here, You're on the show. Now. Were you talking to your puppy and we were, Yes, I was talking to my puppy, coping, I was spenting. We were talking about you because Apparently dogs were involved in your first date. Is that right? Yes? Well dogs are always involved in my life, but yeah, specifically my first day as well. Okay, so you're like a dog mom. Well yeah, so I'm a dog mom. But I'm a dog mom and I love my dog so much that I ended up running my own pet business. That's all. You have your own business, all that's doing good work in the world. Thank you. Is that how you met a person you would know with? No? So I met him online. Um, he didn't really know like what I did necessarily, but he knew that I was an animal lover. Okay, And does he have a name? Yeah, his name is Nathan. Okay. So I was supposed to go meet up with him a couple of days ago and I was running late, so I was like, let me just ask him if he wants to come and walk the dogs with me? Oh? Mix in business and pleasure. See, do you want to come with me to my work? Who doesn't want to walk dogs? Like you're outside, you're enjoying the weather, and you're hanging out with it. I would love it. That's the only thing I'd probably get me on a walk is give me some dogs that How did it go. Were you able to have like a fun time with him, make it romance? Yeah? It was great. We met up, you know, we took the dogs around. It was like really really good. And he asked me, He's like, do you have your own dog? And I said yes, I of course I have my own dog. And he says, well, we should walk him too, And I told him that his name was Barney. It's short for Barnacle actually, because he's kind of old and crusty. Did you like run like stop by your apartment or something and pick up Barney. Yes. We ended up blocking Barney and after we had walked like four different dogs, so you know, I was like, this guy is willing to walk with me for these my hours. You know. It was so and good and the comedies was great, and we went to go drop off Barney back at home and we kissed on my front door. Are you kidd right in front of barney body party? You think that's inappropriate on the first date in front of the kids. Yet to do it in front of children, Barney trouve. I think Barney approved. Did you invite him up or did it? Was it the so I invite him up and then he ends up spending the night. All right, the morning wasn't awkward at all, Like everything was super smooth, except the only awkward thing about it was that Barney sucked in the body because he always sleeps with me, but he didn't think mine. O. Well, I mean he knew what he was getting into. He walked dogs with you for hours, and I mean you obviously made a good connection because it's not even like you guys were drinking. It wasn't like some like. It was like it was all genuine that all sounds great. So how did you two leave it? That day? So he was getting ready to go that next morning and I told him, I was like, well, I want to be vulnerable with you. And I said, I like you and I do them, so you know, I don't want to meet anyone else new online like I did. But not take it too seriously. Is this the talk? I feel like, I feel like it's important to you know, like let people know what page you're on and for them to let you know what page they're on, and that's how things work. So I asked this, I said, are you okay if we're in a situation ship and a situationship, well, that's like you're not quite in a relationship. It can either be a new relationship or you know, those people that date for ten years would never get married. That's also considered a situation, right, like not meeting new people, but like not boyfriend girlfriends and just concentrating on each other. Though so exactly like you were before. Absolutely not that you get in trouble in your calling app, which sucks. That's interesting. What did he say? He's seen a little surprised by it, but not in a bad way, and he kind of laughed and he agreed with it. Oh that's cute. Well, and I bet it was refreshing for him, you know. I mean I would imagine, like finally someone who is like forthright with how they feel what they want. Here's my boundaries. Yeah, as a guy, I maybe it could have waited a day or two. I mean, if it didn't go so well, I don't think that I would have brought that up. But like it was just so natural and like you guys said, like you weren't drinking, we weren't doing anything crazy, So like all the feelings that I got from him were very genuine, and I was I thought it was a great time. Okay, So now you're officially in a situation ship with Nathan who won't call you back. Is that what's going on? That's kind of how they were, is at the end of the situation ship? Well I hope not, because it just started, okay, but now you're having trouble keeping the situation ship going. I mean there's been like a couple of times where I try to reach out to him, you know, like try to set up a little date to hang out and like nothing too serious, just like a coffee date or something. Or I even asked him if you wanted to come over and hang out with Barnie again, and he's just kind of like, either a we've busy or it's definitely a situation that we're in now. But yeah, we're gonna try and ship it though. When we called Nathan coming up, we're gonna ship you too. After we play a song, come back and get your second date update. Second, it's weird we talk about so many different dating terms on this show, and I haven't heard of the one that Brooke and Jose both apparently knew, called situation ship, yes, which Brooke is trying to attempt with her husband unsuccessfully I don't break up. Yeah, you're not fully exclusive, but you're also not actively trying to meet new people. Yeah, and that's what happened on Lisa's date the other day with a guy who ended up spending the night after they walked dogs together, woke up the next morning and she said, will you be in a situation ship with me? And he was all on board for it, or so we said. At least his actions have been a lot different than me because he is not scheduling that second meet up. So we're gonna call him and find out why he isn't more serious about this situation ship. Not too serious. I don't want to be the average amount of seriousness that goes into situations, right, Lisa, Right right, okay, okay, okay, are you are you feeling nervous about this? Because I mean, you obviously really like this guy. I mean, the only thing that I'm getting nervous about is maybe I brought up like the situation ship a little bit too early. Well, maybe we can unscare him off. Yeah. If that is the case from a radio station, we're cool. Yeah, Yeah, who knows. Maybe after this callsoever will be considered the situation ship Crusaders. Do we have to Ye, I'm putting in the petition to change the show name from Brook Jeffrey to the Situation Ship Crusaders. I'm gonna deny that motion. Yeah, ok, fine, we'll stick with book Jeffrey fin Stoll Nathan to say hello, Hey is this Nathan? H Yeah, this is Nathan. Sorry. Did we just catch you waken up or something? No, just get a lot of calls from numbers I don't have. So you're annoyed. We're not a solicitor. Huh. Well yeah, don't worry, bro. Yeah, well we we're not not solicitors in a way. Yeah, we're soliciting on behalf of one of our listeners named Lisa that you went out on a date with and are still seeing, not seeing I don't think well want to still see? Yeah, I know Lisa, we're seeing each other. Okay. So she reached out to us for this thing called a second date update. That's what we're doing right now, because she's a little bit confused about why after your first date there hasn't been a second one. She says, you've responded to text, It's just like, doesn't seem like you're super stoked to see her again. No, I do like Lisa a lot, Like she's awesome. Okay, okay, so you I mean, the situation ship is on on your side. She told us at the end of your first day, you guys set up a situation ship, and she told us that she might have been worried that she rushed into it. They brought it up a little bit too soon. They scared you off. Or we told her she may have brought it up too soon. But yeah, no, yeah, I mean I think situation ships are awesome. Okay, right, yeah, So you aren't actively pursuing anyone else and you're concentrating on dating Lisa right now. Well I wouldn't exactly say that, but I am pursuing Lisa. We are in a situation ship. Well, she said that she's been trying to make plans with you, but you're always busy or something. Well, I mean, you know, I would have gone out with her last week, but like she said that she could only do Friday, and I was actually kind of already had plans with someone a date on Friday. So if you're in a situation ship, you don't go out on another date. It's right, isn't that how I understand it? YEA, well, no, I mean we are in a situation ship. It's like I basically can't go out and meet anyone new, but there are like a few other girls I've already been seeing in chattywas so like that should be okay. You know, I think you guys differs. Yeah, you're kind of cheating on a situation ship. You can't cheat because it's not relationship Like this is on your side, bro, So you're in a situationship with Lisa, But what are the other girls? Then? You know, I'm actually like in like, there's like four four situationships. I mean at the moment, fais at the same time is allow. I don't think that's a thing unless you talk about an open situation ship. But I don't think you have that situation. She just said, like you can't go out and meet anyone new, and like that we talked about. This is one of those like semantic things instead of I mean, do you you haven't older about the other four women, so you obviously know it would upset her. I mean, for all I know, she could be in several other situationship. Okay, that's what cheaters always. You don't have to tell them because it's a situation ship. Just that. But you can't date like five people at the same time and say you're all in a situation ship. We're with all of them, we're all sounding very confused about it. But Nason seems very sure of himself that this is okay. To me, It's like, that's the difference between a relationship and a situation ship. So you may have a cheat in a relationship, though, you're just saying in this situation it's okay, okay, Yeah, I mean it's it's actually a pretty great situation because I mean I get to like this free path to go out and get and I cook up with a bunch of other girls and like, you know, no commitment to anyway. So you're getting you like Brenda and Sally and Ashley and Lisa, and they're all cool with it. It's like we just pulled all the names out of nineteen fifteen. I'm just saying, why am I not in a relationship that sounds great? A situationship? Situations No, that's not how it works. That's not how Lisa thinks it works. I could guarantee in Focus on one Another serious is totally on the same page, Nathan, Yeah, find out that's let's ask her, Because Nathan, I need to let you know that Lisa is on the other line listening. She actually has me this one time. I am listening and you're just augusting. We are not an open situationship. I don't think that you understand what the definition of a situationship is. No, you told me I wasn't supposed to meet anyone new, and they have it. That's a good situation ship. Remember when I told you that I wanted to be vulnerable with you. That also means telling the truth. So why didn't you just tell me the truth to start it? Oh? I didn't lie, you didn't ask God. That is such a red flag, Lisa, anyone who says that the truth telling that's more of relationship status. I think situation ship isn't unto one hundred percent honesty. Yet. I think that's true because you should tell the truth to everybody, your friends, your relationships, no matter who it is. So I just see a lot of red flags here. I did tell the truth. I just told it to everyone on the radio, Like I wouldn't have said that information if I was trying to hide something like well, why didn't you tell me that to start with? Then? Like, why did you have to wait for it now? If you have nothing to hide, why didn't you just tell me when we were seeing each other, when I asked you to be in a relationship common knowledge of we're going into a situation ship breakdown here. But here's the thing, Like, obviously there was a miscommunication here, right, he thought one thing, you thought the other. Moving forward, I mean, would you be willing to only see Lisa and drop the other four situation ships? Or on the other hand, Lisa, would you be willing to take on more situation ships for four? Maybe you guys can exchange situations. I don't know how these work. Lisa just sounds awesome, and it sounds like you guys had a real connection. Barnacle, how could you do this for Barney? Barney really liked you? And now I'm concerned for Barney because I always trust all the people that my dog likes, and I don't trust you. Right now, Barney, are going to have to have a serious conversation. Oh no, no, Barney's old too. We don't want to let him down. He might be disillusional. That's probably what it is. It's like Barney is partially in this situation ship tune. Yeah, yeah, the kids. So maybe you should dump Brenda and Sally and Gretel and a German fairy tale whoever it is. And maybe would you be interested in just a one person situationship with only Lisa. I mean, if you're willing to do that, we'll pay for another date between you two. Not a relationship, just the situation. I just want to date super casual. I am keeping it super casual. I'm only dating the people I'm in situationships with. Okay, stick into your So you are a Polly situation ship person, is what you're saying. That is not a term that I acknowledge. You don't acknowledge it. It It doesn't exist. Yeah you know what, Ny, then I'm just not into it. I really like, I just saw a lot of red flags to start with, and if you just can't be honest with me up front, then I'm just not going to waste my time. I mean, honestly, this is really a bummer because I really like hooking up with you and everyone else at the same time. Jeffrey in the morning, Man, who knew you could have four situation ships all going at once. Actually, you could probably have even more if you're really your much money is I think he's the only one that knew that. The other don't know that that's happening. He's like, I'm not cheating on anyone, but sleeping with a lot of people. There is no cap on the number of situation ships you're allowed to have. Apparently it did not work out for him, Jeffrey, that's not what you need to have three other situation ships to fall back on. Unless they heard this segment, I'm just telling this is the golden age for guys in the dating time. I'm telling you you don't have to do a single thing. As long as the girl feels kind of good about the label, then you can treat her as badly as you want to, never talk to her again, and they'll be cool in a way. He's wildly romantic. I guy sucks. Yeah, I guess no shock there wasn't a second dated, at least not with that girl. Yeah, I'm sure he'll be on the show again. Not by choice though. Anyway, If you ever want to get a second date update on a relationship, a situation ship, a casual encounter, anything, We'll try and tackle that for you and call the person who isn't calling you back. Broken Jeffrey in the morning,

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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