One of our listeners practically collapsed under the pressure of picking the perfect date spot. Even when the ideal place revealed itself, it actually backfired! Hear what happened in your Second Date podcast!
Second date, up date, dear Brook and Jeffrey. This is an email that we got, so I'm just gonna read it for everybody. Dear Brook and Jeffrey, I'm mad at you.
I matched with a super cute girl the other day and my date went horribly wrong and it's all your fault.
Why this time?
The least you can do is help me fix it and get me a second date. Signed Jeremy, who's on the phone right now, the complainer.
Okay, okay, I mean.
One of the nicer emails that we've gotten all week long. And I don't know any more detail than that, so let's just talk to him really quick.
Jeremy, welcome to the show.
Okay, And first, I would like to apologize for whatever misleading or ignorant thing.
Brooks said to purposely miss up your love life.
She's gonna deny it deep down though she is very sorry.
I'm not sorry, but I told you she denied it. I mean, you're just coming at us so hard, Jeremy, telling us it's our fault your date went back.
Why do you say the why is it our fault?
Because the sky is blue? Owls exists, you know, because.
It's just the reality of life. Can't argue with that type of logic. It is facts. We don't help you.
All right, who'd you go out with Dana?
Dana? Okay, okay? And how did you meet Dana?
Well, I mean, first of all, let me just say that.
Well, let's send you guys all the time.
Okay, Now, we like you, that's all I had to say.
We appreciate your sacrifice.
Your sacrifice, and you guys are I've always kind of taken what you said to heart and really listened.
And all right, well, in our defense, that's your mistake to keep going.
Sometimes decent advice that here.
So you guys are always pushing this whole thing about do an activity, do something?
Okay, don't do just a bar for a first.
A bar day. It's so cliche. It's this and that. It's so boring. And I took that to heart and and leading up to my date, all I can think about it, I couldn't get it out of my head, and I'm going crazy on what do we do?
I mean, you're completely overthinking everything at this point.
But you are thinking about something and that's a good thing.
And you middle though, yeah, because you want to impress Dana. It sounds like.
Going with the plans. So what did you end up doing?
Well, let me say, I guess my apartment, and there's like a like a flyer. Okay, yeah, it's this Friday night bar golf bar golf. Yeah, it's like appeared to be interactive and unique, right, even us dressed like golfers.
Okay, that's cool. That sounds like a fun day doing mini golf inside of a bar.
Correct. And so we meet. I get there and it's not at all like the flyer suggested.
What was it?
So it's patch first of all, I mean, like to the point of it's not even fun like the bar, you know, like five deep, and it doesn't actually like involved golf per se. It's more like a like almost like a bar crawl, like the par number, and like each bar has its own special drink, right, So like bar one be like a shot at fireball. So that's like one like one point.
Right, that's a par one because it takes one sip to drink one.
It's a drinking game, it's not a golf game.
And then like you know, you have a beer and it's you know, they have it mapped out to seven drink SIPs seven seer.
That's fast.
I mean, if you don't like, you don't have to do it. But they're so competitive.
These guys are competitive.
Look, guys, I know that you're laughing at this, but this is and was not uh many golf at a bar. It was get wasted.
It's better than many golf at a bar.
I was so disappointed. And the way it was all shut up, I get I got hammered.
So you okay, well why did you do it?
Not because I was there?
You know what I mean?
Like I.
Did she get hammered? Or was it just you wasted that?
I wish I knew. This is what I remember. I remember seeing her at Bar four, okay, and then at that point I lost her. And the next thing I remember, I'm at Bar five and I'm I'm literally crying and some random dude is consoling me.
Bar day.
But here's but the last thing I do remember there she was Bar six.
You kept going.
With her and just kind of grabbed her arm, like where were you? Oh?
I feel like she went to the bathroom and you ditched her or something and she ditched him.
I mean, honestly, and I'm sorry, but I blame you guys.
Oh okay, well we did a fun event, and we told you to do fun events. I accept one hundred responsibility for this steak disaster. Sties.
It falls on us sometimes.
No, you accepted responsibility.
That is ridiculous.
You should be were roadman.
We are a team much like a bar golf team, all right, and we need to be there for our other team member, our listener, Jeremy.
Okay, I will, because that sucks.
What Jeremy really wants is a mulligan, which is golf speak for a duo.
Oh right, that's what it is, Jeremy. You knew that.
Uh yeah, yeah.
Let's so here we go. We're gonna try and get you a mulligan. When we come back.
We're gonna call your date Dana for you and try and get to a second date update right.
After second date update golf themed bar crawl. Yeah.
Awesome idea for a fun night out. Probably not a great idea though, for a romantic first date.
We're romantic or just a conscious first date? I mean, I don't even know.
The thing is.
That's the activity Jeremy did on his date the other night with Dana.
And it didn't go well, he golfed hard, which is one hundred percent our fault because we're always.
Telling people it's good to be thoughtful and creative with your date night ideas. Don't just do a regular old restaurant or a bar and expect things to go amazing.
Do eight bars and take multiple shots at each one.
Jeremy took our advice to heart when he saw a flyer advertising this you know, golf bar event, and what happened got so shmammered.
He lost his date.
D Darning but the founder, and then lost her again. Yeah, as much as he can.
Remember the night that he visualized in his mind. But we're hoping to make things right, fix our own mistakes, and we connect Jeremy with Dana on a much better, much more boring date night.
Isn't that right?
We're boring is probably good for him, Jeremy, Yeah, we didn't ask you. Have you texted or called to apologize for I.
Don't know why he would do that. We're the ones who are calling to apologize.
Have we texted?
Yeah, I'm text a couple of times like Hey, I'm just I can talk, Please give me a call kind of thing.
Yeah, nobody wants to hear let's let's says when she has something, but it's never a good message.
No, But here's the thing. Maybe she doesn't even remember what happened that night the same way.
That Jeremy does. And we're going to call her right now and find out. What if she's embarrassed, like, oh.
No, that would be ideal.
Honestly, it would be ideal.
I doubt that that's the case, but it would be ideal.
We're hoping.
Here we go.
I'm in a Dillar number right now. Hello, Hi, I'm hoping that this is Dana.
Yes, this is she.
Hey Dana. Sorry for the awkward call that's about to happen right now. But you're on the radio with a show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning this morning. Okay, And we shouldn't even apologize. We should be like, congratulations on being on this segment called a second Date Update, because there's a listener of ours who is desperate to go on a date with you, desperate a strong word, who's very excited to see you again for another date night.
Sorry for the D word.
She's not talking say Jeremy.
Yeah, I didn't say Jeremy.
You didn't say his name.
No, well, he's the only guy who've been out with for the past month or so.
Well kind of impression did Jeremy leave quick question?
Oh gosh, I mean, I don't even how can I even articulate what was like?
Well, before you give us your recap, he did tell us a little bit about your guys date from the other night. He thought that you were going to go to a mini golf event in a bar, yeah.
Where you'd play a little golf drink a little beer.
But it turned out different than what he expected, and it was just a bar crawl with a golf themed scoring.
Fun, it sounds fun, but very very intoxicated, dangerous.
Yeah, you know he was. He got really competitive with it.
You're saying, he's a man.
Naturally. The crowd was really like hyping him up to you know, they were chanting Bertie.
Bertie so that he would drink his drinks faster.
What's a birdie again, It's like when you under it's one under.
Par, one drink under par.
So people were chanting him, encouraging him to drink faster, essentially.
And you weren't chanting birdie at him, because that's what a supportive person would do.
I mean, he was just starting to get sloppy. I was just growing very tired of the whole thing by.
That point yourself. I'm curious about what happened between Bar four and Bar six.
Oh gosh.
He said he lost you at Bar four and never even saw you at the next bar.
That's not how I remember it, because I know at one point I was hanging out with other people because I was just over it, and I saw him and was purposely avoiding him.
Oh yeah, because he was just so wasted.
What bar was that?
I mean that was whichever one where he was crying.
Oh that was the fifth bar maybe, Yeah, that's what he said.
He said he was trying to some guy because he thought he lost you and he was upset.
The details helping, And then he said he was able to find you again though, at the next bar at Bar six, and he saw.
You and he ran up to you and was like where were you?
Yeah? No, I mean he must have seen somebody that was dressed kind of similar to me, because that definitely was not me.
You a stranger and shook him and we're like, hey, where where were you you?
No? I had left by then, undone.
What who was he shaking?
Believe me, it was not me, because I distinctly remember getting an uber like in the middle of the fifth barah.
Okay, yeah, that's a different version of the story than we heard slightly.
How did this?
We should probably let's uh.
We should probably ask Jeremy about that, because he is on the other line right now listening Dana and wanting to talk to you.
Can you listen to this whole thing?
Yeah, that's how the segment works.
He needed to hear it.
He didn't remember. Jeremy there, I'm here.
Hey, Dana, so awkward, I know, I am. I am so sorry. I want to make sure that that have a clean play here. That the reason, the reason that I wanted you on this show is because this is their fault one hundred percent, one hundred percent, and I felt it.
And I don't think she knows what you're saying. I don't think she listens to this show.
Why are you saying that it's our fault? Jeremy tell her?
So, Okay, I listened to the show all the time, and that always encouraging people like, Hey, when you go on on the date, your first date of whatever, don't know there's something cliche, don't just go to bar, don't a little restaurant, there's something unique whatever, blah blah blah, and so and I'm you know, I'm nervous as it is to meet you, and I've got this garbage in my head now from them, and so that's why that happened. Otherwise I would have made that decision. And I am sorry, but it's their fault. And by the way, they admitted.
It before you got wowna.
How does that make you feel? What do you think hearing that? I know we are sorry.
Some people are just really impressionable, So it kind of makes sense to me, especially when it comes to dating, like you look to other people for advice.
So you know, he was doing exactly.
It sounds like, I mean, he's just maybe a victim of a lot of peer pressure, right. He was pressured into this date idea, he was pressured to drink all of that.
By the crowd.
I don't know if that's a sexy thing, but very impressionable.
Jeremy, You've blamed us for pretty much everything that went wrong on your date night?
Is there anything else you want from us?
What I really want is for Brooke to apologize to you, right Dane.
I don't know if you know this, but Brooke has actually already apologized to Jeremy earlier, and I think she is ready to apologize to you right now. We're going to back up and Brooke. God, remember Brooke, Remember this is not about you right now. This is about our listener, Jeremy and his dating life. It's not about how you come off looking during this phone call. I think you need to remind yourself you're insulting his date ideas without.
Brooke, come on, Brooks, with all due respect, all you're illustrating to me are the ramifications of me following your advice.
Yes, for a moment, apologize.
He is right. I am very sorry that you went out with a man who can't think for himself. But I think he's going to change. Trust is intuition, trust is got, and go with what he thinks it's best. He might not listen to us ever again.
Well, now with that sort of apology, it's out of our hands.
It's as good as I got, and we're going.
To ask you, Dana, would you like to go out with Jeremy one more time? A date that we would pay for but have zero other influence.
In other things.
I mean, as long as it's a more traditional date, no shots, no competition, I would be willing to give it one more try.
Oh, Jeremy, that's awesome. It ended on a really good note. So I'm going to thank everyone involved in Dana. Thank you. I'll make it worth your while. We'll have a good time of promise. The one person I'm not going to actually I'm going to exclude from this apology is Brooke.
Jerry, I hope you get another date, my man.
Yeah, Brooke, I'm kind of busy right now. I'm planning my next activity.
You Frisbee?
Next time.
Better, Jeffrey in the morning, does you know what we totally missed there? What say? So hell bent on blaming us for the horrible night that he had?
Yeah, why weren't you standing up for me?
Ever, it's more funny along the side of entertaining.
The thing was he totally glazed over the mystery girl that he was like talking to it bar number six.
That wasn't his date. We never even got to it.
Dude, he doesn't remember. I don't guarantee that mystery girl wanted nothing to do with him as well.
I'm saying she was probably freaking out, like, who is this drunk guy acting like we're out on a date right now?
I cannot believe he got another shot after that. Yeah, not only after that, but also after not taking any responsibility for it.
That's the power of an apology, Brooke. You should try it outside of the show.
Somebody he didn't apologize, No, you did, Oh it was mine?
Yeah, an apology can fix the world.
Mine was so so real. Yeah, so sincere.
Even a fake apology goes a long long way.
To fake it till you make it situation.
Never forget that, and never forget that.
If you ever need help with your dating life, you can always email the show.
We'll call that person
Wasn't calling you back, Freaking Jeffrey in the morning.