Second Date Update: The Mysterious Wallet Situation

Published Jun 26, 2024, 3:31 PM

Today’s Second Date segment might involve one of the GREATEST SCAMS we’ve ever heard on a first date… Hear for yourself in the podcast!

Second date up date. We don't normally hear about this on second dates, or I don't know if maybe it just doesn't happen a lot. I'm not sure. But in today's call our listener, Michelle says that she paid for the entire first date that they went on, drinks, food, and the activity that they did together. And then after doing all of that, wouldn't she know it, she's not getting a call back. Does it feel to be a guy all that effort for no reward?

Why wouldn't the guy at least do one thing? I don't know.

If she's the one that set the date up, then it's her responsibility.

Yeah, I think it.

Yeah. Before we jump to any conclusions here, let's talk to Michelle and find out what happened. Michelle, how you doing?


I'm good. How are you guys doing good?

It's a good start.

Since you're on the phone with us, Some people come in a little bit more fragile.

You seem like you're in good spirits, but clearly something's going wrong if this guy isn't calling you back, So tell us about the situation. Who is he?

Well, his name is Calvin. We met on a dating app.

And you I mean, my first question is are you the one that initiated all the contact?

And it was pretty mutual in the beginning when we exchange numbers. We were just going back and forth and we spoke on the phone a few times and face timed. But I had at the topic of self care had came up during one of our conversations.

You say self care, Yeah.

Self care? Yeah okay, And so I asked him if he ever had a manny and petty and he and he said no, Oh.

Every man get a man makes sense.

I've heard that my best friend gets manny's and petties, but I've never done it.

They feel so good.

I had a guy friend going for a manny petty lost his foot.

Still going back, Ali, Yeah, Petty, Well yeah.

The place that he went wasn't a credited but but you're foot in this bucket. I'm assuming that you probably took him to more reputable place. Yeah okay. So was there any indecision about who was going to pay for this part of the date.

Yeah, Well, we didn't discuss it ahead of time, but I paid for the whole thing because he didn't have his wallet, he didn't know where it was, so I mean, it wasn't It wasn't a big deal to me.

Whoa wallet?

What do you mean?

Like you pad the scene, like you don't find this out till what you're standing at the register.

Yeah. So we got to the counter and he looked like he was attempting to pay, like he was adding down his pockets and stuff like that. And he's like, oh, man, I don't I don't have my wallet. It looks like I don't even have it.

Hit him at the girls of the bars. You're like, I've never tried to kilos.

If somebody buys you, I've never had my nails done, and then you get paid.

That's so smart, I would.

She's like, exactly, who his phone isn't connected these days to your credit card?

You know what I mean?

My phone is not connected to my credit card. By the way, it's called a life pack book. So thank you for lunch. After this, I.

Thought of that too. I was like, oh, you can just cash app if you want or whatever. And he's like, he doesn't do that because someone had stold his credit card information at.

One point, you have cash up and he said no.

Well he didn't have he didn't have any links.

Okay, this guy. He's had a rough he's had a rough go with the payment stuff in his past, so let's give him a break on that. Okay, So, but there was more after the manny petty it sounds.

Like, yeah, so he loved it. And then after the nail salawn we went to a bar and then all of a sudden he found his wallet. I guess he didn't realize, oh.

My gosh, oh right after it is a guy, you don't even have a purse. I know he gave me he was wearing cargo pants.

There are so many pockets in those things, that's true.

It was like in a pocket within a pot. It was like this forgot like.

Suddenly I found my ID, so I can go into drink in this.

Yeah, that's fate smiling on your date right there.

So I mean at that point he should pay for the drinks.

I think, yeah, did he pay for the drinks at least?

Well, let's rewind a little bit. So he had his ID in the wallet, but he didn't have any money in his wallet because he had just made a payment right before he left his house. And I can understand like he's nervous about the date.

There's no understanding why are we calling him? I mean, look, it's scamming her.

Alexis doesn't trust the guy unless he leaves the credit card at a house.

Guys, have we thought? And I don't want to make this sad, but he doesn't have a lot of money. It's embarrassing. You don't just tell someone I have three dollars in my bag. I've been there.

Take a date where you can afford something, then sure?

But what if this is all true? Though? What if he actually couldn't find his wallet and he was really nervous about a date with a great girl and was just making mistakes.

Okay, if it was true, Jeff, I would think that he would call her for a second date to you know, even.

The even if even if he wasn't.

Super interested, if it was true, he'd be like, let's go out again so I can treat you next time you when you get home.

Yes, but the embarrassment and the shame of having to do that is really overwhelming for somebody.

I mean, my heart drops just thinking about that.

I don't know, she sounds pretty nice. She sounds like it didn't bother her one bit, Like, I.

Mean, how did you feel about it? Michelle?

Well, you know everything, what really is great? On our date. I didn't mind paying. Things happen in life, and I went into it was an open mind and just wanted to get to know him. We had great conversation, so I was for it. Yeah.

Okay, but at this point after the date, he's not calling you back.

Right like I'll text and sometimes he doesn't respond at all, and sometimes he does, and it's kind.

Of like, sure, yeah that's right with Brook, Why is he not taking you out?

He doesn't respond.

No, maybe he just forgot what pocket his phone was in and he's like, oh, it's usually in this pocket. Now it's in my jacket pocket.

Where are they finding all of these clothes with tiny hidden pockets?

I mean I kind of gathered that maybe he's like embarrassed about it, and.

Yeah, that could be fun with him.

You want to I did.

I just want to know what's up, what's the deal? I can't wait forever, but I do. I like his vibe.

Okay, Okay, Well maybe his ego is a little bit down right now, but I think just the fact that we call him and tell him that you're still interested would be a huge boost to it, for sure.


So let's do that. We'll come back. We're gonna call Calvin for you and try and get you a second date. Update right after this second date update. Are we just a jaded, cynical bunch of radio sleeve bags judging people on the surface.

Wait that a question, Of course we are.

We shouldn't take that much pride in it, because, for the first time in probably over two years, a woman has come on the show and said she paid for everything on a first date because the guy forgot his wallet or you know, misplaced it for a second at least, And most of us instantly thought, oh, this guy is a total scam artist who doesn't deserve a date, let alone any love in his life.

But I don't know that we went that far. Is that what you were thinking in your head?

I heard Alexis say, why do you even want to call this guy?

That's okay, keep going with the story, though it gets worse.

Why The bottom line is Michelle says she had a great time with him, felt the connection and thought maybe his nervousness just caused him to make a few bonehead mistakes.

Yeah, he was have.

A lot of money.

He found his wallet out, just his credit card.

I don't know.

Yeah, the thing is Michelle is willing to give him the benefit of the doubt in that situation. Can we do the same find the good in him?

Sounds a little scammy, but we'll try.


I guess the weird part is afterwards Calvin isn't offering to repay her or even reaching out for another day. That's the weird part. Our thought is maybe nervousness and embarrassment. Where are you at, Michelle?

Yeah, I feel like he was nervous and embarrassed. I mean, you guys weren't there, so.

Yes, and we also make light of stuff.

We're half joking.

Yeah, but you feel like he's a good guy deep down.

Yeah, I'm all about the person and not money.

So Alexis just rolled her eyes at You're so sorry about that. Let's just get Let's just call Calvin though, because I do want to hear what he has to say about this. So here we go. I'm dialing this number right now.


Hey is this Calvin?

Yeah? This Calvin's going on?

Hey, Hey Calvin, we're a radio show and we're hoping to talk to you about your dating life a little bit.

What are you talking about? Yeah?

I know, It sounds a little bit weird, but it's a segment that we do called a second date Update, and that's where we help our listeners reconnect with somebody that they went out on a date with if they're not able to get a second one.

Yeah, okay, So what's going on.

That one's interested in you? Is that surprising at all to you? Calvin?

The way my life going, and yes, that's very surprising.

Hold on, don't get doubt on yourself because this is Michelle. You guys went and got like manicure pedicure stuff together.

Ooh my god.

Oh oh okay, because that was like a very much.

If he's embarrassed by the date, that that's a natural reaction.

We heard a little from Michelle about it. We heard that she like, misplaced your wallet and couldn't pay and then found it later.

Bro, it sounded like a mess and it didn't gain you in the best light, right.

I mean, And then there was like the excuse that you don't do any cash app.

Sorry we're not trying to pile on you here, but I mean and also your name, I'm kidding, how did you feel about the wallet situation?

I'll be ready with you. I feel really bad about the whole night, Bud. I'm just not at a really good point right now financially, which makes dating hard. Yeah, so you know, I really do feel bad about the whole night.


Okay, you don't have to feel bad. She's still really interested in you.

She brought that up to her like he may not have, and she did not.

Text is free, So.

Don't take that from the woman who has her mom pay her cel phone bak. Okay, So look, it's so we know that we know that you ended up finding your wallet right before you got to the bar. Was that just so that you could get your ID to get in?

Yeah? Because I just didn't know how to tell her I didn't have any money.

Yeah, okay.

I mean the thing is is like she sounds so open and cool, like you should have just suggested a date that didn't cost as much.

She knows that we all go through tough times. So let's say that she was still interested after the disaster of your first date.

I think we just said that.

What is your take on that.

I mean, honestly, I would probably say no because she's just too good for me. I don't want to waste her time.

No, why would you say that everybody goes through hard times.

Yeah, yeah, but I don't want to bring that into my drama and all my life.

Are you not single?

Before you answer that, we get too deep into this, I want to bring on someone who's more important than any of us in this room, and that's Michelle, who's been waiting patiently on the other line listening to this call, wanting to talk to you.

Where are you talking about, Seana phone?

Yeah, that's how this segment works. We have them listening Michelle there.

Hi, Calvin, Hi, Michelle. I mean, I haven't heard from you, so I'm really happy to hear your voice.

I just want to apologize up front. I'm just going through a lot right now. I don't have a job, so I just don't want to wait.

Well, I'm honestly, I mean that just means you're you're an entrepreneur. I think you're just looking at this whole thing wrong.

What do you look at it interesting?

I mean, every business owner goes through this in the beginning, you know, I'm sure even the YouTube owners struggled, Airbnb owners struggled in the beginning. This is just and I'm I'm I'm willing to stick by you.

Know, basis when he's working out of his garage a billionaire.

He was already rich.

But yeah, okay, well, I mean, Calvin, she's willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. I'm having no job.

Yeah, but I'm like fully broke man, like I have no money, and I'm serious. I feel like she's such a good person. I just feel like I'll be wasting her time.

It's not that you don't have any You're not materialistic. It's not about money with you.

Oh god, you guys together.

Some of my best relationships they were men who didn't have home.

Yeah, love them the moment.

Okay, we'll tell your husband to give up the house and move into your Okay.

I'm just saying that.

It's a hard thing for her husband to hear. The best relationships are with the homeless.

Yes, he's obviously my best. Why do you have to compare everything? Jesus talking to my husband right now. I had relationships.

You're hearing a.

Happy relationship on the phone right now. These people excuse me, Sorry, continue, Michelle.

He's not homeless. He has a home if he needs to come here.

Wow, is that an offer?

Did you just a girl?

Calvin I mean.

I never thought about it anything like that. Honestly, be real with you. I felt like even at night, I was kind of getting on her nerves because I was talking a lot of junk about my ex girlfriend.

Oh well, don't bring it up.

Now, obviously, Did you not learn anything from the last thirty seconds in my life?

Everything is good, Michelle. Did you have a problem with him talking about his ex the whole night?

No, I took it as it means that he's really passionate about love and he still believes in it.

You cannot bring her down. No, I need to call her every time I'm having a bad day so.

She could spin it.

Fam I mean, I think brook she sees this little lump of coal and spots of Diamond's Aladdin right now. Yeah, And there's nothing wrong with wanting to change a man to be better.

I don't want to change him. I don't need to change him. He perfect the way he is.

That's really nice. Don't pass this up, Calvin. This is like once in a lifetime you meet a person like this.

I mean, we would love to offer you guys to go out on another date, and we would pay for it if you're willing to at least give it a shot. Calvin. That way, you don't have to worry.

No no, no, no, no no no no no. Listen, guys, this is my money, my choice. I want to pay for the date and let him know I am by his side.

Okay, I wouldn't feel bad for Friday.

The need a financial decisions.

Calvin, I mean, what are you going to say? Are you willing to give her a chance to pay for your next day?

She's offering the honor to Michelle. Thank you for even just understanding what I'm going through and wanting to be there for me.

So yes, I.

Would love to go on.

Are man?

This turned out so good? It like chipped away at my little jaded heart.

So I can't well, congratulations you too. You're gonna meet.

Up Michelle for real? Are you sure you want to go out with me?

After all?

It is because you know every time on the day, I'm just talking about myself.

Wait what what rule?

Maybe we could not do that.

I just looked at it like you're opening up to me. You feel comfortable opening up to me, just.

Not as Wallace.

Jeffrey In the morning. We have a lot of texts coming in at seventy five Night two. About this second date, someone said, we absolutely have to get an update update from these two. She is the most understanding woman in the world.

I know. I'm actually like, I'm worried about her. Not necessarily this relationship, but just in life. Is she gonna get taken advantage of can you live? You live open and kind?

She's gonna bean a guy who's like, yeah, I murdered a bunch of people, and she's like.

You sound very passionate.

Another text says, it's funny Brook called the guy a scammer in the first part and by the end her heart was melting with shame. That yeah, yeah, that's not fair. Brook's heart was not melting with shame. It was melting thinking about her homeless ex boyfriends. Let's give her some credit on that.

Listen, you guys, it's not that I still love them. They just it was a fun relationship.

You know, we're doing well.

We stayed at my house all the time.

That was the only option. Alexis, maybe did you learn anything from this second date update? Anything you want to put into your own dating life?

Was I supposed to No?

No, never asked. Yeah. What I should be asking is if you have any issues in your love life that you want a little help with, we can be that person to step in for you.

This makes me feel like we can do good things.

Truly want to us.

Out email the show. We'll call that person who's not calling you back and go check out all of our second Day podcasts wherever you get yours at brookn

Jeffrey Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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