Second Date Update: The Lucky Number 17

Published Jan 10, 2024, 5:38 PM

Thanks to a new, weird trend, one of our listeners met a woman he had a MAJOR CRUSH on and felt comfortable spending HUNDREDS of dollars on her. We’ll explain in a brand new Second Date podcast!

Second date up date for guys. When it comes to dating and actually meeting women, Let's face it, we need all the help that we can get because the apps can be very frustrating and slow. Going out to a bar armed with three horrible pickup lines is almost impossible.

Pickup lines is going to make it really hard.

Yes, with all these clowns around here, feels like we're at the circus.

Huh, Drake, So you totally kept going with it.

Yeah, I'm the same. Seem clearly they didn't work in here either. But now there's a new dating trend that people are doing. And I've never heard about this before, but it's how one of our listeners met someone the other day. So let's talk to him about it. His name is Andre. Andre. Welcome to the show. Hi, Hi, how.

You doing all of it?

Well? Stop, I want to know where you learn this dating trick or hack or whatever it is from.

Apparently it's a different like dating activity than people are.

Doing it is. It's kind of like speed dating meets to basically, Oh, it's.

Like an event that you went to meet someone.

I'm sorry, it's put together okay, like a restaurant hosts the event.

Yeah, speed dating? Is it new?

But yeah, what makes this different than normal speed dating?

Well, first of all, you have a set like meat time, but the ladies arrived first, and they none of them are alone, you know, they're groups of friends and they order like drinks or something to eat.

Oh you like this because you don't have to pay for them?

Is that?

What it is?

The way it works is when you bash come in maybe about half an hour to forty five minutes later, okay, and you get to you know, walk around and say hi. But if you sit down, you actually end up paying for the meal.

The guys have to pay for the things that the girls order.

Well, there's multiple women at the table. This sounds expensive, man, Yeah, that sounds great.

If you're a girl.

I don't know.

We just do a girl's night. You talk to one guys we paid.

Was amazing to me too. I would annoy everyone with my food knowledge, all the food coming.

But then you have to pay for everything that they order.

But at least I got attention from a girl for once.

That's kind of like a blind Uh you're going in blind on that one. But myself, a couple of friends of mine decided we were going to do this just for a funny evening. You figured, if you're splitting the bill three ways, how bad could it be?

You know?

Okay, so you would all go to the same table to meet, like three.

We were hanging out. I'm hanging out with my friends. You're hanging out with your friends. Let's see how it works.

Okay, So who'd you meet?

I met a lovely young lady named Becca.

Did you get a weird feeling when he said lovely young lady too?

Yes to describe someone?

Yeah, okay, let's try it again. You met a really hot girl named Becca.

I met a really hot girl named Beck.

That's funny.

How did you guys connect?


I actually asked her if she was just here for the food, and she said, it depends on the guy. So we just started flirting back and forth.

Oh okay, And that's such an honest answer. It's like, yeah, kind of am But if a cute guy that hits it off is yeah, then of course I'm into it.

How long do you guys spend together? Like, do you do the whole meal together?


The meal was they had something to eat before we got there. You have the option to eat if you want, but you know, you don't want to eat in front of somebody if they're not eating.

Okay, I just had.

A couple of drinks. One of my friends got an apetizer. You know, we were just basically talking.

It's just so many of the guys to eat first.

So how long did you spend with Becca?

The speed anything goes for about another forty five minutes, but she had someplace else to be, so she ended up leaving maybe about like a half an hour, and so it was still like fifteen minutes left. My guys weren't leaving, and I didn't get a chance to ask her for her content information. So I asked one of her friends, and her friend was nice enough to give me her contact information. So I ended up texting her later that evening.

Oh, okay, did you guys go out again? Or is that what we're calling on this experience?

On text? We agreed to like meet up again, like did we kind of like lesson at that And here's where I think I kind of went maybe went wrong, Maybe they came in a little too strong. Was that I texted her like between fourteen and seventeen times?

Oh man, only seventeen times?

Okay, Okay, they weren't all about the date. Some of them were just like a couple of funny memes.

You know, was there a response from her in between all these seventeen texts or was it just your bubbles?

I still haven't heard from her.

Oh, no, one thing that there was like one or two responses.

What we can do?

Are you sure it's the right number because you said that the friend gave.

It to you.

Yet it's the right number because we texted back and forth and once we agreed to meet up, that's.

When she stopped.

And it was helpful.

Yeah, maybe she's working some extra side jobs, trying to save up enough money to pay for his next meal. That way, it's evened out because he already paid for hers.

Think they said he just had drinks and maybe an appetizer.

Well, how much did you spend on her meal?

That though? Andre found out between me and my friends, we only haven't spending like seventy five seventy.

Five dollars each?

Are you that? Three ways?

Total? Okays?

Like one hundred bucks a person.

That's that's a lot.

That's a lot, a lot.

It's why would a group of girls hold back if you're not and it's not like fancy restaurants are the ones hosting these type of things.

No, And that's two hundred and seventy five dollars worth of food in a half hour.

That's like power.

Eating for it. So yeah, I like Alexis does not feel bad for you.


Yeah, he came in knowing exactly what he was going to get. Why would there be any pity.

There just because he's a listener to our show and we're supposed to act like we're on their side.

Yeah, well I am. But he doesn't seem upset about the bill, Jeff, No, No, I'm.

Not upset at all. I mean, when you think about it, you get right to the point because you're actually making a physical, in person connection, you know. Yeah, spending the money, I think it's.

Yeah, a good rab is like seventy dollars in a steake.

Okay, we could still stop going down the menu. I mean, you know howbody else's there's some huggy girls. I like that, all right, Okay.

Person, they were a lot of high end there were a couple of high end cocktails on the.

All right, okay, well not the money that Yeah, he's happy to.

Have met her.

Good, all right, Well, hopefully we can get her on the phone one more time and convince her to meet up with you again.

He sound lovely, Thank you.

It's not creepy when Brooks says lovely to someone else, though only when he says it. We're not going to use that word at all when we call her. Come back and try and get your second date update right after this. All right, second date update. You know what's funny about the number seventeen is that it's actually my lucky number. I was born on the seventeenth.

A brooks favorite number is seventeen.

Well, she only changed it to that because she found out it was my.


Seventeen is also the number of muscles that are in the human tongue. I didn't know age you want to demonstrate? Oh I hate that there was an eighteenth one. And curiously, seventeen is also the number of times that our listener Andre has texted a woman named Becca with no response from her after they met at a tender speed dating event.

That it is really looking more unlucky and unlucky as it goes.

Everybody is saying seventeen texts without an answer is a bad sign. But here's the thing I've gone hundreds of texts and emails without answering people, even higher ups at our own company who are asking me to fill up my time cards so I could quote get paid. Not falling for that one management.

You haven't gotten a paycheck in three years.

I mean, I signed a contract. What else do I have to do?


Yeah, but you're supposed to check your bank account. I'm literally on the air.

What more do they want me to do? You've got to go fill out a time sheet? Ter, It's ridiculous.

I'm at work.

But we're gonna see what Becca's reason is if she answers the phone for why she's not texting you back? Okay, Andre, Yes, And.

I really need you guys to go to bat for me.

Okay, okay, I mean, what do you think is key to success here? Do you have any ideas for us?


What does she like about you? Do you know?

I'm not sure. I'm just hoping at some point that maybe she lost service and didn't see all of them.

All right, Well that's ex I think that's a pretty good indicator. All right, But lucky number seventeen is the one thing that I'm going to stick on to today.

So here we go ready, I'm going to really emphasize her seventeen ununcered texts.

I would go with not actually yeah, okay, so we're starting with officially nothing as we dial her numbers. Best of luck to everybody. Here we go, Hello, Hey, we're looking for Becca.

Uh no, no, no, Becca here?

Who is?

Do we have the wrong number?

Sorry about that?

Yeah, we're a radio show called Brook and Jeffrey in the morning. You're not that.

No, Oh my god, that's why the text have you been getting so many weird texts from?

I don't understand. We got a phone number here from a guy named Andre who says he met Becca the other night at a speed dating event. He got this number from her friend, and he's been texting back and forth at this number.

Oh, I guess he did say Becca did text?

Or yeah? I am so sorry.

It's not Do you are Rebecca and you're pretending not to be?


No, I I am Kayla, I'm I'm Becca's friend. I'm thee who gave Andre the number.

Your number by accident?

What I mean, I wouldn't say by accident?

Like him?

So you liked Andre?

I thought he was really cute and so I gave him my number.

That's messed up.

Oh my god.

Wait, why didn't you tell him that it was you instead of Becca. Why wouldn't you just say to him, well, I'm not going to give you my friend's number, but i'll give you mine.

Oh well, I was at first. I was just like upset that he wasn't asking for my number, that he asked for her number.

Oh my god, Oh my god.

It sounds so stupid now thinking back, But that's like why I haven't been texting him because I was. I just felt so guilty because like, we made plans and I know that that it went too far.

Oh my got this, dude, this so makes sense, Like when he was telling us about this dating event where it's like you bring in some of your friends and then you meet some other girlfriends, Like this has gotta happen all the time, where like maybe not the right people liking each other one on one.

I'm not sure I understand what your plan was.

I don't think she understood. That's why she's not texting that.

You gave him your phone number and said it was Becca's number.

In hopes that they could they.

Fall in love over text.

I didn't really have the best of plan. I'll be honest, but that's not Maybe if they made a plan and then he hadn't heard from her a while and then you know, reached back out and then I showed up and was like, oh my god, you know, like Becca was had a link and I was I didn't want you to be so you just got up.

That's a very elaborate plan, you well thought out.

And I thought like maybe if we were alone, just one on one and was talking, that he would see just like how wonderful it was.

So she was going to have Becca ghost him so that she could swoop in and come to the rescue.

Trick him into liking and then be like, I'm better.

You should just take it on my number. It's the same number.

Yeah, I didn't think about when I finally gave him my number and it being the same number, how that would go exactly.

Does your friend Becca know you're doing this?

No? No, no, she has no God.

Did she even like him?


A good question.

I mean Becca's talking to a lot of guys right now, and so he would just be like one of many for for me just be warn Okay.

Oh my god, your voice has been so high this entire time.

All right, well, that's definitely an awkward move. You you've been kind of trying to trick him into liking you.

I mean, I wouldn't say trick.

Trig him into hanging out with her.

We've kind of tricked you, but not really because we need to tell you that. Well you didn't know this, but Andre is on the other line right now listening to this conversation. Oh yeah, oh.

Okay, yeah, and Andre there, well, yeah, I'm here.

Do you remember Kayla? Andre? Do you remember meeting Kayla?

Even if you don't, I remember. We really didn't really didn't talk much, but we did talk. I'm sorry, I'm just a little I'm sorry, I'm a little chat at the moment.

Okay, both flustered right now, and there's a lot of information that's all coming out at once. But now, Andre, you know that Becca's friend Kayla was kind of into you that night. How does that make you feel?

I don't I don't know like how I feel like right now, it's just a little overwhelming, Like it's so you never gave her my numbers?

No, I mean, like I said, she's talking to like multiple guys, like we were really there more for me that night, like she she was kind of coming as like support.

Even if you did get Becca's number, Bro, she probably would have just pushed towards Kayla's direction anyway as a good friend.

Yeah, that's a good point, Jose.

Or do you like the challenge of beating out all those other guys who are into Becca?

No, don't do that. I'm going out with Kayla.

I mean they're like the same energy. He's a guy who will text seventeen times with no response. She's a woman who will pretend to be someone else beget.

To feel bad.


Yeah, I feel like.

Totally dysfunctional, but for some reason it works. Andre, how do you feel about that?

I mean that sounds I don't know, that sounds really good for like a movie, I don't know.

But what if life could be a movie? Andre?

Wow, that's what they say sometimes, like the most obvious, amazing thing is right in front of you and you didn't see it, giving you a fake phone number and not texting you back after seventeen messages.

I love that quote, Jeff. I love when people say that.

Yeah, it is so beautiful and so normally we would add I mean, this is a little bit of a different situation in light of the new information. I think first we need to ask Andre because when you called us, you wanted to go out with Becca, but instead, maybe would it be cool if we sent you out with Becca's friend Hayla?

Cayla? Tell her?


Come on, Kyle?

I mean, well, hold on, I'm asking. First, we got to ask Andre if he's cool with that.

It's weird.

It's weird.

It's more weird than contacting the radio station to contact That's the whole thing.

It's weird all around.

Yeah, but what's bad about it? Like, honestly, like, what could you lose trying one date with Kayla?

I mean she doesn't seem like crazy or anything like that.

No, No, it's seventeen texts.

That's maybe a little over enthusiast. I wouldn't call that crazy, maybe rything.

Yeah, she's just overly enthusiastic to get to know you. We're running low on time here, Andre, what do you think one date with Cayle? Give it a shot?

I mean, I somebody went through this much eper? How can I say?


I guess yeah, he's saying, no, there you go, Cale.

I love it, you love she needed all right?

Well, congratulations, you two are going to meet up for your first official date.


Yeah, you may want to send becka thank you text.

You know, I think I think we've done enough texting. I think we'll only.

From freaking Jeffrey in the morning.

Is anybody else thinking it's kind of strange that this girl basically can'tfish to guy, lied and planned to trick him, and we're all encouraging this type of behavior.

I don't know, as I guess she went the extra mile for sure. I mean, she felt bad about it, so I think that was her saving grace. It's not like she came on being like a trictim back to the.

TV show Catfish to going the extra mile. That's a better way to put that, really.

But I got like I feel for her.

I think because I also have hot girlfriends that people always wanted their number and never wanted mine.

So maybe you gotta do what you gotta do. Maybe it's a sympathy, Yeah, I just.

I want to try to be responsible when we do these in encourage our listeners to maybe not pretend to be other people to trip them into loving you or forget it, lie cheat steals long as you get what you want and who cares right supermode, We're willing to break laws and screw people over to get you on a date. Don't believe us. Email the show. You will do whatever it takes to get that person on a date with you.

Freaking Jeffrey in the morning

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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