Second Date Update: The Good, the Bad and the Fugly

Published Jul 7, 2023, 1:00 PM

The woman in today’s Second Date says she waits 30 DAYS before meeting up with a guy for the second time. You’ll never believe her reasons why, but you can hear it in the podcast!

The second date of dat Dating online right now is like being a contestant on a really stressful game show. At least that's how our listener Sean felt, because he was challenged recently by the lady he's interested in, and she gave him one simple but agonizing question to answer. If he got it right, there's a date and possibly a new car. If he got it wrong, might never see her profile picture again, and Steve Harvey would look at him in shame and disgust. I am intrigued by this new age of dating, and I can't wait to hear what the question was. But first, Sean, tell us about this mystery game show girl that you met. Who is she?

Her name is Janine and she is super hot?

Oh god, super hot Janine?

Yeah, with really white teeth, Like, my god, their teeth are so white?

And what was the question that Janine challenged you with?

The question was try or wrap? Which has to go country?


For sure?


Okay, rap, I mean I don't want to get rid of either one if it's a hard question. Okay, what did you say, Sean?

I said ditch country. But that picture of you drinking champagne on the beach is the best picture on this app, and I think that's what got her.

Okay, that was it felt like you didn't transition well to that compliment.

What did she say?

She said that I failed the main question.

That's the thing. Girls love country.

Yeah, but I got bonus points for appreciating her pitch.

Okay, okay, so you got.

Somewhere smart to slip the compliment.

What did you guys end up doing?

You know, I ended up kind of going back and forth, like within the app, I joked about zooming in on the picture and she was like, what are you, you know, like purving out. I mean I was like, no, zooming in to see what kind of champagne you're drinking. I want to know if you're drinking the classy stuff, you know.

Okay, also I know your swim suit size now. But what did you end up doing for your date?


Did you take her on a long drive down a country road. She's a country.

Girl with the champagne of her choice.

Yeah, he rents a pickup truck for the day.

I took her on a very short drive to a restaurant country.


A type of restaurant there.

Is Asian sushi like buffet kind of restaurant.

Couldn't be less country than Asian.

So good, so delicious.

How was it? I mean that's I always think soush, he's a sexy date.

It is, Yeah, it was. It was great, And it was one of these places that's kind of adjoining like a shopping center, like a kind of mall type area.

It not hot in front of her eyes, but don't give them that.

There's high end malls that have like high end.

Yeah, I mean, give us some highlights here from the day. What are some good things that happened at sushi?

Well, it was good. Sushi was like pretty high end and we had a great conversation. And you know the best thing about that location is being close to the shopping center is you have the opportunity to extend your date, like, oh.

Do you want to go build a bear together? Like I was gonna.

You know your age, it's not shocking at all, the little cowboy hat on, it's actually and then you'd have a little teddy better remember your.

Going do this?

Is that what you did? Sean?

We actually she had a high school reunion coming up, so she wanted to try on clothes for that. So I went over to a department store and she'd tried it on a bunch of stuff and showed it to me, and I got to put my input in there, and it was cute. It was fun.

That's how you know she's hot, though, because I wouldn't close the rid of a guy. It was so bad, you know, it is like a couple thing to do.

Yeah, you know she's literally going to ask you do I look bad?


You have to be prepared for that. Yeah, as a guy, that doesn't sound very fun to me to watch women put on a bunch of different outfits. But how was it for you?

Sean? It was fun. We I think we really hit it off. And at the end of the day she said, hey, let's hang again soon. And you kiss?

You did?

Yeah, she initiated a kid, Well, she initiated a kiss. Well, it was kind of. It was mutual. It was mutual.

But how are you on the phone with us and not just out on a date with her?

I don't know. I asked her when she was free, and she said a month from now town or something. I don't know. I thought she was joking. I laughed, and then she didn't laugh, and I said, are you joking? And she said, no, I'm just super busy, but I want to see you.

I want to see you in thirty one days.


Long, But it seems like a red flag, like what's going through your mind when you hear that, Sean.

She's dating other people, which is okay.

Yeah, I mean that's obvious, right, or yeah, maybe already in a relationship.

I was thin, he goes out of town.

Yeah yeah, all right, So has it been a month since that date happened and now we're reaching out?

It's been closer to a week. But you know I'm not going to wait a whole month for her.

Yeah yeah. Rat Boy doesn't play by the rules. He just waits a week and then calls that country girl.

I mean, you just saying rat Boy shows you don't.

My name is rat Boy Young and Jeffrey is about to uh drop the mic. We're just gonna play a song, an old school song, and then we'll come back. We'll call Janine for you and try and get you a second date. All right, all right, all right, hold on man second.

Yo, yo.

Yeah, this is the rat Boy. I'm on the mic because hip hop music is the stuff I like, is whack yet makes me yawn? Rather do mantsoushi with my home boy Sean.

Yeah, said boy, why.

Like winky winky want your Sean's my god.

To go ahead, Sean.

Dean, I don't know if I'm going to that. That was incredible that answer little rap boys at the top of his game.

Yea, the country.

I don't know what is going on. We're talking to Sean who's a big fan of rap music over country music. But anyway, he recently went out with a girl that he met online named Janine. They went to mal Sushi together and.

It was a nice place.

It was a nice mall sushi, classy one. He even went with her to the mall and helped her pick out an outfit for her high school reunion that was coming up. But afterwards, even though it ended with a date, she said, we need to wait at least a month before we see each other again, which is weird. I know, is that what I said?

It was a date? Said okay, I know what you meant. I just didn't know if everybody else.

Did on that, you know, wrap mode hardcore rap. But anyway, he is not waiting the full month. He wants us to call just a week after that date to figure out. Why does he have to wait so long?

I don't know. Maybe there's like like a waiting period.

She's like the d m V.

You have to take a number and come on.

She's got options man and Sean. You think that maybe the reason is that she could already be involved with somebody else.

Yeah. Yeah, it could even be something serious if it's that long.

Okay, what was she pregnant? Maybe she's about to get.


If she's pregnant, good point, you can get the fried stuff.

We're just gonna assume that she's not pregnant, and we're gonna call her and see what she has to say. Why does Sean have to wait a full month to go out with her? A Madona number? Right now here we go? Hello, Hey, is this Jeanine?


Yo, Janine?

What's it?

Country boy?

That's right? What's up y'all?

H Hi?

This is jeff and Company from the Morning show Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.

Okay, yeah, morning radio show, and.

We're calling because we have some questions for you about one of our listeners that you went out on a date with the other day. Sorry, it's weird, weird, I understand that, but we're reaching out on behalf of our boy Sean, Remember Sean. Yeah, yeah, so we've we heard a little bit about your date and it sounded good on our end, but he told us that afterwards, you said that he had to wait a whole month before he was allowed to see you again.

Yes, they did.

Okay, so, I mean pretty long.

From my perspective, that just means you are not like you're putting it off, like what why. I mean, if you like somebody, you find time.

Unless you're going out of town.

No, I'm not going out of town. I do want to see him again.

We uh, we thought that maybe there's a chance you could already be in a relationship. Is that what's going on?

Oh no, no, no, it's it's not anything like.

That now, okay, okay, but I mean you do sound hesitant to talk about it with us.

It's just it's a little it's a little awkward. I'm not sure how to get it.

We love awkward, yeah, we do.

And listen.

I mean, you've got a guy that it sounds like you like, but he feels like it's not being reciprocated. I mean, you've got to give him more than just wait a month. I'll I don't know that they'll stick around.

I mean, we're here to try and help you, Janine.

Yeah, it's just so I don't know.

I don't know what he told you or anything.

But I have a high school reunion coming up soon, and I was just waiting to.

See him until after that was done.

I don't understand why. Why do you have to wait until after the reunion.

With you as your day Why?

But that's kind of a thing. I'll put it this way.

So he's totally boyfriend material, but I don't know if he's like material that I would bring like a big event where I know a lot of people.

Does that?

What are you embarrassed of him?

You can tell us like, Okay, you go to your high school reunion and you kind of want to like show off a little bit.

Right, Like I look at me, I'm doing so well.

I just don't know.

He's like like arm candy, but.

You're attracted to him.

I am, like, he's he's fine looking, fine out.

For material personality wise.

In the middle of the magazine, just not on the cover, and you want to bring a.

It's like one of those people of their personality makes them way more attractive.

Yeah, why would that matter your reunion.

Like I said, you kind of want to go and show up a little bit of these things. I feel like that's the point of them. I'm just afraid if we start dating, he would expect to be invited, and like, how do I tell him, like.

Oh, you're not attractive enough to go with me to the sake?

Like you can't.

I could think of a great way that you can tell him that this is already. Did tell him that, because he's listening right now.

Yeah, you don't need to worry about inviting me to this thing. Don't don't worry.

The line okay at all.

That's how this works. We have them waiting on the other lines so they could hear the reason.

Oh I wish I was doing that before I said my thanks. I'm hey, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I knew that would sound bad, and that's why I didn't say anything to you about it. I do like you. I do want to see you again.

I mean, do you kind of understand where I'm coming from, Maybe that I would want to break someone off.

No, not at all. You put on a real performance for me the other night. It feels like like and you know, I don't know why you would assume that I would want to go to your high school reunion anyway? Like, I don't want to high school reunions suck. I don't I didn't even want to go to mine, So why would I want to go to yours? You know, not being arm candy, Like I'm not trying to be arm candy. That's not what I'm about.

So yeah, I think this whole thing got like, oh, it's got really weird.

Sean, Are you really over?

I mean, she didn't mean to hurt your feelings, She's being superficial.

We all know the pressure.

That like a reunion can bring around, right, especially if you're a dork like me in high school, Like you want to show up looking cool.

I don't know.

I understand her like desire to want to do that. I don't think that it's the right thing to do, but I get it.

You're you're basically calling Sean a dork in a round house.

I'm saying she must have used to have been a dork if she has to impress them with.

Her Okay, now you're calling both people on the line.

That's exactly what I'm saying. But I'm saying it shouldn't matter. It won't matter in the end.

Don't like you guys, Vibe, you kissed, you had a great time.

Okay, enough Brook, you're taking this whole thing.

You're becoming a dork again.


This whole thing is about you and helping you out. How do you feel in this moment?

I I'm out, Like, I understand we put her on the spot, but she just torched my ego and I don't I don't need that in my life, you know. I also I'm not interested in being arm candy, like I'm a good dude. Irock.

You know what we're gonna do, Sean. I'm not even gonna ask Janine to get a second date. Wow, I'm sorry that that happened.

Man, Can you hook me up with the second date with somebody else? Because I do have other matches?

All right? That sounds good. Sean calls back when they ditch you coming.

Up, It is what the SECM is.

I didn't mean it as a.

Little boys, that's right, Jeffrey. In the morning.

Our textport's flooding with people right now who want to be Sean's arm candy at the reunion.

Oh my god, Lee's can we set him up?

We should these phone numbers, and I guess he'll have to sort out who's going to be hot enough to make her jealous again. Alexis brings up a good point. They both never went to that high wander in.

You just say that your name, I don't know, Michael, be a Michael. There's like eight thousand Michaels every high school.

Right, there's a million of the conversations that's like hey you yeah, familiar, bigger picture here. You know. What I really liked is how our community rallies around somebody like shot. I mean, we do a charity drive for needy cats, nobody shows up, a revenge call for some Goo basically had to get an extra security guard at the door because there's so many volunteers.

We love a story.

We do we and I love our listeners. Remember you can always hear our second Date Update podcasts, which are now up on our YouTube at Brook and Jeffrey. You also check out our TikTok, our Instagram, our Facebook, and anywhere you get your podcasts at Broken Jeffrey.

Just so you know, each account has a lot different content. I'm just you know, saying, yeah, you should do it all.

Yes, subscribe to everything and always reach out to us if you ever need a second aid update, we'll call the person who was

And calling you back Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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