Second Date Update: The Boy Who Cried Tree

Published Dec 13, 2023, 4:12 PM

After we totally botched a Second Date for a guy a few months ago, he’s back and at this point we’re not sure if he’s trolling us or just likes the punishment. We can't let him down this time!

Second date update. Today, we actually have a repeat customer for a second date update.

Oh okay, I just don't think things are going very.

Well for that. Then, well, he called in about five months ago, okay, when he got side eyed during sushi by another woman that he ghosted. You remember that. Well, I guess we couldn't get him another date there. But apparently there's a new lady who's caught his attention and he wants our help again. So we're welcoming back, Brian. Brian, welcome back, man. You must really have faith in us for some reason, couldn't.

I'm I feel like we cursed your love life and you're just stuck with us now.

He's like, I'm trying other morning shows, but you're the only ones that like me.

Actually I emailed all of them, but ye're the only ones responded out.

Yeah, we'll be a very low standard too, So welcome back, and tell us about the girl that you met this time. What's her name?

All right? So her name is Aubrey. I saw a picture on my coworkers and Instagram. She was tagged in it.

Oh you know.

I got into detective mode and clicked hit the tag and went on her page. And I love it when.

Girls tag their friends because some girls will have a really hot friend but they won't tag them. But I'm like, how am I supposed to creep on your friend?

Okay, so remind me not to my friend?

So that's not okay. From a woman's perspective, is it cool if a guy reaches out to you?

I mean it depends on how hot he is, right.

Yeah, that's always the answer, Brian. I know you're super handsome, so you're safe. What did Aubrey say when you reached out?

Well, I slid in a DM. She didn't seem to be attached to anyone, and uh, I found out this is going to be her first Christmas alone because she's actually moved and she's going to be away from her family.

That's too bad. She should get used to being alone like me. Okay, was she sad about that? Or was she happy about it?

Was a little distraught?

Okay, yeah, okay, okay, So you you're like, this is my moment. I'm going to do something holiday for her? Is that what you're thinking?

Of course, I offered to take it to a Christmas tree farm to get our a tree.

Oh so at.

Least he had a season to be jolly steel with a tree in the house, and.

I feel like like you can be vouched for right, Like it's not just some rando coming into her dms, like it's her coworker's friends. Yeah.

So, how did the Christmas tree farm go?

It was great? It was great. So what we did? We wore our silly Christmas weather Oh nice, and I bore Mica said, jingle and single. I want to do this now, he said, sat in his favorite ho n I know it's going to be an awesome time. So I've brought a little bit of those uh you know those small bottles they have on the airplane of alcohol. Yeah. Yeah, I've brought a couple of those, what like four or five whiskey bottles, and it loosen both of ourselves. We had such a great time.

Okay, I mean that's a really cute day. I mean it was the highlight of it all for you.

Well, she's playing on the tree that she loved, loved, love. So I offered to buy it for and then I saw the price tag and was like whoa, oh.

My god, we just got one this weekend. It was eighty five bucks.

It was like the three figures it was pretty high.

Okay, oh yeah, like five foot tall. Like if you're thinking eight feet or something.

That's not a good look. When you offered to pay for something, you're like going back on it after Actually, Bill.

Actually he just he just sawn a foot off the top.

Now, yeah, what is funny because she saw all the look on my face when I saw that price tag, and she was like, all right, we're definitely splitting man, and I was like, yeah, we are all right.

It was actually really nice.

Okay, but was that the end of the date. You bought her the Christmas tree and that was it?

No, No, we got that bad fella to the top of the car, drove it to her place and set it up.

Oh cute, Okay, good luck, kid, just did your with the tree. But it's like you like fully invested. This is hours of a date. And I also feel like it's like a personal thing to like set up a Christmas tree with, like it's your tree.

Put well, we put it up together. But I wanted to stay and decorated, but she said she had dinner plans and she ended the date like that, and I'm like, okay, cool, she may have had pre existent plans, but I've been texting and calling and nothing.

Oh, you didn't decorate the tree.

Maybe she didn't want that commitment with you. Do you think that she was telling the truth. Do you think that she really had plans? Or do you think that was a lie to get out of it.

I don't know. I felt like the girl at the sushi restaurant and I was hopeing you guys can help me, all right?

And there was no women like side eyeing you at the Christmas Tree farm from like behind another tree. We're not going to do the same call again, are we?

No? No side? No?

Okay, well, thank god, let's play a song. We'll come back. We'll call Aubrey for you. We'll try to get your second ad update.

Okay, hey, can you play all almost Christmas? A question?

No, we deleted that out of you'll hear what you hear and you're.

Gonna like it. Come to the ghetto, Snoop Dogg.

You can wrap that to yourself while you're on hold, and then we'll come back with you your second ad update.

All right, simon, close, let's do it.

Next second date update. Has the Hallmark Channel already done the twelve d ms of Christmas?

No but I like it.

I mean they should, Yeah, they should because one of our listeners, Brian, met a woman on Instagram recently took her to a Christmas tree farm because because this is going to be her first holiday spent away from her family.

Oh it's so sweet, it's like thoughtful, it's fun.

Absolutely, But there was an embarrassing moment where he offered to pay for the tree for her and then saw the price tag, so I had to dial it back and instead just went Dutch. Anyway, ever since that happened, he's had a hard time getting a hold of her. Now he's asking us for a little bit of help.

Yes, do you think it's that? Do you think it's the you didn't pay for the full tree? Yeah?

I hope I didn't come off looking like a chief skate, But I don't think so.

Fake tree off Amazon, and.

I mean sheepskate is something we can fix though, Yeah, yeah, true. You know, well we're.

Paying for the meal, so I think, yeah, a nice spot.

Yeah, we got you covered, Brian. But let's see what Aubrey has to say. We're going to dial her number right now, let's do it all right, here we go, Oh, hellos of Soubrey. Yes, it is Aubrey. Did you buy a Christmas tree recently? I'm calling from the tree farm. We found out that there's a problem with your tree.

We need it back, please, it needs it back. What endangered? Yeah, that's why.

No, I'm sorry, I'm just kidding, Aubrey. My name is jeff from the radio show Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.

M Okay.

You know we're doing something on our show called a second date. Have you ever heard of that before?

No? I have not.

Well, recently, you went out with one of our listeners and he's been trying to get a hold of you. Just have a little bit of trouble doing it. His name is Brian.

Oh does that whole Christmas tree thing at the beginning makes sense now? Uh?


Well, what we're doing here is we're trying to help Brian figure out why you're kind of ghosting him after your date.

Well, yeah, that would be because I'm not interested in talking to him again.

Oh wow, Oh that strong really because he sounded so thoughtful. I mean he said that he took you to the tree farm because you were kind of sad about not having the you know, family for the holidays and stuff.

Is it because he's poor.

I'm not really sure what all he told you about the date?

Okay, Well he told us that you went to a Christmas tree farm together. He got you a tree, offered to buy it in full, but then saw the price tag and you ended up having to go Dutch instead.

Well, she offered, you offered to go Dutch.

He said, yeah, I did.

Yeah, okay, you did do that. And then afterwards he drove the tree back to your place and put it up for you, but you had to go to dinner and couldn't stay longer and decorate it with him. He saw that, right.

Uh well technically yeah, but I think he left something out of the story.

Oh what did he do? What did he leave out?

So after we loaded the tree onto the car, we were getting ready to go, and I put my hands in my pockets to make sure it had my gloves, and I only had one, so I just said, I'm going to go back and look for my gloves. You know where we were, So he stayed at the car. I walked back over to where we were looking at trees, and I see this little boy standing there, maybe six years old, crying, and he has my glove in his hands, and I'm like, oh my gosh, what is wrong, Like, are you okay? What happened? And so he looks at me and points at me and he says that lady and her boyfriend took my tree.

And I was like, oh no, what what? Like? Like he just liked that one out in the lot and then he saw you guys cutting it down instead of him or something.

Well, his dad said, well, my son told me that he was standing by a Christmas tree. It was the one that we had picked out, and I was going to get this people to get the tree, and you guys came and took it, even though he was standing there.

And I was like, oh my god, did you not notice a little boy crying next to the tree it down?

I didn't see any little boy.

Oh so you're calling the little boy a liar?

No, no, no, But I wasn't the one cutting the tree down. Like, once we decided on it, I left and went to look at like reefs and stuff that were for sale, and he was the one sawing the tree down.

Oh so you're saying you think that this little boy isn't mistaken. You're believing the six year old that your date went and cut down the little boy's tree after you left.

I'm not saying that he did it on purpose, but I am telling Brian this, and I'm like, there's this little boy and he's crying and this was his Christmas tree. And Brian was like, I'm see a little boy like too bad news, you lose. I mean, I mean, it's just a freaking tree. I didn't care if it was that was the one we got or not. He was like, I'm not doing that. I'm not taking this thing off the car. Wait, spend twenty minutes get this thing.

Oh my god.

It's like you guys are in a real relationship.


Yeah, like they're fighting at the end of the Christmas tree.

Six year old me okay. And so the fact that he wouldn't give the tree back to the little boy and his family, that's why you're turned off by Brian.

Yes, I could see that.

How heartless can you be? I mean, a six year old is crying in the middle of a Christmas tree.

I can imagine he's like, shut up, I'm trying to cut this tree down. Well, maybe it's just a misunderstanding and there's some miscommunication here, and the perfect way to sort this out is just by putting you on the phone with Brian, who's actually already on the phone.

I've been the hire time. Yeah, oh my gosh, what a huge miscommunication.

Okay, do you hear that?


How did I cut one? I didn't cut down the little boy's tree because he didn't pay for it. Oh, who come in? Well, hold on, technically, you cannot cut down the tree until you purchase it. I had the receipt in hand when I cut down the tree. The boy was looking at the tree, but it was not his tree.

Okay, so you did see the little boy though, crying next to it while you were sawing it down.

There were kids standing next to every tree, So does that mean that's fair tree too?

Crying kids all over this tree? Am I supposed to know?

I mean yeah, but you can see where she's coming from, right, Like she just was confronted by a crying little boy and the father and then hold.

On the father. The father in all that confrontational the bother kind of relief that I saved him from buying such an expensive tree?

Is that the way that you're getting Aubrey, I think I'm missing the point here. There is a six strove little boy crying at Christmas time, Like, I don't freaking care if you didn't see him, or I was more concerned his father could do something to stop him from crying.

Oh, parent, he's raised an entitled child who believes that he deserves the tree.

I mean, I'm kind of with him on that point, Like my kids wanted a bigger, more expensive tree at the tree lot and we're like, no, that's not happening. I didn't cry about it.

I think that's what happened. I think his father probably told him no to that tree because of the price tag on it, and he's just he was playing. He was playing that kid making us look like the bad guy, so he didn't look like the.

Here is that we had an opportunity to do something really kind for a child at Christmas time. You chose not to do it, and you.

Will make we will on a date. This does not make a wish.

Well, you're not making it. You're not making it any better by.

Every time Aubrey goes into your house, you know Christmas.

You know what, Aubrey, Aubrey, here's a chance for you to take your own advice. Here there is a sad boy on the other line, he cannot get another date with a woman that he really likes, and all he wants for Christmas is one more date and we will pay for it. Are you gonna be a good person here, aubury A, you're gonna be a grinch?

Oh my gosh, are you serious?

I know when you frame it like that, it's hard to say no.

I mean, I will say, Brent really does like you. He was trying to do something kind. Maybe he's got a little more sterner approach to children than you do.

Focused on you. Yeah, that boy probably isn't a very good kid.


You could have stolen your glove, for all.

We know, she was holding onto your glove. You should really rub it in that kid's face by going out with Brian again one more time on our bill.

It's going to be a hard pass.

No Christmas miracle.

Now there's a whole studio full of sad radios who were just upset because we couldn't get our listener another date again. Good job, Aubrey.

I think there's a pattern here. It's not me, it's Brian.

Last Christmas I gave you, next day you gave it away.

Okay, Brian's been drinking almost.

I need now it's Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.

Ever since we did that call, Brooke has still been saying that she doesn't care that the kid was crying. She kind of thinks that he deserves it.

Well, I kid's cry all the time. Jeffrey doesn't count.


I mean, if we did everything based on what would upset a child, no one would do anything in this world.

Yeah, the world would be a better place like that. Just don't do anything at all.

He can get a different tree.

Yeah, I think the car top of the car.

I wouldn't take it down either.

Let him take your car home. Then that would have been in the true spirit, you know. But of course with people like Brooke on the show, we're unable to get a second date update for our friend Brian.

I tried for Brian I did.

Yeah, so we're now oh for two with Brian. Yeah. I wonder if he'll call back for a third time. Who knows.

Remember at the beginning of all this, he would the one ghosting women.

Yeah, but she's called Christmas karma there it is. But you know what, if you're like Brian, you need help reaching out to someone after a date, email us we'll call the person who isn't calling you back.

We're obviously very good at it. Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning,

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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