One of our listeners met a gorgeous woman without even speaking a single word with her! In fact, he doesn’t even know what her voice sounds like. We’ll find out how he did it in a Second Date Update!
Wow, what an amazing year it has been. Here, I'm broken, Jeffrey in the morning.
It's been Thank you so much to our listeners, you're the reason why it's so amazing.
Yes, series events. To everyone who found us and subscribed and forced their significant others to listen against their will, insisting like no, no, trust me. It gets funny eventually. Yah, you just gotta wait like ten fifty to twenty minutes. You're only two or three years in. When you get to hear four and five, they get almost good. Yes, we almost hit agree. And that's how we were when we got to our number one second date update. This was one of the favorites I think of all time. It's called the actual notebook.
Oh my god, I love this one, and.
It's nothing like the actual notebook. Oh Shore, he is here. It's the number one second date Update. Enjoy second Date Update date. You know. One of my favorite memories of all time is going on a road trip with my family once I turned twenty one. In all of us simultaneously yelled at our driver to stop when we saw the sign Jurassic bar Wait a minute, not VI.
When you were with your mom, what.
The whole family?
Dad and the sister and it was just a regular bar, but with a dinosaur themed night. Okay, And so if you went in, you got a dollar off your draft if you roared like a dinosaur.
Oh that's good.
And I don't know how many drinks my mom had that night. And again we had a private chaffeur, so it didn't matter.
I thought you meant like when you said driver like uber.
No, no, no, our driver.
So your driver, I see.
And I'm sure our listeners have also had a lot of fun memories of certain themed nights at different pubs around the country, and today a guy named Reid sent us an email saying he believes he met the girl of his dreams recently. I love themed bar night.
I love when you relate to the regular people.
Just unfortunately, no butlers in my life. Okay, there's a sirmen in my life.
Oh I've been to one of those them bars where it's like e r have you have you seen? Honestly, and they would give you shots in uh syringes.
Yeah, when you gave birth to your children, I know you had a lot of drugs pumping through.
It wasn't a bar.
Sorry about that. Read let's get to you and and your your date. Where did you go? What was a themed bar night?
It was very fun, very cool. It's a note passing night. Have you heard of one of these?
A Lexus has officially checked out already, though.
You change my mind?
Can you explain how? How does how does it work?
So the way it actually works? When you go in there's different tables up.
So what you can do is while you're there, you look.
Around the tables and if you see.
Someone that you might be interested, you can anonymously send them an out from your table.
Oh, it's like, is it like a singles event? I didn't Valentine say so? Cupid is the one who passed your notes between you.
Some addresses Cupid.
But if you don't ever know who the note's from, how do you meet the person to sign your name or not?
Okay, so how did it go for you? Read?
It ended up going really well.
I'd really kind of been in this just habit of really only meeting through the apps, and I wanted to actually meet in person and it seemed like a fun way to transition into that.
Can I ask you read during the event, how many notes did you pass about other people? Like to how many women were you note passing too?
So what ended up happening?
Early on? I saw one girl.
Who was rather attractive, and I was rather interested.
Is this the girl that we're talking about for your second date?
Updated? Her name It is Tina, Tina.
What did you write to her?
Actually, you know what I put in the first one?
Did you say?
I put down in two minutes, I'll walk past your table and I hope to see that beautiful smile again.
And then I had to lay at thought.
And I said, I already did that four times?
Oh Joe, Okay, I hope she got it? Because did did?
She write back and said, Oh, you're the weird guy that keeps walking past me.
She liked it, and she wrote back and then we ended up passing the notes all night.
Oh just you and her?
Yeah, and then the last one had her phone number on it.
It right down its silent in this bar question like just paper?
Yeah you can't actually because it's people come in groups, so she was actually was in a group.
Start chatting with friends, less awkward.
So at any point do you go over and like actually speak to her with your voice or is it all no passing?
Here's the thing you could, but that night we didn't. I think we were just kind of enjoying the fun of the theme. And when she gave me her number, I ended up texting. And we've been texting for a couple of weeks at this point, and we still we still haven't actually spoke.
What you have no idea? What her voice sounds like?
No, I have no idea.
Okay, this is interesting. We don't have a whole lot to go off of. Then I guess what we need to do is hear some of the texts that you guys have sent back and forth.
Are you need that?
I think you would give us a good idea of what we're working with here with Tina.
Here, let me find a good one. Okay, I said, when can I see you again? Pick a day that ends? And why that's cute?
It's so corn what alexis math?
Yeah, the math on that one.
Maybe Tina is just like Alexis and couldn't figure out a day.
Well I thought it was only week days, and I was like, that sucks.
All right, Well, okay.
She just sent the lappy face.
Was supposed to set a day?
Well, here's the thing is, like, you're obviously laying it on pretty thick with her right away, through all the messages and texts, you're saying like, she has a beautiful smile. You can't wait to see her againated. But a lot of times with girls, if you lay it on that thick, if there's no chase, they lose interest. Absolutely.
I mean that is a thing. You can be too available.
So I get we have enough I think to work with here. You are showing a lot of your cards early on. But maybe we can figure out more when we call her directly and you'll get to hear her voice for the very first time. Well, who knows, maybe that would be a turn on for you. We're gonna find out when we come back. We're gonna call Tina and try and get your second date update. Right after this second date update on the phone with us today is a man who is good with his words, at least on paper. Yep, And ironically, his name is read Oh, it's just so perfect for this.
No, that's his brother.
I'm playing the notebook music right now because his first meeting with a girl named Tina involved an actual notebook.
It's actually a pretty cute meet cute.
We're both at a themed bar night where you could write letters to people at other tables and pass notes back and forth, and that's how we ended up getting Tina's number. They have been texting ever since. He just hasn't locked down an official date yet.
Yeah, like maybe he's too eager as kind of what we were that maybe picking up on.
There's also the tiny problem of the fact that they've never actually spoken words with their voices yet to each other.
Small issues, Jeff, that's what texting's for.
Yeah, him going to hear her voice for the first time. So we've heard some of the texts, but I do want to get to the last text that she sent because we never were able to get to it. Read Can you read us the final text that you sent that she never responded to.
I said, I miss you like stormtroopers missed their targets.
Because they're not they're like notoriously bad.
At Yeah, anyone at Star Wars.
Okay, I got it, No, I got it.
It's I would be freaked out a little bit if someone said I miss you when I haven't spent any time in person with that.
Yeah, And just like you know, going over what we were saying before, you've already kind of put all of your cards down on the table for her.
It's like you flip them and then you flip them again. Are gonna try to hide some Maybe.
We'll try and be a little more coy when we're actually speaking.
With Yeah, okay, okay, maybe it was a little much. I thought it was fun, but maybe you guys can help balance me out.
That's all right.
It is fun. Two people get there together.
It's sweet. You seem like a sweet dude like you.
We're all here for you.
Actually, I'm going to be making the call, so never mind, shut up. I'm gonna dal Tina right now. We get to hear her voice for the very first time. Here we go. Hello, Hi, is this Tina?
This is Tina.
Who is this Tina?
You're You're on the radio right now with a show called Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.
I'm not interested. Thanks.
It's not a spam call, Tina.
It's a legit huh. We're doing a segment called a second Date Update, and we're trying to help out one of our listeners that you've met before.
Sort of, Oh my gosh, I've heard this before for real.
Yeah, isn't that fun?
Okay, So I don't know if you remember this, but the other night you met a guy at a note passing bar thing.
I think it was a couple of weeks ago.
In fact, yeah, it may have been a while ago. His name's Reid.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know read.
Okay, okay, cool.
What do you think He was nice?
He was cute, texted a little bit nice.
Yeah, it was like fun and I haven't met him or anything.
Yeah, we heard that. We've heard a little bit about the Barnight. What was the Barnight like for you?
I had a done anything like that before, but I ended up, i think, exchanging numbers with like three guys.
Oh you were popular.
Yeah, it was more successful than I thought it was going to be.
Okay, so you've been you've been texting with a couple of guys from the thing.
Yeah. I actually ended up going out with one of them like last week.
Oh it isn't a cheat.
Okay, that's totally fine. But has read been in your mind at all?
I mean, like I said, were like text on and off throughout the week, and he's like cute, he's funny, kind of flirty, he's always a really jokey over text. But the thing is he just hasn't actually asked me out yet, Like, so.
You've been waiting for me to like make the move and he hasn't gone for it.
Yeah, I just don't have time to like a text buddy or pen pel, like do you want to bring me out or not?
Well, that's a great question.
Well before I tell you what I have to say here, where's your relationship with the other guy at that you've been out with one time?
I mean, it's just kind of that, like, it was a good date. He it was cut, he was nice, we had like a little bit in common.
But it.
Im I'm down to go out again a week. But it wasn't like, oh my god, it's just like.
But you're not exclusive with that guy, right?
No, Oh my god, that would be crazy.
I'm really glad that you said that. And you know who's extra happy to hear it is Read because he's been on the other line listening this entire.
Oh my god, I was so worried we were gonna say that.
Reid has been wanting to talk to you.
Are you there, I'm here, I'm here, all right?
What good news?
Say hi to Tina for the very first time.
Yeah, uh yeah, how about uh Tina, hands up. I'm in the fd I and you're on my most wanted list.
You're just talking. Are you not listening to what she was saying before.
About I think you got nervous.
I'm just having a little fun. I'm just fun.
I understand.
Maybe let's turn it off.
All I'm saying is that when it comes to Christmas and Sanna asked me what I want, Tina, I'm sending him a link to.
Your I G.
It's pretty cringe, man, it's not.
It's not crainey. It's just because she reminds me of someone.
It's got something.
I don't know if I like that.
Does she remind you of my next girlfriend?
My man, it kind of implies you a current girlfriend too. I know, dissect it. Okay, let's just move on.
Are you trying to just make these guys laugh? Or are you trying to turn a woman on?
You can't do both.
I'm just flirting with her. We haven't actually talked yet. I'm just I'm just getting started. I'm just building up.
Do you have like a normal conversation questions?
I don't know how Tina's feeling about this.
Read honestly, I feel like I just like I dare you read to just say something that wasn't scripted?
Maybe just even ask her out, just straight up? Yeah, Like that's a crazy idea, I know.
I mean, she teed you up better than I've ever heard any one.
She's begging for you to ask her out. Go ahead, read, now's your moment.
Okay, Well, I'm just wondering if.
Maybe Tina, would you want.
To be my little spoon. Hey, I'm gonna.
Take her out for soup?
Do you love soup?
No, no.
Why is that a joke?
I don't know. And it's like something my grandfather would really love, like o soup And you're like, Grandma, do you really want soup?
Like no one knows, dude, Like there's someone out there who's gonna love this, but it's not me.
Well no, no, no, I think he was trying to ask you out right there.
If he's not gonna do it, I'm just gonna do it for him, because you want the two of you to go out on a date in person, and we would pay for the date.
Tina, Hey man, he kind of That's what I was building up to it's just gonna ask her that.
Well, we can't wait like forty minutes for you to get every line out. We need to get to it. Yeah, we don't have a lot of time, so go ahead ask her yourself. Okay, no line, you're single.
I'm single. I feel like this is a problem we can solve together.
I never should trusted this guy.
I feel like I'm gonna fight fire with fire, and I'm gonna say unfortunately at this point, I'm gonna make like a tree and leave.
We should like now she's speaking reads language, I know, but we're perfect for each other.
How she's funny, I'm funny, similar humor.
I think she was being sarcastic reading that.
Read you gotta work on being more direct with these women that you.
Like and just be yourself for a second. You don't need all these lines read you're you're a charming guy.
That is myself. That's what I like.
Okay, well, maybe leave yourself on the side of the road.
Yeah, brooking Jeffrey in the morning, You.
Know what, this is his fault on that one. You think we can't take a blame for what because does.
He memorized them all?
I don't know where he has those from his hand. But there is a window after you meet someone when you really need to ask them out, like you only have a certain amount of time. And not only did he miss his window, she opened up another window for him and he missed that one.
Too, and she screamed through the window, this is the window.
I will say yes to your question. So gentlemen, make sure to find your window and jump through it. It's twenty stories up. Some women are just worth it.
Yeah, funny is good, but not funny every single thing, you know what I mean.
Solve the mystery. Finally, maybe we could solve your mystery. If you need help with your dating life, email the show. We'll call that person who's not calling you back, and make sure you go listen to all of our podcasts wherever you get yours. They're up at Brook and Jeffrey
Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.