Second Date Update: Sweet Sixteen Dates

Published Aug 2, 2024, 4:51 PM

There’s a brand new food item that you should definitely AVOID ordering on a first date unless you want to end up like one of our listeners. We’ll hear what it was and try to help him recover in a new Second Date podcast!

Second date up dated.

There's a new trend that's happening right now where people online are posting dating rapped videos.

Like you're Spotify rapped, but like, wait, how many matches? And so are you guys?

Yeah, like an end of the year recap of their dating life from the past three hundred and sixty five days.

I feel like that could go really wrong.

It's like who you swipe on, what you don't like, who you know?

Yeah, it's just it's like a type.

Of person, yeah, or like the total amount of dates that you tried for the past year and you're patting yourself on the back again.

Day Okay, it's not about the failure.

And today's caller, Kelly, mentioned in her email that she's dated around a lot over the past year, so our producer asked if she could give us a dating.

Rap for herself.

All right, so.

We're gonna hear that in a second. First, Kelly, welcome to the show.

Hi, thank you, thanks for having.

Me, Thanks for being on with us.

We want to hear about what's your dating rap briefly for us.

If you can.

Every time you say rap, I wanted to like break down.

Yeah, don't you don't need this hip.

Yeah, that's what I wanted.

Just give me.

I can give you a beat if it would make the wraps way more through.

There's a quick breakdown. What was your dating life like last year?

Yeah, that's funny. I wish I could wrap my rats. But it was sixteen first dates total, okay, mostly mostly Americans. I had two Australians, one Irish guy, one guy who I don't know what his action was, but I think he may have been homeless also or.

Just that your version homeless just pick accents from wow judgment.

So that's good. It sounds like you're keeping your options open.

Was there anything more? What what did you think about the sixteen guys that you were with?

That sounds like.

That, you know what I meant? Sixteen guys you met separately during the year. How did they go?

Yeah? You know, like the sixteen six made to a second day. Out of those six, only three made it to a third date or more right, Yeah, Now, all the guys two flat out rejected me right after the date. Eight were like mutual ghostings. Three I rejected and told them it just wasn't going to work. And one block to me like immediately after the date. But I was he was a little suss I think he might have been married.

Oh oh god, yeah, nothing you did wrong there other than go out with him.

I suppose alexis looking back at her sixteen first dates. How would you grade her overall experience?

It's not like a good but one sixteenth for being blocked, Like, that's not bad?

What sixteen?

And it wasn't for something she did exactly, that's a good.

Aspect, I mean.

And out of the sixteen, I only had to pay half on like one of them. And I'm really old fashioned and I prefer the guy to pay. That's just how my mom and dad taught me.

Old fashion your cheap.

Let's be honest.

I mean I know both.

Yeah, just how it was. And I cried over two guys last year and ended up with zero.

And I do make a lot of women cry when they listened to the show. Oh yeah, we do. So tell me.

None of the sixteen guys worked out. But now apparently you say there's a new guy and that's why you reached out to us.

Yeah, there's a new guy. I was hopeful. I don't know yet. His name is Steve. It was like an online match and it was just a casual date. It was really like less than hour, like a forty minute.

Oh so you went out with them already.


We just got Cuban sandwiches from this little sandwich shop and just went to the park and you just ate and talked and we were by this playground with kids running around and.

What that significant in some way? The playground that's my kid.

No, it's a lot of information coming at us.

I mean, there's sandwiches there, there's a park, there's a playground, there's children. Does that sound like a good date?

First? Like, overall, alexis no kids around? Sandwich. Sandwich is okay, sandwich is okay.

Honestly, the playground was empty. I'd play on it. But it's a kid.

That would be a fun date, that would be No, it was really just kind of a lunch date really because like the sandwiches are really messy. And at one point he was like, you got something on your face and I was like, oh where, and he was like, you pointed to like my entire lower half and he was like everywhere under your nose and.

That he's paying attention, you know, he's looking at you. You have like a I'm not even joking when I met my husband. I didn't realize I carried so much food on my face until I met that man, and I was like, he always has something to point out. No one else before him ever said anything.

How the women on this show can spin anything into a positive for.

Another You heard the odds, Jeff, I don't think that's bad.

I mean, how'd you guys end it?

After we ate?

We were just kind of like, oh, if we had a frisbee, we'd throw it, but we just kind of kind of like picked up a stick and was kind of playing with it and then.

Go get it, Go get date.

I mean I got no, but it got a little awkward. You know. I was really hoping he'd say, like, you know what, let's grab a drink and proceed to like a nighttime thing. And he's so cute. I'm sure he gets a lot of attention from women on on the app so.

Well, he doesn't sound very good at a date. I mean, he didn't even bring a frisbee.

He didn't even get the sandwich place.

He went to a park. Why is the man in trouble? We're paying for the saying which she's the one that he date.

I'm just saying that I don't think he's getting hit on as much as she thinks because he is not as experienced as he should.

Be, which was a ride.

I'm sure it's the man's fault somehow, but let's prove it.

When we come back.

We're gonna call Steve for you try and get you your second date update right after that. If your name is Steve, you better pick hold on second date update. I feel like in the first part we definitely miss something we miss and by we I mean Brook.

Okay, I know.

That we were going there.

Brooke was out that even though the guy is the one not calling Kelly back, yes, and Kelly said herself, he's very good looking and must get a lot of attention on the dating apps, and Kelly's the one that had sandwich pieces all over her face. Brook hurt all of that and says, Nope, the guy is a bad date planner.

I bet no women want to go out with you.


No, I didn't say no women. I just said I don't think that he's as wanted as she thinks. I'm trying to hype her up. Okay, she has something to offer on this table and he is going to maybe maybe he was too intaminated by how awesome she is.

You know, the sandwich all over her face.

Listen, I've gotten food on my face. It shouldn't stop anything, Okay, but.

No, actually stop normally.

Yeah, eat politely once one of your dates.

Try that.

But look, the whole thing is Kelly really liked the guy that she met up with, Steve. They did a casual date in the park with Cuban sandwiches. They tossed a stick back and forth. It was a great time.

The stick was a little straight, yeah, I mean.

They weren't sure what else to do. It was short though.


And so now afterwards she's hoping to get one more shot with him because he's been kind of ghosty.


Yeah, have you heard from him at all, Kelly?

I haven't.

And now I'm nervous because I was really slobby. Maybe I grossed him out. I don't know.

The passion that you had going into that sandwich is what it isntanding.

If you could do that to a sandwich, just imagine what.

Else you could.

That is, right, Jeffrey, we are here to hype.


Yeah it's disgusting, all right, that's not what he says. But here we go with Dilla's number. We'll see what he has to say. Let's do it.

Uh, Hey, we're looking for Steve.

Speaking and Hey Steve, I said, we because you're on the radio right now with Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning.

He ste how you doing man?

Uh, you're from the radio.

And podcasts podcast.

To Yeah, we got a good podcast.

We are multifaceted here.

Yeah, we're in the future with our entertainment.

We're focused on you right now because one of our listeners went on a date with you the other day and really had a good time. He wants to see you again, but that hasn't quite happened yet, and she's not sure why. Her name's Kelly.

Oh Man.

Okay, Okay, oh Man. Yes, yeah, it's still.

The fact that you're not reaching out for another date is kind of hinting that you're not interested. But we're not sure if that's true or not. We want to know what you think about Kelly.

Uh, she's very nice, like, Kelly's cool, But you know, I just don't think it's going to work out.

Okay, Is there is there a reason? I mean, did you went into it thinking that it could work out?


Yeah? I mean definitely, but you know, like we got some food and then we went to the park and it just it started to get a little weird. But like, you know, I don't want to blow up a spot, like I don't even know you guys.

So see, we didn't hear anything like weird.

She said she had like some food or something on her face, but nothing stood out.

To be weird.

I mean that's weird to him, you know, like maybe it's weird to him to have a female have food all over their face.

No, no, actually I thought that was kind of cute.

See I talked you guys, turn off.

What was the issue? You said it was weird?

Yeah, yeah, I'm like, so, you know, we were sitting on the bench, were chilling and there's like a playground, you know that's in those parks that we're in, and oh.

Yeah, she randomly mentioned that to us too.

Yeah yeah, and she so there's like a bunch of kids playing, and all of a sudden, she points and she's like, oh my god, look imagine if Will we had that many kids and those were all our kids running around and there were like either like eight ten kids playing on the playground.

Oh yeah, so she was describing a nightmare, right, Like that's how she meant, like, imagine how chaotic.

Our life would be.

She sounded thrilled.

Oh thrilled.

Okay, so that's a red flag to you.

That's a lot.

Yeah. Yeah, I mean like I've known you for like twenty minutes and now now we're having eight kids together.

Yeah Okay.

In her defense, I will say, it sounds like maybe she was just trying to fill the void, like maybe there was like an odd because she said, like it kind of died at the end your guys' date.

Maybe she was just trying to, like I say, dumb things.

Could you understand that point of view?

Maybe, Steve, I mean I guess I could. But she started getting like really into it. Oh, she was like naming them.


There was like another one we were saying where she wasn't feeling one of the kids and she was like, he's not playing nice. You would put him up for.

An option, Okay, she's obviously kidding, Well that should be a positive for you because you don't want that many.

He would only have seven.

There you go.

Yeah, she'd say she was a good.

Mother, just a mother, Okay, but that it sounds like it was all that conversation kind of scared you was too much for you joking or no?


I mean you know, like yeah, but if she was joking, maybe you could work it out.


And there's a perfect person to find out whether or not it was a joke. That's Kelly, who's on the other line right now waiting to talk to you.

Wait. Yeah, Kelly and her seven children say hi, Oh.

Did she give another one up for adoption? Or we out of six?



Ever since she heard that Kelly there, Yeah, Steve, it's Kelly. I am I like fuming, I'm so offended. Yes, because and you know what this is why and how I realized why I had sixteen unsuccessful dates last year. It's because they were all like you, Steve, like emotionally and intellectually scented.

Why are you upset? Why are you so mad?


Because, my god, Brooke, you were totally right, Steve, you stock at planning a date.

I'm just trying to hide you up, not tear it down.

What happened.

Listen, if you even had like an ounce of a sense of humor, like you would get that I was obviously joking, and I was for you to actually think that I was serious, like, oh my god, like you must be a.

Narcissist, But you would think I would reach you.

For forty minutes and suddenly want to have your babies?

All right, well, all right, I think we're I.

Think we're going down a path we don't need to go down any farther we were.

You weren't happy with Steve's response. There, Steve, are you there?

Zerah? Yeah, yeah, you're barely, but I'm still here.

Would you like to respond to any of the allegations just against you.

I thought you guys were all gonna have a big laugh about how it was a miscommunication. Steve.

Bottom line, you planned a boring date and now I'm paying the price for it.

That's nut, Steve. You see your data, and I'm not going to go for.

Just the looks like I thought you were super.

Cute too much?

What kind of radio show is this? You just trash, dude?

It depends on how many drinks Brooks.

I was just trying to make her feel better about you not calling her, And now I don't know.

I think that this was already happening and I didn't realize it.

You know, you don't have to tear somebody else down just to try to make somebody else feel fatter.

That's a good life. I agree with you, all right.

I wasn't trying to tear you down. I don't know. I didn't know.

I don't think you said anything wrong, Steve.

Those are thoughts that should have happened before you said the terrible thing.

Me either.

I'm just being on it.

Okay. Oh, everybody be honest with everybody.

This is a good chance to have Steve admit that maybe he didn't plan the best first date.

Yeah he did, Okay, Okay.

And maybe Kelly didn't make the best conversation trying to invent an entire family of eight twenty minutes.

Into the conversation.

Oh that Kelly owned that.

Well, I'm sorry that I was so bored. I had to use my freaking imagination.

Okay, that was an apology.

I could have imagined the kids in like a sweatshop or something. Don't It's like I wouldn't have been a red flag Brooks trying.

To get her business planned.

So, Steve, if you're hearing what I'm here, and then you probably see the same thing as me, which is potential for true love.

And that's why we would.

Be delighted to send you out on another date that we would pay for. Yeah, I don't know, on the same day, messy sandwiches and all put it on our tap.

Okay, adoption fees, Brook is going to cover that?


Sure, what do you say?

No, no, no, I'm not going out with her yet. I don't know what she's talking about. You went on sixteen failed dates like what? Like this? This woman is blew out the only though it's about to be two.

Well, I'm sorry, dear humor some day.

Yeah, no, it's okay, Brooke. You know you're absolutely right. This guy knows nothing about planning and we should absolutely own this.

God, if you're going to hope for all women, congratulations Brook, Jeffrey in the morning. That call was a great example of the power that Brooks words have with our listens.

I don't know what what went so wrong.

I really don't. I don't know how I went.

From trying to hype somebody up, like I.

Don't know, you weren't hyping anybody up, though you were pushing the guy down to because played out at the end of the first part, Brooke could have said, Okay, you guys did like a sweet little day in a park out in nature.

He got you a meal. You guys spent time talking and getting to know each other.

She was feeling self conscious because she's like, this is a really hot guy and he's probably got tons of girls, And I'm like, mad, the guy doesn't even bring a frisbee to a date.

He doesn't know anything.

Yeah, you call the guy boring because he didn't book a midnight laser light show with free drugs or whatever types.

Of dates that you're in. And look what happened.

Immediately hopped onto Brooks opinion blew up into a tirade against every man who's ever let her down. Ever, it's a good reminder that we, and when I say we, I mean you again, Brooke, we need to stay open minded. If it's not your ideal cup of tea first date idea doesn't mean other people can enjoy it.

Was trying to make her feel better, Jeff, how many times we have to tell you.

That it's not worth it let other people feel sad. Sometimes I've got to a.

Fast food burger place with a Bogo coupon on a first date and.

Still gone out with the guy again.

I don't care.

Everybody er says low as Brooks are and your dating life couldn't possibly be bad. We're just saying we can try and help you with your date life.

Email the show if you ever need help. We'll call that person who wasn't calling

You back freaking Jeffrey in the morning.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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